

作者:主编 时间:2022年12月01日 阅读:112 评论:0

仆固怀恩(? ~765),唐朝少数民族将领。铁勒族人。仆骨歌滥拔延头领的孙子。该部原游牧于阿尔泰山脉地区。贞观二十年 (646),铁勒九姓大首领率部众归顺唐朝,唐廷在灵州和夏州地区 (今陕西至宁夏盐池和同心一带)分设瀚海、燕然、幽陵和金微 (今蒙古人民共和国肯特省一带)等羁縻州安置各部落。仆固怀恩的祖父拔延、父亲乙李啜拔和自己都是世袭右武卫大将军,领金微都督。部落在行政和军事方面分别受灵州和朔方军节度使管辖与指挥,但享受着充分的自治权利。

天宝十四载 (755),“安史之乱”爆发,仆固怀恩先跟随朔方节度使郭子仪在河北参加平叛战斗,所部是郭部战斗力最强的一支劲旅,屡立大功。后来太子李亨在灵武继承帝位(唐肃宗),他又跟随郭子仪回师行都勤王,在保卫新皇帝的战斗中,他率部敢打敢拼,视死如归。一次在与同罗军作战中,儿子仆固玢兵败被俘,后又乘机逃回,他不徇私情,严明军纪,竟将儿子在阵前斩首示众。“将士慑骇,无不一当百” ,个个奋不顾身,拼死决斗,终将同罗入侵军打败,保证了行都的安全。为了聚集反攻兵力,他又奉命出使回纥,不惜将自己的女儿远嫁给回纥王毗伽阙可汗的王子为妻,才求来回纥铁骑援军五千人马。在恢复 “两京” (长安、洛阳)各大战役的大小战斗中,他是兵部尚书、副元帅郭子仪麾下的 “五虎将” (指王升、陈迥光、浑释之、李国贞和怀恩)之一,亲率本部兵马和回纥铁骑军从灵武一直打到潼关,所向披靡,威震中外。“以收两京有殊功,诏加开府仪同三司、鸿胪卿,封丰国公。”接着又先后在郭子仪和李光弼的指挥下,率领朔方行营将士参加肃清安庆绪叛军的战斗。在五个多月的艰苦战斗中,“常为先锋,坚敌大阵,必经其战,勇冠三军” ,“功冠诸将” ,因功再升朔方行营节度使,进封大宁郡王。

宝应元年 (762),叛军余党史朝义又勾诱回纥军内犯,番汉叛军号称十万直逼关中,朝野惊恐万分。这时正是代宗皇帝李豫新登大位和回纥新汗王登里刚刚上台之际。登里的可敦 (铁勒、回纥等部可汗妻子的称呼,即汉廷所称的皇后),就是当年仆固怀恩为了借兵而嫁过去的亲生女儿。回纥可汗夫妇要求与岳父和祖母会见,敌我两军对阵,仆固怀恩当然不敢答应女儿和女婿的要求,坚定地拒绝了。而代宗皇帝却赐他“铁券” (免死证) 和 “手诏” ,特批同意他们翁婿在太原相会。在仆固怀恩的劝说下,登里汗王命令回纥军调转马头,改帮助叛军为讨伐叛军。朝廷也任命仆固怀恩为天下兵马副元帅、加同中书门下平章事,统一指挥河东、朔方军节度行营及镇西、回纥兵马讨敌。仆固怀恩命令儿子、右厢兵马使仆固场为前锋部队,专打硬仗,穷追叛军不止。宝应二年 (763)三月,河南、河北各路叛军基本肃清,残余叛军走投无路,头目史朝义终于在平州石城县 (今河北唐山)渔泉栅自杀,中原等地的动乱被平定。仆固怀恩升任尚书左仆射兼中书令、河北副元帅、朔方节度使,加太子少师,后又加太保。儿子仆固玚也升任检校兵部尚书、朔方行营节度使。仆固氏可谓权倾一时,炙手可热。


Bronzen Statue of Buddha(Tang Dynasty)

战后,朝廷命令仆固怀恩护送回纥可汗和番军各回本部落,当行军到山西时,因与地方官府和驻军发生误会而导致小有冲突。于是宦官骆奉先和太原守将辛云京等人,不仅为难过境回纥汗王,还诬陷、诋毁仆固怀恩,一口咬定他要勾结回纥谋反。仆固怀恩上表自辩,痛述仆固氏为朝廷 “身先士卒,兄弟死于阵,百姓没于军,九族之内,十不一在,而存者创痍满身” ,“二女远嫁,为国和亲” ,“一门之内死王事者四十六人” ,“阖门忠烈” ,“天地共鉴” ; 就是现在自己所指挥的朔方将士,也是 “功效最高,为先帝中兴主人” ,“岂唯是臣不忠? ” “子仪先已被猜,臣今又遭毁黩。弓藏鸟尽,兔死犬烹,臣昔谓非,今方知实。”然而,仆固怀恩部下多为番汉悍将、死士,面对如此迫害,早已义愤填膺,不堪忍受。特别是仆固怀恩的儿子,更是血气方刚,首先按耐不住,便一不做二不休,率先发难,攻打榆次,但兵败被杀。这时部队将士分裂,内部大乱,处于完全失控的状况。仆固怀恩大为震惊,也没有了主张,在无可奈何的情况下,只率领少数亲随,连母亲都未来得及带上,就脱离了部队,逃亡灵武。他对于造成这种严重的局面,既愤恨,又有口难辩,最后只好在灵州纠集旧部,真正举起了叛旗。当年秋季,仆固怀恩勾结吐蕃内犯。永泰元年 (765),再诱诸番二十万大军直指京师,就在京城一夕数惊的万分危急时刻,仆固怀恩引军行至鸣沙(今宁夏中宁县黄河南)时,又突然发急病。他立即返回灵武,于九月九日病亡。部属们按照民族习俗,将他的尸体在灵武火化安葬,余部被郭子仪收抚。吐蕃、回纥各军因群龙无首而败逃,各自返回原地,一场危机终告结束。事后代宗叹息道: “怀恩不反,为左右所误。”

Pugu Huai'en(?-765)wasageneralofTieleethnicminorityinTangDynastyand the grandson of the chief Pugu Gelan Bayan. Their tribe roved around in the area of Altai Mountains. The general chief of Tielejiusheng led hissubordinates to submit to Tang Dynasty in the 20th year of the Zhenguan reign (646).The royal court set up Hanhai,Yanran,Youling and Jinwei (Kent Province of Mongolia today) prefectures to re-allocated the clans in Lingzhou and Xiazhou (the area from Shaanxi Province to Yanchi and Tongxin in Ningxia today). Pugu Huai'en,his grandfather Bayan,and his father Yilichuoba were the General of Youwuwei and the commander-in-chief of Jinwei . Their tribe enjoyed autonomy under the jurisdiction and governing from Lingzhou and the Jiedushi of Shuofang Army.

In the 14th year of the Tianbao reign (755) when the armed rebellion led by An Lushan and Shi Siming broke out,Pugu Huai'en followed Guo Ziyi,the Jiedushi of Shuofang,and fought against the rebels. His troop became the strongest one among the army directed by Guo and rendered meritorious services. When the crown prince Li Heng succeeded to the throne in Lingwu(Emperor Suzong),he followed Guo and turned back to the provisional capital to rescue the emperor. He and his troop were bold and decisive in fighting and faced death unflinchingly in the battles of guarding the new emperor. Once when they fought the Tongluo army,his son Pugu Bin was captured,but he seized a chance and ran back. Huai'en didn't bend the law to help hisson. On the contrary,he decapitated his son in public to tighten up the enforcement of military disciplines. "Generals and soldiers were terribly scared and submitted in fear.They fought heroically. Finally they defeated the Tongluo invaders and ensured the safety of the provisional capital. He visited Huihe in the capacity of an envoy to gather forces for a counter-attack and married his daughter to the prince of the King of Huihe,Khan Pijiaque,as the cost of the reinforcement of 5,000 cavalrymen from Huihe. In all important battles of restoring Chang'an and Luoyang,he was one of the "five tigers"(refer to the five valiant generals: Wang Sheng,Chen Jiongguang,Hun Shizhi,Li Guozhen and Huai'en) under the command of Guo Ziyi,the minister of War and vice supreme commander. He directed his troop and the Huihe cavalrymen to fight from Lingwu to Tongguan,scaring the enemies fleeing helter-skelter,for which he became powerful and influential at home and abroad. He was titled "kaifuyitongsansi,hongluqin and Fengguo Duke for his outstanding exploits in the restoration of Chang'an and Luoyang". He went on to fight against the rebels led by An Qingxu with the army in the Shuofang Field Headquarter under the command of Guo Ziyi and Li Guangbi. He"always charged at the head of his army men and fought every impregnable battle array and strong enemy by himself' and was really the bravest and most meritorious general".Therefore,he was promoted to the jiedushi of the Shuofang Field Headquarter and Duke of Da'ning Prefecture.

The remaining rebel Shi Chaoyi colluded with the Huihe army and invaded the Central Plains again in the first year of the Baoyin reign (762). When 100 thousand foreign and civil army men pressed on towards the Central Shaanxi,the royal court and the commonalty were both convulsed with fear. At that time Emperor Daizong,Li Yu,had just succeeded to the throne and Khan Dengli of Huihe just came into power.Dengli"s Kedun (a term used by Tiele,Huihe and other minorities for the wife of a khan,the same as empress) was the very daughter Pugu Huai'en had married far for reinforcement. The Huihe Khan and his wife requested a meeting with their parentsin-law. Because the two armies were poised to give a battle,Pugu Huai'en dared not to accept such a request and refused them firmly. But Emperor Daizong granted him"tiequan"(a sign used to show that his life was spared),permitting him to meet his sonin-law in Taiyuan. Pugu Huai'en convinced his son-in-law to help him make an attack on the rebels. Therefore,the royal court appointed Pugu Huai'en as the vice supreme commander and pingzhangshi of tongzhongshumenxia to command all the armies east to the Yellow River,Shuofang jiedu field headquarter,Zhenxi and Huihe.Huai'en ordered his son,Pugu Chang,a youxiangbingmashi,to be the vanguard. The rebels were run down. In March of the next year (763),the rebels in Henan and Hebei were almost eliminated and the remnants had no way out. The ringleader Shi Chaoyi committed suicide in Yuquanzha of Shicheng (present-day Tangshan in Hebei Province),Pingzhou (Lulong of Hebei Province today) and the rebellion in the Central Plains was put down. Huai'en was successively promoted to the shangshuzuopuye,zhongshuling,the vice commander of Hebei,the jiedushi of Shuofang,the taizi shaoshi and taibao. His son Pugu Chang was also promoted to the secretary of Jianjiaobingbu and the jiedushi of Shuofang field headquarter. The Pugu family had been really powerful and influential for a time.

After the war,Pugu Huai'en was ordered to escort the Huihe Khan and the foreign armies back to their own tribes. When they were in Shanxi,a misunderstanding with the local authorities and the base troops turned into a conflict. Then Luo Fengxian,a eunuch,and Xin Yunjing,the general of Taiyuan station army's,not only made things difficult for the Huihe Khan but accused PuguHuai'en of colluding with the Huihe Khan to plot a rebellion. Pugu Huai'en defended himself and bitterly stated that the Pugu family laid down their lives out of boundless loyalty to the emperor". Even the Shuofang army he commanded now "made the most contributions to the rescuing theformer emperor". Most of his army men who were brave and skillful warriors and soldiers could not bear such persecution and were filled with righteous indignation.Especially,Huai'en's son,full of animal spirit,started a rebellion and attacked Yuci. But he was defeated and killed. At that time his army broke up and became out of control.Pugu Huai'en was at a loss what to do with great surprise. He fled to Lingwu just with several trust-worthy followers. He turned resented at such a serious situation he got involved in,yet it was impossible for him to defend himself. As a result,he had to gather his men to rebel in Lingzhou. In fall,Huai'en colluded with Tubo to invade the Tang Dynasty. In the first year of the Yongtai reign (765),he led 200 thousand soldiers from various tribes to attack the capital and at the very critical moment he got ill suddenly in Mingsha (present-day Zhongwei of Ningxia to the south of the Yellow River). He returned to Lingwu and died on September 9. His followers cremated his body in Lingwu according to the customs. The rest of his men were taken in and consoled by Guo Ziyi. Without a general,the troops of Tubo,Huihe and others fled back to their original places. The crisis came to an end. After the event Emperor Daizong sighed: "Huai'en did not revolt deliberately. He was led astray by those in close attendance."Ⓔ

本文地址: https://www.yishiweijian.com/renwu/2022123840.html



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