

作者:主编 时间:2022年12月01日 阅读:135 评论:0

韩游瓌 (?~798),唐朝将领。灵州灵武县 (今青铜峡市邵岗镇西)人。青年时在家乡灵州参军,因作战勇敢,得到一步步的提拔,成长为名将郭子仪麾下的一名年轻有为的小将。

天宝十四载 (755)冬,“安史之乱”爆发,安禄山密令部将阿史那从礼率领同罗、突厥等部落五千余骑众,在朔方诈降; 同时,又采取利诱和威胁的手段,强迫河曲九番府和六胡州各部落计约五十万部众一起叛唐。朔方节度使郭子仪命令裨将韩游瓌和辛京杲,带领精兵火速返回朔方平定叛乱。大军压境,各番胡部落首领乘势摆脱了叛乱头头的胁迫,重新归附于大唐。韩游瓌被记功而提升为邠宁 (今陕西彬县)节度留后。建中四年 (783),凤翔 (今陕西凤翔)、陇右(今青海乐都)节度使朱泚叛变,攻陷长安城,自称皇帝。唐德宗李适仓皇逃往奉天 (今陕西乾县) ,在各路勤王大军尚未到来的危急关头,韩游瓌与庆州 (今甘肃庆阳)刺史论惟明、行在都虞候浑瑊等人决心冒死拒敌,就近护驾。他们指挥三千名老弱兵丁与叛军展开殊死血战,保卫了奉天孤城,挽救了危局,“赴难之功,游瓌首焉” 。贞元元年(785)二月,兼任朔方节度使的李怀光因忍受不了奸相卢杞的欺辱,一怒之下,转而从讨伐朱泚变为帮助朱泚,反协助叛军占据咸阳,大大助长了叛军的嚣张气焰。当时李怀光自以为与韩游瓌同为朔方军出身的战友,也引诱韩游瓌一同叛唐。韩游瓌及时向皇上报告了此事,表明了永远忠于朝廷的态度,并进献良策,建议朝廷即时将朔方节度统辖下的邠宁、灵武、河中、振武、潼关、渭北等地的指挥大权实授给各地的守将张昕、宁景璇、吕鸣岳、杜从政、唐朝臣、窦觎等人,以表示皇上对他们的充分信任和重用。另外,朝廷又赐以重赏,诏令各位将领共同赴难勤王,从而大大地调动了各地官兵的战斗积极性,同时也动摇了李、朱叛军的军心,使得京畿地区的严重形势有所缓解,让德宗皇帝能够从奉天安全转移到汉中。护送走皇上以后,韩游瓌仍然返回邠州驻地召集旧部,受大将军李晟节制。四月,他奉命兼任邠宁节度使,与浑瑊、戴休颜等将领并肩战斗,共同镇守京西各要路。事平以后,在总结这场平乱的战斗时,韩游瓌“论功与瑊等第一” ,迁升检校尚书左仆射,实封户四百。此后两三年之间,韩游瓌仍然率领部队与吐蕃军在泾、陇、庆、银、夏、麟、盐等州转战,屡建战功,各有赏赐。其间,虽然发生他的儿子韩钦绪在京城受到僧人蛊惑,图谋作乱事件,但并没有影响到朝廷对韩游瓌的信任,仍让他继续担任邠宁节度使。贞元四年 (788),他因身体有病,经自己申请,要求解除兵权回京担任右龙武将军荣誉虚职。贞元十四年 (798)病故,谥“襄” 。

Han Yougui(?-798) was a general ofthe TangDynasty and a native ofLingwuinLingzhou.He joinedarmy inhishometownwhenhewas young.Because of his bravery,he was promoted generally and turned out to be ayoung and promising general under Guo Ziyi's command.

In the winter of the 14th year of the Tianbao reign (755),the armed rebellion led by An Lushan and Shi Siming broke out. An Lushan ordered secretly his general Ashinacongli to head over 5000 cavalrymen from Tongluo,Turk and other tribes to make a feign surrender in Shuofang. Simultaneously,he coerced and lured the500thousand people of all the tribes of the 9 towns and 6 prefecture of Hequ to rebel.Jiedushi of Shuofang Guo Ziyi ordered Han Yougui and Xin Jinggao to pacify the rebellion at top speed. When they approached Shuofang,the chiefs of all the tribes took the chance to depart from the rebels and submitted to the Tang Dynasty again. Han Yougui was promoted to Jeduliuhou(a rank under Jiedushi) of Binning(Binxian in Shaanxi Province today). In the 4th year of the Jianzhong reign(783),Jiedushi of Fengxiang(Fengxiang in Shaanxi Province today)and Longyou(Ledu in Qinghai Province today) Zhu Ci rebelled. He occupied Chang'an and declared himself emperor.Emperor Dezong Li Shi fled to Fengtian (Qianxian in Shaanxi Province today) in a hurry. Before all the armies arrived to guard Emperor Dezong,Han Yougui determined to fight against the rebels and guard the Emperor at the cost of his life with Cishi of Qingzhou (Qingyang in Gansu Province today) Lun Weiming and Yuhou (a low rank official) of Xingzaidu Hun Jian at the critical moment. They directed 3000 weaksoldiers fighting to the death against the rebels and safeguarded the isolated city of Fengtian. They turned the table and averted the dangerous situation and "the greatest contribution was made by Han Yougui". In February of the first year of the ZhenYuan reign (785),Jiedushi of Shuofang Li Huaiguang could not bear the wicked Prime Minister Lu Qi and turned to the side of Zhu Ci with indignation. Li Huaiguang helped Zhu Ci occupied Xianyang. Because Li and Han Yougui were comrade-in-arms in Shuofang,he lured Han to rebel together. Han reported the event to the Emperor in time and stated that he would be loyal to the court for good. What's more,He advised the Emperor to give the power of management of Binning,Lingwu,Hezhong,Zhenwu,Tongguan,Weibeiand other places,which were under the administration of Shuofang Jiedushi,to the local generals——Zhang Xi,Ning Jingxuan,Tang Chaochen,Dou Yu and others. Thus they would understand that the Emperor trusted them and put them in the important positions. Besides,the court awarded them greatly and asked them to guard the Emperor. All the generals became inspired in fighting against the rebels. On the other hand,such an action shook the morale of the rebel army. The situation was relieved and then Emperor Dezong could move safely to Hanzhong from Fengtian.After that Han Yougui returned to Binzhou and gathered his soldiers under the command of General Li Cheng. In April,he was ordered to the position of Binning Jiedushi and guarded the important strategic passes of Jingxi with Hun Jian,Dai Xiuyan and other generals. After the event,when the royal court summarized the battle of suppression,Han Yougui and Hun Jian "were regarded as the people who contributedmost". So Han was conferred the title of Jiaojian Shangshuzuopuyi(a high position only under the first rank duke) and awarded 400 tenant families. In the next two or three years,Han went on expeditions with his soldiers against the Tobo army in Jing,Long,Qing,Yin,Xia,Lin,Yan and other prefectures. He made lots achievements and was awarded for each of them. Although his son Han Qinxu was agitated by the monks in the capital to rebel,the royal court kept on trusting Han Yougui and he was still Binning Jiedushi. In the 4th year of the Zhenyuan reign(788),Han appealed to remove his military power and take a nominal position of General of the Right Longwu in the capital. He died of illness in the 14th year of the Zhenyuan reign(798) and was awarded a posthumous title of Xiang(assistance and help).Ⓔ


Copper Belt of Generals (Tang Dynasty)

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