

作者:主编 时间:2022年12月01日 阅读:104 评论:0

史宪诚(?~829),唐朝少数民族将领、藩镇。奚族 (中国古民族,唐朝以后渐渐融合于契丹; 另一种说法,认为奚族是中亚昭武九姓中史姓的后裔)。这支部族原来居牧在建康 (今甘肃高台)一带,后来被安置在灵州境内。他们定居下来以后,就以灵州为自己的家乡。

史宪诚的祖父史道德,官至怀泽郡王,父亲史周洛,起初在地方割据势力魏博镇节度使田季安属下任军校,也官至北海郡王。元和七年(812),田季安死,儿子年幼,部下广大官兵们推举田弘正继任节度使。田上任后,马上取消藩镇割据,率部归顺朝廷,还奉命讨伐平卢淄青节度使李师道的叛乱。在这次平叛战斗中,史宪诚带领四千精兵,充当田军先锋,立战功最多,被破格提升为御史中丞。长庆元年(821),北方幽州 (今北京地区)、魏博、成德 (今河北正定地区)诸镇军阀再叛朝廷,田弘正被杀,他儿子田布虽然继任节度使,但无力控制局面。史宪诚便乘机策动哗变,胁迫田布重新脱离朝廷,恢复割据,田布不同意而被迫自杀,河北地区重陷割据状态。史宪诚乘机以中军兵马使的要职,窃得节度使大权。他“外诧王命,而阴结幽镇,依以自固” ,与叛将朱克融、王廷湊、李㝏等相互勾结, 对抗朝廷。后来李㝏被杀, 朝廷派大员进行宣慰。史宪诚又立刻表示改过归顺,并自责道: “宪诚番人,犹狗也。唯能识主,虽被棒打,终不忍离。”其狡谲和人品可见一斑。朝廷对他非但不加治罪,反而加升左仆射职,进检校司空,以示羁縻。大和二年 (828),沧景(河北沧州地区)节度使李全略死,他儿子李同捷据镇叛唐。史与李是姻亲关系,所以他先是暗中资助李军军饷,后见大势所趋,又出兵讨伐李军。事平,加升检校司徒兼侍中,改任河中(今山西永济地区)节度使,加封千乘郡公。史宪诚一生反复无常,对部属薄情寡义,终于触犯了众怒,激起兵变。大和三年(829)元月二十六日夜,他被部下的哗变官兵杀死。朝廷追赠太尉。其儿子史孝章和胞弟史宪忠都官至节度使。

1982年,固原地区文物考古部门在固原县 (今固原市原州区)南郊乡发掘唐墓一座,清理出土墓志一盒。据墓志铭载,墓主人就是史宪诚的祖父史道德,为奚族史姓家族世居宁夏提供了物证。

ShiXiancheng(?-829) was a high-ranking military officer of ethnic minorityinTang Dynasty. He was of Xi nationality (It was an ethnic minority in ancient China,and merged gradually into Qidan nationality after Tang Dynasty. Anotherkind of statement has that Xi nationality was the descendants of the clan surnamed Shi out of the nine surnames of the Zhaowu family in Central Asia). This clan occupied and herded the area of Jiankang (present-day Gaotai in Gansu Province),and later was accommodated within the territory of Lingzhou,which they regarded as their hometown after settling down there.

Shi Xiancheng's grandfather,Shi Daode,was the governor of Huaize. His father,Shi Zhouluo,was at first a military officer under the leadership of Tian Ji'an,the jiedushi(an official title in ancient China) of Weibo Town (an outlying prefecture of separatist regime in Tang Dynasty). He took his highest post as the governor of Beihai. In the seventh year of the Yuanhe reign (812),Tian Ji'an died. Since his son was too young to succeed him to the post,his fellow officers and men made Tian Hongzheng jiedushi.After Tian Jihong took up the post,he immediately ended the separatist regime and led his troop to come over and pledge allegiance to the imperial court. He started sending forces as ordered to suppress the rebellion led by the jiedushi of Ziqing in Pingluo,Li Shidao. While putting down the rebellion,Shi Xiancheng commanded 4,000 picked troops as the vanguard and won one victory after another. Because he had performedthe most meritorious deeds in the battlefield,Shi Xiancheng was exceptionally promoted to yushizhongchen (a high-ranking official title in ancient China). In the first year of the Changqing reign (821),the warlords of Youzhou (Beijing today),Weibo,and Chengde (Zhengding in Hebei Province today) in the north rebelled against the imperial court again,and Tian Hongzheng was killed. Though his son,Tian Bu,succeeded him to the post as jiedudshi,he was unable to control the situation. Shi Xiancheng seized the opportunity to plot to stage a mutiny,threatening Tian Bu to break away from the imperial court and set up a separatist regime again. Tian Bu disagreed and was forced to commit suicide. Then Hebei fell into a state of being controlled by separatist forces. Depending on his holding the important post as zhongjunbinmashi Shi Xiancheng took the chance and usurped the power of jiedushi."Outwardly he had paid much attention to the orders from the emperor,but secretly he got in contact with the separatist regime of Youzhou and colluded with the rebellious generals Zhu Kerong,Wang Tiancou and Li Jie. Later,Li Jie was killed and the imperial court sent high-ranking officers to express sympathy and solicitude. Shi Xiancheng claimed that he would correct his faults,cross over and pledge allegiance to the royal court. He blamed himself saying "I'm a humble dog,who will never leave its master even beaten heavily by its master". It was thus clear that how foxy and debased he was.The imperial court did not bring him to justice but promoted him to zuopushezhi andjianjiaosikong (officials titles in ancient China) to pacify vassal states. In the second year of the Dahe reign (829),the jiedushi of (present-day Cangzhou in Hebei Province) Li Quanlu died,and his son,Li Tongjie,set up a separatist regime in Cangjing and rebelled against Tang Dynasty. Shi and Li were relatives through marriage,so at first he helped Li with pay and provisions secretly. Later,he dispatched troops to attack Li's area when seeing the trend of the times. After the rebellion was put down,Shi Xiancheng was promoted to jiaojiansitu and the palace attendant and later appointed as the jiedushi of Hezhong (present-day Yongji in Shaanxi Province),and granted an additional title of Qiansheng duke. Shi Xiancheng's whole life changed like a weathercock. He showed little emotional ties and scant care to his subordinates,which finally incurred public anger and caused mutiny. On the night of 26,February,the third year of the Dahe reign (829),he was killed by the officers and men who led a mutiny. The imperial court posthumously appointed him as Taiwei (a military commander-in-chief in ancient China). His son,Shi Xiaozhang,and his blood brother,Shi Xianzhong,both took their highest rank as jiedushi.

In 1982,the Department of Cultural Relic and Archaeology of Guyuan City excavated one tomb of Tang Dynasty and dug up one stone tablet in Nanjiao Village of Guyuan County (Present-day Yuanzhou District in Guyuan). According the epitaph,the owner of the grave was Shi Xiancheng's grandfather,Shi Daode,which was solid proof to indicate that the Shi family of the Xi nationality had lived in Ningxia from generation to generation.Ⓔ

黄河鸟瞰 杨宏峰\摄

Bird's eye View over the Yollow River Photo by Yang Hongfeng

本文地址: https://www.yishiweijian.com/renwu/2022123842.html



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