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皇甫镛(759~836),唐朝大臣。字和卿。祖籍安定郡朝那县(今宁夏彭阳古城镇)人。皇甫氏是西北的名门望族,世代达官名儒层出不穷。皇甫镛进士出身。平时“寡言正色,衣冠甚伟,不屑世务,所交皆知名士”,表现出一派 “器宇宽宏,磊落正派” 的君子风度。唐宪宗在位期间 (806~820),他的兄长皇甫镈担任宰相,权倾一时。当时不少势利小人之辈,趋炎附势,千方百计巴结他的兄长。皇甫镈一伙助纣为虐,打击忠臣,宠信江湖术士,甚至做出为害皇帝的坏事。皇甫镛经常告诫哥哥,权宠太盛,会物极必反,而哥哥根本听不进弟弟的劝告。皇甫镛认为哥哥已是权迷心窍,不可挽回,便决定从此以后,远离哥哥身边的是非之地,从京城长安迁往东都洛阳居住。


Epitaph to TheDukeHuangfuof An'ding by bai Juyi

皇甫镛历任河南少尹、国子监祭酒、银青光禄大夫。在任太子右庶子时,与诗人白居易等名士成为好友,经常在一起把酒论道,吟咏终日,根本不把功名利禄和荣华富贵放在眼里,被当时社会各界人士称之为 “达人” 。正因为如此,所以当新皇帝穆宗继位以后,在惩办皇甫镈一伙党羽罪臣时,皇甫镛虽然是皇甫镈的同胞弟弟,却没有受到牵连。

皇甫镛于开成元年 (836)病故。他一生道德、文章兼优,能文、工诗,著有诗文十八集,《性言》十四篇。白居易亲自给他撰写了 《安定皇甫公墓志铭并序》,载《白氏长庆集》。

Hangfu Yong (759-836),a minister in Tang Dynasty,styled himself asHeqing. He was a native of Zhuna County in An'ding Prefecture (GuchengCounty of Pengyang in Ningxia today). The Huangfu family was a rich andpowerful one in the northwest of China. High officials and famous scholars appearedone after another for generations in this family. Huangfu Yong was a successfulcandidate in the highest imperial examination. Normally,he appeared to be "reticent with a stern countenance,neatly and immaculately dressed,belittling common affairs of the world and making friends only with celebrities". His manner carried himself with akind of graceful demeanor,"magnanimous,aboveboard,honest and upright",whichmade him a man of noble character. While Emperor Xianzong was on the throne(806-820),his elder brother Huangfu Bo severed as the Prime Minister,having great power and influence in the royal court. Many snobs at that time were time-servers,fawning on his elder brother by every possible means. Huangfu Bo and his fellowsjointly aided and abetted the evildoers,while frustrating loyal court officials,indulgingalchemists and even plotting to murder the emperor. Huangfu Yong often warned his brother that indulging the influential ministers too much would make things turn into their opposite when they reached the extreme. But his brother did not take his advice atall. Seeing his brother had been completely and irretrievably besotted with power,hedecided to stay away from his brother and moved from the capital Chang'an to Luoyang,the capital in the east.

Huangfu Yong served as Yin of Henan,Jijiu of the imperial College,andYinqingguanglu Daifu (a senior official in ancient China) successively. When he served as a servant of the prince,he became a good friend with the famous poet Bai Juyi,and other celebrated scholars. They often drank together,talking about the state affairs,reciting poems,but never thinking highly of official positions,riches,high ranks or great wealth. He was called "daren" (an educated,intelligent and reasonable person) by the personages in various circles of society at that time. Just because of this,after the new emperor,Emperor Suzong,succeeded to the throne,Huangfu Yong was not implicated in the punishment of the partisans of Huangpu Bo even though he was a full brother of Huangfu Bo.

Huangfu Yong died in the first year of the Kaicheng reign (836). He excelled morally and academically. He was good at composing poetry and rhapsody. He completed 18 collections of poems and 14 pieces of papers called Xingyan. Bai Juyi wrote The Epitaph to The Duke Huangpu of An'ding,which was compiled in A Collection of Bai Changqing (Bai Juyi).Ⓔ

本文地址: https://www.yishiweijian.com/renwu/2022123836.html



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