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吴进义 (1679~1762),清朝将领。字子恒,甘肃宁夏府宁朔县(今宁夏青铜峡)人。明朝宁夏总兵官吴鼎的孙子,清初云南鹤丽总兵官吴开圻的儿子。年幼时跟随父亲过军旅生活。康熙三十二年(1693),北方蒙古族准噶尔部首领噶尔丹再次举兵内犯,康熙皇帝命令郎谈为昭武将军,以振威将军、甘肃提督孙思克为参赞军事,调集各路征讨大军到宁夏,准备出塞讨伐。年仅十五岁的吴进义,就在这次大战之前报名参加孙思克部受训。康熙三十四年 (1695),他随孙军征讨噶尔丹战斗中初立战功,被指定代理守备职。次年,康熙皇帝御驾亲征噶尔丹,坐镇宁夏指挥。吴进义又随孙军出征,经过一年的战斗,敌军主力被歼殆尽,噶尔丹败死,边患平息。因吴进义作战勇敢,多次立功,班师后“发江南借补千总” 。从此官运亨通,一路青云直上,“累迁江南寿春镇总兵,擢江南提督” ,终于步入镇抚大员的行列。在任期间,他大力整顿太湖地区水上治安,受到朝廷的嘉奖,后曾一度调任浙江和福建两省提督。乾隆十六年(1751),在担任浙江总兵时,发生辖区江西卫千总卢鲁生,冒都察院左副都御史、工部尚书孙嘉淦名,伪撰奏稿,假造朱批,指斥乾隆皇帝有“五不可解,十大过” 的特大案件。吴进义受到牵连,被浙江巡抚上报定为 “重辟” 罪人。而乾隆皇帝批示为“愍其老,命贳罪” ,暂时不杀。三年后案情查清,真相大白,受冤枉的吴进义被释放、平反。乾隆皇帝感到老将吴进义“无辜废斥” ,心怀怜悯,便召他进京,当面夸奖一番,重任他“以提督衔署直隶宣化镇总兵” ,不久又改授古北口提督。吴进义没有因冤案的打击而受到影响,仍然忠于职守,整兵修武,日夜操劳,不顾自己年逾七旬高龄,仍坚持 “训练抚绥,兵民咸感颂焉” 。乾隆二十三年 (1758),朝廷给这位八十岁的镇守边关老将“加太子少保”衔,以表彰他镇守要塞的功绩。乾隆二十六年 (1761),为了庆贺皇太后万寿大典,乾隆皇帝决定专对老臣进行奖赏,时年八十三岁的吴进义获得当朝 “钦赐列九老” 的尊荣,并画像陈列到香山馆阁。


Drum Tower ofYinchuan

吴进义于乾隆二十七年(1762),在古北口提督任所无疾而终,享年八十四岁。被追封为太子太保,谥“壮悫” 。乾隆皇帝为了表示对这位老将军的格外尊重,亲手给他写了碑文。同时,清廷还两次颁谕诏告祭文。此后,还命在吴进义的家乡宁夏府城光化门大街(今银川市利民街)给他赐建牌坊,乾隆皇帝特为牌坊亲笔御书“矍铄专阃,节镇耆英” 八个大字。

吴进义一门,世代为将,是宁夏的名门显户。曾祖父吴鼎,明嘉靖年间历任宁夏右卫指挥,宁夏镇协守副总兵,征西将军、宁夏镇总兵官; 祖父吴健,明崇祯十五年 (1642)举人,“始以文进士至侍御” ;叔祖父吴坤,清初官至贵州永北镇(今云南永胜)总兵官,加封议政大臣; 父亲吴开圻,武进士出身,官至云南鹤丽总兵官; 伯父吴开增,武举人出身,曾任宫廷侍卫,官至浙江温州镇(今浙江永嘉)总兵官。吴氏祖孙虽然多在外乡为官,但都先后为家乡办过许多好事,尤其是吴进义,身为武员,却特别关心地处边塞桑梓的文化教育事业,常乘在江南任职之便,为宁夏购赠大量图书。他“不徒为一家计,并为一郡计” ,为让故乡子弟“沐浴礼化之教” ,“遂不惜千金”购书运回宁夏,“置于学宫” 。“自有此书,则父兄爱其子弟,师儒期其子弟,有司勉其俊髦,胥皆泽以文雅,润以彬斐,盛世文教愈广愈远,公之忠厚广大为何如耶! ” 另外,他还给宁夏府知府写信建议,希望府台大人能够早日为宁夏修成一部方志,并主动提出,非常愿意为家乡 “捐资修志” 。吴进义时时心系家乡,家乡官民也很感激他,特在府城的中心位置四牌楼之东,为吴氏家族专建牌坊一座,牌坊上两面分别写“五世封疆”和“三镇元戎” 四个大字,并将其大名和事迹入供宁夏乡贤祠,享受家乡父老后人的春秋之祀,用以表达乡亲们对吴氏家族四世德行的赞颂与怀念。

The general of the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911),whose name was WuJinyi (1679-1762),styled himself as Ziheng,a native of Ningshuocounty (present-day Qingtongxia in Ningxia Hui AutonomousRegion) and a grandson of Wuding,a regional commander of Ningxia in theMing Dynasty. Following his father,a regional commander of Heli in YunnanProvince at the beginning of the Qing Dynasty,he led an army life since hisearly youth. In the thirty-second year of the Kangxi reign (1693),for Ge'erdan,a leader of Zhunge'er in northern Mongolian ethnic group,called out the troopsin invasion,the Emperor Kang Xi appointed Langtan as Zhaowu General (anofficial title in the Qing Dynasty) and Sun Sike,a Zhenwei General (an officialtitle in the Qing Dynasty) and provincial commander of Gansu to participate inmilitary planning; and assembled all forces to Ningxia,preparing to send apunitive expedition against the enemy beyond the Great Wall. The onlyfifteen-year old Wu Jinyi enrolled in the army in Sun Sike's charge to receivemilitary training. In the thirty-fourth year of the Kangxi reign(1695),it is thefirst time that he distinguished himself in meritorious battle against Ge'erdan andwas assigned as acting director of defence. The Emperor Kangxi himselfcommanded an expedition of Ge'erdan in Ningxia. Following Sun Sike's army,Wu Jinyi went go an expedition again and through one-year fighting,the mainforces of enemy were annihilated completely,Ge'erdan was killed and externalencroachment on the frontier was over. Exceptionally brave and repeatedlyrendering outstanding services,he was assigned as Qianzong (an official title inthe Qing Dynasty) in the south of the Yangtze River. From then on,with asuccessful official career and rising position,he was appointed as regionalcommander and then provincial commander in the south of the Yangtze River,and finally became one of defender-generals. During his tenure of office,hedevoted major efforts to rectifying the overwater public security of Taihu area,for which he was commended by the royal court. Then he was assigned asprovincial commanders of Zhejiang and Fujian Provinces respectively. In thesixteenth year of the Qianlong reign(1715),while he was the regionalcommander of Zhejiang Province,Lu Lusheng,a Qianzong of Jiangxi,passedhimself for Sun Jiagan,a left vice censor-in-chief and minister of the Board ofWorks,to write a memorial and fabricate comments written in red with a brush,criticizing the Emperor Qianlong had done five incomprehensible things andten faults. Wu Jinyi was involved in this case,for which he was judged as felon.However,the Emperor Qianlong considered he was too old to be punished,sohe was pardoned. Three years later,the truth was found out,and the unfairlytreated Wu Jinyi was released and rehabilitated. The emperor felt sorry foraccusing and dismissing the innocent Wu Jinyi from office,so called him toreturn to Beijing,praising and appointing him as provincial commander ofGubeikou. Wu Jinyi was not influenced by the frustration of the unjust verdictand still faithful in the discharge of his duties. Regardless of the venerable age ofseventy,he worked hard day and night,persisting in training and pacifying,thesoldiers and people who were all moved and spoke highly of him. In thetwenty-third year of the Qianlong reign (1758),the royal court conferredShanbao of the crown prince (a high-ranking official title in the Qing Dynasty)on this eithty-year old general who guarded a strategic pass on the frontier topraise him for his meritorious exploits on defending fortress of Gubei. In thetwenty-sixth year of the Qianlong reign (1761),to celebrate the empressdowager's grand boundless longevity ceremony,the emperor decided to rewardold ministers and the eithty-three-year old Wu Jinyi gained the rank andhonor-became one of the Nine Venerable Ministers granted by theemperor,with his portrait displayed in Xiangshan Museum.

In the twenty-seventh year of the Qianlong reign (1762),Wu Jinyi passedpeacefully away in his provincial commander office at the age of eighty-four,with the posthumous title of Zhuang Que. To show particular respect to thisvenerable general,the emperor himself wrote inscription for him and awardedTaibao of the crown prince (a high-ranking official title in the Qing Dynasty)to him; meanwhile,the royal court issued imperial edicts to inform the peopleof his funeral oration and assigned Guanghuamen Street in Ningxia (presentday Liming Street in Yinchuan City) to establish an archway in honour of himwith the emperor's handwriting which meant in spite of old age,he was nonethe less vigorous and active in making contribution to the nation.

As eminent family in Ningxia,the ancesters of Wu Jinyi are from a longline of generals. Wuding,his great-grandfather,held the post of vice director,Xieshoufuzongbing (an official title in the Ming Dynasty),Zhengxi General (anofficial in the western expedition) and regional commander of Ningxia from theMing Dynasty; Wujian,his grandfather,was a successful candidate in theimperial examination at a provincial level in the fifteenth year of theChongzhen reign (1642) in the Ming Dynasty; Wukun,his uncle's grandfather,held the post of regional commander of Yongbei Town in Guizhou (presentday Yongsheng in Yunnan Province) and official of Yizheng (a high-rankingofficial title in ancient China) at the beginning of the Qing Dynasty; Wu Kaiqi,his father,began his official career as a successful military candidate in thehighest imperial examination and later became a regional commander of Heli inYunnan Province; Wu Kaizeng,his uncle,began his official career as asuccessful military candidate in the imperial examinations at the provincial leveland was an imperial bodyguard of the royal court and regional commander ofWenzhou in Zhejiang (present-day Yongjia in Zhejiang Province). Althoughmost of them worked as officials in other parts of the country,they often didtheir hometown many good turns. Especially Wu Jinyi,a military general,particularly cared for the career of culture and education of the frontier fortress.To let younger generations of the hometown learn and accept Confucianetiquette and morality,he donated lots of books to Ningxia regardless of a hugesum of money while working as an official in the south of the Yangtze River.With these books,from then on,the Confucianism soon spread through all thepeople,the relation of people become more congenial and friendly,and peopleof talent came forth in large numbers,which accelerated the Confucianeducation to develop far and widely. And what's more,he wrote letters to thelocal official,suggesting a gazetteer of Ningxia be made as soon as possible andhe would like to offer funds. Wu Jinyi had his hometown on his mind all thetime and the people were also grateful to him. They specially established anarchway in honour of Wu Jinyi and his ancestors in the center of Ningxiaprefectural capital,from which people could see that five generations of hisfamily held important official positions and three persons were regionalcommanders guarding frontier fortress. Their names and achievements werecollected and stored in Xiangxianci (a memorial hall in which some importantand valuable deeds of famous persons are stored) of Ningxia where the youngergenerations of the hometown could hold memorial ceremonies to esteem andcherish the memory of their good moral integrity.

本文地址: https://www.yishiweijian.com/renwu/2022123844.html



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