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赵良栋(1621~1697),清初将领。字擎之、擎宇,号西华。宁夏卫 (今宁夏银川)人。祖居陕西榆林卫,后迁安边堡,明末举家迁顺天府遵化(今天津遵化)。少时倜傥,十三岁入塾习文,后因战乱辍学,未能完成在儒业方面的深造。
 顺治五年(1648),大同镇总兵姜瓖叛清,晋陕前明将领纷纷响应,甘肃回族穆斯林也乘清兵征讨四川,大部队南调的机会,在米剌印、丁国栋的领导下,占领甘州 (今甘肃张掖),杀死甘肃巡抚张文衡,连克州县。回民反清军的队伍很快发展到十万人马,给本来就危机四伏的陕甘当局带来了新的打击,从而引起了清廷的重视,急忙派贝子吞齐为西平大将军,同固山额真宗室韩岱,统领满蒙大军开赴甘肃。同时,总督孟乔芳也亲率赵良栋等各镇标兵就近剿堵。赵良栋勇敢善战,他率领的一支汉军,成为与回军战斗中的一支劲旅。顺治六年(1649)十二月,在攻打回民军占领的肃州战役中,他冒死奋进,单骑擒获了回军首领丁国栋,立了大功,被补授甘肃高台游击,为他的发轫和高升奠定了基础。


 Transcript of Zhao's family tree

 顺治十四年(1657),清廷乘南明桂王内讧,派兵攻打云、贵,命令平西大将军吴三桂从四川进兵,征南将军卓布泰自广西进讨,兵部尚书、五省经略洪承畴由湖南西剿。洪承畴瞧不起满洲八旗兵,却看中了赵良栋有勇多谋,便推荐他率部从征,改任经略标兵左营游击,成为洪承畴部的一支劲旅。赵良栋率西北健卒,一路勇往直前,直捣贵阳。于顺治十六年 (1659)正月,与各路清军会师昆明。南明政权被消灭,桂王朱由榔逃亡缅甸。赵良栋被提升为云贵总督衙门督标中营副将。
 顺治十七年 (1660),西平王吴三桂要求征讨缅甸,捉拿桂王朱由榔。清廷派内大臣爱星阿为定西将军,统率禁军南下,会同吴三桂征讨缅甸。赵良栋也奉命率部参加这场战役,又成为吴三桂部下的一员战将。缅甸国王在大军压境的形势下,不得不把桂王朱由榔及其母亲、妻子及随从官员的家口等献于军前,桂藩割据残局最后了结。战后,西平王吴三桂被封为亲王,坐镇云南兼管贵州。吴三桂在西南地区很快就形成了新的割据局面。他看中赵良栋文才武略兼备,提补他为云南广罗镇总兵官 (后改任贵州平远镇总兵官)。而赵良栋已看出吴三桂图谋不轨,不愿意追随他,更不敢叛清当逆臣,所以千方百计想摆脱吴三桂的控制,跳出西南这个是非之地。正巧他父亲病故,他就要求开缺回宁夏守孝,其间又遭遇母丧,于是,赵良栋在家中为父母守孝时间长达四年。康熙八年 (1669),赵良栋孝服期满,被任命为山西大同镇总兵官。后追记旧功,被加右都督和左都督衔。康熙十一年 (1672)冬,改任天津镇总兵官。
 康熙十二年 (1673)十二月,吴三桂反对撤藩,举兵叛清,西南五省和陕甘各地多有响应。陕西提督王辅臣杀经略莫洛,叛据平凉。宁夏镇标兵哗变,杀宁夏镇总兵官陈福,陕甘局势急转直下,形势十分严重。陕西总督哈占则认为,“宁夏系两河重地,兵变之后,人心惶惶,亟宜补授提督,统理诸军” 。清廷决定将宁夏总兵官升格为宁夏提督。康熙皇帝任命赵良栋首任宁夏提督。赵良栋赴任宁夏之际,人心浮动,防务十分空虚。王辅臣部总兵陈甲正率领一万五千余人,由平凉打到灵州,河东诸堡均被胁从。赵良栋面对如此形势,采取小心翼翼的招抚办法,很快稳定了宁夏的局势。赵良栋兵不血刃地解决了宁夏事变。清廷表示满意,康熙皇帝夸奖他“加意抚绥,以副朕惠爱元元至意”。
 康熙十七年 (1678)三月,吴三桂在衡州称帝,改元昭武。不久,吴三桂病死,其孙子吴世璠继承帝位,改元洪化,由衡州退踞昆明。清军十几万大军,分三路进剿叛军,历时四五年,虽有进展,但因旷日持久,师老糜饷,普遍存在厌战情绪。赵良栋在康熙十八年 (1679)给皇帝上奏请战,他说: “宁夏兵旧习骄纵,臣三年训练,渐遵纪律,并严禁侵克额饷,众志思奋。臣年渐老,不乘时努力,虚负上恩。今湖南既定,宜取汉中、兴安,规四川。臣愿精选所部步骑五千,独当一路。”清廷表扬了他的忠勇,命赵良栋、张勇、王进宝、孙思克诸部,同时伐蜀。赵良栋率宁夏镇标兵从家乡出发,出奇兵袭破密树关重险,连克徽县、两当、略阳,袭取阳平关、沔县,在宁羌与王进宝军会师。为表彰赵良栋屡战皆捷,清廷授他勇略将军,仍领宁夏提督。赵良栋率宁夏兵又用十天时间打到成都,招抚降军数千人,收缴金、银印二百六十余枚。清廷表彰他 “谋勇茂著,操守清廉,虽系武员,通晓文义” ,并破格特别授予他云贵总督,加兵部尚书衔,兼都察院右副都御史,仍领将军衔。赵良栋认为没有一支得心应手、勇敢善战的部队,就不会有他今天的一切,自己的红顶子是宁夏的子弟兵给他打仗挣来的。如今升任云贵总督,就意味着要辞去宁夏提督的官职,就要和他出生入死、同甘共苦的宁夏子弟兵分离,他很不愿这样做,于是向朝廷提出 “辞总督留提督” 的要求。朝廷当然不会同意,便以两全其美的办法,满足了他的要求,即把宁夏提督仍降格为宁夏总兵官,提升他的长子赵弘灿接任宁夏总兵官,率领原宁夏提督官兵,仍归云贵总督节制,继续随他从征。
 成都克服之后,清廷决定乘胜利之师的声威,一鼓作气直捣叛军大本营昆明。命贝子彰泰为定远平寇大将军统辖满汉各军进取云、贵。赵良栋也从四川进军云南。正当赵军顺利向云南推进的时候,叛军将领胡国柱、夏国相等突然绕至清军之后,攻占了永宁,又分兵进犯泸州、叙州和建昌。赵良栋急调总兵朱衣客带八千人马驰援建昌,又被叛军打败,致使建昌守军因粮草断绝而弃城,叛军在川南、川东大肆活动,阻滞清军攻打云南。赵良栋只得回军讨伐。经过四个月的苦战,泸州、叙州、永宁、雅州、建昌再次恢复。在四川后方形势巩固之后,赵良栋又挥军前进,渡过金沙江,攻克武定,于康熙二十年 (1681)九月,打到昆明近郊。
 当时,大将军贝子彰泰已由湖南打到贵州,与从广西西进的平南大将军赖塔部在云南会师,两军十万之众,进驻昆明城郊连营四十余里。清军虽然围困了昆明,但对于昆明湖并未设防,使周王吴世璠得济于水上转运,给养不绝,所以能与清军继续抗持。赵良栋对满洲贵族这种养兵自重、贻误战机的行为非常气愤,只能单独行动。赵良栋率领所部向昆明城发起攻势,很快将从南坝到城下的敌军堡垒、桥梁全部扫清,大军直逼近城。彰泰看到赵良栋将要一军破城,独擅其功,感到十分恼恨,不仅不派兵助战,反而无理强令赵退军。他对赵说: “尔兵攻已瘁,宜暂退,令总督蔡毓荣代守。”赵良栋当然不肯退让,愤愤地对彰泰说: “我兵死战所得地,奈何他人守乎? ”彰泰见赵良栋不遵命撤兵,就指令自己所统率的各部将领,一起从原驻防地抢进,把赵军挤压到一旁,不让他大获全功。赵良栋也不理睬满大人的命令,决定再次夜攻昆明城。赵良栋一军进攻昆明仅八天,就解决了叛军都城。吴世璠自杀,云南告平。
 昆明是南明桂王朱由榔和吴三桂先后经营多年的大本营,号称皇城,宫殿、府衙、官邸列布,私敛充裕,早为清军所垂涎。城破之后,满汉诸将都一拥而入,争抢玉帛子女。唯独首先攻进城内的赵良栋军反而主动撤到城外,不准一兵一骑入城,接着又移师到曲靖待命。以后案发,贪占者多被揭发受到处分,朝野人士均夸赵良栋“目爵然不滓,有古良将风烈” 。
 吴藩之乱平定之后,各路军将都有升赏,由于满大员们从中捣鬼,赵良栋反被追究“建昌失守的责任” ,只受什么宽大处理,夺去军权而改授銮仪使。赵良栋认为川滇征战的功过是非不清,赏罚非当,便向大学士明珠等朝中大臣们表白。但他生性耿直,往往气凌权贵,而他们盘根错节,把持朝政,得罪了这帮权贵,还有什么道理可讲,哪能有好下场。康熙二十二年(1683),赵良栋在忍无可忍的情况下,毅然上疏自陈战功。皇帝命大臣们协议,最后仍以失建昌罪相抵消,无功可叙,只给从征部将们以优叙。赵良栋一气之下,打消了继续申诉的念头,以病为借口,辞去官职,“乞骸骨”回到故里宁夏。
 赵良栋在家乡以田园生活为乐,认真通读史书,尤喜批阅《通鉴》,往往倚枕深夜,爱不释卷。他在家乡并不以功臣高位而霸道乡里,往往一介知县前呼后拥从他宅前经过,他都要起身,命家人、子弟拱手而立,并对他们说: “对父母官要格外尊重。”康熙二十五年(1686),康熙皇帝下诏恢复了赵良栋的官职。诏书说: “赵良栋前当逆贼盘踞汉中,首先入川,功绩懋著。复领兵直抵云南,攻克省城之后,独能属守法纪,廉洁自持,深为可嘉。今已衰老解任,应复其勇略将军、兵部尚书、总督,以示眷注。”康熙二十七年(1688),赵良栋请准入朝觐见,又不识时务地再次自陈战功,并申诉随征将士多受屈抑。但是康熙皇帝没有理睬他,仍命他回宁夏做虚官。康熙二十八(1689)年,清廷又授他骑都尉世袭。康熙三十年(1691),厄鲁特噶尔丹扰边,清廷命宁夏总兵冯德昌率部赴甘州协防,宁夏总兵由赵良栋暂代。康熙三十四年 (1695)四月,赵良栋被召进京,他再次上疏皇帝,其奏呈洋洋十四条、数千言,不仅自陈征伐蜀滇己功为最,而且大贬诸路将领为不值一钱,同时揭发大将军图海、彰泰和大学士明珠等人有意压制他,隐蔽他的功绩,且语气傲悍,毫不隐讳。康熙皇帝虽然对这个倔强的老头很生气,指责他“褊狭” ,把他的上疏“掷还” ,但还是命令部臣对赵良栋重行优叙,追记了他在西南的功绩。部臣们认为可封他为三等子爵世职。皇帝则改为授予赵良栋一等子爵世职,但是赵良栋还不罢休,又得陇望蜀,要留在京城,还要求朝廷赐他田宅。这时,御史龚翔麟劾赵良栋骄纵无理,恃功越例,犯“大不敬”之罪,当论斩刑。而康熙皇帝以他功著年高,又原谅了他,还赐他白金两千两,令他仍归养宁夏。可是赵良栋仍不愿意回宁夏,又提出要到江南就医疗养的要求。康熙皇帝也同意了,并把自己当年巡视江南所乘的专用御舟赐给他,作为他南下的专用交通工具。第二年春,噶尔丹猖獗日甚,皇帝打算御驾亲征,密召赵良栋进京。赵良栋深知时局严重,扶病北上。康熙皇帝在畅春苑召见了他,就军国大事和征讨噶尔丹诸事垂询这位功勋卓著的老将军。七月,赵良栋感到病情日重,赶忙回到宁夏家中调养,但竟一病不起了。
 康熙三十六年 (1697)三月,赵良栋病故于宁夏镇城(今银川)家中,享年七十七岁。当时康熙皇帝正在赴宁夏的途中,听到这一消息,深感哀悼,他对随驾的阁臣们说: “良栋伟男子,著有功绩。性躁心窄,每与人不合,奏事朕前,言语鲁率。朕保全功臣,始终优容之,所请无不允。今病卒,宜为其妻子区处,使得安生。”随后康熙皇帝率御林军驻跸宁夏镇城。次日, 即遣皇长子胤临表举哀, 并命随征文武诸臣都到灵前哭吊。闰三月初六日,康熙又颁御制祭文,特遣大学士伊桑阿致祭。还钦赐碑文,对赵良栋备加褒誉,称他“老成宿将,绩著封疆” ,夸他“刚鲠赋资,精强励职” ,正当倚其 “师雄名久,重于岩疆” ,帮助 “筹划军务”之际。所以康熙皇帝对赵良栋之死表示十分哀悼,故在御制祭文中有: “事久而乃绩弥彰,人往而朕心长眷。” 谥“襄忠” ,后来又追加为一等伯爵位,并仍享世袭罔替的特权。
 赵良栋有四个儿子,即弘灿、弘燮、弘煜、弘炜。弘灿官至两广总督、兵部尚书,谥 “敏恪” 。弘燮承袭一等伯爵,官至总督衔直隶巡抚,谥 “肃敏” 。
 赵良栋父子三总督的殊荣,轰动了乡里,传遍了宁夏,堪称为光宗耀祖,显赫一时。宁夏人民在羊肉街东口为赵良栋建牌坊一座,上有康熙皇帝御书“谋勇兼备” : 上联“忆昔鹰扬能百胜” ,下联“每思方略冠三军” ; 在南薰门内为赵弘灿建“雅镇海服坊” ,为赵弘燮建“风清畿甸坊”各一座,以表纪念。
 Zhao Liangdong (1621-1697),a general of the early Qing Dynasty,styled Qingzhi or Qingyu. He,also known by his literary name Xihua,lived in Ningxiawei (present-day Yinchuan city,Ningxia). Hisancestral home was in Yulinwei in Shaanxi,and then was moved to Anbianpu.In late Ming Dynasty all his family moved to Zunhua in Prefecture of Shutian(present-day Zunhua in Tianjin city). In his early day,he was unrestrained.When he was thirteen Zhao studied Confucianism at a private school,thendropped out of school due to a war and could not pursue advanced study onConfucianism. In the second year of the Shunzhi reign of early Qing Dynasty(1645) Zhao Liangdong abandoned literature and crossed over to army. Zhaofollowed senior general Jingyuan of Qing Dynasty and Shuoying prince Ajigewho leaded a troop to attack Shaanxi province. Since he had military meritduring attacking Li Zicheng's Farmer Army and seizing Guanlong,Zhao waspromoted to the garrison of Tongguan in Shaanxi. He was appointedYouyingyouji (a military title in old China) of Tongguan before prince Aqigeleading his troops to the south. At that time Meng Qiaofang,vice minister onthe Board of war,who was also vice censor-in-chief and in charge of army onthe three boarders of Shaanxi,found that Zhao Liangdong was both able andbrave,so he appointed Zhao a post in his regiment. At the beginning of thethird year of Shunzhi reign,chiming with Nanming Tang king Zhu Yujian,remainders of Ming monarch in northwest China revolted in many places in thevain hope of overthrowing Qing monarch's rule there. As the main force ofQing army had gone down to the south,generals of Ming Monarch such asSong Shoufa,Wang Guang'en,Wu Dading and He Zhen,rosed in a revolt inXing'an,Hanzhong and Guyuan successively. The situation in Longyou becamecritical. Ordered by Meng Qiaofang,Zhao Liangdong and his regiment werecommanded by Li Fangming,governor of Ningxia,became the main force ofsuppressing the rebellious troops in Shaanxi and Gansu province. There wereother revolts in Ningxia soon. Following Liu Fangming,Zhao's regiment wentup to the north suppressing revolts successfully. Zhao Liangdong stayed inNingxia as governor of agriculture. The situation in Ningxia was very unstablefor there were wars between soldiers and bandits; no one took care of farmland.People leaded a miserable life. Though holding his post under suchcircumstances,Zhao,by all means,worked for water conservancy,settlingdown people,resuming production and relieving people's burden. He alsofound,in this period,that Ningxia was an area north of the Great Wall as fertileas the region south of the Yangtze River because of the Yellow River. Foundof Ningxia,Zhao took Ningxia as his second hometown,registered hishousehold in Ningxia and declared himself to be from Ningxia.
 In the fifth year of Shunzhi reign(1648),Jiang Xiang,governor of Datongtown,revolted against Qing court. Many ex-generals of Ming monarch inShanxi and Shaanxi responded to it. As Qing army's main force had gone to thesouth attacking Sichuan province,Moslem people in Gansu province,leaded byMi Ciyin and Ding Guodong,occupied Ganzhou (present-day Zhangye,Gansu),killed provincial governor of Gansu province Zhang Wenheng,seizedmay cities. Moslem army had more than one hundred soldiers soon for moreand more people joining the army. It caused more serious damage to Shaanxiand Gansu,thus,paying attention to the critical situation there,Qing court sentManchu and Meng army,which were led by Beizitunqi and Handai,to suppressrebellious troops in Gansu. At the same time,Meng Qiaofang,leading his army,such as Zhao Liangdong's regiment,fought against rebellious troops. ZhaoLiangdong,brave and able,led a crack troop of Han people. In December,thesixth year of Shunzhi reign,Zhao,risking his life,captured Ding Guodong,aleader of Moslem army,at the campaign against the Moslem army in Gansu. Ashaving military merit,Zhao was rewarded with the title of youji in Gaotai,Gansu. This laid a foundation for his promotion.
 In the fourteenth year of Shunzhi reign (1657),when there was internalconflict in Nanming Gui king's court,Qing court dispatched force to attackYunnan and Guizhou ordering Wu Sangui,senior general of Pingxi,launchingattach from Sichuan; Zhuobutai,general of Zhengnan,from Guangxi; HongChengchou,minister on the Board of War,Jinglue (a high official) of fiveprovinces,form Hunan. Though he looked down upon Manchu troops,HongChengchou liked resourceful Zhao Liangdong recommending Zhao to jointhem. Zhao was appointed Jingluebiaobing Zuoyingyouji (an official title). Hisregiment was a crack troop. Following Hong Chengchou,Zhao Liangdong'scapable regiment started from Changde,taking their courage in both hand,seized Guiyang,which was the center of Guizhou. In July,the fifteenth year ofShiunzhi reign,Hong Chengchou,Wu Sangui and Zhuobutai combined theirforce with each other. As the vanguard of middle-rout army,Zhao Liangdongwas in the command of Duoni,king of Xinxie. Zhao Liangdong's regimentwent. to Yunnan,smashing into the enemy territory successfully and quickly,occupied Kunming,provicial capital of Yunnan. In May,the sixteenth year ofShunzhi reign (1659),all the three routes Qing troops joined in Kunming.Nanming reign was overthrown and Gui king Zhu Youlang fled to Burma.
 Zhao Liangdong was promoted to the Dubiaozhongyingfujiang (an official title)in Yunnan and Guizhou governor yamen (government office in old China). I nthe year of 1660,Xiping king Wu Sangui asked for the permission of attackingBurma and capturing Gui king Zhu Youlang. Ordered by Qing court,ministerAixing'a,general of Dingxi,leaded the imperial guard troops going down to thesouth to join troops with Wu Sangui and attack Burma together. ZhaoLiangdong and his regiment were also ordered to join this campaign,so hebecame a general in the command of Wu Sangui again. Because the maintroops of Qing were approaching the border,the king of Burma had to handover Gui king Zhu Youlangs and his party to Qing troops. The independentregime of vassal state Gui was put into end. For his merit of suppressing vassalstate Gui,Wu Sangui,king of Xiping,was made Royal Highness. Wu Sanguiruled Yunnan and Guizhou. Wu Sangui set up a new separatist regime by forceof arms in the southwest soon. Zhao Liangdong,in Wu's opinion,was wellversed in both polite letters and martial arts. Wu tried to pull Zhao over to hisside actively. Zhao soon filled the vacancy of governor of Guangluo town inYunnan. Zhao Liangdong,however,had already known that Wu Sangui wasplotting illegal activities. Unwilling to follow Wu,not to say betraying hiscountry,Zhao Liangdong tried to left Wu Sangui by all means and Yunnan,where one was apt to get into trouble. It happened that his father died of illness,so Zhao asked for going to Ningxia mourning his father. Then his mother died.Zhao was in mourning for four years. In the eighth year of Kangxi reign (1669)Zhao was appointed the governor of Datong town in Shanxi. Considering hisformer military merit,Qing court conferred him the title of military governor.In the winter of the eleventh year of Kangxi,Zhao was appointed governor ofTianjin Town.
 In December,the twelfth year of Kangxi reign (1673),Wu Sangui,disapproving of canceling his vassal state,rose in a revolt. Many people in thefive province of the southwest,Shaanxi and Gansu responded to him. WangFuchen,provincial governor of Shaanxi,killed Jinglue (an official title in oldChina) Moluo,set up a separatist regime in Pingliang. So did Biaobing (anofficial title in old China) in Ningxia,he killed Chenfu,governor of Ningxia.The situation of Shaanxi and Gansu turned from bad to worse rapidly,becamevery critical. Ningxia,as the governor of Shaanxi Hazhan thought,was astrategic place. Public were disquiet after the revolt. It was urgent to appoint aprovincial governor to lead all the army there. Qing court decided to promotegovernor of Ningxia to the provincial governor. Emperor Kangxi appointedZhao Liangdong the provincial governor of Ningxia province. At the time,when Zhao Liangdong just became the provincial governor of Ningxia,publicwere disquiet and the defense were weak. Chen Jia,a governor in WangFucheng's regiment,were leading a troop of more than fifteen thousand soldiersattacking cities from Pingliang to Lingzhou. All the fortresses on the east bankof Yellow River were forced to do evil deeds. Confronted with such situation,Zhao Liangdong offered amnesty and enlistment to rebels carefully. Since Zhaosolved the problem in Ningxia without battle,Qing court was satisfied withhim; even the emperor Kangxi praised him personally.
 For 'Ningxia was peaceful,Zhao,being ordered,selected part of hisregiment garrisoning there,led the rest following general-in-chief Tuhai to thesouth to attack Wang Fuchen. After suppressing revolt in Pingliang andLongyou area,Zhao and his regiment went back to Ningxia. When theygarrisoned in Ningxia,Zhao reorganized the troop. With three years rigorouslytraining,this northwest troop became powerful.
 In March,the seventeenth year of Kangxi (1678),Wu Sangui came to thethrone in Hengzhou. The title of his reign was Zhaowu. He died soon,andthen his grandson succeeded to the throne,changed the title of his reign intoHonghua,retreated and entrenched in Kunming. Three routes of Qing army,more than a hundred thousand soldiers,suppressed the revolt for about fiveyears. Though they proceeded to some degree,prolonged battle costed toomuch money and energy; no one was willing to fight any more. Next yearZhao Liangdong reported to the throne asking for a battle assignment.Regarding Zhao faithful and brave,Qing court ordered Zhao Liangdong,Zhang Yong,Wang Jinbao and Sun Sike leading their own regiments attackingSichuan at the same time. Setting out from Ningxia,Zhao's troops attacked andoccupied Huixian,Liangdang,Lueyang,Yangping Pass and Mianxian county,then joined with Wang Jinbao's army in Ningqiang. In order to reward him,Qing court conferred Zhao Liangdong,who also held his post in Ningxia,thetitle of general Yonglue. Zhao,leading his Ningxia troops,seized Chengdu onlyin ten days. Zhao offered amnesty and enlistment to thousands of rebels,tookover 260 golden and silver official seal. Qing court offered him a handsomereward,breaking a rule,promoted him to the governor of Yunnan andGuizhou,minister on the Board of War and Youfu censor-in-chief (title ofofficer). He was still a general. Zhao Liangdong owned his achievements to histroops from Ningxia. If he accepted this promotion he should resign his post inNingxia leaving his fellow soldiers. Unwilling to accept the promotion,heasked for maintaining his post in Ningxia. Qing court,of course,did not agreewith him. Making the best of both sides,Qing court met the request of Zhaoby changing the provincial governor into governor,promoting his eldest son tothe governor of Ningxia. His eldest son led troops of Ningxia,which were inthe command of governor of Yunnan and Guizhou and going on expeditionwith Zhao.
 After the victory in Chengdu,Qing court decided to take advantage offavorable circumstance and press on to the finish without letup,attack Kunming,which was the base camp of rebellious troops. Having all the Manchu and Hantroops under BeiziZhangtai's command,Qing court ordered the army attackingYunnan and Guizhou,Wang Jinbao staying in Sichuan and Zhao Liangdongattacking Yunnan. While Zhao's troops marching to Yunnan,some rebellioustroops,led by Hu Guodong,Xia Guoxiang,made a detour and appearedbehind Qing army suddenly. After occupying Yongning,rebellious troops wenton attacking Luzhou,Xuzhou and Jianchang separately. Zhao Liangdongquickly dispatched eight thousand soldiers,led by governor Zhu Yike,dashingto rescue Jianchang. The reinforcements were defeated,so defenders ofJianchang,laking of provisions and fodder,had to abandon Jianchang. Beingactive in the south and east of Sichuan,the rebellious troops blocked Qing.army's attacking Yunnan. Zhao Liangdong's regiment had to return and suppressthe rebellion. With four months' arduous struggle,Zhao recovered Luzhou,Zuzhou,Yongning,Yazhou and Jianchang. After consolidationg rear area inSichuan,Zhao Liangdong commanded his regiment moving forward,crossingJinsha River,attacking and occupying Wuding. In September,the twentiethyear of Kangxi (1681) they arrived near Kunming.
 At that time BeiziZhangtai,general-in-chief from Hunan,had alreadyarrived in Guizhou and joined army with Laitai,general-in-chief of Pingnanfrom Guangxi. The two had as many as a hundred thousand soldiers and as longas twenty kilometers camp site in the outskirts of Kunming. Though Qing armybesieged Kunming,but zhou king could still get recruit with the help ofKunming Lake and confronted them continuously. Zhao was angry for Manchunobleman did not take risk but maintained their army. Thus they missed goldenopportunity of attacking enemy. In a temper,Zhao had no choice but to attackenemy on his own. Zhao attacked Kunming with all his regiment,wiped outevery fortress from Nanba to the city,and directly arrived at the city. Notallowing Zhao having all the military merit alone,Zhangtai,in a temper,ordered Zhao retreating instead of helping him. Zhao disobeyed Zhangtai.Zhangtai launched attack too in the hope of sharing military merit with Zhao.But Zhao,regardless of Zhangtai's order,attacked Kunming in the evening.Zhao occupied Kunming just in eight days. Wu Shifan commited suicide.Yunnan was pacified.
 Kunming,also known as royal city,was the base camp of both NanmingGui king Zhu Youlang and Wu Sangui for years. After occupying Kunming,allthe generals except Zhao looted the city. Zhao moved his troops out of the city,allowing no one of his soldiers looting,then moved to Qujing waiting forfurther instruction. When the looting was disclosed,most of the looters werepunished,while Zhao was praised by both the government and the public.
 After the campaign in. Yunnan and Guizhou,every general was promotedand rewarded except Zhao because of Manchu nobleman's tricks. Moreover,Zhao was investigated because Jianchang was once lost to the enemy. Zhao wasdeprived of military power and conferred the title of Luanyishi (an official title).Truth .and falsehood being not distinguished,Zhao professed his devotion infront of many ministers such as Daxueshi (an official title) Mingzhu. Since Zhaohad offended Manchu nobleman who controlled power of politics,themisjudged case could not be rehabilitated.
 In the twenty-second year of Kangxi (1683),Zhao send a memorandumabout his military merit to the emperor as his last straw. The emperor consultedministers. Influenced by those nobleman,Zhao's outstanding service wasoffseted by the once loss of Jianchang,only his followers' merits were recordedposthumously. Zhao resigned from his job using an excuse of illness,returned tohis hometown Ningxia.
 Zhao Liangdong enjoyed pastoral life in Ningxia,read through historicalrecords,especially Tongjian. He was so delighted with books that usually stayedlate at night. Instead of putting on heroic airs,Zhao and his families respectedeven county magistrate. In the twenty-fifth year of Kangxi,Zhao was suddenlyrestored to his original post. In the twenty-seventh year of Kangxi reign,Zhaowas allowed presenting himself before the emperor. Not understanding thetimes,Zhao reported the truth of campaign in Yunnan and Guizhou again.Zhao was overlooked and sent back to Ningxia holding an unimportant post. Inthe thirtieth year of Kangxi reign,since border was invaded by Elutega'erdan,Qing court sent Feng Dechang,the governor of Ningxia,to Ganzhou assistingdefense,substituted Zhao for the governor of Ningxia for a while. In March ofthe same year,summoned to an interview,Zhao Liangdong reported the truthof Yunnan and Guizhou campaign again to the emperor. Though being angrywith him,the emperor had Zhao's military merit in the southwest recorded andrewarded him with the title of the first rank viscount which,in some ministers'opinion,was over-rewarded. Greedily,Zhao wanted farmland and house tostay in the capital. Impeached for not being respectful to the emperor,Zhaoshould be beheaded. Considering this old man's merit,the emperor not onlyforgave Zhao but also granted him some silver and sent him to Ningxiarecuperating his health. Zhao preferred the south of the lower reaches of theYangtze River to Ningxia. The emperor agreed,what was more,gave Zhao hisown boat,with which he had made inspection tours. In the spring of next year,as Ga'erdan became rampant,the emperor decided to go on an expeditionhimself. Having received a secret imperial edict,Zhao,knowing that thesituation was critical,went up to the north in spite of illness. The emperorconsulted Zhao about army,country and attacking Ga'erdan. In July his state ofhealth became worse and worse,Zhao went back to Ningxia have himselfnursed,but he did not recover.
 In march,the thirty-sixth year of Kangxi reign (1697),Zhao Liangdongdied of illness in Ningxia town (present-day Yinchuan) at the age of seventyseven. Hearing Zhao's death on his way to Ningxia,Kangxi,feeling grieved,told ministers accompanying him to make Zhao's wife and children live inpeace and contentment. The emperor stayed temporarily in Ningxia town.Next day the emperor ordered his eldest son going into mourning and thoseministers,who accompanied him,wailing in front of Zhao's coffin. Theemperor compiled funeral oration for Zhao,conferred Zhao the title of firstrank hereditary Duke. Zhao's posthumous title was Xiangzhong.
 Zhao Liangdong had four sons: Hongcan,Hongxie,Hongyu andHongwei. Zhao Hongcan once held the post of governor of Guangxi andGuangdong and Minister on the Board of War. His posthumous title wasMingke. Zhao Hongye reached the position of provincial governor,andinherited the title of first rank viscount. His posthumous name was Suming.
 There were three provincial governors in Zhaos: Zhao Liangdong,ZhaoHongcan and Zhao Hongye. Their unusual glory brought honor to theirancestors. Zhaos were admired and celebrated by their countrymen. There werememorial archways set up by Ningxia people for each of them.

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