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张煦 (?~1895),清朝大臣。字南浦。宁夏灵州(今宁夏灵武)人。自幼受父亲张松年“以德为重” 的家学影响,养成“少笃学,目不窥园” 的良好学风。道光二十九年 (1849)中举人,咸丰三年 (1853)中进士。历任刑部主事、员外郎、郎中、京察一等; 后被放外任,先后担任过贵州镇远府 (今贵州镇远) 、贵阳府 (今贵州贵阳)和贵东道(辖贵州东部府县地区)府道主官和陕西、广东、山西三省的藩、臬二司使; 光绪十四年 (1888),升任陕西巡抚,次年改任湖南巡抚,光绪十八年 (1892),调任山西巡抚等要职,进入封疆大吏行列。张煦在任职期间,“为治一本经术,诘奸武虎,安良懦。及任封疆,值公私凋瘵,涤除封靡,综核名实。革陋规,清积弊,上下肃然,廉静诚悫,不为赫赫名。所在事集而民和,有各得其所之乐” 。他在担任湖南巡抚时,正值光绪皇帝 “亲政” 、洋务运动在全国深入开展之际。光绪十五年 (1889)洋务派的代表人物张之洞调任湖广总督,统辖湖南、湖北两省,在辖境之内,大办洋务,进口机器,开办炼铁厂、枪炮厂,并设立织布、纺织、缫丝、制麻四局,筹修芦汉铁路等一系列工程,并创办两湖书院。张煦对张之洞的革新举措大不理解,十分反感,曾亲笔写《致鄂督张香涛书》,指责并训讽道: “公自命为国家理学名臣,才大望重,当为海内所钦佩,鄙人不敢不敬服。然而,好大喜功,惑于浸润,往往言不顾行,病在才优,于德无镇静工夫。以致遇事张皇,虎头蛇尾,言入即行,既行复悔,若再加以涵养,庶为完人。”在书信中,张煦还列举了张之洞的一些举措失宜之事和好大喜功、言不顾行的诸多所谓事实,在信的结尾部分又教训张之洞道: “公若恃才傲物,以势凌人,人纵甘而受之,是岂海内君子所望于公者欤?弟深愿公为良臣、纯臣,不愿公为才臣、能臣。”从张煦这封措词严厉的书信中人们可以看出,他毫不畏惧张之洞在当时朝野中红极一时的权势和自己顶头上司的地位,大胆指责并教训了张之洞一通,同时也暴露出他思想守旧和反对改革的错误政见。但张煦的胆量与耿直个性,却给后人留下了极为深刻的印象。1936年夏季,《大公报》著名记者范长江先生在采访宁夏的时候,于新闻文稿之中还饶有兴趣提到了这段历史故事。他写道: “灵武有个叫张煦的,时适作湖南巡抚,他看不惯张之洞的举动……给了他一封毫不客气的信。……对于官高势显的人写这样的信,胆量确实不小! ”文中还写道: “灵武在清代还出了一个胆大包天的人物,为本地生色不少。”


Daqing channel

光绪十八年 (1892),张煦调任山西巡抚。光绪二十一年 (1895)八月,病逝于山西巡抚任内。在归葬宁夏途中,陕西各界进行隆重挽祭,被留葬于陕西。

Zhang Xu (?-1895) was a minister of the Qing Dynasty.His style namewas Nan Pu,his hometown was in Lingzhou of Ningxia (Lingwu ofNingxia today). He was influenced by his father Zhang Songnian'sthoughts of "attaching importance to morality" and developed a kind of goodstudy habit of "loving study and absorbing completely". In the 29th year ofDaoguang reign(1849) Zhang Xu won the title of successful candidate in theimperial examination at the provincial level and in the 3rd year of Xianfengreign(1853) he won the title of successful candidate in the highest imperialexamination. In his life,Zhang Xu held many important posts in the capital,such as Xingbu Zhushi,Yuanwailang,Langzhong,Jingchayi and then heldmany posts in the other provinces,such as Zhuguan of Zhengyuan Fu inGuizhou (Zhengyuan in Guizhou Province today),Zhuguan of Guiyang Fu(Guiyang in Guizhou Province today),Guidongdao (the duty of this post was tomanage the eastern part of Guizhou),Pan and Nie Cishi of Shaanxi,Guangdong and Shanxi. In the 14th year of Guangxu reign(1888),he wastransferred to Xunfu of Shanxi; in the next year he was transferred to Xunfu ofHunan; in the 18th year of Guangxu reign(1892),he was transferred to Xunfuof Shanxi and was assumed one of the posts of the governors of borderprovinces. When Zhang Xu was at his posts,he "was aboveboard and upright.He blamed the treacherous and comforted the kind. Although he was assumed apost of the governor of a border province,he was upright both in state thingsand private things. He objected conservativeness and advocated openness. Headvocated cleaning up old rules and regulations and stemming off old abuses.He was upright and honest and his field was filled with deep veneration. Hedevoted all his energy to his post not for fame but for his people." When heheld the post of Xunfu of Hunan,Guangxu began to manage the courtpersonally and the Movement of Foreign Affairs was launched in the country.In the 15th year of Guangxu reign(1889),the representative of the Movementof Foreign Affairs Zhang Zhidong was transferred to Zongdu of Huguang andbear responsibility for all the things of Hu'nan and Hubei. Zhang Zhidongdeveloped the Movement in his field and implored machines,set upmetallurgical factories and cartridge factories. He set up four bureaus of cloth,textile,silk and hemp; he built a series of engineering,such as Luhan railroad;he also set up Lianghu Shuyuan. Zhang Xu did not understand ZhangZhidong's reformation and objected him. He wrote a letter titled To EduZhang Xiangtao blamed and ironed him. In the letter,he wrote that youregarded yourself as a famous minister of Lixue. You think you are talented andrespected,and you should be admired by all the people. I have to admire you.However,I think you crave for greatness and success and you are fond ofinterests,so sometimes your behaviors do not agree with your words. I thinkthe key reason is that you are too talented but not cool-headed. When youmake a decision,you did not think it over; all the things are done with a finestart and a poor finish. You often make the decision without consideration andthen regret. If you have ability to control yourself,you will be a perfect person."In the letter,Zhang Xu also listed out many examples to illustrate his opinion.At the end of the letter,he said that,"If you are proud of your talent and takeadvantage of your power,maybe your people will be tolerant but how aboutother people? I hope you will become a kind and loyal minister,not a talentedand proud minister." From this letter of stem verbiage,we can see that he didnot fear of Zhang Zhidong's great power and high position. Meanwhile,theletter exposed his conservative thoughts and his political view. Anyhow,ZhangXu's courage and uprightness impressed later generations. In the summer of1936,when the famous journalist of Dagong Newspaper,Fan Changjiangvisited Ningxia,he mentioned the story about Zhang Xu's letter in his reportwith wit and humor. He wrote as follows: "There was a person named ZhangXu in Lingwu. When he held the post of Xunfu of Hunan,he was dissatisfiedwith Zhang Zhitong's behavior and wrote a letter frankly. He was brave enoughto write this kind of letter to a powerful person." He also wrote that,"It is anhonor to Ningxia because of Zhang Xu,he was a very brave man in Lingwuduring the Qing Dynasty."

In the 18th year of Guangxu reign(1892),Zhang Xu held the post ofShanxi Xunfu. In the August of the 21st year of Guangxu reign(1895),he diedof illness when he held the post of Shanxi Xunfu. When his body was deliveredto Ningxia,he was welcomed by all the famous persons in Shaanxi and thenburied in Shaanxi.


Military parade of Qianlong Emperor by Lang Shining

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