

作者:主编 时间:2022年12月01日 阅读:148 评论:0

孙寿名 (1916~1949),革命烈士。名义德,字寿名 (用字不用名)。宁夏固原县彭堡乡隔城子村人。出身于书香之家。后因家道中落,小学毕业后辍学。1931年,加入邓宝珊新一军,被分配到第十旅,历任司书、排长、连长、旅部参谋等职。抗日战争爆发,任新一军抗日先遣营营长,开赴山西中条山参加对日作战,因作战英勇,升任副团长。1940年,调回西安游击干部训练班受训,结识著名民主战士杜斌丞,受到革命思想熏陶,从而奠定了他参加民主革命的思想。后联络丞,受到革命思想熏陶,从而奠定了他参加民主革命的思想。后联络在西安的好友高月波等十余人,于1941年春回到甘肃,被任命为甘肃省庆阳保安副司令,不久升任甘肃保安第二团团长,驻防岷县。在防区严厉打击偷种罂粟 (大烟)的人,不料触怒了借机敛财的甘肃岷县专署专员胡公冕,胡罗织罪名,企图陷害孙寿名。此时,国民党制造 “皖南事变” ,全国团结抗日的局面遭到破坏,他和部下唐曼陀、李俊楠、王坤一等人欲发动兵变,事泄被撤职禁闭。获释后,派往西北干部训练团任大队长。不久,弃职返回固原家中。


Photo of Martyr Sun Shouming

1943年3月,他与唐曼陀联络陕西、甘肃、宁夏数十名青年,组建西北青年抗日民主促进会(简称“西青会” ),以“主张民主,反对独裁; 主张抗日,反对内战” 为宗旨,开展活动。“甘南民变”失败后,他到庄浪等地串联,欲图再起,不幸事泄,同谋者被捕杀。他满腔悲愤,填词《鹧鸪天》抒怀: “果使书生莅将坛,挥豪能叫阵云寒,恨无李广封侯相,才让他人着祖鞭。憧故国,念家山,满腔孤愤对谁言,心非铁石难缄口,慷慨悲歌托管弦。”

1944年秋,正当孙寿名处于苦闷时,为筹备成立中国民主同盟西北总支部的杜斌丞来到固原,两人促膝谈心,关系甚密。他非常拥护民盟“亲苏、友共、实现新民主主义” 的政治主张,加入了民盟组织。次年,又率领“西青会”成员,集体转为民盟盟员。为取得合法身份作掩护,他加入驻防平凉的国民党第三十八集团军,任司令部上校副官处长,与时任平凉保安副司令的中国民主同盟盟员任谦共同进行革命活动。此时,他还结识了高嵩山、甄载明等一批地下共产党员,积极掩护他们开展地下工作。抗战胜利后,第三十八集团军移驻河南,他利用在西安接运装备之机,把一批枪支弹药运到华阴庙,交给共产党的游击队。此事被集团军司令部怀疑,他被调任有职无权的少将参谋。不久,国民党撕毁《政协决议》和《停战协定》,发动反革命内战,采用最卑劣的手段镇压民主运动,在昆明刺杀了民盟中央委员李公朴和闻一多,白色恐怖笼罩全国。他电邀唐曼陀、贾耀如、师循丞等人到河南陕县,共同拟订掌握地方武装、迎接人民解放军、加速西北解放的《西北革命组织大纲》,呈送民盟西北总支部。不久,孙寿名被裁减退役。

1947年春,孙寿名回到平凉,邀任谦同赴兰州,着手实施《大纲》计划。他俩刚到兰州,就被特务盯梢。他密送任谦离开兰州,按原计划部署唐曼陀、贾耀如、高月波、石挽澜等盟员分别到兰州、甘谷、隆德、固原等地组织自卫队武装。他自己回到固原,以笔杆子为武器,撰写了《人民至上论》 《西北青年饥饿线上的呼声》 《西北新青年》 《纵横西北观》 《纵论西北现阶段》 《西北农村建设》等文章,为反内战、反暴政、反饥饿而呼号。这时,杜斌丞又遭到国民党杀害,民盟被宣布为非法组织,加以取缔。孙寿名的活动也引起了国民党特务的严密注意。1948年夏,任谦逃脱特务的监视进入陕甘宁边区,而任谦的爱人陈颖龙(中共党员)、勤务员刘东保、时任平凉专署视察员的邹锦文被捕,解往兰州,不少从事地下斗争的共产党员、民盟盟员,都被迫进入边区。在白色恐怖中,有人劝他也到边区暂避一下,他说: “要为迎接解放大西北作贡献,不能躲避。”毅然留下坚持斗争。民盟甘肃支部为加强对国民党军队的策反工作,支援解放战争,增补孙寿名为支部委员,与魏自愚、聂青田等人负责军事联络工作。当年的秋季,爱国将领韩练成出任甘肃陇南保安司令,邀他南下组建保安旅。他启程赴兰州时被特务跟踪。组建保安旅的事,也因受到甘肃省政府主席郭寄峤阻挠而搁浅,韩练成返回南京(后去解放区)。郭寄峤本想对孙寿名下手,因苦于无证据,便暂任他为酒泉保安副司令,意在调虎离山。他坚辞不就,又改任省保安司令部上校高参,留兰州坚持工作。此后,他参与了策划陕西地方武装长城部起义,支持兰州学生发动反对“自卫特捐”示威游行,策动议员在省议会揭发省政府要员贪污丑闻等活动。

1949年2月初,民盟甘肃省支部派孙寿名到陇东做策反工作。在临行前一日 (2月17日),被跟踪已久的特务秘密逮捕,囚禁于大沙坪监狱。特务头子亲自审讯,并施用指缝插针、四肢通电等酷刑。他坚决不吐露真情,特务胁迫他朋友的妻子入狱劝降,他坦然表示“充其量是脑袋问题” 。6月1日 (端午节),他与同室难友准备越狱被发现,为解脱其他六人,才主动暴露自己的民盟支部委员身份,以承担全部责任。8月中旬,中国人民解放军兵临兰州城下,国民党特务连日成批杀害革命志士。21日深夜,孙寿名被杀害。五天之后,兰州解放,遗骸暂厝华林坪。1949年12月25日,固原县各界为孙寿名举行追悼会。1950年12月10日,中国民主同盟甘肃省支部在兰州举行公祭,对孙寿名的一生作了高度评价。中共甘肃省委统战部的挽词是: “在甘肃人民的解放斗争中,民盟盟员和共产党员的血流在一起。” 中共平凉地委的挽词是: “青年先进,志节堪钦。” 1973年迁葬于兰州烈士陵园。

Sun Shouming(1916-1949) was a revolutionary martyr.He was namedYideandstyled himself Shouming. Born from a literary family,he was in GechengziVillage of Pengbao County in Guyuan district. Later he dropped out ofelementary school for the declining of his family. In 1931,he joined Deng Baoshan XinNo.1 army and was distributed to the No. 10 brigade. He had ever been officialdocument writer,Platoon leader,Company commander and staff officer of the brigade.After the breakout of Anti-Japanese War,he was appointed Battalion commander ofthe Anti-Japanese Advance Camp. He went to Zhongtiao Mountain in Shanxi andjoined the Anti-Japanese War. For his braveness in the wars,he was promoted viceregimental commander. In 1940,he was transferred back to be trained in Xi'an GuerrillaWarfare cadre training class. There he got to know Du Bingcheng,who was a greatdemocratic soldier. Therefore,he was greatly influenced by revolutionary ideology,which laid a foundation of thought for him to join democratic revolution. Later hecontacted with over 10 of his good friends including Gao Yuebo in Xi'an. In 1941,hewent back to Gansu province and was appointed Security Vice Commander-in-Chiefof Qingyang in Gansu Province. Later he was promoted the regimental commander ofSecurity No. 2 Regiment to defend Min County. In the dependence district,he dealt afatal blow at the people who grew opium poppy. Unexpectedly,it made Hu Gongmian,the prefecture commissioner of Min County in Gansu province,angry. He made somefault accusations on him in order to frame him up. It was just at the time when theKuomintang made the "Southern Anhui Incident". Thus,the progression of Anti-Japanese War was greatly destroyed. He and his fellows Tang Mantuo,Li Junnan,andWang Kunyi,etc made an effort to launch a mutiny,but it was divulged. Then he wasdismissed and confined. After released,he was sent to Northwestern Cadre Traingregiment and was appointed the team leader. Soon,he resigned from his post and wentback home to Guyuan.

In March,1943,he contacted with a dozen of youngsters in shaanxi,Gansu andNingxia and organized Northwestern Youngster's Anti-Japanese Democratic ProgressAssociation (Abbr. Xiqinghui). Its aims were to advocate democracy and againstdictatorship; to advocate anti-Japanese and against civil war. Under such guidance,lotsof activities had been put into practice. After the failure in "Gannan Mass Uprising",hewent to Zhuanglang in an effort for another uprising. Unfortunately,it was divulged,his fellow comrades were captured and killed. He was filled up with grief andindignation and wrote poem Zhegutian to express his feelings.

In the Autumn of 1944,Sun Shouming was in a state of being unpleasant,he metDu Bingcheng,who came to Guyuan in order to prepare to set up China DemocraticAlliance Northwestern General branch. They two had a nice talk and set up goodrelationship. He greatly supported the political opinion of China Democratic League"Pro-Soviet,friend's altogether,realization new democracy" and he joined the ChinaDemocratic League. The next year,he led the members of "Xiqinghui" to become amember of the China Democratic League. In order to get legal identification,he joinedthe No.38 Group army of the Kuomintang in Pingliang. He was appointed ColonelAdjutant Division Chief. He cooperated with Ren Qian,member of China DemocraticAlliance of Pingliang Security Vice Commander,to go on with revolutionary activities.At that time,he got to know some underground communists,such as Gao Sunshan,andZhen Zaiming,etc. he tried to shield them and launch the underground work. After thesuccess of the anti-Japanese War,the No. 38 Group Army moved to Henan province.He took the advantage of the weapons being moved to Xi'an and transported some offirearms and ammunition to Huayin Temple and gave them to communists' guerillaforce. This was caused suspicion by the Headquarter of the Group Army,so he wastransferred to be a Major General Staff Officer,who had no power. Soon theKuomingtang launched anti-revolutionary civil war and adopted the worst means tosuppress the democratic movement. They killed Li Gongpu and Wen Yiduo who weremembers of the Central Committee of China Democratic League in Kunming. At thattime,the White Terror shrouded the whole country. He invited by call Tang Mantuo,Jia Yaoru,Shi Xuncheng and other people to go to Shan county in Henan Province.They agreed to hold the local military force in order to welcome the PLA. TheNorthwestern Revolutionary Organization Outline came into being and was submittedto the China Democratic Alliance Northwestern General Branch. Soon Sun Shoumingwas cut down and retired.

In the spring of 1947,Sun Shouming went back to Pingliang and invited RenQian to go to Lanzhou together for the implementation of the Outline. While they justarrived in Lanzhou,they were tailed by the spies. He secretly sent Ren Qian to leaveLanzhou. According to the plan,Tang Mantuo,Jia Yaoru,Gao Yuebo,Shi Wanlan andother members respectively went to Lanzhou,Gangu,Longde and Guyuan,etc,inorder to organize arms of defensive corps. He himself went back to Guyuan. With thepens as the weapon,he wrote many great articles for calling on for the anti-civil war,anti-tyranny and anti-hunger. At the same time,Du Bingcheng was killed byKuomintang. And the China Alliance was declared illegal and was banned. SunShouming aroused the Kuomintang's attention. In the summer of 1948,escaping fromthe spies' eyes,Ren Qian came into Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region,while hiswife Chen Yinglong who was a communist,Odd-jobman Liu Dongbao,and ZouJinwen who was a commissioner inspector of Pingliang were arrested. Then manycommunists and members of the China Alliance had to come to the border regions.Under such conditions,he was suggested going to the border regions for shelter,but herefused. In order to strengthen the power for the liberation war,Sun Shouming wasappointed member of the branch committee and worked together with Wei Ziyu andNie Qingtian for the military force. In the autumn of that year,Han Liancheng,apatriotic high-ranking military officer,held the post of Security Commandant of GansuLongnan and invited to organize Security Camp. While leaving for Lanzhou,he wasfollowed by some spies. The affairs of the setting-up of the Security Camp was strandedby prevention of Guo Jiqiao who was the President of Gansu government. HanLiancheng went back to Nanjing. And Guo Jiqiao wanted to kill Sun Shouming,but hehad no evidence,so he had to appoint him Security vice commandant of Jiuquan in anintent for a lure away from his post. However,he refused. Then he was transferred tobe Colonel high-ranking staff officer of the provincial security commandant and stayedin Lanzhou for work. Since then,he took part in the planning of the armed uprising inShaanxi. He supported the students' demonstration which was to expose the corruptionscandal of the local government.

At the beginning of February in 1949,Sun Shouming was sent to Longdong forthe instigate rebellion within the enemy camp. Before he left (Feb. 17),he was arrestedby the followed spies and was put into Dashaping prison. Sun Shouming suffered crueltorture there,but he insisted on struggling with them and not telling the truth. In themiddle of August,the PLA arrived Lanzhou,so the Kuomintang tried to kill all therevolutionary persons.At the night of 21st,Sun Shouming was killed.5 dayslater,Lanzhou got liberated,and his body was buried in Hualinping. On December 25th,1949,people in Guyuan held the memorial meeting for Sun Shouming. On December10th,1950,the China Democratic Alliance Gansu Branch held a public memorialceremony for Sun Shouming and spoke highly of him.

本文地址: https://www.yishiweijian.com/renwu/2022123830.html



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