

作者:主编 时间:2022年12月01日 阅读:96 评论:0

虞庆则 (?~597) ,北周、隋朝大臣。本姓鱼,匈奴铁弗部赫连氏,原籍灵武 (今宁夏银川境内),后迁居京兆栎县 (今陕西临潼北)。父亲名祥,曾担任过北周朝的灵武太守。世代都是北方的豪强。

庆则自幼习武,体伟性悍,武艺精湛,还懂得鲜卑族的语言。他一开始在北周做官。袭爵被封为沁源县(今山西沁源)公,积功任仪同大将军、并州 (今山西太原)总管长史、石州 (今山西离石)总管。进入隋朝以后,他怂恿杨坚诛灭北周宇文氏宗族,为巩固新生的隋政权立了大功,被提升为大将军、内史监兼吏部尚书、京兆尹,封彭郡 (今江苏徐州)公。这时因突厥可汗沙钵略的妻子,原系北周的千斤公主,对杨坚灭她娘家家族怀恨在心,极力鼓动沙钵略攻打隋朝新政权,妄想恢复宇文氏周家族的统治。而沙钵略也早有南下的扩张野心,夫妻俩想到了一起。

开皇二年 (582),沙钵略率十多万突厥大军,分东西两路齐进,同时越过河南、河西地区,并从木峡关 (今宁夏固原西南)和石门关 (今宁夏固原西北) 向京畿腹地进犯。一时间 “武威、天水、安定、金城、上郡、弘化、延安,六畜咸尽” ,使整个西北地区人民的生命财产蒙受了巨大损失,对刚刚建立不久的隋朝政权构成极大的威胁。一开始,朝廷命令右仆射虞庆则率军驻防弘化(今甘肃庆阳境内) ,防备敌军从灵州道、固原道内犯。当两地失守后,隋文帝再命令虞庆则领兵出原州道,河间王杨弘领兵出灵州道,左仆射高颎领兵出宁州 (今甘肃宁县) ,各为元帅,分别迎击来犯之敌。虞军打得非常英勇,部将韩僧寿、杨洸等在鸡头山 (今六盘山)和原州 (今宁夏固原)大败敌军。开皇四年 (584),突厥失败后,朝廷又派虞庆则出使突厥,他成功地说服沙钵略可汗向隋朝称臣,终于使得北方摆脱了战乱,广大边民得到了一定程度的休养生息。虞庆则也再立新功,从而“位居宰相,爵为上公” 。开皇十七年 (597),他再次奉命出任桂州道(今广西桂林)行军总管,担任征讨李世贤叛乱的军事总指挥。但是在平乱以后,本来可以得到封升的时候,他那心术不正的妻弟赵什柱却因为争宠而诬告他企图谋反,朝廷在没有经过认真调查核实和掌握到可靠证据的情况下,就草草把这样一位重臣、名将杀了,给历史留下一桩悬案与遗憾。

Sui Dynasty Murals (Warrior Holding Sabre)


Yu Qingze (?-597),a minister of the Northern Zhou Dynasty (557-581) and the Sui Dynasty (581-618),had an original surname of Yu (the fish). His forefather was from the Helian family in Tiefu tribe of Xiongnu people (an ancient nomadic people in China). His ancestral home was in Lingwu (an area within present-day Yinchuan in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region),and he had later moved to Jingzhaodong County(an area north to Shaanxi Province). His father,whose name was Xiang,once assumed the office of Lingwu magistrate (an official who was in charge of a county) in the Northern Zhou Dynasty. They were heroes for generations in the North. Qingze had practiced martial arts since his childhood and built up a strong constitution and fierce character. His skills in martial arts were consummate,besides this,he was able tounderstand the language of the Xianbei people (an ancient nationality of China which lived in what is modern Northeast China and Inner Mongolia). He succeeded his father to the title of a duke and was conferred the Duke of Qinyuan County (present-day Qinyuan in Shanxi Province),Renyitong general for his meritorious services,commander-in-chief of Bingzhou (present-day Taiyuan in Shanxi Province) and Shizhou (present-day Lishi in Shanxi Province). As Sui Dynasty (581-618) was founded,Yu Qingze instigated Yang Jian (Emperor Wen of Sui Dynasty) to kill all Yuwen clan of the Northern Zhou and set up the great merit of consolidating theregime of Sui Dynasty. Because of this,he was promoted to be Senior General,directorate of imperial history and minister of Ministry for Personnel (title of a high official,chief steward for writing in the Qin and Han Dynasties),Jingzhao Yin (an ancient official) and the Duke of Pengjun. At this moment,nursing a great hatred to Yang Jian since he killed all of her families,the Qianjin Princess of Northern Zhou,who is now the wife of ShaBolue,the Tujue Chieftain (khan),did her utmost to agitate her husband to attack the new regime of Sui Dynasty and made a vain attempt to resume the governance of Yuwen family,and ShaBolue also had the ambition to expand towards the south early,so the husband and the wife agreed with each other.

In,the second year Emperor Wen (Yang Jian)'s reign 582,ShaBolue commanded a Tujue troop of more than 100,000 soldiers,divided into two groups,crossed the districts of Henan and Hexi at the same time and intruded into the hinterland of thecapital city from Muxia Pass (present-day Southwestern Guyan in Ningxia) and Shimen Pass (present-day Northwestern Guyan in Ningxia). Then for that period of time,there was no living thing in Wuwei,Tianshui,Anding,Jincheng,Shangjun,Honghua and Yan'an,and the people in the Northwest suffered enormous losses of their lives and properties and the invasion also posed a great threat to the newly-set-up regime of Sui Dynasty. At the beginning,the imperial court ordered Yu Qingze,the vice director ofthe Imperial Secretariat (puye,an official in charge of six ministries),garrisoned in Honghua (an area within present-day Qingyang in Gansu Province) and took precautious against enemy's intrusion from Lingzhou circuit and Hejian circuit. After the loss of these two places,Yu Qingze,Yang Hong,the Pince (wang,a title with higher rank than duke) of Hejian,and another vice-minister Gao Jiong were appointed as marshals to lead troops to defend Yuanzhou circuit,Lingzhou circuit and Ningzhou(present-day Ning County in Gansu Province) and repulse the invading enemy's attacks respectively. The army of Yu Qingze fought bravely and his military officials,especially Han Sengshou and Yang Guang,defeated the enemy army heavily in Jitou Mountain(present-day Liupan Mountains) and Yuanzhou (present-day Guyan in Ningxia). In the forth year of Kaihuang's reign (584),after defeating Tujue,the imperial court send Yu Qingze as an envoy to Turks again,and he convinced the Turk Chieftain to pledge allegiance to Sui Dynasty,thus the turmoil of war in the North was ended at last and to some extent the masses of borderland people got the rehabilitation. Because of his new meritorious service,Yu Qingze was promoted to even higher positions of Prime Minister (zaixiang). In the seventeenth of Kaihuang's reign year (597),he was appointed to the commander-in-chief of the military marching in Guizhou circuit (present-day Guilin in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region) and went on a punitive expedition to suppress the rebellion of Li Shixian. After putting down the rebellion,he actually should have got promoted; however,his brother-in-law,harboring evil intentions and for the purpose of striving for emperor's favor,accused him falsely of attempting to plot a rebellion. At last,without verifying through investigation and mastering sound evidence,the imperial court killed such an important official and famous general hastily and left a pending case and regret to history.Ⓔ

本文地址: https://www.yishiweijian.com/renwu/2022123829.html



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