

作者:主编 时间:2022年12月01日 阅读:146 评论:0

朱栴(1378~1438),明朝藩王。号凝真。明朝开国皇帝朱元璋第十六皇子,母妃贵人余氏。洪武二十四年 (1391)四月十三日,册封为庆王。洪武二十六年 (1393),本应移驻封地宁夏镇城(今宁夏银川),因为当时宁夏地近边外,是一个新设立卫所的战区,尚难保障亲王的安全和承受王府庞大的经济负担。朝廷命令庆王暂时改驻韦州城(今宁夏同心韦州镇),就近由延安、绥德的租赋供给,并授权庆王管理庆阳、宁夏、延安、绥德诸卫军务,负责镇守塞上疆土。洪武二十七年(1394) “册指挥孙继达女为庆王栴妃”。于是庆王在韦州成婚并居住长达九年的时间。在宁夏军卫建制完善、屯垦经济发展和边塞大局稳固以后,于建文三年(1401),朝廷命亲王迁往宁夏镇城,暂时以宁夏卫衙署作为临时王府。永乐五年(1407),朝廷派内官太监杨昇,工部主事刘谦、王恪和钦天监阴阳刘俊卿到宁夏,共同负责筹备建造新王府事宜。但是庆王当时思亲求返内地相当心切,阻止了建造王府工程。当南迁要求被朝廷一次次拒绝以后,他才对王府陆续进行扩建,使这座新王府成为当时塞上壮观宏伟的建筑群。


庆王生于南国,十分眷恋江南的秀丽风光,为了消遣自娱,吟诗会友,他又把镇城清和门 (东门)外、红花渠东畔的王府果园,改建成为一所大型游乐园,并亲自给这所新园命名叫“丽景园” 。园内建有芳林宫、望春楼、群芳馆、大觉殿和众多水榭亭阁,诸如芳意轩、清暑轩、拟舫轩、凝翠轩,以及望春亭、水月亭、清漪亭、涵碧亭、湖光一览亭与杏庄、菊井、桃蹊、月榭、碧沼、凫渚、鸳鸯池、鹅鸭池等; 园东有延庆寺; 园南有小春园; 园西临红花渠,过渠就是宁夏镇城; 园北建有青阳门,门外另辟大型水上乐园一处,名叫 “金波湖” 。大湖之西有临湖亭,北有鸳鸯亭,南有宜秋楼,环湖 “垂柳沿岸,青阴蔽日,中有荷芰,画舫荡漾,为北方盛观”。庆王接待朝使钦差,宴请宾客,会友吟诗,春日寻芳,夏时避暑,秋夜赏月,冬令踏雪,无不在此园内。所以庆王和巡边大臣,以及骚人墨客们在园中有许多吟对和美文产生。


Dragon Fountain Bronze CarvedLotus Flowered Jar of Ming Dynasty

朱元璋死后,因太子朱标先他而去世,皇位便由皇长孙朱允炆继承。朱元璋的第四个儿子朱棣(即朱栴的四哥)不服,发动一场所谓的“靖难”政变,从侄儿手中夺取帝位,改元永乐(1403)。朱棣为了防止其他藩王效仿他的手段,威胁他的权力,一上台就把父亲原定的 “以同姓治异姓” (封皇子皇孙为藩王)的基本国策,改变为 “以异姓治同姓” (把贴身太监分别派到全国各地对宗室和镇守文武大员进行监督)。所以庆王此时的处境大不如以往,权力被削夺,失去了往日的威风,仅仅只是个摆设而已。晚年的庆王曾一再要求回归家乡,而每次都被朝廷以 “不违祖训”加以拒绝。这时他的内心非常痛苦,加之思念亲人、怀望故土以及病魔缠身,情绪非常郁闷,几乎绝望了。如他在《长相思·秋眺》一词中写道: “水悠悠,路悠悠,隐隐遥山天尽头,关河又阻修。古兴州,古灵州,白草黄云都是愁,劝君休倚楼。” 《捣练子》又写道: “风阵阵,雨潺潺,五月犹如十月寒。塞上从来偏节令,倦游南客忆乡关。”尤其是从《行香子》一词中,更可以看出,这时的庆王已仅仅把自己当作一名富家翁了。词曰: “五十之年,华发盈颠。得平安,感谢苍天。无忧无虑,即是神仙。有数橱书,万钟禄,万丘田。光阴似箭,冬冷春暄。尽今生,所事随缘,从他汗筒芳臭流传。但饥时饭,渴时饮,困时眠。”

正统三年(1438),庆王郁郁成疾,一病不起,于八月初三日病逝在庆王府。享年六十岁。谥 “靖” ,史称 “庆靖王” 。庆王历经洪武、建文、永乐、洪熙、宣德、正统六朝,享藩四十七年。次年五月十三日,葬在韦州蠡山之阳,后来这里就成为明朝宗室庆藩一支的宗陵区。嫡长子朱秩奎继承王位,封为康王。

庆王朱栴正妃孙氏、次妃汤氏 (后扶正)、妃魏氏等。共有六个儿子,都被封为郡王。庆藩一支封国宁夏长达三百五十三年,传亲王位历十世,册封亲王十一人,世子一人; 受封郡王爵位二十人,传王四十二人; 授镇国将军、辅国将军、奉国中尉、辅国中尉、奉国中尉等封职者,百人之多。宗族支脉繁衍,子孙藩众,盘根错节,形成明代塞上庞大的封建特权集团。崇祯十六年 (1643),李自成农民军攻占宁夏,末代庆王朱倬漼(未册封)和宗室成员都被处死,庆藩覆灭。

庆王朱栴 “天性英敏,问学博洽,长于诗文” ,著作有《宁夏志》二卷、《凝真稿》十八卷、《集句闺情》一卷,自编的《文章类选》、《增广唐诗鼓吹续编》等共五种。另外,庆王的书法也是名闻遐迩,“其草书清放训雅,绝无俗碍,海内传重,视为珙壁” ,可惜现今只有《宁夏志》 《文章类选》 《增广唐诗鼓吹续编》等书传世,其余都已失传。

Zhu Zhan,( 1378-1438) style name Ningzhen,was one of thePrinces in the Ming Dynasty. He was the sixteenth son of ZhuYuanzhang,the first emperor of the Ming Dynasty. His is mother'sfamily name is Yu. He was granted the title of Qing King in the 24th year ofEmperor Hongwu Emperor's reign (in 1391). In the 26th year of Hongwureign (1393),he should have stationed in his manor,Ningxia town,(Presentday Ningxia,Yinchuan). But the royal court finally ordered him to station inWeizhong town (Present-day Weizhou town,Tongxin city,Ningxia)temporarily because the security and expedience of this Prince couldn't beguaranteed as Ningxia in those day was close to the front and was newlydeclared as a war region. Thus,the expenditure of Qing King was provided bythe revenue of nearby Yanan and Suide. And he was granted the authority todeal with the military affairs of Ningxia,Qingyang,Yanan,and Suide to defensethe border. In the 27th year (1394) of Hongwu reign,he married thedaughter of commander,Sun Jida. Hence,Qing King got married in Weizhouand lived there for about nine years. When military defense system was wellconstructed in Ningxia and the economic and social situation was in goodcondition,in the third year of Jianwen reign (1401),the royal court gave ordersto move Qing King's mansion to Ningxia town,taking Ningxia military defenseoffice as a Prince mansion. In the 5th year of Yongle reign,(1407),the centralcourt sent some senior officials to take charge of the project of building newPrince mansion. However,Prince Qing missed his hometown and was eager togo back south,so he stopped the project. When his request to move southwardwas refused once and again,he then started the construction of his Princemansion and enlarged it gradually,making it one of the most marvelousbuildings in north of China.

The king's mansion was built near the Nanxun Gate of the town and tothe west of the main avenue inside the town,which consisted of series ofenormous buildings facing south. In the back of the mansion stood the garden.In it there were Hall of Meeting Guests and Garden of Resting and Enjoying.In a word,it was a mixture of the beautiful sceneries of towers,pavilions,lakes,hills,flowers,which was in fact a copy of the garden in the south China andwas the one of the representatives of the gardening of the artisans in MingDynasty.

He had a mansion and a pavilion named Yongcui built in the town; and inthe mansion,there are underground palaces built to escape the hot summer.Outside the town,lakes called East lake and Yuanyang lake were built for theQing King to entertain himself and his guests. When he stationed in Weizhou,Qing King wrote three moving poems for his hometown and his relatives. Oneof them was titled Mount Yongcui Pavilion in North of Weizhou. Town.

Qing King was born in the south of China,so he missed the natural beautyof the south very much. In order to find a good place for self-entertainmentand meeting friends,he changed the Prince Mansion Orchard into a big parkand renamed it "Lijing Park". In the park,there were Fanglin Palace,Wangchun Tower,Qunfang Dinner,Dajue Hall,and many towers andpavilions on the water,such as tower Fangyi,Qingshu,Nifang,Nincui,andpavilion Wangchun,Shuiyue,Qingyi,Hanbi,Huguang Overlooking,etc.Besides,there were also apricot manor,mum well,peach stream,moon pavilion,green pool,bird pool,mandarin duck pool,duck pool,etc. In the east of thepark,there stood the Yanqing temple and south Xiaochun garden. In the westthere was Honghua canal,across which was Ningxia town. In the north therewas Qingyang gate outside which was another paradise over water named GoldWave Lake. Around the bank of lake stood pillows,the branches and leaves ofwhich sheltered from the strong sunshine in summer; in the lake,beautiful boatsfloated on the wave. This was then marvelous scene in the north of China. Thispark became Qing King's favorite place for meeting royal missionary massagers,entertaining guests,enjoining the moon in autumn evening,and watching snowfalling in winter. Here,many beautfull poems and essays were composed byQing King himself and visiting royal officials and some other letter men.

After the death of Zhu Yuanzhang,his first grandson succeeded the throne.However,the fourth son of Zhu Yuanzhang(the 4th elder brother of Zhu Zhan)was unsatisfied with the situation,so he rebelled and it was known as "countertragedy" in history. Then the throne fell into the hands of Zhu Di,whose reigntitle was Yongle(1403). In order to strengthen his power,Zhu Di replaced thenational governing principle made by his father,"governing by people of thesame surname" with "ruling by people of different surname". Therefore,QingKing's power was weakened with his title existing in name only. In his late years,Qing King repeatedly demanded to return to his native place,but was refusedwith the excuse that royal forefathers' principle should not be violated. As aresult,he felt languished in his heart because of missing his family and the oldland and the haunted illness. This can be detected from several of his poems.

In the third year of Zhengtong reign (1438),because of continuousdepression,Prince Qing became ill and died in the Prince mansion on August,3at the age of 60. He was posthumously granted the title of "Jing" and historicallyremembered as Qingjing King. Prince Qing lived through the reign of sixemperors,such as reign of Hongwe,Jianwen,Yongle,Hongxi,Xuande,Zhengtong,ruling his vassal for 47 years. On May,13 of the next year after hisdeath,he was buried at the foot of the south of Lishan Mountain of Weizhou.Thereafter,this place became one of the tomb zones of Ming royal clan.

Qing King had three wives and six sons. All the six sons were conferedwith titles of kings.The patriarchal clan of Prince Qing ruled Ningxia for about353 years. The branches of the clan developed greatly and finally it grew into abig feudal privileged group. In the 16th year of Chongzhen reign(1643),thepeasant army,led by Li Zicheng,occupied Ningxia. The last Prince of Qing(not titled yet) and his clan members were all killed. Hence,the vassal of Qingended. Qing King,Zhu Zhan,a bright,learned person,who was very good atwriting poems and essays,produced many works,including Records ofNingxia(2 volumes),Manuscripts Nizhen (18 volumes),and Collection of LovePoems (1 volume) and Selective Writings. Besides,he was also known forbeautiful calligraphy. But the present generation can only see Records ofNingxia,Selective Writings,etc. Most of his great works were lost in thedevelopment of human history.

戴进 《月下泊舟图》

Boating in the Moonlight by Dai Jin

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