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朱寘鐇(?~1511), 明朝藩王。 宁夏庆王朱栴的第四代孙。他的祖父朱秩炵,是朱栴庶出第三个儿子,永乐十九年(1421)册封为安化郡王, 弘治四年(1491)病逝。 朱寘鐇以长孙身份于弘治五年(1492)袭封安化郡王。

宁夏号称塞北江南,独占黄河水利,明朝时屯垦农业比较发达,“天下屯田积谷宁夏最多” 。又有渔、盐之利,富甲诸镇。但是,自从阉党刘瑾把持朝政以后,“既止各边送银,又禁商人报纳,边储大匮乏” ,还以修举屯田,充实边储为名,行横征暴敛之实,造成边镇军卒“不堪命,逃之接踵,见存者日益困敝” 。正德五年(1510),刘瑾派大理寺少卿周东到宁夏丈量屯田,“东希刘瑾意,以五十亩为一顷勘计” ,敛银贿瑾,戍边将士怨声载道。而宁夏巡抚安惟学也对部属苛严,甚至“杖辱将士妻” ,官兵们对这位上司非常痛恨,造成宁夏内部形势紧张到了如同干柴大有一触即燃之势。

宁夏庆藩有一位安化郡王朱寘鐇, 既迷信、 愚昧, 又狂妄而有野心。他平时早就别有用心地拉拢都指挥何锦、周昂和指挥丁广等官佐,经常“借银”给他们。日积月累,这伙人的欠银越来越多。他们也深知郡王的用心,所以谁也不提还钱的事,只是有时半真半假地对王爷说,银子我们虽然是一时还不起,但是也不会白花王爷的钱,将来可以还给你一顶“白帽子” 。 朱寘鐇不解这话的用意, 就找巫师五九儿解谜。这个五九儿也是郡王府中的常客, 深得朱寘鐇的信赖。实际上他也是以上这伙不轨军官的朋友,早已按照串通好了的计策对郡王说,你在“诸郡王中状貌魁梧”,“当大贵” 。接着又用鹦鹉给郡王“算了命” ,最后告诉他,你现今是郡王,给郡王送一顶白帽子,就是 “王戴白是皇也” , 并进而又推算出朱寘鐇“有十八年天子命” , 这就更加激起这位愚蠢郡王的非分之想。加上身边另一群所谓谋士儒生孙景文、孟彬、史边等好事之辈的推波助澜,纷纷劝他抓住当今皇上重用阉党把持朝政,官民积怨和宁夏巡抚既失将心又不得民心,大犯众怒,全镇沸腾的大好时机, 振臂一呼, 定有作为。 于是朱寘鐇密召何锦、 孙景文等文武心腹,频频策划于密室,商定以铲除刘瑾为名,准备夺取帝位。不久,适逢宁夏边防有警,副总兵杨英、游击仇钺率主力军队开到边境上去设防,城中总兵官姜汉身边只留有六十多名牙兵,而且还归周昂率领,这给朱寘 一伙发难造成良机。 四月初五日, 朱寘鐇以郡王身份, 设宴招待宁夏巡抚安惟学 (未到)、总兵官姜汉,镇守宁夏太监李增、邓广和朝使周东等军政要员,席间杀害了他们。接着何锦、周昂、丁广等率领叛军占据镇城举起了叛旗。朱寘鐇封何锦为讨贼大将军, 周昂、丁广为左右副将军,孙景文为军师,大小头目都分别授予督护、总管等伪职。宁夏政变当局以“清君侧” “讨刘瑾”为名,传檄各边镇,并由其军师孙景文拟伪令,使用王府印、信、票贴发往各镇,诏告天下诸镇听命于己,伪令说: “近岁以来,主幼国危,奸官用事,舞弄国法,残害忠臣,蔽塞言路,无复忌惮,致丧天下之心,几亡神器之重。今阖城官军,共诛守臣之虐民害政者,持首来献,余不回避,率三军以诛恶党,以顺人心,特兹晓谕官军人等,贸易耕种业艺者皆仍故,其逋负杂徭尽免之,仍保守疆界,听候调用。各镇军马数目及地理图籍宜即赍至,敢抗者弗贷。” 当时,“各镇畏瑾,不敢以闻” 。只有延绥巡抚黄珂能以大局为重,不顾自身名位,“封上其檄” ,又提出自己对处理事变的想法,以“便宜八事奏闻” 。他还一面上报,一面分兵对蒙部和宁夏河东两面同时戒严。朝廷得报以后,大为震惊,因为在刘瑾一伙的黑暗统治下,朝廷危惧,人人思变,又因为朱明家族前有藩封北京的燕王朱棣曾以“清君侧” 为由,发动 “靖难事变” ,从侄儿手中夺取皇位。现在宁夏安化郡王朱寘鐇又步其后尘, 因此更加引起了当今的格外警惕, 立即作了一系列重要布置,特任老臣杨一清为总制讨伐军务,并破例给宫廷大太监张永赐金印、金瓜、钢斧,统率京兵,为总监军,与杨一清共同统领各路征讨大军开赴宁夏。


Ancient Irrigated Areaby Yellow River

宁夏镇城遭巨变之时,宁夏游击将军仇钺正率部队巡防,驻南路玉泉营,叛军招他回城入伙,他本想逃脱,因一家妻儿老小尚在城中,便将计就计率部回城,他假装拥护变乱,先取得信任,再用计调开何锦、丁广等头目, 诱杀周昂等一批骨干, 占领安化王府, 并立即假传朱寘鐇的命令,调已经开赴河防的叛军官兵返城,先后将何锦、丁广等头目一网打尽,顺利收复镇城,在赴宁征讨各路大军尚未到达之时,宁夏事件已告平定。安化王朱寘鐇的十八年江山美梦仅十八天便告破灭。

宁夏事变平定以后, 杨一清、张永进驻宁夏镇城, 将朱寘鐇宫眷和何锦等要犯及家属押送京师,收捕何锦余党申居敬等五十八名,其余胁从者被宽大释放。杨、张二人在宁夏处理善后事宜时,又共同策划了一桩震惊全国,影响朝野,改变明朝政治走势的大动作,这就是合作剪除刘瑾的密谋。杨一清深知,张永与刘瑾虽然同是把持朝政的阉党集团头头,但二人矛盾较大,就乘机对张永说: “赖公力定反侧,然此易除也,如国家内患何?”张问: “何谓也?”杨于掌上画一 “瑾”字。张永见杨一清已把话挑明,也就直说,此事非同小可,十分难办,因为刘瑾“晨夕上前,枝附根据,耳目广矣” ,不好下手。杨鼓励张说: “公亦上信臣,讨贼不付他人而付公,意可知。”接着杨一清又给张永出主意,要他在班师庆功之日揭发刘瑾的罪行。张永问如果皇上不信怎么办?杨说: “言出于公必济。万一不信,公顿首据地泣,请死上前,剖心以明不妄,上必为公动。苟得请,即行事,毋须臾缓。”杨一清还一再激励张永说,如果事成,公将与历史上的吕强、张承业一样: “千载三人耳! ”张永当场表示: “嗟乎,老奴何惜余年不以报主哉! ”于是就按照在宁夏与杨一清商定的计划,回京相机行事去了。张永由宁夏“凯旋”班师回京时,出乎意料得到盛大欢迎。八月十五日,武宗皇帝朱厚照破例身着戎装,亲率满朝文武大臣,出紫禁城迎候这位太监,还举行了隆重而又庄严的“献俘仪式” 。式毕,皇上又在宫内置办御宴亲自慰劳张永,太监刘瑾和马永成二人作陪。饮至夜半,乘刘瑾退出休息之机, 张永把朱寘鐇的《讨瑾檄文》呈上, 一直蒙在鼓里的皇帝阅后大怒说: “瑾负我。”张永又乘皇帝发怒,及时将与杨一清密拟的“刘瑾不法十七事” 上奏,更加重了皇帝对刘瑾的怨恨。张永见皇上酒意已浓,便进一步奏道: “此不可缓。”马永成也从旁助张。皇帝便乘酒性下旨,当夜查抄了刘瑾内外私第,据说又抄出伪玺和许多帝王专用的违禁物品,以及大量武器。朱厚照看到这种情景,恨骂道: “奴果反。”连夜处决了刘瑾。

仅仅十八天的“朱寘鐇反叛事件” , 虽然官军未经一战, 由宁夏内部自行解决,但在朝廷却大加张扬,似乎创造了不世功业。武宗皇帝也自认为成就了什么 “中兴”大业似的,在事平次月就急急忙忙 “自号大庆法王” 。许多文武官员因参与解决十八天事件升官发财。宁夏城乡则因战乱和数十万军队的重扰,经济受到严重破坏,人民生活犹如雪上加霜,更加艰难困苦。

Zhu Zhifan(?-1511) was a Fanwang(a prince or marquise in control ofoutlying prefecture) in the Ming Dynasty. His grandfather,ZhuZhidong,was the third son of a concubine of Zhu Zhan,the QingPrince in Ningxia. In the nineteenth year of the Yongle reign (1421),ZhuZhidong was titled as the governor of Anhua,and died of illness in the fourthyear of the Hongzhi reign (1491). Zhu Zhifan was Zhu Zhidong's first grandsonso he inherited the title in the fifth year of the Hongzhi reign.

Ningxia is famous for the lush southern-type fields north of the GreatWall,and comes out first on irrigation works along the Yellow River. In theMing Dynasty,there were more wasteland opened up by station troops,andNingxia was the first in the whole country in production of the grains andwheat gathered from the wasteland opened up by trooped. Besides,Ningxiaoccupied a dominant position in fishing and salt industry,and was the mostprosperous garrison post. However,since Liu Jin,the eunuch controlled thecourt administration; he "not only stopped the payment of the soldiers in thefrontier posts,but also prohibited the merchants and peddlers to declare dutiablegoods,so the reserve in the frontier posts fell in a serious shortage." Additionally,Liu Jin extorted excessive taxes and levies in the guise of renovating thewasteland opened up by troops to replenish the reserve,which caused thesoldiers in frontier posts to escape one by one because they could not bear thehardships,and the people to be poverty-stricken day by day. In the fifth yearof the Zhengde reign (1510),Liu Jin sent Zhou Dong,the Dalisishaoqin (anofficial in ancient China),to measure the wasteland opened up by troops inNingxia. Zhou Dong calculated fifty mu (33 333 square meters) as one qing (66666 square meters) according to Liu Jin's will,and raised to bribe Liu.because ofthis unjustice,cries of discontent rose all round. Additionally,An Weixue,theGrand Coordinate of Ningxia,was very strict with his subordinates and eveninsulted their wives by caning,so the subordinates held great resentment to him.All of these aggravated tension in Ningxia.

Zhu Zhifan,the Fanwang of Ningxia titled the Governor of Anhua,wasnot only superstitious and foolish,but also ambitious and arrogant. Havingulterior motives,he had already drawn some officials to his side,such as He Jingand Zhou Ang,the Duzhihui (a military director),and Ding Guang by lendingmoney to them frequently. Day by day,these men owed more and more toZhu Zhifan,but they knew very well why the Governor did so,and no onementioned the debts. Sometimes,they talked with the Governor,half-genuine,half-shame,that they could not pay off the debts in a short time but they wouldnot spend the Governor's money without payment. In the future,they wouldreturn the Governor a "white hat". Zhu Zhifan did not know what their wordsactually meant,so he asked Wujiu'er,a witch,to interpret the riddle for him.Wujiu'er was a frequent guest in the mansion of the Governor,and Zhu Zhifantrusted him very much. In fact,Wujiu'er was also a friend of those evil-mindedofficials mentioned above,so he said to the Governor according to the plotmade with those men secretly that the Governor was of great height andpowerful build among the other Governors,and should become someoneimportant and great. Then,Wujiu'er used a parrot to tell the Governor'sfortunes. At last,he told the Governor that the Governor was a Fangwang. If aFanwang wore a white hat,he would be an emperor. Therefore,sending theGovernor a white hat indicated that the Governor would be an emperorsomeday. After that,Wujiu'er reckoned that Zhu Zhifan would be an emperorfor eighteen years in the future. The prediction stimulated the ambition of thisfoolish Governor. Moreover,another group of so-called advisers andConfucian scholars around Zhu Zhifan,such as Sun Jingwen,Meng Bin,ShiBian,etc,did their utmost to incite Zhu Zhifan: The Emperor put the eunuchsin important positions,and permitted them to control the court administration.Both the government members and the people accumulated resentment. TheGrand Coordinator of Ningxia had not only lost esteem in the officials andsoldiers but also been rejected by the people. The whole prefecture was now inan explosive situation. If the Governor stood out and called on the people,hemust make a great achievement. Therefore,Zhu Zhifan secretly called in histrusted subordinates,such as He Jing,Sun Jingwen,etc. they plotted behindclosed doors frequently and decided to usurp the throne in guise of getting ridof Liu Jin. After a short time,there coincidently was alarm in the border ofNingxia. Yang Ying,the Fuzongbing (a vice military director),and Qiu Yue,the Youji (a military official in ancient China),led the main strength of thearm y to guard the border and there were only more than sixty soldiers left inthe city together with Jiang Han,the Zongbingguan (an military official). Thesesoldiers were under the leadership of Zhou Ang,so Zhu Zhifan got a rarechance to revolt.

On the fifth day of the fourth month in lunar calendar,Zhu Zhifanentertained some important officials of the local government and army,such asAn Weixue (who did not attend),Jiang Han,Li Zeng,the eunuch who was incharge of the garrison in Ningxia,Deng Guang and Zhou Dong,the Chaoshi(an ambassador of the royal court),and killed them. Then,He Jing,Zhou Angand Ding Guang occupied the city and held the flag for rebellion. Zhu Zhifanmade He Jing the General of Taozei (Chinese meaning "send armed forces tosuppress the bandits),Zhou Ang Zuofujiangjun (a military official),Ding GuangYoufujiangjun (a military official),and Sun Jingwen the war consellor. Theother officials followed him were also successively granted with false titles ofDuhu and Zongguan (both are officials in ancient China). The rebelliousgovernment of Ningxia sent out a war proclamation to each frontier post inname of "rid the Emperor of evil ministers" and "send a punitive expeditionagainst Liu Jin". Besides,Sun Jingwen was asked to compose an edict under thegovernment name,and sealed it with signs and stamps of the Governor's. Then,Zhu Zhifan sent the edict to other posts in order to instruct the otherGovernors to obey him. The false edict wrote,"Recently,the Emperor isyoung and the nation is in danger. The treacherous court officials control thecourt administration. They play with the laws,cruelly killed the loyal officials,and give a blind ear to advices. They are so unbridled that the people lose theirtrust in the Emperor,and the strength of the army has nearly lost. Now,theofficials and soldiers in the city killed the man who maltreated the people andendangered the administration,and presented his head to me. I did notwithdraw,and decided to lead the army to kill the evil officials and obey thepeople's will. With special attention,I give explicit instruction to the officialsand people that the merchants,the peasants and the craftsmen can continuetheir business,and all their taxes and levies are exempted. They can keep ontheir lands but wait for transference. The Governor of each post should reportthe number of the military horses and hand in maps and books immediately. Ifsomeone dares to reject,he will be punished without exception". At that time,the other posts were afraid of Liu Jin and had no courage to respond. There wasonly one man,named Huang Ke,the Grand Coordinator of Yansui,who couldput the overall situation in the first place,and give no thought to his own fameand position. Huang Ke not only declared his agreement with Zhu Zhifan,butalso provided his own advices for handling the situation. On one hand,hereported the situation to the royal court; on the other hand,he placed troops ingarrison against the Mongols and on both sides of Hedong in Ningxia. Whenthe royal court received the report,the Emperor was greatly shocked. At thattime,the royal court was in danger and fear under the dark rule of Liu Jin,andeveryone thought of rebellion. Moreover,the Hui people inside the Pass (thearea to the west of Shanhaiguan or to the east of Jiayuguan) sprang up. Theydepended on the South Mountain and prepared for a rebellion. In Zhu Ming'sfamily,Zhu Di,the Yanwang governing Beijing,had ever staged Jingnan CoupD'etat in name of "rid the Emperor of evil ministers" and snatched the thronefrom his nephew. Now,Zhu Zhifan,the Governor of Anhua in Ningxia,followed Zhu Di's step,which caused the special alert of the royal court. Thecourt made series of critical arrangement: Hou Xun,the Zongbingguan inYansui,and Shi Yuan,the Canjiang,were put on garrison in the area near theYellow River. Shen Ying was reappointed as Zongbing in charge of going on apunitive expedition to Ningxia. Ma Bingran was appointed as the GrandCoordinator in Ningxia. Zhang Bi,the Dushijian,and Ma Liang,theDuzhijianzuoshaojian,who were eunuchs stationed in Dushi and Maying,wasshifted to Ningxia to be on guard and inspect the situation there. Yang Yiqing,the old minister,was appointed as the Junwu (an official) in charge of the entiremilitary mission,with special purpose. Zhang Yong,the Grand Eunuch,wasexceptionally bestowed a gold seal,a gold cane with a melon-like ball on thetop,and a steel axe. He was appointed as Zongjianjun (an inspector) havingcontrol of the troops in eh capital,and was responsible for leading troops fromdifferent prefectures to fight against the rebels in Ningxia.

When Zhencheng Coup D'etat happened,Qiu Yue,the Youji General inNingxia,was inspecting posts,and stationed in Yuquanying on the south ofNingxia. The insurgent troops asked him to come back to the city and jointhem. Qiu Yue wanted to escape at first,but his family was still in the city,sohe came back meeting plot with plot. He pretended he endorsed the CoupD'etat,and made him trusted by the rebels. Then,he skillfully shifted someofficials,such as He Jing,Ding Guang,trapped and killed some core membersof the rebels,such as Zhou Ang,and occupied the mansion of the Governor ofAnhua. Immediately,he,in name of Zhu Zhifan,commanded the insurgenttroops that had left to garrison in areas near the Yellow River to come back tothe city,and killed He Jing,Ding Guang and other officials successively. Thus,he recaptured the city smoo.thly,and put down the rebellion before the troopscoming for the punitive expedition arrived. The fond dream of Zhu Zhifan tobe an emperor for eighteen years was shattered within eighteen days. After theCoup D'etat,Yang Yiqing and Zhang Yong entered and garrisoned in the city.They sent troops to escort family members of Zhu Zhifan,He Jing and otherimportant captives to the capital and arrested fifty-eight followers of He Jin,such as Shen Jujing. Other officials who were reluctant followers were released.When Yang and Zhang dealt with problems arising from the Coup D'etat,theyplotted a great action that would shock the whole country,influence the royalcourt,and change the political tendency of Ming Dynasty. It was that theywould uproot Liu Jin cooperatively. Yang Yiqing knew very well that thereexisted serious conflicts between Zhang Yong and Liu Jin,though they wereboth leaders of the eunuch group controlling the court administration. Thus,Yang talked with Zhang,"Depending on you,we put down the rebellion inNingxia,but it is easy to rid the rebels. As for the domestic worries of thewhole country,what shall we do?" Zhang asked,"What are the domesticworries over the whole country?" Yang moved closer to Zhang,and wrote aChinese character "Jin" on his palm. Zhang saw that Yang had put all the cardson the table,so he no longer kept it back. He said that the problem was not acommon one and was a hard nut,because Liu Jin was influential and his menwere everywhere. They had rare chance to kill Liu. Yang encouraged Zhang,"You are also the trusted minister of the emperor. It is you,not others,whichthe Emperor assigned the mission of the punitive expedition and the intentionof the Emperor may be tracked out." Then,he advised Zhang to expose anddenounce Liu Jin on the day of victory meeting,but Zhang still worried,"Whatif the Emperor does not believe my words?" Yang answered,"Your words mustbe believed. If by any chance the Emperor does not believe you,you may kneeldown and cry for proving your loyalty by opening your heart. Seeing this,theEmperor must be moved by you and believe you. Once you make the Emperorbelieve what you say,you must act at once." Yang encouraged Zhang further,"If you can succeed,you will be same as Lu Qiang and Zhang Chengye inhistory,and will be praised that there are only these three men who are loyaland great within thousands of years." Zhang promised,"Oh,will I,the oldservant of the Emperor,value my remaining years without repaying my lord?"Thus,he returned to the capital and waited for an opportunity to act accordingto the plot made with Yang. Sure enough,when Zhang Yong arrived thecapital with victory in Ningxia,he was received with unexpected greeting. Inthe fifteenth day of the eighth month in the lunar calendar,Zhu Houzhao,Wuzong Emperor,wore martial attire exceptionally and led the civil andmilitary ministers in the royal court to greet the eunuch outside the ForbiddenCity. The Emperor held a grand and solemn ceremony for presenting captives.After the ceremony,the Emperor held a banquet in the palace in recognition ofservices rendered by Zhang Yong,and Liu Jin and Ma Yongcheng helpedentertain Zhang. The banquet continued to midnight,and Liu Jin took a leavefor rest. Seizing this opportunity,Zhang Yong presented "The WarProclamation Against Jin" by Zhu Zhifan to the Emperor according to the plotmade with Yang Yiqing in Ningxia. The Emperor had known nothing about it.After he read the proclamation,the Emperor raged,"Jin has betrayed me."Taking advantage of the Emperor's rage,Zhang reported "seventeen illegaldeeds of Liu Jin" to the Emperor,which were composed by him in Ningxiawith Yang Yiqing. The Emperor got more resentment toward Liu Jin. Beingaware that the Emperor had been over-drunk,Zhang Yong suggested further,"It is a matter which brooks no delay." Ma Yongcheng helped stir up. Thus,theEmperor issued an imperial edict to make an inventory of Liu Jin's passionsinside and outside the palace,and confiscated them that very night. A forgedimperial seal,a lot of contraband articles for the use of the emperor,and a greatnumber of weapons were found. Seeing this,Zhu Houzhao condemnedresentfully,"You really betrayed me!" and killed Liu Jin that night.

The Coup D'etat of Zhu Zhifan lasted only for eighteen days,and was putdown by the local official in Ningxia. The troops sent by the royal court did notjoin a battle,but the royal court gave wide publicity to the victory,and itseemed that the royal court had performed immortal feats. Emperor Wuzongthought that he had achieved the restoration,and titled himself "Daqingfawang"(an emperor of suppressing the evils) hurriedly in the next month after he killedLiu Jin. Many civil and military officials won promotion and got rich for takinga part in suppressing the coup d'etat. However,the economy in towns andcountries of Ningxia was damaged greatly because of the war and thedisturbance from troops more than a hundred thousand,and the life of thepeople became more and more difficult.

本文地址: https://www.yishiweijian.com/renwu/2022123853.html



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