
《宋朝·西夏-吴玠 吴璘 吴挺 吴曦》资料介绍

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 南宋偏安江南,金军大举进犯西北时,吴玠担任泾原路兵马都监、兼知怀德军,在陕西都统制曲珍的指挥下与金兵作战,屡立战功,升任忠州刺史。建炎三年 (1129),朝廷任命大臣张浚为宣抚处置使,到陕西巡抚,非常看中吴氏兄弟,便把吴玠提升为统制,将其胞弟吴璘提升为掌帐前亲兵。次年,吴氏兄弟同仇敌忾,在战斗中奋勇杀敌,大败金军主帅娄宿。这一仗打得金国大将撒离喝丢盔弃甲,狼狈不堪,边逃边哭,大出洋相,在金军中传为笑话,金军广大士兵在私下里都以“啼哭郎君”讥称撒离喝。其间,吴玠、吴璘兄弟率领的这支宋军,在陕西境内有效抗击金军,成为阻止金军南下四川的劲旅,被南宋朝廷视为西北的柱石,最后把陕西战场的军事指挥大权完全交给吴玠,任命他担任陕西诸路都统制。吴玠在总结对金兵以骑兵为主力的作战实践时,发明了“驻队矢” 的新战法,即以弓箭兵轮番群发而制骑兵的战法。绍兴元年 (1131),金军在主帅金兀术的指挥下,以十万大军直扑陕西渭州、宝鸡等地。吴玠、吴璘兄弟率部迎战,运用 “驻队矢” 的战术,打败金军,兀术本人也中箭,侥幸逃命。朝廷奖励吴氏兄弟,封吴玠为镇西军节度使,吴璘为泾原路马步军副总管。第二年,又把陕西军政大权全部交给吴玠,授他兼任宣抚处置使司都统制,节制兴、文、龙三州军事。不久又加任检校少保,兼利州路、阶、成、凤州制置使。绍兴四年(1134)二月,金兀术、撒离喝再次率十万兵马重新向陕西进攻,战略目标则是拿下陕西,进军四川。吴玠、吴璘等将领分东西两路阻击金军,经过两个月浴血奋战,宋军以少胜多,不仅守住原有阵地,还恢复了凤、秦、陇三州土地。捷报传到宋京,朝廷再次破格提升吴玠为川、陕宣抚副使,检校少师,奉宁、保定军节度使。吴璘也由防御使升任定国军承宣使。


Remains of Ancient Beacon Tower

 绍兴九年 (1139),宋金媾和停战,宋廷为嘉奖吴玠在陕西的巨大战功,授予他特进、开府仪司三司,升任四川宣抚使,仍然继续节制陕西阶、成等州军务。同年,吴玠病逝在陕南前沿阵地仙人关,享年四十七岁。朝廷赠少师。后追封为涪王,谥“武安” 。地方官民为了纪念他,在他去世的仙人关专门给他修建一座庙宇,命名为“思烈” ,用以寄托人民的哀思。
 史家在评论时认为: 吴玠虽是一名军人,但在戎马倥偬中,仍然坚持读书学习,尤其偏爱史书。他把历史上孙、吴等军事名将的兵法都反复熟读,经典之处尽量记录下来,用以指导自己的军事实践。所以吴玠与一般武夫不一样,他视野开阔,高瞻远瞩,深谋远虑,管理部队严而有恩,任用将领量能使用,官兵们都愿意跟着他去赴汤蹈火。吴玠大有古代良将的风度。
 吴璘 (1100~1166),南宋将领。字唐卿。吴玠的弟弟。他智勇双全,与他兄长一起成为著名的抗金大将军。
 建炎三年(1129),吴璘与兄长吴玠同时被陕西宣抚处置使张浚所赏识。此后兄弟二人并肩作战,同受升赏。兄吴玠去世以后,吴璘接替哥哥的使命,所部成为陕西抗金的主力部队,被升任龙神卫四厢都指挥使。绍兴十年(1140),正当宋高宗和奸相秦桧庆祝 “和议”成功的时候,金人撕毁和约,兵分四路在主帅金兀术的指挥下,对南宋发动全面进攻。金兵很快占领河南、陕西的许多州县。接着,金将撒离喝率领西部金兵,强渡黄河,攻占长安,直趋凤翔。这时,只有四川制置权宣抚司事的胡世将和吴璘驻防在河池,情况十分危急。胡世将紧急召集各路将领商议防御办法。参谋官孙渥提出河池不可守,宜退保仙人原的意见。吴璘认为孙渥长敌人志气,灭自己威风,愤怒地说: “懦语沮军,可斩也! ”并自愿“请以百口保破敌” 。在吴璘的指挥下,首战大获全胜,打击了金军的嚣张气焰,阻止了敌人的西进,挽救了全陕的危局。朝廷升吴璘为镇西军节度使并授予侍卫步军都虞候。吴璘在对金军的作战实践中,也总结创新了一种新战法,名叫“垒阵” ,专门打击敌人的骑兵冲锋队,行之有效,屡挫金军,在西北战场上发挥了重要的作用。
 金将胡盏和习不祝两军联合在一起,以五万之众屯驻在刘家圈,对全陕的战局有极大的威胁。吴璘请战,要求把这支敌军赶走。胡世将问他用什么打法破敌,吴璘说用“垒阵法” 。所谓垒阵法,即以长枪兵排坐在前面,不准站立,最强的弓箭手跪于其后,最后面是神箭手。待敌人距阵地百步时,神箭手先射; 距七十步时强弓手齐射。敌骑临阵时,长枪刺敌战马和骑手。同时,在布阵时先将骑兵以铁钩相连,在前面遮挡,等布阵完毕后,骑兵退后。
 绍兴十一年 (1141),南宋与金签订和约。此后,虽然宋金处于和议之中,但吴璘治军经武如同战时,一刻也不放松警惕。
 绍兴三十一年 (1161),金主调集六十万大军,亲自率领倾巢南下,妄图一举灭宋。仅仅用一个多月的时间,就打到了长江北岸的和州(今安徽和县),南宋朝野大为震惊。是年,吴璘已六十二岁高龄,且身患疾病,宋廷在金兵大兵压境的危急关头,任命吴璘担任四川宣抚使兼陕西、河南招讨使。吴璘指挥西线宋军,接连收复秦、洮、陇、商等州,吸引了大量南下金兵,缓解了东南战场的压力。
 吴挺 (1137~1193),南宋将领。字仲烈。吴璘的儿子。因功臣名将之子,荫袭中郎将,并应召赴京,受到宋高宗赵构的接见。高宗向他询问西北军事战略等一系列重大问题,他的回答皇上十分满意,被破格授予右武郎、浙西都监兼御前祗候。不久,改任利路钤辖,利州东路前军同统制。
 绍兴三十一年 (1161),金国毁盟兴兵,他的父亲吴璘担任宣抚使总领陕西三路大军迎战金军,他自己也独当中军统制要职。他所带领的中军全部打黄色旗帜,人人奋勇杀敌,金军最怕吴家军,往往还没有见到吴挺这支精兵的踪影,大兵们就相互惊呼: “黄帜儿至矣! ”畏之如虎,往往自我惊扰,不战而溃。吴挺与兄弟部队一起收复秦州,大破治平寨,夺取南市城,陕西战场取得抗金大捷。他很快就升任荣州刺史,熙河经略、安抚使。次年,金军重整旗鼓,再犯陕西,吴挺先后与金军在六盘山、瓦亭、德顺城展开激战,并夺取巩州,再升任郢州防御史。
 乾道二年(1166),吴璘病逝,吴挺曾一度给父亲守丧而暂时离开战场。守孝期满后,朝廷重新起用他,被任命为左卫上将军,主管京城禁军侍卫步军的重要差事。淳熙元年 (1174),改任兴州都统、定江军节度使。在任期间,他在宕昌开设互市,大量从西羌换取好马,积极组建了一支强大的骑兵,用来专门对付金人的铁骑军。他把辖地驻军统一编制为十个军,选配好主将,严格进行训练,使之成为一支劲旅。他还发动官兵自修堡寨,自造军械,节省军队开支,赈济灾区,为地方救灾出一份力量。他大公无私,将不成文的 “折估” 制 (驻军长官公开侵吞公家钱财的一种旧规)给废除了。鼓励驻军给当地兴修水利,开荒种地,从而大大减轻了地方人民的负担。
 宋光宗绍熙四年 (1193)春天,吴挺因病请求回家休养,朝廷批准他以太尉之职退养。同年病逝,享年五十六岁。赠少师、开府仪同三司。
 吴曦 (1151~1207),南宋叛臣。吴挺的儿子。因出身于吴氏功臣世家,初授右承奉郎,后改任武翼郎。父亲吴挺去世以后,于庆元年间(1195~1200),先后担任建康军马都统制、兴州知州兼利西路安抚使、武宁军承宣使、太尉。
 庆元六年 (1200),权臣韩侂胄计划对西南用兵,吴曦早有野心,想乘此机会重返川陕,割据一方。便大力活动,贿赂朝臣,得到韩侂胄的同意,实现了掌握西部军权的愿望。开禧二年 (1206),宋廷打算在川陕开辟抗金战场,便将西部军政财大权都交给吴曦,任命他为四川宣抚副使,兴州知州,兼陕西、河东招抚使,“听便宜行事” 。吴曦认为时机已到,就投靠金人,把陕西阶、成、和、凤四州国土拱手送给金国。次年正月,吴曦派部将利吉导引金兵进入凤州,接受所献四州土地。金国封吴曦为蜀王,吴在兴州僭称伪王。但是,吴曦的叛国行为不得人心,他只过了一个月的大王瘾,就被兴州合口仓官杨正源等官员杀死,党羽也被消灭。吴曦一家的主要成员都被处死,只有吴玠一支的子孙未被连坐外,吴氏家族和吴璘子孙都被迁出四川,免去一切功名和职务。
 Wu Jie (1092-1139),who styled himself Jinqing,was a general of the SouthernSong Dynasty.HewasborninDeshunjunCity (LongdeCity,Ningxia today). Since it was a prevailing fashion to learn wushu in hishometown,therefore,his childhood was spent in learning to read and write as well aspracticing wushu. By the end of his twenties he had mastered the skills in martial arts so well and been good at horsemanship and archery techniques that he got a remarkable reputation far and near in his hometown. Later,when the army of Western Xia Dynasty invaded,he renounced the pen for the sword to defend his native land. During the Zhenghe reign (about 1114-1115),for the first time in his life he rendered meritorious service in a battle against the Western Xia army and was promoted to the second lieutenant of Jinyi army. After that,he was promoted to the first lieutenant and then the tenth and second general of Jingyuan army because of his contributions. The ruler of the Southern Song Dynasty felt contented in its rule in the areas to the south of the Yangzi River. When the army of the Jin Dynasty invaded the Northwest of China,Wu Jie held the post of the major of Jingyuan as well as that of Huaide army. Under the leadership of Dutong Quzhen,a Shaanxi major general,Wu Jie fought the Jin army bravely and soon was promoted to the rank of the colonel of Zhongzhou army. In the third year of Jianyan reign (1129),the Southern Song Dynasty appointed Zhang Jun the Pacifying Officer. When he inspected Shaanxi Province,he thought so highly of the brothers Wu Jie and Wu Lin that he promoted Wu Jie to the post of major general and appointed Wu Lin as his military bodyguard. In the following year,in a battle Wu brothers shared a bitter hatred of enemy and fought hard against the Jin army and defeated Lou Su,the chief commander of the Jin army. In this battle,Sa Lihe,a famous general of Jin,was badly battered that he threw away everything and fled helter-skelter,crying all the way to the rear base. This silly sight was spread widely as a laughing stock so that in private Sa Lihe was jokingly called "Wailing General" by the soldiers in the Jin army. During this period of time,Wu Jie and Wu Lin led their army to resist against Jin army effectively within the territory of Shaanxi and became the strong contingent,which prevented the enemy from going down south to Sichuan. Thus they were regarded as the protective screen of the Northwest so that the government not only gave Wu Jie the military power of Shaanxi but also appointed him the highest commander of Shaanxi armies. While analyzing the fighting experience with the cavalry main force of the Jin army,Wu Jie invented an effective defending method called"Zhuduishi". By this method,the soldiers stood in lines,shooting arrows at the enemy in turn to stop them from advancing. In the first year of Shaoxing reign (1131),with100,000 soldiers the Jin army,led by their chief commander Jinwuzhu,attacked Weizhou,Baoji and other areas of Shaanxi. Wu Jie and Wu Lin led their army,fighting against the invaders. They used the new strategy,"Zhuduishi",to defeat Jin's cavalry.Even Jinwuzhu himself was wounded by the arrow and only escaped his life by chance.For this victory Wu Jie was promoted to the commander of the Front Army of Zhenxi,Wu Lin to the vice manager of Jingyuan cavalry and infantry. In the following year,Wu Jie was authorized to deal with the military and political affairs of Shaanxi province.Meanwhile,he was appointed Pacifying Officer,taking charge of the military affairs inXingzhou,Wenzhou and Longzhou. Soon after that,he was promoted to the rank of the major general and the highest military commander of Lizhoulu,Jiezhou,Chengzhou and Fengzhou. In the February of the 4th year of Shaoxing reign (1134),Jinwuzhu and Sa Lihe led 100,000 soldiers to attack Shaanxi again. Their strategic plan was to capture Shaanxi and march into Sichuan. Wu Jie,Wu Lin and other generals led their army fight against the enemy from east and west. After a two-month bloody battle,pitting the few against the many,Wu's army not only successfully held the original territory,but also recovered such lost territory as Fengzhou,Qinzhou and Longzhou. At the victory news,as a special case,the royal government promoted Wu Jie to the rank of the vice military commander of Sichuan and Shaanxi,Lieutenant general,and the commander of Fengning and Baoding army. Meanwhile,Wu Lin was promoted from the defending commander to the highest commander of Dingguo army.
 From a village intellectual to an army soldier,from defending his hometown to upholding state sovereignty,Wu Jie,taking part in many battles,fought against the Jin army for about 10 years,and distinguished himself in military action. In the 9th year of Shaoxing reign (1139),the Song Dynasty and the Jin Dynasty agreed to bury the hatchet. In order to award Wu Jie for his brilliant military achievements in Shaanxi,the government promoted him to the pacifying officer of Sichuan. At the same time he was vested with the authority in military affairs in Jiezhou,Chengzhou and other cities inShaanxi Province. In the same year,Wu Jie died of illness at the forward position in Xianrenguan pass,at the age of 47. The Song Dynasty conferred him posthumously the title of the vice Prime Minister and later the prince of Fu and styled him as "Security General". To commemorate him,the people there built a temple in Xianrenguan and named it "Martyr Temple" as a monument to show their heartfelt sorrow to him.
 When the historians appraised Wu Jie,they remarked that although Wu Jie was an army man,he kept reading a lot of books and showed particular interest in historical records in his busy army life. He repeatedly read the military strategy and tactics written by Sun Zi,Wu Qi and other outstanding generals in ancient time and recorded their unique achievements to guide his own military practice. Therefore,he was different from other army men. Because of his broad and long term view,deep thought and careful planning,strict but charitable supervision and his policy of "right person for right position",officers and the soldiers were willing to go through fire and water with him.
 Wu Lin (1100-1166),who styled himself Tangqing,was a general of the Southern Song Dynasty and younger brother of Wu Jie. Being intelligent and courageous like his brother,Wu Jie,he became a famous general for his fighting against the Jin army.
 In the third year of Jianyan reign (1129),Wu Lin and Wu Jie were appreciated by Zhang Juan,who was then the Pacifying Officer of Shaanxi. After that,Wu brothers fought side by side and won promotion simultaneously. After the death of Wu Jie,Wu Lin took over his mission to be the main force against the Jin army and was promoted to the highest commander of the 4 branches of army in Longshen. In the 16th year of Shaoxing reign (1146),when Gaozong,the emperor of the Song Dynasty,and Qin Hui,the Prime Minister,were celebrating the conclusion of the "Peace Treaty" between the Song and Jin Dynasty,Jin suddenly tore up the agreement and attacked Song from four directions under the commanding of Jinwuzhu. Before long,the Jin army occupied a lot of counties in Henan and Shaanxi. After that under the order Sa Lihe,the Jin army in the west forced its way across the Yellow River,occupied Chang'an and headed straight for Fengxiang. At that time,only Hu Shiqiang,the vice Pacifying Officer of Sichuan,and Wu Lin garrisoned Hechi. The situation was so critical that He Shiqiang urgently convened all the generals to discuss defending measures. The staff officer Sun Wo proposed that the Song army abandon Hechi and withdraw to guard Xianrenyuan. Wu Lin thought that Sun Wo's suggestion would boost the enemy's morale,so he said angrily," What he said is mild enough to discourage our soldiers. Kill him!" And Wu Lin himself volunteered to keep his family as hostages to guarantee his victory over the Jin army. Under the commanding of Wu Lin,the Song army won a brilliant victory in the first battle,deflating the arrogance of the enemy,preventing them from marching into the west areas of his native land,thus retrieving Shaanxi from an inferior position in the battlefield. For this reason,the government appointed him the general director of the West Front Army and the vice commander of the imperial army. Based on his fighting experience with the Jin army,Wu Lin repulsed the enemy cavalry's assault with a newly-developed tactics called " base array". It was effective and played an important role in the battlefield of the Northwest.
 At that time,the Jin generals Hu Zhan and Xi Buzhu jointed their army together and stationed a huge force,say,50000 soldiers,in Liujiajuan,threatening the security ofShaanxi. Wu Lin asked for a battle assignment to drive away this branch of enemy.When general Hu Shiqiang asked him how to destroy the enemy,Wu Lin replied that he was to use the "base array". The so-called "base array" is to deploy the ranks in battle array: spearmen sit in the front of the array; strong bowmen kneel to fire behind them;and sharpshooters stand at the back of the array. When the enemy marches within one hundred paces,the sharpshooters shoot first; within the distance of 70 paces,the strongest bowmen shoot in a volley; and when the enemy comes near enough,the spearmen bayonet their horses and cavaliers. In the 11th year of Shaoxing reign (1141),the Song Dynasty and the Jin Dynasty signed a peace treaty. In the state of armistice,Wu Lin still administered his army like what he did in the wartime,never relaxing sharp vigilance for a moment.
 In the thirty-first year of Shaoxing reign (1261),the emperor of the Jin Dynasty assembled 600,000 main forces,heading for the South to destroy the Song Dynasty.Within only one month or so,the Jin army marched so fast into Hezhou (He County,Anhui Province today),which was located on the bank of the Yangzi River,that the government and the public were shocked greatly. At that time,Wu Lin had been already at his age of 62 and was suffering from a serious illness. At such critical moment the Jin's large army force was bearing down upon the border,the Song Dynasty appointed Wu Lin the Pacifying Officer of Sichuan and the military commander of Shaanxi and Henan. Under the commanding of Wu Lin,the Song army recovered Qinzhou,Taozhou,Longzhou,Shangzhou and other lost territories. Thus,the tension in the Southeast battlefield was relaxed for a vast amount of enemy were held up. In the first year of Qiandao reign (1165),Wu Lin was recalled to the capital. Gaozong andXiaozong,the father of the emperor and the emperor himself treated him cordially,granting him the title of Taishi (an honorable post to guard the emperor) and making him the governor of Xin'an. Soon,he left the capital for Xingyuan City. After he came to Hanzhong,he renovated old weirs,irrigated thousands qing(a traditional unit of area)of farmlands,benefiting the local people a great deal.
 In the second year of Qiandao reign (1166),Wu Lin died at the age of 66. The government conferred him posthumously the title of the Prime Minister and the Xin King.
 Wu Ting (1137-1193),who styled himself Zhonglie,was a general of the Southern Song Dynasty and the son of Wu Lin. Because of his father's outstanding service and great reputation,he was conferred a hereditary title as lieutenant general and recalled to the capital to pay respects to Zhaogou,the emperor Gaozong. When the emperor asked him about the strategic plan and other important issues of the West Front Army,his answer satisfied the emperor so much that he was promoted to Youfu general,the commander of the West Zhejiang Army and the general in charge of the bodyguards of the emperor. Soon after that,he was appointed the Head of the Lilujin army and the director of the Lizhou East Front Army. In the thirty-first year of Shaoxing reign (1161),the Jin Dynasty tore up the agreement to launch another war.Wu Lin held the post of the Pacifying Officer,commanding 3 branches of army to defend the Jin army. Wu Ting held the post of the commander of one branch of army at that time. His soldiers carried yellow army flags and fought heroically. The Jin army trembled with fear on hearing of the approaching of Wu Ting's army even without seeing any trace of them,the enemy would cry,"the yellow army is coming!" andescape in disorder. Together with the other army,Wu Ting recaptured Qingzhou,inflicted a defeat on Zhiping Village,occupied Nanshi City and won a brilliant victory in the battlefield of Shaanxi. Soon he was promoted to the rank of the military commander of Rongzhou,the general and the Pacifying Officer of Xihe. The following year,the Jin army rallied their forces and attacked Shaanxi once again. Wu Ting fought scores of battles with the enemy successively in Liupan Mountain,Wating Town and Deshun City and finally captured Gongzhou so that he was promoted to the defending officer of Yingzhou army.
 After Xiaozong ascended the throne,he made Wu Ting the commander of the Front Army of the Shaanxi and Henan,taking in charge of the army and government affairs in Shaanxi. Wu Ting,at the age of 25,has become one of the chief commanders in the West battlefield to check the enemy's advance toward the West and South areas of the Song Dynasty. He distinguished himself in so many actions that successively he was promoted to the commander of the Front Army in Wuchang,the commander of the 4 branches of army in Longshenwei,and the Pacifying Officer of Xihe army.
 In the second year of Qiandao reign (1166),Wu Ting stayed away from the battlefield,mourning for his father's death. After several years,the government reinstated him and appointed him the general of Zuowei,taking in charge of the imperial army inthe capital. In the first year of Chunxi reign (1174),he was appointed the commander of Xingzhou and Dingjiang army. During this period of time he opened trade in Dangchang City,buying a lot of war-horses from Xiqiang to set up a branch of powerful cavalry force to defend the enemy. He reorganized his army into 10 branches with one chief commander in each branch,and trained the soldiers strictly to build his army into a powerful fighting force. Meanwhile,he mobilized the officers as well as the soldiers themselves to repair the fort,make weapons,cut down military expenditure and relieve the people in stricken areas. He was perfectly impartial in abolishing the unwritten law "Zhegu" (an old rule which the garrison officer used to embezzle public funds). He encouraged the garrison to build water conservancy projects and open up wasteland,so as to lighten the burden on the local people.
 In the fourth year of Shaoxi age of Guangzong reign (1193),Wu Ting asked for leave on account of sickness. The government granted his request and appointed him the defense minister. The same year,he died of illness at the age of 56. The government conferred him posthumously the title of vice Prime Minister and the guard of honorlike that of the Prime Minister.
 Wu Xi (1151-1207),who was the traitor of the Southern Song Dynasty,was the son of Wu Ting. Because he was born in family of Wu,which had renderedoutstanding service,he was conferred the title of the major of Youcheng. Later he got his new post as the lieutenant colonel of Wuyi. After his father,Wu Ting,died,he successively held the posts of the military commander of Jiankang,the governor of Xingzhou,the pacifying officer of the Front Army of Lixi,the commander of Wuning army and the defense minister of the Song Dynasty during the Qingyuan reign (1195-1200).
 In the sixth year of Qingyuan reign (1200),Han Tuozhou,an influential official of the Song Dynasty,planned to launch another war in the Southwest. Having been obsessed with ambition to go back to Shaanxi and set up a separatist regime by force of army,Wu Xi used his personal influence and bribed courtiers to request for Han Tuozhou's agreement to the nomination of the commander of the West Army. In the second year of Kaixi reign (1206),the Song Dynasty planned to open up battlefields against the Jin army in Sichuan and Shaanxi. Wu Xi was conferred the civil,military and financial power over the West areas and appointed the vice Pacifying Officer of Sichuan,the governor of Xingzhou and the amnesty officer of Shaanxi and Hedong. At the same time he was given the power to take actions freely according to situations. Wu Xi thought the conditions were ripe and threw in his lot with the Jin Dynasty by surrendering the territory of Jiezhou,Chengzhou,Hezhou and Fengzhou of Shaanxisubmissively to the enemy. In the first moon of the following year,Wu Xi sent his subordinate Li Ji to lead the enemy into Fengzhou to take the 4 cities. The Jin Dynasty conferred him the title of the prince of Shu. So Wu Xi set up his separatist rule in Xingzhou. However,his behavior did not enjoy popular support. He and his followers were killed by Yang Zhengyuan,a barn officer,after being the king for merely a month.The main family members of Wu Xi were also put to death. Although the descendants of Wu Jie were not punished for being related with Wu Xi,all the clan of Wu were ordered to move out of Sichuan and removed from all the official posts.
 The three generations of Wu family have performed immoral contributions to the West areas for the Song Dynasty. They were awarded successively and conferred the title as high as marquis and prince,winning universal praise in Sichuan and Shaanxi.However,because of Wu Xi's treason,the immoral feats made by Wu family in 80 years were destroyed in a moment—all their efforts were wasted.Ⓔ

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