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曲端(1090~1131),南宋将领。字正甫。镇戎军 (今宁夏固原)人。父亲曲涣,任左班殿直,战死。三岁以父荫而授三班借职。曲端自幼聪明好学,喜欢文史,热心于兵略。



Brick-carved Horse of South Song Dynasty

南宋建炎二年 (1128)正月,金将娄宿“入长安、凤翔,关、陇大震” 。当时,曲端驻防在泾原,抓紧练兵,并招抚流民溃卒,力撑残局。曲端的叔父时任偏将,打了败仗,他不徇私情,把叔父在军前斩首示众。在办理后事时,他又亲自为叔父撰写了祭文,祭文落款为 “斩偏将者泾原都统制曲端也; 祭叔者侄曲端也” 。全军折服。六月,升任集英殿修撰知延安府,又改任吉州 (今江西吉安)团练使。此时,遇到金兵来攻打延安,王庶命令曲端驰援,而他怕关中有失,派遣副将吴玠出师襄乐,以牵制金兵。延安失陷,王庶逃至襄乐,曲端指责他 “固知爱身,不知爱天子城” ,一怒之下,拔刀要杀王庶。建炎三年 (1129)九月,曲端调任康州防御使、泾原路经略安抚使,封威武大将军,知渭州(今甘肃平凉) ,军士欢声如雷。但是,南宋朝廷对西北这位抗金名将,之前曾对指挥官动刀,产生怀疑,便派大臣张彬到渭州以招兵为掩护,对他进行暗中考察。这时,宣慰川陕大臣张浚到陕,劝他率部南下,而曲端则主张按兵据险,扰敌后方,待其自困,而又与张浚意见不合。建炎四年 (1130)秋,金兀术进兵江淮,张浚要他带兵参战,曲端仍然力主屯兵保陕西,所以宋廷对他的疑心更大,解除了他的兵权,把他降为海州 (今江苏连云港海州镇)团练副使,实任万州 (今四川万县)安置。绍兴元年 (1131)正月,曲端一度复出,改任 “荣州刺史,提举江州太平观,徙阆州” 。但张浚深恐曲端怀有二心,难以制服,便诬告曲端在家中的房屋庭柱上所题写的诗句 “不向关中兴事业,却来江上泛渔舟” ,是影射和攻击高宗赵构的意思,因而被捕投入恭州 (今四川巴县)监狱。曲端知道张浚不容他,朝廷也不信任自己,这次是必死无疑。在狱中,曲端被施以种种酷刑仍拒不 “认罪” ,竟被用药酒毒死。年仅四十一岁。关陇乡人得知曲端被害,“莫不惜之”。未死之前,“蜀人多上书为端讼冤” 。遇难之后,“远近士民,闻端之死,无不怅恨,有数日食不能下者” ; “陕西军士,皆流涕怅恨,有叛去者” ; “陕西士大夫莫不惜之” 。不久,张浚的罪行被揭露,受他迫害的曲端得以平反昭雪,被追认为宣州观察使,谥“壮愍” 。

Qu Duan (1091-1131),a general of the Southern Song Dynasty,styled asZhengpu,was a native of Zhenrongjun (present-day Guyuan in Ningxia). Hisfather Qu Huan was a high-ranking official,who died in the battlefield. Just atthe age of 3,he succeeded to his father's Rank III official post. As a bright child,he loved literature and history and was enthusiastic about military strategies.

In the first year of Jingkang reign of the Southern Song Dynasty (1126),the troops of Western Xia (1038-1227) conquered Xi'an Prefecture (present-day Xi'an Village in Haiyuan,Ningxia) and Huaidejun (present-day Sanying Town in Yuanzhou District in Guyuan city,Ningxia) while the troops of Jin (1115-1234) were surrounding Bianjing (present-day Kaifeng city in Henan Province). Zhenrongjun was in immediate danger since it was the northwestern gateway to Song Dynasty. If it were broken through,the consequences would be disastrous. But then there was no general in charge of Zhengrongjun,so Qu Duan was assigned to guard the place. At this critical moment,he shouldered and successfully fulfilled the mission to resist the invasion of the Western Xia troops and prevented them from going southward.

In January,the second year of Jianyan reign of the Southern Song Dynasty (1128),when Lou Su,a general of Jin,invaded Chang'an,Fenxiang,Tongguan and GansuProvince were struck with panic. At that moment,Qu Duan was garrisoning Jingyuan,where he was busy training soldiers,and comforted refugees and routed soldiers. After his uncle,a vice-general,was defeated in a battle,he,free from favoritism,beheaded him in front of the whole army as a warning. When he made arrangement for his uncle's funeral,he wrote the elegiac address himself and finished it with the line "Qu Duan,the commander-in-chief of Jingyuan,who had Qu Huan the vice-general beheaded; Qu Duan,a nephew of Qu Huan,who offered a sacrifice to his uncle Qu Huan." This action won reverence from all soldiers. In June,he was promoted to the provincial official of Yan'an,and later the head of the local militia in Jizhou (presentday Ji'an in Jiangxi Province). When Jin troops came to attack Yan'an,Wang Shu ordered Qu Duan to reinforce Yan'an. Meanwhile,he had the vice-general Wu Jie lead the army to Xiangle to check Jin troops for fear that Central Shaanxi would fall into the enemy's hands. After all,Yan'an was captured and Wang Shu escaped to Xiangle,whom Qu Duan criticized as "too selfish to care about the security of the fortress." Qu was so enraged that he attempted to kill Wang Shu. In September of the third year of Jianyan reign (1129),Qu Duan was transferred to be the defender-general of Kangzhou,appeasement commander of Jingyuanlu,weiwu General in WeizhouPrefecture (present-day Pingliang city in Gansu Province). All soldiers roared to welcome him. But the royal court of the Southern Song Dynasty suspected him of disloyalty since he had ever attempted to kill his superior. Then the minister Zhang Bin was sent to Weizhou to investigate him secretly under the cover of recruiting soldiers.Another Minister Zhang Jun,who took charge of Sichuan and Shaanxi provinces,came to Shaanxi and persuaded him to lead the troops to the south,but Qu Duan insisted on guarding the pass and attacking the rear of the enemy. The fourth year autumn of Jianyan (1130),Jingwushu invaded Yangtze-Huaihe Valley,Zhang Jun ordered him to engage the enemy. But Qu Duan still insisted strongly on preserving the army to protect Shaanaxi,which caused greater suspect of the royal court. He was relieved of military power and demoted to the vice military leader of the local militia in Haizhou (presentday Haizhou Town,Lianyugang city in Jiangsu Province),and in fact settled in Wanzhou (Wanxian County in Sichuan Province). In January of first year of Shaoxin reign (1131),Qu Duan was promoted to Cishi (an official handling procuratorial affairs in a prefecture on behalf of the central government in ancient China) of Rongzhou,and then to Langzhou. But Zhang Jun deeply suspected Qu Duan of disloyalty to the royal court and slandered him viciously by quoting the lines of Qu Duan's poem "pay no attention to the state affairs,but fish on the river all the time" as the evidence of Qu's attack on Emperor Gaozong,Zhao Gou. Afterwards,Qu Duan was put into jail in Gongzhou (present-day Baxian County in Sichuan Province). He was fully aware that he was doomed to death this time since Zhang Jun did not tolerate him and the royalcourt did not trust him,either. In the jail,Qu Duan was tortured cruelly but refused to confess his "crime". Eventually he was poisoned to death at the age of 41. When the people in Central Shaanxi and Gansu Province heard that,"they all felt sorry". Before he died,"many people in Sichuan Province had ever submitted memorials to the royal court requesting to redress the wrong done to him". "When they knew his death,the people were so sad that some of them even could not have meals for a few days.""Soldiers in Shaanxi Province wept and felt resentful,and some even left the army"."Scholar-officials in Shaanxi Province all had pity on him." Soon later,Zhang Jun's crime was revealed,and Qu Duan's case was redressed. He was posthumously admitted as Guanchashi (an official title in ancient China) of Xuanzhou with the posthumous title of Zhuangmin. Ⓔ

本文地址: https://www.yishiweijian.com/renwu/2022123820.html



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