

作者:主编 时间:2022年12月01日 阅读:143 评论:0


野利仁荣是党项民族的精英,具有强烈的民族自尊心和责任感。他坚决反对“用夏变夷” ,即用汉文化取代党项民族文化的全盘汉化方针。他认为 “一王之兴,必有一代之制……昔商鞅峻法而国霸,赵武胡服而兵强。国家表里山河,番汉杂处,好勇喜猎,日以兵马为务,非有礼乐诗书之气也。惟顺其性而教之功利,因其俗而严其刑赏,则民乐战征,习尚刚劲,可以制中国,驭戎夷,岂斤斤言礼义可敌哉” 。他的这些主张,就成为元昊立国的基本方略,也对西夏民族文化的发展起到了非常重要的作用。元昊让他担任谟宁令(天大王)之职,是元昊身旁的主要谋士,也是夏国的精神领袖。


Remained Tablet with Western Xia Characters

野利仁荣一生的重要贡献,就是遵照元昊的意见,仿照汉字特点,创制出党项族历史上特有的蕃书,即西夏文。他奉命演绎的蕃书 “成十二卷,字体形方整,类八分” ,约有六千多字。西夏大庆元年 (1036),元昊下令把他所创制的“蕃书”尊为“国字” ,强行在国内推广使用,规定“国中艺文诰牒,尽易蕃书” ; 在外交文书中,凡与宋朝的文书交往,采用汉蕃文并列,而与其他少数民族政权交往,则采用双方蕃文并列。野利仁荣还特别重视培养本民族的文化人才,他主持在夏国内建立蕃学,并亲自主讲蕃学,培养了不少精通蕃汉学的专门人才。野利仁荣还倾注大量心血,把汉文的《孝经》 《尔雅》 《四言杂字》等书译成西夏文,为推广西夏文字,发展西夏文化作出了大量不可磨灭的贡献,被夏国人民尊为“圣贤师”。大约创作于夏仁宗乾祐十六年(1185)的一首名为《颁师典》的西夏文诗歌中,曾赞扬了野利仁荣造字和办学的功绩。诗歌在叙述了汉族、吐蕃族各有文字后写道: “各有语言各自爱,各有文字各自敬; 吾邦亦有圣贤师,伟大名师数野利;天上文星东方出,用字引导西方明;招募弟子三千七,一一教诲成人杰。”野利仁荣还在改定本民族礼乐、建设本国官制等方面,有许多重大的贡献。

西夏文字 董宏征\摄

Xixia Characters Photo by Dong Hongzheng

夏天授礼法延祚五年(1042),野利仁荣去世。元昊“三临其丧,恸日: ‘何夺我股肱之速也! ’” 赠富平侯。夏天盛十四年 (1162),仁宗仁孝再次追封野利仁荣为广惠王。


Remained Tablet with Western Xia Characters

Yeli Renrong (?-1042),minister of the Western Xia,scholar and one of themajor creators of the Western Xia characters,born of Yeli tribe,Dangxiangethnic.

As an elite of Dangxiang ethnic people,he had strong national self-conscience and responsibility and strongly opposed to replace Dangxia culture with the culture of Hai nationality. He insisted that all prosperous times have their specialties in ruling:Shangyang made his country strong by using severe laws,Zhaowu made his army strong in minority ethnic garment. In the Western Xia,different ethnic groups mixed and inhabited and people valued courage and liked hunting instead of being fond of rite,music,poems and books. These habits should be developed with rules. The belligerence of the people could conquer China and other minority ethnic regime. How could rite and moral defeat enemies? His ideas became the fundamental policy for Yuanhao and played an important role in developing Dangxiang culture. He was granted the title of Moningling and was an important adviser of Yuanhao and spiritual leader of XiaKingdom.

His important contribution was the creation of the Western Xia characters by imitating the characters of the Hai under Yuanhao's order. There were about 6 000characters in square shape. In 1036,Yuanhao greatly promoted the usage of the new written language and made it a rule that the new characters should be universally used across the nation,and in diplomatic writing for the Song,both Chinese and the language of Western Xia should be used; for other minority ethnic regime,languages of both sides should be used. Yeli Renrong also paid special attention to talent training and set up the course on studies of Fan and he lectured on it personally. Therefore,many talents who were good at both studies of Fan and Hai were cultivated. Yeli Renrong also devoted to the translation of " Xiao Jing","Erya",and " Si Yan Za Zi" from Chinese to Western Xi language. He contributed a lot in promoting Western Xia characters and culture and was respected as "saint" by his people. There was a poem written in 1185 praising his contribution. It was written as follows: "Every nation has its language and fondness,has its characters and esteem. Our nation also has saint and thegreat master is Yeli. He was the star in the east sky illuminating the west with characters.He had 3,700 students and educated them to become outstanding". Yeli Rengrong also made contribution in establishing the rites and music of his nation and the bureaucracy system.

Yeli Renrong died in 1042. Yuanhao "three times went to his funeral "and cried :"Why was my capable assistant taken away so soon?" Yuanhao granted him the title of Fupinghou. In 1162,he was conferred to Duanghui Wang by Renzong Rengxiao. Ⓔ

本文地址: https://www.yishiweijian.com/renwu/2022123824.html



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