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张子华(1914~1942),革命烈士。原名王绪祥,乳名宿祥,曾化名王少髯、黄汉等。宁夏中宁县恩和乡沙滩村人。他出生于一个富绅家庭。王家在七星渠两岸拥有大片良田和枸杞园,又兼营枸杞和中药材生意,在恩和堡开设“天顺祯” 商号,还在天津“惠源长货栈”设庄,常年往上海、天津、香港等沿海商埠口岸城市批发枸杞、甘草等中药材。
 张子华自幼有良好的家庭教育,又按部就班接受了正规的现代学校教育。1926年,当他在恩和高级小学即将毕业之际,正是全国大革命高潮之时,控制大西北的冯玉祥将军,当时接受了苏联的援助和国、共两党的帮助,在军内层层设立政工机构,吸收大批共产党员从事政治工作。冯军所到之处,政工人员开展各种政治宣传活动,发动群众,在城乡掀起反帝反封建的斗争。国民军在宁安堡 (今中宁县城关)驻军政工人员、共产党员刘进、刘屏先曾多次到恩和高级小学搞宣传活动,介绍全国革命形势,要求教师和高年级学生组织起来,投入到革命的运动中去,同本地的封建势力作斗争。王绪祥和孙殿才被同学们推选为头,在进步教师的指导下,经常走村赶集,搞一些宣传活动,通过这些社会活动,他和同学们的政治思想觉悟有所提高,初步懂得了一些革命的理论常识,培养了一定的组织能力,为他今后的革命生涯奠定了基础。


 Photo of Zhang Zihua

 1928年,王绪祥高小毕业后,先考取甘肃省兰州第二中学,于1930年8月又去了北平。他的三叔父王含章从日本留学回国,在北平国民政府任职,帮助侄儿选择了知名的教会学校汇文中学高中部让他继续学习。汇文中学恰是东城区的学运中心,学校里有中共地下党支部。他一入校就积极参加各种进步活动,表现十分活跃,很快被党组织发现,培养他加入了中国共产党。他“为了表明自己立志做中华民族的儿子,献身于革命事业,入党时改名张子华” 。入党以后,他在全国总工会华北办事处负责人饶漱石 (人称王蛮子)的直接领导下,主要从事学生运动。其间,他曾于假期被派往门头沟煤矿,组织过工人运动,还参加过国民政府财政部印刷局工人反对机器南迁的罢工斗争。在与工人群众共同生活,一起劳动和团结斗争中,他经受了很大的锻炼,受到了一次革命的洗礼,成为他在革命道路上健康成长的又一个新起点。经过这次锻炼以后,党组织调他到全国总工会华北办事处任秘书,在这段时间里,他组织和领导过天津码头和沙厂的工人运动以及唐山煤矿工人的罢工斗争,还代理过全总华办的党团书记。此时,张子华已成长为我党的一名职业革命工作者。
 在北平期间,张子华特别关心和帮助家乡同学组织的 “宁夏留平学生会” ,主动吸收学生会中的积极分子袁金璋、高尚信、姚启圣、潘钟林、路秉监、征克非、吴介凡等十二位同学组成马列主义学习小组,辅导他们学习《资本论》、《共产党宣言》、《反杜林论》、《辩证唯物论入门》、《现代世界观》和江西苏区编印的英文小册子《论坛》等革命理论书籍;并帮助学生会创办会刊《银光》 (后更名《宁夏曙光》、《塞北》),还亲自指导和组织大家踊跃投入地下党组织领导的“反帝大同盟”所开展的一些活动; 并提议宁夏留平学生会酝酿组织和参加革命武装,推翻马鸿逵家族对宁夏的黑暗统治,动员宁夏学生王子瑞、潘钟林、苏印泉等赴张家口,参加冯玉祥、吉鸿昌领导的抗日同盟军。一些同学在张子华的影响和培养下,加入了中国共产党,成长为党的领导干部。更多的同学则始终坚持进步,成为党的亲密朋友。
 1933年底,张子华受全总华办派遣,化装成商人来到天津,负责领导天津唐山地区的工人救亡运动,组织工人纪念五卅运动九周年活动。5月中旬,在一次前往主持召开工人积极分子会议的途中,被警方便衣逮捕,但因为没有暴露真实身份,不久获得自由。出狱后,被调到中共中央驻北方代表机构工作。1934年9月, 中央代表陈铁琤(即孔原)派他到陕北革命根据地巡视工作。当时敌人正在发动对陕北根据地的第二次 “围剿” ,形势非常严峻。而陕北却并存着以谢子长为首的陕北边区和以刘志丹为主要负责人的陕甘边区的两块革命根据地;同时在党组织方面,也有陕北、陕甘两个特委并存;在军事指挥上,也有陕北和陕甘两个边区军事委员会各自独立,情况比较复杂。10月,张子华化名黄汉进入陕北。在做了大量工作以后,张子华返回北平,向陈铁琤汇报了情况, 在征得陈的同意以后, 立即写信给陕北党组织,传达了中央代表的指示,批准了陕北特委的决策。1935年2月5日,中共西北工作委员会和西北军事委员会成立,惠子俊任特委书记,刘志丹任军委主席,陕北革命武装力量统一整编为红二十六军、红二十七军和地方游击队,由刘志丹统一指挥,实现了陕北革命阵营的大联合,为后来三大主力红军汇师大西北、建立陕甘宁中央革命根据地创造了条件。
 1935年初, 张子华随同陈铁琤调到上海,任中共上海临时中央局组织部秘书 (负责人),兼联系河北省委政治交通。5月,改任鄂豫陕边区特派员。就在此时,他接受了一件十分重要的特殊使命担任国共第二次合作和谈的秘密联络员。在中国共产党抗日主张的推动下,在国内外舆论的压力下,主要是为了保全蒋家王朝的根本利益和英、美帝国主义的在华势力,蒋介石不得不准备对日作战。实行全面抗战以前,国民党政府要调整国内外的政治关系,特别要争取苏联的支持和改变同中共的敌对状态。蒋介石把打通与中共关系的任务交给宋子文、陈果夫、陈立夫等少数亲信秘密办理。于是 “CC系头子陈立夫指示他北洋大学和匹兹堡大学的老同学” 、骨干成员的交通部部长曾养甫具体负责实施。曾转而又找北洋大学同学、交通部高级专家谌小岑帮忙寻找中共地下组织,因谌是五四运动时期天津“觉悟社”成员,与周恩来、邓颖超相识。谌通过各种渠道,才辗转找到中共地下党员,时任国民党中央宣传部征集部主任左恭,向他通报了国民党中央希望与中共谈判的意愿。左即时把这一重要情况向上级党组织作了汇报,上海党组织选择了张子华担此重任。党组织认为张子华经过长期革命斗争的锻炼和考验,立场坚定,能力强,又具有其叔父王含章在国民政府任高级官员的背景,而且是西北人,又去过陕北,人地熟悉,条件最为理想。当时只有二十一岁的张子华就担任了国共两党中央开始接触和早期谈判的秘密使者。
 1936年1月3日晚上,左恭陪同谌小岑与黄君 (张子华)第一次会晤。谌传达了国民党中央的意思,并请黄先生帮助与中共中央搭桥。第二天,黄回访了谌,三天后又向谌通告,中共方面愿意接受国民党中央的意愿,同意两党进行和谈,一致抗日,并建议由国民党方面派出代表与黄一块前往陕北,与中共中央领导人直接面谈。国民党方面表示有些困难,便由宋子文出面,请宋庆龄从中设法帮忙。宋庆龄给毛泽东、周恩来写了亲笔信,委托周继武 (真名董健吾)以国民党中央政府财政部西北经济专员的身份与上海党组织派往陕北的黄联络员(张子华)一同前往陕北。张、周二人到西安后,得到了张学良将军帮助,于2月19日,进入陕北,到达中共中央驻地瓦窑堡 (今陕西省子长县)。因当时毛泽东、张闻天、周恩来等中央主要领导人都在东征战役前线,由林伯渠、秦邦宪等接待了客人并听取汇报,随后张子华专程赶到东征前线的交口镇,向中央详细汇报了他与国民党方面几次接触的情况,还把上海临时中央局的处境情况一并作了汇报。毛泽东夸奖他: “你做了一件很了不起的大事。” 中央对他的工作表示满意,决定继续派他作为中央的联络员。3月中旬,张子华返回上海。
 通过这次联络,中共向国民党提出了和谈的五条原则: 一、停止一切内战,全国武装不分红白,一致抗日; 二、组织国防政府和抗日联军; 三、容许全国主力红军迅速集结河北,首先抵御日寇进攻;四、释放政治犯,容许人民政治自由; 五、内政和经济上实行初步与必要的改革。这样,敌对了近十年的国共两党又恢复了联系。
 4月,张子华又去南京,向曾养甫转达了中共中央愿意联合抗日的诚意,并向南京方面提出两点要求: 一、希望国民党中央坦诚披露联共抗日的具体办法,并能得到书面的东西; 二、要求南京方面派代表到陕北与中共中央直接会谈。曾向上级报告后,立即把陈立夫口授的四项谈判条件转告张子华: 一、欢迎共方的武装队伍参加对日作战;二、共方武装参加对日作战,与中央军同等待遇; 三、共方如有政治上意见,可向即将成立的民意机关提出; 四、共方可选择一地区试验其政治、经济理想。至于直接派员谈判,仍以 “一时派不出合适人选”婉拒。5月,张子华把国民党方面提出的四条送往陕北瓦窑堡,中央军委副主席周恩来接见了他。周副主席听完汇报,表扬道: “你的工作意义是重大的,你做得也很有成绩。”接着,张子华为了完成国共两党互换电报密码、电台呼号,直接通信联系的任务,又在8月第三次赶赴党中央所在地保安 (今陕西志丹县),促成两党直接通电,并携带中共中央和周恩来分别给陈果夫、陈立夫兄弟和曾养甫的信件,改赴广州将信件送交谌小岑。10月27日,新任广州市市长的曾养甫会晤张子华,又向张口头转达了国民党关于与中共和谈的四点建议: 一、苏维埃区域可以存在; 二、红军的名义可不要,改为联军,待遇同国军; 三、中共代表可参加国民大会; 四、即派人具体谈判。同时,国民党方面提出邀请周恩来到广州或香港会谈,并已为周办好了去港护照。第二天,张子华向中央电报上述内容。毛泽东、周恩来当即回电给张子华,让他向曾养甫和陈氏兄弟转达中共四点意见。大意为:甲、请蒋先生按7月间对全国人民宣示的诺言,坚持民族立场,万不可对日再作任何领土主权之让步; 乙、中共宣言,只要国民党不阻拦红军抗日去路,不侵犯红军抗日后方,红军首先停止向国民党军进攻,但在受攻击时,亦作不得已必要回击; 丙、提议西北各军停止向红军进攻,各守原防,互派代表谈判。如果安全有保障,周可南下谈判;丁、先派潘汉年为中共谈判代表。中央电令张子华返回陕北。11月上旬,张子华第四次回到陕北,结束了国共密使任务,被重新任命为中共中央统战部联络局副局长,留在中央工作。
 12月12日,“西安事变”爆发后,张子华任中共代表团秘书,以八路军总部参谋和周副主席秘书的名义,在西安做统战工作。在西安期间,他按周恩来的指示,为营救西路军做了大量工作。他还广泛接触在古城的宁夏官方、民间人士,帮助和鼓励一些老同学参加抗日、投奔革命队伍。“七七事变” 后,日蒙军大举西犯,宁夏有沦亡危险,中央决定加强对宁夏的工作,并派他以八路军的身份,到宁夏直接做省主席马鸿逵的统战工作。具体任务三项: 其一,交涉在宁夏省会设立八路军办事处事宜; 其二,谈判释放被俘红军; 其三,商量陕甘宁边区与宁夏省的交界线问题。他还秘密会见了国民党宁夏省党部组织科长袁金璋等一些留平老同学,鼓励他们为国家为人民做有益的事情,影响和动员一些进步青年到延安参加革命工作,为扩大党在宁夏的活动创造条件。张子华还利用这次回宁谈判之机,回到阔别多年的家中,看望了日夜思念的父母亲。
 1938年1月,张子华调到武汉,任中共代表团民政部文化组主任。2月,调回延安,4月分配到抗大担任政治教员。在调武汉之前,张子华与抗大图书馆员李德贞 (抗大毕业)结婚。1939年9月,张子华被秘密送进延安保安处隔离审查。他被指控在天津被捕时有“叛变” 行为和赴宁夏与马鸿逵谈判时有“通敌”嫌疑。但是在当时的环境下,是无法查证落实的。接着妻子也被隔离关押,要他交代揭发问题。五个月后,李德贞在关押中生下了儿子。张子华给未见过面的儿子起了个名字叫“延军” ,寓意是: 在革命圣地延安出生的革命后备军。由于他长期心情抑郁,不幸染上肺病,于1942年病逝狱中,年仅二十八岁。
 1983年9月26日,中共中央组织部对张子华的历史问题作出结论:“张子华同志青年时期脱离地主家庭,追求进步,参加革命活动。30年代,他在党的工人运动、地下工作和统一战线、团结抗日等方面,做了许多工作,对党的事业是有贡献的。在被审查期间,他坚持实事求是,对党忠诚,表现是好的。现决定解除对他的 ‘政治嫌疑’ ,恢复名誉,承认党籍,并通知有关地区、单位做好善后工作。” 1985年5月,中共宁夏回族自治区委员会召开会议,为张子华恢复名誉,在八里桥革命公墓安放了他的遗像。
 Zhang Zihua (1914-1942) was a revolutionary martyr who had an originalname Wang Xuxiang and infant name Suxiang.His assumed name was WangShaoran and Huang Han. Zhang Zihua whose hometown was in Sand villagein Enhe Town of Zhongning County in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region was from agentry family. The Wang family had owned large pieces of fertile land and manywolfberry gardens on both sides of the Seven Star Canal and was engaged in thebusiness of selling wolfberry and traditional Chinese herbs. In Enhe Town they had abusiness establishement "Tianshunzhen" and in "Huiyuanchang Warehouse" in Tianjin.They set up a place of business,wholesaling wolfberry and licorice root to the coastalport cities such as Shanghai,Tianjin and HongKang all the year round.
 Since childhood Zhang Zihua received good family education and modem schooleducation by following the conventional procedures. In 1926,at the time when hewould soon graduate from Enhe primary school and when the high tide of the nationalrevolution came,General Feng Yuxiang who was controlling the Northwest of Chinaaccepted the support of the Soviet Union as well as the aid of Kuomintang and theChinese Communist Party,setting up political and ideological work institutes ofdifferent levels inside the army and taking in many Communist Party members to beengaged in political work. No matter where the army led by Feng Yuxiang went,thepeople engaging in the political and ideological work would launch all kinds of politicalpropaganda activities,calling for the masses in both towns and villages to struggle againstthe imperialism and feudalism. Kuomintang troops were stationed in Ning'an Town(present-day the areas outside the city gate of Zhongning County),the CommunistParty members Liu Jin and Liu Pingxian engaging in the political and ideological workwent many times to Enhe advanced primary school to propagate and introduce therevolutionary situation all over the country,calling for the teachers and the seniorstudents to unite and engage in the revolutionary campaigns to struggle against the localfeudalist power. Wang Xuxiang and Sun Diancai were elected the leaders and with theinstructions of the advanced teachers they often traveled from one village to another andwent to the fairs to do the propaganda work. Through those social activities,his and hisclassmates' power to understand the politics improved. They began to know somethingabout the common sense of revolutionary theory and obtained certain organizing abilitywhich laid a foundation for his future revolutionary career.
 In 1928,after graduation from the primary school,Wang Xuxiang passed theexamination and entered the No. Two Middle School in Lanzhou,Gansu province.Then he went to Beiping (present-day Beijing) in August 1930. His third uncle wangHanzhang returned from Japan after graduation and held a post in the nationalgovernment in Beiping,helping his nephew choose a noted missionary school----Huiwen Middle School and asked him to go on studying in the senior department.Huiwen Middle School was exactly the center of the students' activities and in it therewas a secret Branch of the Communist Party. After he entered the school,he took anactive part in all the progressive activities,so soon what he had done was noticed by theorganization of the Communist Party and was cultivated to become a member of it. "Inorder to show his determination to be the son of the Motherland and the devotion tothe revolutionary cause,when he joined the party he changed his name into "ZhangZihua." After he joined the party,he was mainly engaged in the students' activitiesunder' the leadership of Rao Shushi,(called Wang Manzi) who was in charge of theagency of North China of all China Workers' Union. During that period,he was sent toMentougou Mine in the vacation to or ganize the workers' movement and took part inthe strike of the workers of the Printing Bureau of the national government's FinancialMinistry to oppose the move of the machinery to the south. In the common life,workand struggle with the workers,he was tempered and tested severely in the revolutionwhich became a new starting point on the revolutionary route for him to grow healthily.After being tempered this way,he was transferred to hold the post of secretary of NorthChina agency of all China Workers' Union by the organization of the Party. Duringthat time,he organized and led the movement of workers of both Tianjin dock and thesand mill as well as the strike of the miners in Tangshan. He was also a deputy secretaryof all China Agency. At this time,Zhang Zihua had already become a professionalrevolutionary worker of the Communist Party.
 During the course of his staying in Beiping,Zhang Zihua showed special concernand helped the Students' Union organized by the students of his hometown who wereleft in Beiping. He initiatively took in 12 active students such as Yuan Jinzhang,Gaoshangxin,Yao Qisheng,Pan Zhonglin,Lu Bingjian,Zheng Kefei and Wu Jiefan and soon to organize the small groups of Marxist studies by coaching them to studyrevolutionary theory,such as On Capitalism,The Proclamation of the Chinese Communist Party,On Opposition of the theor y of Dulin,the Approach of Dialectical Materialistic Theory,Modern WorldView and Forum compiled and printed in the areas captured by the Red Army in Jiangxi.He also helped the Students' Union to set up the publication Silver Light (laternamed the First Light of Morning of Ningxia,The North). He instructed and organizedthe students to take an active part in the activities of "The great counter-imperialismalliance" led by the secret Party organization and suggested the Students' Union left inBeiping ferment and organize the revolutionary armed forces to turn over the darkruling system to Ningxia by Ma Hongkui clan. He aroused Wang Zirui,Pan Zhonglinand Su Yinquan who came from Ningxia to leave for Zhang Jiakou to join the antiJapanese allied forces led by Feng Yuxiang and Ji Hongchang. Some students influencedand cultivated by Zhang Zihua joined the Communist Party and became the leaders ofthe Party. More students persisted in making progress from the beginning to the endand became the devoted friends of the party.
 Late in 1933,dispatched by All China Agency,Zhang Zihua disguised himself andcame to Tianjin. He was the leader of the workers' activity in Tangshan area to help thepeople out of the death and organized the workers to commemorate the ninthanniversary of the "May Thirtieth" movement. In the middle of May,on the way to themeeting of the active workers who would be chaired by him,he was arrested by theplainclothes team of the police. But he did not expose his real status and was set freesoon. After coming out of the prison,he was transferred to work at representativeinstitute of the central committee of the Communist Party which was stationed in theNorth. In November of 1934,Cheng Tiezheng (namely Kong Yuan),therepresentative of the central government of the party,sent him to make an inspectiontour in the revolutionary base area in the north of Shaanxi. At that time the enemy waslaunching the second "encircle" to that place and the situation became very severe. Butthe two revolutionary base areas were co-existing,one was headed by Xie Zichang inthe border region of the north of Shaanxi and the other one was in the border regionsof Shaanxi and Gansu headed by Liu Zhidan. Meanwhile,in the aspect of Partyorganization,also the two special committees were co- existing in both North Shaanxiand Shaangan. In the military commanding aspect there were two independent militarycommittees in the North Shaanxi and Shaangan,so the situation was comparativelycomplicated. In October,Zhang Zihua went to the north of Shaanxi with an assumedname. After working a great deal,Zhang Zihua returned to Beiping and reported thesituation there to Cheng Tiezheng. After getting the approval of Cheng Tiezheng,hewrote to the Party organization in the north of Shaanxi to pass on the instructions of therepresentatives of the central government and the decision of the special committee ofthe north of Shaanxi was granted. On the fifth of October in 1935,the workingcommittee and the military committee of the Communist Party in the northwest wereestablished,Hui Zijun holding the post of the secretary of the special committee and LiuZhidan the chairman of the military committee. The revolutionary armed forces in thenorth of Shannxi were unified and reorganized as the 26th route red army,the 27th routered army and regional guerrilla force commanded by Liu Zhidan,hence the realizationof the unity of the revolutionary cliques of the north of Shaanxi created the situationsfor the later meeting converge of the three main forces of the Red Army in thenorthwest and the foundation of the central revolutionary base areas in Shaanxi,Gansuand Ningxia.
 Early in 1935,Zhang Zihua was transferred to Shanghai with Cheng Tiezheng,holding the post of the secretary of Organization Ministry (leader) of the temporaryCentral Bureau of Shanghai of the Communist Party and a concurrent post to associatethe political transport of the Hebei provincial committee. In May,he held a post ofspecial delegate. Just at this time,he accepted a very important and special mission-----the secret liaison man for the second talk of co-operation of the Kuomintang with theCommunist Party. In the situation of the Communist Party's advocation of antiJapanese and under the pressure of the domestic public opinion,Jiang Jieshi had toprepare to fight the Japanese to protect the radical interest of the Jiang kingdom and thepower of the American imperialism in China. Before the overall implementation of theanti-Japanese War,what the Kuomintang government did was to adjust the politicalrelationship of both inside and outside of country; especially to strive for the support ofthe Soviet Union and to change the hostile attitude with the Chinese Communist Party.
 Jiang Jieshi asked his trusted followers Song Ziwen,Cheng Guofu and Cheng Lifu to finish the task of establishing relationship with the Chinese Communist Partysecretly. So the chief Cheng Lifu instructed the Minister of the Transport Ministry,thecore member Zeng Yangfu,his old comrade when they were in Beiyang University andPittsburg University to be in charge of the implementation. And then Zeng Yangfuasked Chen Xiaocen who used to be his classmate in Beiyang University and theadvanced expert in the Transport Ministry to help to find the secret organization of theChinese Communist Party because Chen Xiaocen was the member of "The AwarenessAssociation" of Tianjin in the period of the May Fourth movement and he knew ZhouEnlai and his wife Deng Yingchao. Through different channels Zhan managed to findZuo Gong who was the secret Party member and then was the director of the collectrecruit department of the Kuomintang Central Propaganda Ministry. Chen Xiaocentold Zuo Gong that the center of Kuomintang hoped to negotiate with therepresentatives of the Chinese Communist Party. Zuo Gong in time reported thatimportant thing to the Party organization of the upper level and Zhang Zihua waschosen to finish this important task by the party organization in Shanghai,because hewas considered to have been tempered and tested after a long period of revolutionarystruggle. Zhang Zihua,with a firm stand and strong ability,was an ideal person whoseuncle Wang Hanzhang was holding the post of a higher official and who was from thenorth of Shaanxi and had ever been there and was familiar with the people there. Thenthe twenty-one year old Zhang Zihua became the secret messenger for the contact andearly negotiation between Kuomintang and the Chinese Communist Party.
 On the evening of the 1st,March 1936,Chen Xiaocen had the first talk to HuangJun (Zhang Zihua) with accompany of Zuo Gong. Chen Xiaocen transmitted themeaning of the central government of Kuomintang and asked Mr. Huang to helpcontact with the central government of the Chinese Communist Party as go-between.The second day Huang Jun paid a return visit to Chen Xiaocen and three days later,heannounced Chen Xiaocen that the Chinese Communist Party was willing to accept therequest of the Kuomintang central government to talk between the two parties in orderto reach an agreement to resist the Japanese invaders and suggest that a representative ofKuomintang should go to the north of Shaanxi with Huang Jun to talk face to face withthe leaders of the central government of the Chinese Communist Party. Kuomintanggovernment considered it was difficult to do so,therefore Song Ziwen asked SongQingling to manage to help. Song Qingling wrote an autograph letter to Mao Zedongand Zhou Enlai. Zhou Jiwu (D ong Jianwu) was entrusted to go to the north of Shaanxiin the status of a special person dealing with the economy of the northwest in theFinancial Ministry of Kuomintang government with the liaison man Zhang Zihua whowas sent by the Party organization of Shanghai. After Zhang Zihua and Zhou Jiwuarrived in Xi'an,they got the help of General Zhang Xueliang and had access to thenorth of Shaanxi on the 19th February,getting to Wayaobao (present-day ZichangCounty in Shaanxi Province) where the central government of the Chinese CommunistParty was located. Because the important leader such as Mao Zedong,Zhang Wentianand Zhou Enlai and so on were all at the front-line of campaign marching east at thattime,Lin Boqu and Qing Bangxian interviewed the guests and listened to the report.And then Zhang Zihua hurried to Jiaokouzhen at the marching east front-line andreported to the central government in detail about his several contact with theKuomintang officials. He also reported about the situations of the temporary centralbureau in Shanghai. Mao Zedong praised him like this "You have done a veryimportant thing". The leaders of the central government were quite satisfied with hiswork and decided to appoint him to be the liaison man. In middle march,Zhang Zihareturned to Shanghai.
 Through this contact,to Kuomintang the Chinese Communist Party put forwardfive principles for peace talk: first,the civil war should be stopped and the nationalarmed forces of both the Chinese Communist Party and Kuomintang should fightagainst the Japanese invaders; second,the national defense government and antiJapanese united armies would be organized; third: the Red Army,the main force of thecountry,would be allowed to gather rapidly in Hebei province to resist the attack of theJapanese invaders; fourth: the political prisoners would be released and the people wouldbe allowed to have political freedom; fifth,an initial and necessary reform inside politicsand economy would be carried out. Thus,the two parties which had been antagonist toeach other for almost ten years restored their contact.
 In April,Zhang Zihua went to Nanjin. He transmitted to Zeng Yangfu thesincerity of the central government to fight against the Japanese invaders and putforward two requests to the Kuomintang officials in Nanjing: first,the . centralgovernment of Kuomintang was hoped to announce the concrete methods to fightagainst the Japanese invaders with the Chinese Communist Party and to give a writtenpromise; second,the delegate would be sent to the north of Shaanxi to have a face toface interview with the leaders of central government of the Chinese Communist Party.After Zen Yangfu reported to the leaders of the upper level,he immediately passed onthe four conditions to negotiate which was dictated by Cheng Lifu to Zhang Zihua: first,the armed forces of the Chinese Communist Party were welcomed to fight against theJapanese invaders; second,the armed forces of the Communist Party were to receivesimilar treatment as the central army; third,if the Chinese Communist Party had someobjections,it can put them forward to the popular will institute which would be set upsoon; fourth,the government of the Chinese Communist Party could choose an area toexperiment with her political and economic ideal. But the request of sending thedelegate for a face-to-face negotiation was refused politely with the excuse of "nosuitable people at that time". In May,Zhang Zihua sent the four suggestions ofKuomintang to Wayaobao of the north of Shaanxi. Zhou Enlai,the then vice militarychairman,interviewed him. After Zhou Enlai listened to his report,he praised ZhangZihua like this: "Your work is of great significance and what your have done is asuccess." In order to finish the task that the two parties exchanged telegram codes andcall sigh for the direct communication. In August Zhang Zihua for third time left forBao'an (present-day Zhidan County in Shaanxi) where the central authorities of theChinese Communist Party were located to make the Two parties communicate directlyand then left for Guanzhou to send Zhan Xiaocen the letters which were written by theChinese Communist Party government and Zhou Enlai to the two brothers ChengGuofu,Cheng Lifu and Zeng Yangfu respectively. On the 27th October,Zeng Yangfu,the newly conferred mayor of Guangzhou,interviewed Zhang Zhihua and orally passedon the four suggestions of Kuomintang for the peace talk with the Chinese CommunistParty. First,the Soviet regions could exist; second: the name of the Red Army could bereplaced by the name of United Army and was treated like the National Army; third,the representatives of the Chinese Communist Party could attend the meeting held byKuomintang government; fourthly,representatives could be sent immediately for aconcrete negotiation. Meanwhile,Kuomintang government suggested Zhou Enlai cometo Guangzhou or Hongkang for a talk and his passport to Hongkang was arranged forhim. The second day,Zhang Zihua reported the above contents by telegram. MaoZedong and Zhou Enlai immediately wired back to Zhang Zihua and asked him to passon the four points of the Chinese Communist Party to Zeng Yangfu and the twoCheng brothers. The general meanings are: Mr Jiang was expected to persist in thenational stand and never compromise to the Japanese government about any landsovereignty according to the promise he had ever made to the people all over thecountry in July; second,The Chinese Communist Party proclaimed that the Red Armywould first stop attacking Kuomintang armies as long as Kuomintang did not block theoutlet of the Red Army and did not invade the back areas of the Red Army. But if theRed Army was attacked,it had to fight back; thirdly,each troop in the northwest wassuggested to stop attacking the Red Army,each keeping the original defense andsending the representatives to negotiate. If his safety could be guaranteed,Zhou Enlaicould go south to negotiate; fifthly,Pan Hannian would first be sent by the ChineseCommunist Party government as a representative to negotiate. The central governmentordered Zhang Zihua by telegram to return to the north of Shaanxi. In middleNovember,Zhang Zihua went back to the north of Shaanxi for a forth time and histask as the secret ambassador for Kuomintang and the Communist Party was completed.He was appointed the deputy director of the Liaison Bureau of the United FrontMinistry of the Chinese Communist Party government and remained to work in thecentral government.
 On the 12th December,after the breakout of "Xi'an Incident",Zhang Zihua heldthe post of the secretary of the Chinese Communist Party delegate and worked forunited front in Xi'an in the name of the staff officer of the Eighth Route Armyheadquarters and the name of the secretary of Zhao Enlai,the deputy chairman. Duringhis stay in Xi'an,he did a great deal of work for saving the West-route Army accordingto Zhou Enlai's instructions. He also had a wide contact with both governmental andnon-governmental personage of the ancient city Ningxia,helping and encouragingsome of his old classmates to take part in the anti-Japanese War and seek refuge to therevolutionary troops. After the "Double Seven Incident",the Japanese and Mongoliatroops invaded the west in a large scale,so Ningxia was endangered with the loss ofindependence. The central government decided to strengthen the work of Ningxia andsent him there and in the status of the Eight-Route Army directly did the authorityunity work of Ma Hongkui who was the chairman of Ningxia. There were threeconcrete tasks. The first one was about the negotiation of setting up the Eight RouteArmy Agency in the capital of Ningxia. The second one was the negotiation ofreleasing the captured Red Army soldiers. The third one was about the negotiation ofthe common boundary of Shaanxi,Gansu and Ningxia border areas with NingxiaProvince. He also secretly interviewed some of his old classmates such as Yuan Jinzhan,the section chief of Kuomintang party branch in Ningxia. He encouraged them to dosome good things for their country and the people,influencing and mobilizing someadvanced youngsters to go and work in Yanan,which created the conditions for theparty's activities in Ningxia. Zhang Zihua made use of the opportunity to negotiate inNingxia to return to his home and visited his parents whom he missed day and night.
 In January 1938,Zhang Zihua was transferred to Wuhan and held the post of thedirector of the Culture Section of the civil administration Ministry of the ChineseCommunist Party delegation. In February,he was transferred back to Yanan and inApril he was assigned to hold the post of the political instructor in Kang University.Before he was transferred to Wuhan,Zhang Zihua married Li Dezhen who graduatedin Kangda (the name of a university) and worked in the library there. In September1939,Zhang Zihua was sent secretly into the public security department in Yan'an for asegregate investigation. He was accused to have turned traitor when he was arrested inTianjin and was suspected to have a secret communication with the enemy when henegotiated with Ma Hongkui in Ningxia. But in the then situation that could not beconfirmed. Then his wife was also segregated and asked to bring the problems to light.Five months later,Li Dezhen gave birth to a son when she was in the prison. ZhangZihua named his son whom he had not seen before "Yanjun" with an implied meaning:the boy who was born in the revolutionary sacred place Yan'an would be therevolutionary reserve force. Because he was depressed for a long time and unfortunatelycaught the lung disease,he died of illness in 1942 when he was 28 years old.
 On the September 26th 1983,the conclusion of Zhang Zihua' historic problemswas made by the Organizing Ministry of the Chinese Communist Party government."Comrade Zhang Zihua separated himself from the landlord family when he was young.He pursued progress and took part in the revolutionary activities. In 1930s he did agreat deal of work in the workers' movement of the party,the secret work and the unityfor the resistance of the Japanese invaders. He made great contributions to the party'scause. During the course of being investigated,he persisted in the principle of truth andwas very devoted to the party with good performance. It was decided to relieve thepolitical suspicion of him,with his reputation restored and his party membershipadmitted. The concerned regions and units have been announced to deal with aftermathproperly. In May 1985,a meeting was held by the committee of Ningxia HuiAutonomous Region of the Chinese Communist Party,Zhang Zihua's reputation beingrestored and his portrait of deceased being placed in the revolutionary public cemeteryin Baliqiao.

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