
《唐朝·五代-诺曷钵 弘化公主》资料介绍

作者:主编 时间:2022年12月01日 阅读:139 评论:0

诺曷钵(?~688),唐代吐谷浑王。吐谷浑的族源属于鲜卑东胡系统。原先是游牧在辽东徒河流域 (今辽东锦州地区)一带鲜卑族慕容部的一支。西晋末,西迁到甘肃、青海之间,与羌人杂居。传位到了孙叶延为王的时代 (329~351),改用祖父的名字吐谷浑为族名。唐初分为东西二部,西部以鄯善 (今新疆东部)为中心,臣附吐蕃; 东部以伏俟城(今青海共和县境内)为中心,臣附唐朝。部落首领慕容顺被唐朝册封为西平郡王。后在部落内乱之中,慕容顺被杀死,王汗大位由儿子燕王诺曷钵继承。因为诺曷钵继位时年幼,无力控制部落,引起各部首领继续争权夺利,内部秩序十分混乱。唐太宗在关键时刻派军援助诺曷钵,封他为河源郡王,授他 “乌地也拔勒豆” 可汗称号。贞观十四年(640),诺曷钵亲自到唐朝京城长安觐见唐太宗时,又娶了唐宗室弘化公主做妻子,并授封“驸马都尉” 。龙朔三年(663),吐蕃攻破吐谷浑部,诺曷钵不得不弃国率部投归唐朝,先后被安置于凉州 (今甘肃武威地区)和凉鄯一带,吐谷浑国从此不复存在。咸亨三年 (672),为了回避吐蕃继续侵压,诺曷钵再次率部迁往灵州境内。朝廷在灵州特设安乐州(今宁夏中宁、同心、盐池三县部分地区),进行妥善安置,任命诺曷钵担任刺史,让他自治管理安乐州事务。安乐州的寓意为 “欲其安而且乐也” 。后吐蕃势力东进,开始攻扰灵州。唐廷再次把这支吐谷浑部族向内迁移,重新设置长乐州(今宁夏同心韦州)讲行安置,仍以诺曷钵为刺史。

Epigiaph of Murong Wei(Tang Dynasty)


垂拱四年 (688),诺曷钵病逝,他的儿子慕容忠继位。慕容氏代代与唐朝友好、通婚。后仍因吐蕃所迫,继续东迁,散布于今晋、陕二省广大地区。至贞元十四年 (798)十二月,末代吐谷浑王慕容复病故,封绝。吐谷浑族渐渐融合于周围其他各民族之中。

弘化公主 (623~698) ,唐朝宗室女。贞观十四年 (640),封为公主,嫁于吐谷浑王诺曷钵为妻。后因诺曷钵部受到吐蕃部攻扰,诺曷钵王带着公主不断向内地迁徙,从河西一直迁到灵州地区。唐朝女皇帝武则天执政时期,曾赐姓武,改封西平大长公主。圣历元年(698)病故。

1974年,宁夏博物馆在同心县下马镇赵家庙地方发掘唐墓一座,清理出一方墓志。据墓志铭记载,该墓主人为鲜卑族吐谷浑部慕容威夫妇。考证于史书,慕容威是诺曷钵后人,曾任长乐州游击副使,乾元元年 (758)葬于长乐州南塬。此为吐谷浑慕容族于唐代长期封据今宁夏同心县境内的唯一物证。

Nuo Hebo (?-688),was the king of the tribe of Tu Guhun in the TangDynasty. Tu Guhun,whose ancestors belonged to Dong Hu of Xian Bei (aethnic group),was a branch of Murong of Xian Bei,a nomadic tribe by Tu river in Liaodong (present-day Jinzhou in Liaodong),who then moved to the regionbetween the provinces of Gansu and Qinghai to live together with Qiang nationality at the end of the West Jin Dynasty. At the time of Sun Yeyan (329-351),the tribe wasnamed as Tu Guhun after his grandfather. It was divided into the eastern and thewestern tribes in the beginning of the Tang Dynasty. The western tribe,with Shanshan(the east of Xinjiang province) as its center,subjected to Tu Bo(a minority nationality),while the eastern one,with Fusicheng (Gonghe county in Qinghai province today) as the center,submitted to the Tang Dynasty. Murong Shun,the chief of the tribe,was conferred the title as the duke of Xipingjun. After Murong Shun was killed in the tribes'civil conflict,his son,Nuo Hebo,king Yan,succeeded to the throne. Because NuoHebo was too young then to govern the tribe,the heads all scrambled for power and profit. Tang Taizong(the emperor of the Tang Dynasty) sent army to support Nuo Hebo at that critical moment,appointing him the duke of Heyuanjun,giving the Kehan,the king,the title of "Wu Di Ye Ba Dou". In the 14th year of Zhenguan(640),NuoHebo went to court to present himself before Taizong. He married princess Hong Hua,the daughter of Tang Imperial House,and was conferred "Fu Ma Du Wei"(emperor's son-in-law as governor). In the third year of Longshuo(663),with Tu Bo breaching the tribe of Tu Guhun,it disappeared from then on. Nuo Hebo then had to come over to the Tang Dynasty,giving up his country,who was helped to settle down in the area of Liangzhou(present-day Wuwei in Gansu province) and Liangshan. In the third year of Xianheng(672),in order to avoid being invaded by Tu Bo,Nuo Hebo then moved to Lingzhou,where Anlezhou(present-day parts of Zhongning,Tongxin,and Yanchi in Ningxia) whose associated meaning was "peaceful and comfortable" was established by the court. Nuo Hebo was appointed to the governor of the prefecture to autonomously deal with the affairs within Anlezhou. During the reign of Tang Suzong,Tu Bo began to harass Lingzhou. Because of this,the court again assisted the tribe of Tu Guhun in moving to inner land,and arranged for the tribe to settle down in Changlezhou(Weizhou in Tongxin,Ningxia today),still with Nuo Hebo as thegovernor.

In the fourth year of Chuigong (688),Nuo Hebo died of illness,and his son,Murong Zhong succeeded to the throne,keeping friendship and intermarriage with theTang Dynasty for generations. Due to Tu Bo's threat,Tu Guhun was forced to move to the east,scattering in the lands of Shanxi and Shaanxi provinces. In December,the 14th year of Zhenyuan (798),after Murong Fu,the last king of Tu Guhun died,the appointment ceased. Then,the tribe began to blend into the other nationalities around it.

Princess Hong Hua(623-698),daughter of the Tang Imperial House,was appointed princess in the 14th year of Zhenguan (640) to be married to the king of Tu Guhun,Nuo Hebo,who took her to move from Hexi to Lingzhou,because of the harassment of Tu Bo. Princess Hong Hua was reconferred the Eldest Princess of Xiping and was awarded the surname Wu during the reign of the woman emperor,Wu Zetian.The princess died of illness in the first year of Shengli(698).

In 1974,a tomb of the Tang Dynasty was unearthed and an epitaph was found.According to the record of the epitaph,the masters of the tomb were the couple of Murong Wei,the Tu Guhun tribe of Xian Bei nationality. Identified by historical books,Murong Wei was the descendent of Nuo Hebo,and was once the vice governor of Changlezhou. He was buried in the highland in the south in Changlezhou. The tomb was the only tangible evidence that proved that the Murong tribe of Tu Guhun had been officially honored to settle down for a long time in Tongxin County in Ningxia in the Tang Dynasty.Ⓔ

本文地址: https://www.yishiweijian.com/renwu/2022123839.html



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