

作者:主编 时间:2022年12月01日 阅读:115 评论:0

阿史那社尔(? ~655),唐初大将。突厥族,是东突厥处罗可汗次子。这个部落原先游牧于腾格里沙漠到灵州西北(今宁夏中卫、中宁境内)一带。

阿史那社尔智勇双全,十一岁就在本部落非常有名,担任拓设(高级指挥官),在部落内独立建牙帐,管理一方。他与颉利可汗的儿子欲谷设分别统领铁勒、回纥、仆骨、同罗多部人马。父亲死后,由他继承汗位,深受部族爱戴。贞观元年 (627),铁勒、薛延陀等部纷纷背叛突厥,就在突厥内乱危亡之际,阿史那社尔统一东西突厥大部,拥众十余万,自号“都布可汗” 。

贞观十年 (636),阿史那社尔率领部族归附唐朝,被授为左骁卫大将军。高祖李渊曾把他的大女儿衡阳公主下嫁给他做妻子,封为驸马都尉。他的部落被安置在灵州 (今宁夏吴忠市地区)境内。贞观十四年(640),授交河道(今新疆吐鲁番西北境内)行军总管,参加唐军征讨高昌 (今新疆吐鲁番境内)的军事行动,因为有战功,升任检校北门左屯营,封毕国公。贞观十九年 (645),护驾从征辽东,再次升兼鸿胪卿。贞观二十一年(647),授昆丘道行军大总管,与契芯何力、郭孝恪、杨弘礼、李海岸等同为五虎将西征龟兹国 (今新疆库车境内) ,直捣王城,又穷追六百里至大拨换城,大战四十日,终于擒获其国王白诃黎布失毕,迫使西域七十余城统统归顺于唐。其间还劝说于阗国 (今新疆和田县境) 、安国 (今布哈拉境)等国与唐朝友好。在这一战役中,“五虎平西”威名远扬,功劳最大,被改封为右卫大将军。后来又升任镇军大将军、辅国大将军,担任并州都督。唐高宗永徽六年(655 )病故。阿史那社尔对唐太宗李世民十分敬重,在太宗病故时,他曾要请 “身殉” ,以表忠心,未被批准。他死后,朝廷让他享受陪葬于太宗昭陵的特殊荣誉。他的坟墓被修筑成葱山(古山脉葱岭,在西域)的形状,用以纪念他在征西中所建立的丰功伟业,谥“元” 。


Stone Carvings of HuxuanDance on Grave Door

Ashinashe'er (?-655),the general of the beginning of Tang Dynasty,Tujuenationality,was the second son of Chuluo khan who was the head of EastTujue. This tribe lived a nomadic life in the areas from Tengeli Desert tonorthwest of Lingzhou (within areas of present-day Zhongwei and Zhongning in Ningxia).

Ashinashe'er was both intelligent and courageous. When he was 11 years old,he was very famous in the tribe. Taking the post of Tuoshe (a senior conmander in ancient China),he set up Yazhang (an administrative organization for governing certain area politically and militarily) independently and managed his own affairs. He and Yu Gushe,the son of Ji Li khan commanded many people and horses of tribes such as Tiele,Huihe,Pugu,Tongluo and so on. After the death of his father,he succeeded the place of khan and received high respect and support from people of the tribes. In the year of Zhenguan,reign of Tang Dynasty (627A.D.),Tiele and Xue Yantuo tribes betrayed Tujue one after another. It was when Tujue experienced civil strife and was in peril,Ashinashe'er united east of Tujue and west of Tujue,possessing 10 000 soldiers and named himself "Du Bu khan".

In the tenth year of Zhenguan (636A.D.),Ashinashe'er led tribes to be submitted to Tang Dynasty. He was entitled Left Courageous Guard general and married the eldest daughter of Emperor Gaozong,Hengyang princess,was conferred as commandant-escort. His tribes were allocated in Lingzhou (present-day Wuzhong in Ningxia). In the fourteenth year of Zhenguan (640A.D.),Ashinashe'er was vested with director of advancing army of Jiao Hedao (present-day north-west of Turpan in Xinjiang) to join in the military operation of going on a punitive expedition against Gaochang (present-day Turpan in Xinjiang). Because of great achievement in the war,he was promoted to be an investigator of the left encampment and conferred "Bi Guogong." In the nineteenth year of Zhenguan (645A.D.),he escorted the emperor to go on an expedition against area east of the Liaohe River. He was again promoted to be chief minister of the court for dependencies. In the year of twenty-one (647A.D.),awarded as general director of Kun Qiudao advancing army,he and Qixinheli,Guo Xiaoge,Yang Hongli,and Li Haian five brave generals went on a west expedition against Wu Ziguo (present-day Kuche in Xinjiang ). They drove straight to the emperor's place and followed up 600 li (300kms) to bohuancheng. Having fought 40days,the emperor Baihelibushibi was captured. Xiyu (the western region,a Han Dynasty term for the area west of Yu Menguan,including what is now Xinjiang and parts of central Asia.) and more than 70 cities were forced to pay allegiance to Tang Dynasty. During this period,he also persuaded Dianguo (Hetian district in Xinjiang),Anguo (present-day Buhala) and other countries to have a good relationship with Tang Dynasty. The fame of "five brave generals suppressing west" spread far and wide.Among them,Ashinashe'er had the greatest achievements,so he was conferred Left Guard general. Afterwards he was promoted as Defender-General of the troops,bulwark general and acted as supervisor-in-chief of Bingzhou. In the sixth year ofYonghui,title of reign of Li Zhi,the third emperor of Tang Dynasty,Emperor Gaozong died of illness. Ashinashe'er showed high respect to Emperor Taizong,Li Shimin. When emperor Taizong died,he had asked for the death to show his loyalty to emperor. But it was not approved. The royal court gave him special honor of being buried with Tai Zong's grave. His grave was shaped into onion in order to commemorate great achievement he made in the west expedition. He was bestowed with a posthumous title "Yuan" (formerly bestowed on a ruler,a nobleman,or an official as apposite to the life and moral qualities of the deceased).Ⓔ

本文地址: https://www.yishiweijian.com/renwu/2022123831.html



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