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郑万福 (1864~1936),宁夏早期民营企业家。字海峰。原籍山西省榆次县,后落户宁夏,称为第二故乡。郑万福出生于贫苦农民家庭,自幼随父亲走西口,先在内蒙古鄂托克旗、包头和磴口一带打工谋生,从精工渐渐上升到商号柜台售货员和记账先生。光绪二十七年 (1901),郑万福的舅父张嘉荣在宁夏石嘴山十大洋行的英商仁记洋行主持业务时,把他召来做“司秤” ,很快又提升做管账兼跑“外柜” 。民国二年(1913),他自己受到另一家英商新泰兴洋行聘请,担任该行外庄老板,掌握了购销大权,跻身于洋买办白领阶层。当时新旧军阀连年混战,时局动荡,洋行业务大受冲击。到民国十二年(1923)时,石嘴山洋行仅剩下的英资仁记、新泰兴、平和三家大洋行也维持不下去而撤离。三家洋行天津总行作出决定,特委郑万福和另一刘姓老板,全权充当洋行的代理人,负责三家洋行的收尾业务。郑万福通过接管洋行的结尾清欠工作,从中获取大笔财产,成为一个名副其实的暴发户,为他以后自己办实业铺平了道路,奠定了雄厚的经济基础。

郑万福于民国五年至六年 (1916~1917),在石嘴山镇(今宁夏石嘴山市惠农区)大兴土木,建造占地六千多平方米的私人宅院。取名为“德荣堂” ,石嘴山便成为郑氏产业的总部所在地,郑亦以石嘴山为桑梓。郑氏产业有:

1. 办牧场。在鄂托克旗、布音高、太音高和铁格素等地先后兴办牧场多处,饲养大量牛、马、驼、羊。仅羊只一种每年存栏多达七八千只。

2. 开垦荒地。在石嘴山黄河段东岸蒙地巴音陶亥一带有大量无主荒地。他在黄河岸边修建水库和灌溉设施,选择近河宜农荒地开垦种植。还在大后套 (杭锦后旗)地方选择沃土,大规模连片开垦荒地,每一片大约为二十五顷。郑家所开垦的荒地总面积约万亩,每年产粮食一项约五千石。

3. 经营碱湖。在鄂托克旗,从蒙古王爷手中承包左旗察汗淖、纳林淖两片碱湖,成立大兴碱业公司,加工土碱销售,年销售量高达三百万至四百万斤,年收入约四五万元。

4. 开办煤窑。在石嘴子北、汝箕沟、大峰沟等处开办多处煤窑,不仅满足郑家碱场熬制土碱所需要的燃料,还大量向社会供应,收入颇丰。

郑万福成为20世纪二三十年代宁夏地区著名的实业家,也做了不少公益事业。如1932年,由他出资白银数千两,在惠农渠尾梢新修拦水渠一道,增灌荒地四千多亩,解决当地二百多户农民的生产生活用水;1931年还在自己的郑家大院独资创办高等小学一所,推行新式教育,开设国文、历史、英语、地理等新课程。同时也对国立石嘴山小学给予资助。至于对境内的清真寺、寺庙建筑和施放救济等慈善事业也是有求必应,慷慨解囊。另外,1926年前后,冯玉祥部宣布参加北伐,国民军在“入甘援陕”的军事行动中,石嘴山一隅之地成为冯军入甘赴陕的必经之地。郑把自己宅院的一部分,让给冯军作为后勤供应站,大部队过往此地,他都尽力购办粮草、蔬菜等,并设法为官兵们安排好住宿,给予冯军很多支持。冯玉祥本人于1926年11月22日率总部路经石嘴山时,郑万福亲自恭迎冯玉祥,并款待冯等住在自己家中。冯玉祥在所著《我的生活》中对此事作了记载,夸讲 “这位郑先生颇受地方人士爱戴,办了许多公益事业,乐善不倦,绝非那种为富不仁者可比,所以很佩服” 。冯玉祥还特别委任郑万福为 “国民军联军总司令部参议” 。宁夏省建立之后,历届省政府都委任他为省政府参议。当地百姓尊称他为 “郑参议” 。1936年2月,郑万福病故于家中。

Zheng Wanfu (1864-1936),style name Haifeng,was one of the earlyentrepreneurs in Ningxia that was considered as his second hometown. Hewas born in a poor peasant's family in Yuci County of Shanxi Province. Whenhe was young,he along with his father left Shanxi Province and made a living workingas technician,counter salesman in firms and accountant around Otoq Qi,Baotou andDengkou etc. in Inner Mongolia. In the twenty-seventh year of Guangxu reign inQing Dynasty (1901),he became a bookkeeper and then quickly was promoted asauditor,buyer and salesman in an English firm named Renji in Shizuishan,Ningxia.when his uncle on his mother's side,Zhang Jiarong,worked there and presided over thefirm. In the second year of the Republic of China (1913),relying on himself he wasemployed by another English firm called Xintaixing.As the boss of a branch of the firm,he took charge of all the purchases and sales,mounting on the estate of compradors.While the business of foreign firms at that time were heavily blew because of fightsbetween old and new warlords year after year. Hence,three foreign firms in Shizuishan,namely,Renji,Xintaixing and Pinghe,could not keep running and had to leave. Thenthe head office of the three firms in Tianjin decided that all the ending business wasdealt by Zheng Wanfu and another boss whose surname was Liu,in the twelfth year ofthe Republic of China (1923). Through taking over the job,he gained a huge sum ofmoney and become an upstart worthy of the name,which laid his economic foundation.of his way to his later industrial career.

From 1916 to 1917,Zheng Wanfu went in for large-scale construction inShizuishan Town (present-day Huinong District in the city of Shizuishan),his privatehouse named Derongtang,covering an area of 6,000 sqm. Therefore,Shizuishanbecame headquarter of Zheng's industry including the following:

Setting up pastures. He had ever set up pastures in Otoq Qi,Buyingao,Taiyingaoand Tiegesu,etc.,raising a large numbers of cattle,horses,camels and sheep. Thereinto,the number of sheep per year reached 7,000 to 8,000.

Opening up uncultivated land. For there was a great amount of uncultivated landwithout owners near Mengdibayintaohai of Inner Mongolia that was in the vicinity ofthe east side of the Yellow River,Zheng Wanfu built reservoir and irrigation facility,chose the land which was fit for farming to open up and plant. Thus,the area of hisassart was about 10,000 mu,and its year's yield of grain amounted to 5,000 dan(500,000 liter).

Dealing in alkali lakes. In Otoq Qi,Zheng Wanfu contracted two lakes in ZuoQi,that is,Chahan Lake and Nalin Lake and founded his Daxing Alkali Industry Firmresponsible for alkali Soils processing and sale,with its annual quantity of sale of3,000,000 kg to 4,000,000 kg and annual income of 40,000 yuan to 50,000 yuan.

Opening up coalpits. In the northern Shizuishan,Rujigou,and Dafenggou,hestarted many coalpits which not only met the needs of his own alkaliworks but alsosupplied coal to the society,and this industry brought him considerable profits.

From 1920s to 1930s,Zheng Wanfu had become a famous businessman inNingxia.At the same time,he did much for the public welfare. For example,hecontributed thousands of silver in 1932 to build canals at the end of Huinong Canal,which could irrigate 4,000 mu of uncultivated land,and solve 200 people's problems ofwater for living and production; in 1931,he set up an advanced primary school in hisprivate house,and pursued new-fashioned education by opening Chinese,history,English and Geography,etc.. Meanwhile,he financially aided the Shizuishan Stateprimary,and responded to every plea of mosques,temples and relieved benevolently.Besides,in the year of 1926 when Feng Yuxiang participated in the NorthernExpedition,a place in Shizuishan was the only way from Gansu Province to ShaanxiProvince,then Zheng Wanfu gave some parts of his house up to the army of GeneralFeng as their logistic station. He arranged people to purchase provender,vegetables anddid his best to support the army.

When Feng Yuxiang himself with his general army passed by Shizuishan on Nov.22,1926,Zheng Wanfu personally received General Feng and entertained them in hishouse. It can be proved in Feng Yuxiang's book,My Life. For all he had done for thearmy,he was specially appointed as Senator of General Headquarter of MilitiamanLeague. After the foundation of Ningxia Province,he had always been appointed as aSenator of Provincial Government over years. And local common people respectfullyaddressed him Senator Zheng. In Feb 1936,Zheng Wanfu died of illness at home.

本文地址: https://www.yishiweijian.com/renwu/2022123851.html



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