

作者:主编 时间:2022年12月01日 阅读:118 评论:0

张袁氏(1867~1946),女。宁夏金积堡 (今宁夏吴忠市利通区金积镇)人。她的丈夫张青林是湖南湘乡人,清朝末年被征招为湘军士兵,跟随左宗棠大军来到宁夏。退伍后娶当地十六岁的袁氏为妻,在金积堡定居下来,并以卖醪酒为生。几年后,张春林病故,张袁氏与儿子张永吉苦心经营酒铺,面对激烈的酒铺竞争,她放弃醪酒,改作黄酒。经过三年反复试验,终于酿出一种配方别致、工艺独特的上乘黄酒,当时人们都称此酒为“张寡妇黄酒”。这种酒具有滋补、舒筋、活血等健身功能。她自己每天早晨饮酒一杯,一直到六十多岁仍然步履稳健、精神矍铄、面色红润白细。此酒一面市就受到欢迎,被人们当作最佳礼品,蜚声宁夏,名扬西北。在甘肃,至今还流传着“兰州的二益丹药,离不开张寡妇的黄酒”的说法。当时,宁夏省政府的高官们纷纷将“张寡妇黄酒”作为宁夏特产,带到南京和全国各地,敬献上峰或赠送同僚,甚至还传入沿海并输出到国外。张寡妇黄酒和她的“德生和”商号闻名遐迩,她也成为富甲金积堡的名人。张袁氏于1946年去世,享年七十八岁。儿子张永吉继续经营酒坊,“张寡妇黄酒”至今仍是宁夏的地方名优产品。

Mrs. Zhang,nee Yuan (1867-1946) was a native of Jinjipu,Ningxia(present-day Jinji Town,Litong District,Wuzhong City,Ningxia),whosehusband was Zhang Qinglin,a native of Xiangxiang of Hunan,wasrecruited into Xiang troop headed by Zuo Zongtang (a minister in Qing Dynasty) andcame in Ningxia in late Qing Dynasty. After retirement from army,Zhang married thelocal 16-year-old lady Yuan. They settled down in Jinjipu and lived on sellingfermented glutinous wine. A few years later,the husband died of illness and Mrs. Zhangworked hard with her son Zhang Yongji to run the wine store. Faced with fiercecompetition,she gave up her business of fermented glutinous wine and switched toyellow wine. By making experiments repeatedly for three years,she eventually madeout a kind of yellow wine of high quality with special directions as well as techniques.The wine,called Zhang Guafu (widow) by the public,was quickly well known for itsfunctions that did good for health like supplying nutrition,soothing the sinews andquickening the blood. By drinking a glass of her yellow wine every morning,Mrs.Zhang was still able to walk with steady steps and looked hale and hearty with a goodcomplexion at her age of 60. Her wine became quite popular and was widely regardedas the best choice of gifts not only in Ningxia but also in other parts of the northwestChina. There was still such a word spreading in Gansu Province that Eryi Drug (awonderful well known local medicine brand) would not work without Mrs. Zhang'syellow wine. At that time,senior officials in Ningxia government most often tookZhang Guafu yellow wine as featured local product to Nanjing and other parts of thecountry and presented it to their superiors or colleagues. The wine was even sent to thecoastal areas and then went overseas. Mrs. Zhang thus became well-known for heryellow wine and wine store titled Deshenghe and was listed in the wealthy of Jinjipu.She died at 78 in 1946,and her son Zhang Yongji went on running the wine store.Zhang Guafu's yellow wine has still been taken as one of the famous and excellent localproducts in Ningxia.

本文地址: https://www.yishiweijian.com/renwu/2022123848.html



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