

作者:主编 时间:2022年12月01日 阅读:105 评论:0

康日知 (?~785),唐朝少数民族将领。康植的孙子。祖籍西域康国 (即萨末建、飒��建, 今撒马尔罕)。 后内迁定居灵州, 便以灵州为籍贯。祖父康植在开元九年 (721),曾跟随朔方大总管王晙,在参加征讨突厥康待宾部,收复鲁、丽、含、塞、依、契六胡州的历次战斗中,立有战功,受到玄宗皇帝的召见,提升为左武卫大将军,封天山县男。康日知青年从军,在成德 (今河北正定)节度使李宝臣部下做一名军官,官至赵州 (今河北赵县境内)刺史。建中二年 (781),李宝臣死,其儿子李惟岳自请继承节度使,朝廷不批准,于是他就勾结淄青(今山东东平境内)李正己和魏博 (今河北大名)田悦等地方割据势力联合叛变。康日知坚守赵州,不与叛军同流合污,拒不听从李惟岳的将令,与别驾李濯和部将们 “歃血为盟” ,决心继续效忠朝廷。于是李惟岳就命令兵马使王武俊等率部攻打赵州,康日知站在城头上大声劝告王武俊道: 田悦攻打邢台,死伤惨重,没有得手。我赵州要比邢台城更为坚固,你来攻城也是徒劳的。并质问王武俊: “使者赍诏喻中丞,中丞奈何负天子,从小儿跳梁哉?” 王武俊听了康日知一番忠告的话以后,感到大为震惧和后悔,也就立即悬崖勒马,反戈杀死李惟岳,向朝廷献城反正。次年(782),康日知因在靖难中又立新功,再升任深赵 (今河北深县)观察使,赐实封户二百。建中四年(783),王武俊贼心不死,出尔反尔,又勾结幽州 (今北京地区)的朱滔、魏博的田悦,共同再举叛旗,自立为王。又一次派遣部将张钟葵攻打康日知镇守的赵州城,被康日知击败。兴元元年 (784),康日知升任奉诚军 (今陕西大荔)节度使。还没有到新任,又改任镇守晋绛 (今山西临汾),加封检校尚书左仆射和会稽郡王。贞元初年 (785)病故,赠授太子太师。儿子康志睦、孙子康承训、重孙康传业四代人都官至节度使高位,而且善始善终,是唐代塞上的名门望族。

Terracotta WarriorGuarding Grave (Tang Dynasty)


Kang Rizhi (?-785) was a general of ethnic group in the Tang Dynasty. He was the grandsonofKang Zhiandtheoriginal placeforthefamily wasXiyuKangguo (Samarkand today). They took up residence in Lingzhou and it was why they regarded Lingzhou as their hometown. Kang Zhi followed Wang Suo,the general administrative minister of Shuofang,going on a punitive expedition to the tribe of Kang Daibin of Turk in the 9th year of the Kaiyuan reign (721). He made military contributions in the battles for restoration of Lu,Li,Han,Sai,Yi,Qi six prefectures and thus was called in by Emperor Xuanzong,promoted to be a Zuowuwei general and conferred the title of Tianshanxiannan. Kang Rizhi joined the army when he was young.He served as an official under Li Baochen,the military director of Chengde(Zhengding of Hebei Province today),and came to be the Cishi(the administrative minister) of Zhaozhou(in Zhaoxian of Hebei Province today).Li Baochen died in the second year of theJianzhong reign(781). His son Li Weiyue requested to succeed to his father's position,but was denied by the court. Therefore,he colluded with the local armed separatist forces of Li Zhengji in Ziqing(in Dongping of Shandong Province today) and Tian Yue in Weibo(Daming of Hebei Province today) and rebelled. Kang Rizhi held fast to Zhaozhou and would not go along with Li Weiyue in his evil deeds. He refused to obey Li Weiyue's orders,swore an oath of alliance to be loyal to the court by bleedingblood with Biejia(a position next to Dudu or Cishi) Li Zhuo and other generals. Li Weiyue ordered Bingmashi(an official in charge of military affairs) Wang Wujun and others to attack Zhaozhou. Standing on the gate building,Kang Rizhi persuaded Wang Wujun in loud voice: "Tian Yue attacked Xingtai and suffered heavy casualties.Zhaozhou is much stronger than Xingtai. You are expending labor uselessly." Then he queried Wang Wujun: "The messenger carried the imperial edict informing you. But why do you disappoint the Emperor? Why do you jump up and down with the buffoon?" Wang Wujun was greatly shocked and regretted after hearing what Kang Rizhi said. So he pulled back before it was too late and killed Li Weiyue and offered the city to the court. In the next year(782),Kang Rizhi was promoted to be a Guanchashi(a high administrative official) of Shenzhao(Shenxian of Hebei Province today) and rewarded 200 tenant families because he had made new achievements in pacifying disturbances. In the 4th year of theJianzhong reign(783) Wang Wujun was inconsistent and colluded with Zhu Tao in Youzhou(present-day Beijing) and Tian Yue in Weibo to rebel again and announce himself king. Wang Wujun sent his general Zhang Zhongkui to attack Zhaozhou again. Kang Rizhi defeated him. Kang was promoted to Jiedushi(a general military director) of Fengchengjun(Dali of Shaanxi Province today) in the first year of the Xingyuan reign(784). Before he came to the position he wasappointed to defend Jinjiang(Linfen of Shanxi Province today) and conferred the title of Jiaojian Shangshuzuopuyi(a high position only under the first rank duke) and Prince of Huiji Prefecture. He died of illness in the first year of the Zhenyuan reign(785) and was awarded a posthumous title of Taizi Taishi(the first rank duke). His son Kang Zhimu,his grandson Kang Chengxun and his great grandson Kang Chuanye all came to be Jiedushi and they did well from start to end. The Kangs was a notable family in the north of the Great Wall in the Tang Dynasty.Ⓔ


Merchant Robbed

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