

作者:主编 时间:2022年12月01日 阅读:166 评论:0

白瑜娑 (生卒年月不详),隋朝宁夏农牧民起义首领。史书又称“白瑜妄” ,或辱呼为 “奴贼” 。灵州人。奴隶出身。隋朝末年,隋炀帝杨广对内开修运河,大造宫室,生活荒淫; 对外穷兵黩武,东征高丽。为此而横征苛取,民不聊生,人民纷纷起义,以求生存。奴隶白瑜娑领导的灵州、原州地区各族农牧民起义,就是全国众多起义军中较早的一支。农民军从灵州打到原州,一举攻战平凉 (今甘肃平凉)。特别是隋大业九年 (613)一月,攻占设在原州的陇右监牧军,夺取大批监马,武装了队伍,实力大大增强。又在义宁元年 (617),主动出击,围攻扶风郡 (今陕西凤翔)达数月之久,给隋政权在西北的统治予以沉重的打击,有力地支援了各地的起义战争。白瑜娑还联合突厥部族,减轻自己的军事压力,使队伍发展很快,声势十分浩大,成为活跃于西北地区的一支重要反隋力量,对隋政权构成很大威胁,迫使文武大臣们不得不劝阻隋炀帝,放弃东征高丽的计划,以便集中兵力首先围剿西部的“奴贼” 。于是,隋炀帝先派将军范贵西征,后又派大将元弘嗣征讨。但是,经过数年的搏战均无结果。后来这支农民军队伍渐渐分化而汇入其他起义队伍的行列中去了。


Xumi Grotto,Guyuan

BaiYusuo(unclear aboutthe birthday andthe deathdate)was the leader oftheNingxia Peasants' uprising. He was named as "Bai Yuwang" according to the historical records,or he was nicknamed as "Nuzei". He was Lingzhounese andwas born from a slave family. At the end of Sui Dynasty (581-618 B.C),Yangguang,Emperor of Sui Dynasty,started to repair channels and build up imperial palaces within the country. He led a life of luxury and debauchery. At the same time,he wantonly engaged in military ventures out of the country and went on a punitive expedition on Gaoli eastward. As a result,extorting excessive taxes and levies made life impossible for the people,which drove them to launch uprisings in order to make a living. One of the uprisings which was led by Bai Yusuo in Lingzhou and Yuanzhou areas was one of the earliest nationwide. The peasant army fought in Lingzhou and Yuanzhou,and conquered Pingliang (present Pingliang in Gansu). Especially,in Juanuary of the 9th year (613) of the founding of Sui his army attacked and occupied herd inspectors in Yuanzhou Longyou. Lots of herd horses were captured,so the troop got armed and the power strengthened. Again in the 1st year of Yingning (617),he led his army and besieged Fufeng Prefecture (present Shang'anxi Fengxiang) for several months,which dealt a fatal blow at Sui's governing the northwest and aided the peasants' uprising movement nationwide. Bai Yusuo also allied Tujue tribe in order to reduce his military pressure. As a result,his troop had made a rapid development and gained great influence over the country. Thus,it became a main anti-Sui power in northwest and a major threat to Sui. Therefore,all the ministers and generals had to persuade Emperor Suiyang into giving up the plan of the punitive expedition on Gaoli so as to concentrate the military power to roundup the "Nuzei" in the west. Then Emperor Suiyang first sent General Fan Gui to go east on a punitive expedition,then Senior General Hong Si.However,several years of fighting did not reach any results. Later his peasants' troop gradually was divided and joined in other uprising troops.Ⓔ

本文地址: https://www.yishiweijian.com/renwu/2022123828.html



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