

作者:主编 时间:2022年12月01日 阅读:267 评论:0

拓跋赤辞 (生卒年月不详),唐朝党项羌拓跋部首领。党项羌是古羌族人的后裔,大约在公元6世纪晚期、北朝末年崭露头角。他们原来游牧于四川、甘肃、青海和藏东交界地区。当时羌族人的经济社会生活还处于奴隶制和游牧经济的阶段。“每姓别为部落” ,小姓拥有部众一千骑左右,大姓部众在五千骑左右,互不统属,各行其事。“织牦牛尾及羖��毛以为屋。 服裘褐, 披毡以为上饰。俗尚武力, 无法令, 各为生业,有战阵则相屯聚。无徭赋,不相往来,牧养牦牛、羊、猪以供食,不知稼穑。”后来,内部逐渐形成为八大姓氏部落,其中以拓跋氏最为强大。隋唐时期,党项各部开始大批归附,唐廷在河曲地区特别设立十六个州对他们进行安置,陆续归附的人口达三十多万。但是,当时拓跋部大首领拓跋赤辞仍然坚持臣属于吐谷浑,并与吐谷浑王慕容伏允结为姻亲。贞观八年 (634),唐朝大将李靖攻讨吐谷浑,赤辞仍然出兵帮助慕容伏允抗唐,战败后才不得不归附于唐朝。朝廷在其地分置懿、嵯、麟、可等三十二个羁縻州,以拓跋赤辞任西戎州都督,赐姓李,令他接受松州 (今四川松潘)都督府节制。

Grave Beast Guardof Tang Dynasty


龙朔年间,拓跋部因为忍受不了吐蕃部的残酷统治,纷纷内迁。开始时被安置在庆州 (今甘肃庆阳)等地,曾任命大首领拓跋守寂 (有人认为他是拓跋赤辞的孙子)为右监门都督,封西平公,负责管理部落诸姓。“安史之乱”爆发之际,党项参加平叛有功,拓跋守寂被赏加容州(今广西北流)刺史,领天柱军 (今贵州天柱)使。宝应二年 (763),在仆固怀恩反唐时,曾勾连吐蕃、回纥、吐谷浑和党项等部内犯,朔方节度使郭子仪向朝廷建议,将党项部迁往银州 (今陕北米脂一带)以北、夏州以东重新安置; 同时将吐谷浑迁往夏州以西,目的在于阻断他们与吐蕃的联系,用以削弱西北强敌吐蕃的势力。以后留居在庆州的党项余部称为东山部或西路党项,迁居银夏新区的党项主体称平夏部。

Tuoba Chici(birthdate anddeathdate unknown) was the chiefhead oftheTuobatribeofDangxiang Qiang nationality intheTang Dynasty.DangxiangQiang people were the descendents of the ancient Qiang nationality. Theybegan to distinguish themselves in the late years of the sixth century,the last few years of the Northern Dynasty. They used to wander at the borders of Sichuan,Gansu,Qinghai and East Tibet. At that time,the economic and social life of the Qiang people was still at the stage of slavery system and nomadic economy. "Each tribe had his own surname",with the smaller tribes having about 1000 people and horses,the bigger tribes5 000 people and horses. These tribes did not try to control each other and they lived alone doing their respective business. They "wove yak's tails and the hair of rams together to build houses. They wear coarse clothing or fur coats and wearing felt was the most popular fashion then. The force of arms was the prevailing customs. They did not have laws and regulations. People just did their own business and did not visit each other and they would gather together only when there were wars or battles. There was no descriptive prose about people's working scene in record. People raised yaks,sheep and pigs to provide food for themselves and they knew little about agriculture andcultivation". Later,within the Qiang nationality,eight tribes gradually appeared to characterize themselves with eight different surnames,among which the Tuoba tribe became the strongest one. During the period of Sui and Tang Dynasties (581-907),tribes of Dangxiang nationality began to submit to the authority of the imperial court of the Tang Dynasty (618-907),who then designated sixteen areas in Hequ districts specifically to settle these people. The number of people submitted to the court successively reached more than 300,000. Tuoba Chici,the chief head then of the Tuoba tribe,however,insisted on submitting to the authority of Tuguhun tribe and established a good relationship with Murong Fuyun,the king of Tuguhun tribe by marriage. In the eighth year of Emperor Zhenguan (634 A.D.),Tuoba Chici even sent troops to help Fuyun fight against the army of Tang when the Tang General Li Jing attacked Tuguhun tribe. He was forced to submit to the imperial court of Tang only when he was defeated at last. The imperial court divided his land into such 32 smaller areas as Yi,Cuo,Lin and Ke,appointed Tuoba Chici as Commander-in-chief of Xirong,conferred him the surname of Li and put him under the control of the government of Songzhou (the present-day Songpan County in Sichuan Province).

During the years of Longshuo,people of Tuoba tribe successively moved inlandfor they could not stand the cruel ruling of the Tufan tribe. They were at first settled in areas like Qingzhou (the present-day Qingyang in Gansu Province). Their chief head Tuoba Shouji was appointed as Commander-in-chief of Youjianmen and the Duke of Xiping,in charge of the administration of the people with different surnames in the tribe. At the time of "the Rebellion of An Lushan and Shi Siming (755-763)",people of the Dangxiang nationality participated in quelling the rebellion and succeeded.Tuoba Shouji was awarded therefore with the titles of Cishi (an official title in ancient China) of Rongzhou (the present-day Beiliu in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region)and Junshi of Tianzhu (the present-day Tianzhu in Guizhou Province). However,in second year of Emperor Baoying (763A.D),when he rebelled against the imperial court of Tang,he colluded with the treacherous traitors in the tribes of Tufan,Huihe,Tuguhun and Dangxiang. Therefore,Guo Ziyi,the Jiedushi (a title for a military official in ancient China) of Shuofang suggested to the court that the Dangxiang tribe should be moved to the north of Yinzhou (an area around the present-day Mizhi in the north of Shaanxi Province) and to the east of Xiazhou to settle there,meanwhile,Tuguhun tribe should be moved to the west of Xiazhou for the purpose of cutting off their relations with the Tufan tribe so as to weaken the strength of the powerful Tufan in Northwest.Later,the rest part of the Dangxiang nationality remaining in Qingzhou was called Dongshan tribe or Xilu Dangxiang,while the main body that had moved to the new district of Yinxia was called Pingxia tribe.Ⓔ

本文地址: https://www.yishiweijian.com/renwu/2022123843.html



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