
《宋朝·西夏-没藏氏 没藏讹庞》资料介绍

作者:主编 时间:2022年12月01日 阅读:266 评论:0

没藏氏 (?~1056),西夏皇太后。党项族。夏景宗元昊的妃子、夏毅宗谅祚的母亲。没藏讹庞 (?~1061),西夏大臣。党项族。没藏氏的兄长。元昊、谅祚两朝国相。没藏氏兄妹操纵朝政,是西夏王朝的第一次后族专权。

没藏氏原先是元昊朝大将野利遇乞的老婆。元昊诛杀遇乞之后,又有些后悔,便寻访到遇乞的遗孀没藏氏,见她貌美,就把她迎养在宫中,与她私通。后被皇后野利氏所逼,元昊不得已而把她安排在兴庆府城内戒坛寺居住,名义上是出家当了尼姑,法号叫 “没藏大师”,实际上该寺院成了元昊与没藏氏幽会、干龌龊勾当的场所。元昊渐渐不顾影响和大臣们的反对,经常公开带上没藏氏去打猎、野营。元昊和没藏氏的私生子,就是出生在打猎野营的路上一个名叫两岔河的地方。这个孩子名叫谅祚,开始时被寄养于没藏氏哥哥讹庞的家中。没藏部落是党项大族,讹庞是首领。同年,元昊任命没藏讹庞为国相,授予重权,倚为心腹,于是没藏氏部族在朝中势力大增。这时,后宫矛盾日益尖锐。元昊在夺取太子宁令哥之妻没��氏以后, 又废了皇后野利氏。 宁令哥失妻,皇后母亲被废,母子二人对元昊怨恨、害怕,惶惶不安。讹庞当然知道宁令哥母子的心事,便设下圈套,表示愿意帮助宁令哥从父亲手中夺取王位。天授礼法延祚十一年 (1048)正月,宁令哥与野利族人浪烈等,乘元昊酒醉,入宫刺死元昊。早有准备的讹庞此刻把宁令哥抓住,便当朝宣布太子杀父、弑君的大罪,名正言顺地处死了野利氏母子。元昊在临咽气之前留下遗诏,让把皇位传给他的堂弟委哥宁令。大权在握的讹庞则完全不把遗诏放在眼里,他公开抗旨说,“夏自祖考以来,父死子继,国人乃服” ,况且委哥宁令又没有建立过什么战功,所以他决定让元昊与没藏氏的私生子谅祚继承帝位,众人不敢反对。于是一岁的谅祚当了小皇帝,母以子贵,没藏氏自然而然成为皇太后,讹庞则成为国舅加国相,总揽军政大权,“至是权益重,出入仪卫拟于王者” ,没藏氏兄妹完全把持了朝政。

Tiansi Tower in Yinchuan City


没藏兄妹执政后,立即分别派使臣到宋朝、契丹通报情况。宋廷无意干涉夏国内政,便册封谅祚为夏国主。契丹则因为在元昊朝时有得胜寺南壁之败,想乘元昊新丧,母后临朝,政局不稳的困难之中,乘机伐夏,以雪当年战败之耻,所以就扣留了夏使,也不给谅祚册封。没藏氏兄妹执掌朝政期间,与契丹的关系比较紧张,与宋廷也是面和心不和。契丹曾在夏延嗣宁国元年,即契丹重熙十八年(1049),兵分三路大举进攻夏国,双方各有胜负。战后,双方都感到敌对和开战有损国力,恐为宋朝所乘,于是在不损害本国疆土、人户与核心利益的前提下,只能重新选择和好为上策,首先由夏国向契丹作退让姿态。后来夏国不断遣使去契丹求和,表示愿意称臣。经过几年的努力,契丹主终于在夏福圣承道元年,即契丹重熙二十三年 (1054)才赐诏夏国,接受其求和的请求。这以后,双方再没有大的冲突。次年,没藏氏又遣使到契丹,为谅祚请婚,契丹不答应,并始终没有册封谅祚,说明契丹对夏还存有戒心。

西夏尊佛教为国教,没藏太后也笃信佛教。谅祚幼年登位,前途未卜,为了祈求上天保佑他的幼子健康、平安和稳坐皇位,没藏太后在临朝执政的第三年,即天祐垂圣元年 (1050),大兴土木,在夏都西南角,修建承天寺、塔,大约在夏福圣承道三年 (1055)建成。新寺树立建寺石碑一座,名为“夏国皇太后新建承天寺瘗佛顶骨舍利碑” 。碑文中有 “皇太后承天顾命,册制临轩” ,“今上皇帝,幼登宸极” ,“大崇精舍,中立浮图” ,“金棺银椁瘗其下,佛顶舍利门其中”等语。因碑文中有 “承天顾命”一句话,依照这句话,没藏氏给新寺命名为 “承天寺” 。塔从寺名,也叫 “承天寺塔” 。因为位于城西南角,民间俗称为 “西塔” 。承天寺塔虽然经过多次破坏,但在原基址上重修的塔身,至今仍然耸立在宁夏回族自治区首府银川市内。塔身十一层,高六十四点五米。塔为八角形楼阁式砖塔,底层每边长五米,东西对边约二十二米,塔身第三、五、七、九层的东、南、西、北四面开设券门式的明窗,第十一层开四明四暗的圆窗,其他各层、各面都开设和券门相同的壁龛。每层的塔檐有上下挑出各三层的棱角牙子,十一层以上挑出五层棱角牙子,在上面建八面攒尖的塔刹座和塔刹。整座塔呈现出秀削挺拔的艺术风格。塔室方形,宽二点一米,为 “厚壁空心式”木板楼层结构,有木梯可以盘旋登至第十一层。现在,承天寺塔是宁夏博物馆展出和办公场所,也是自治区重点文物保护单位。

夏都元年, 即宋嘉祐二年 (1057), 宋夏之间也因为边界问题发生过战争,夏国取得小胜。此时没藏太后已死,没藏讹庞更加霸道,他为了标榜自己的武功,便频频在宋夏边境挑起事端,制造流血事件,从而激怒了宋廷,重新恢复对夏的经济制裁,全面封闭沿边的一切官私贸易,给夏国的经济造成极大困难,从而进一步激化了夏国内部的矛盾。奲都五年 (1061), 十五岁的小皇帝谅祚对没藏讹庞的专权、霸道已忍无可忍,在皇族和部分大臣的支持下,捕杀了没藏讹庞,清除了讹庞集团的势力,清算了他们的罪行。谅祚开始亲政,结束了西夏王朝第一次后族执政。

Mozang Shi (?-1056),the empress dowager of the Western Xia,one ofTanguts,the imperial concubine of Yuan Hao,who was Jingzongemperor of the Western Xia,and mother of Yizong Liang Zuo. Mozang Epang (?-1061),the courtier of the Western Xia,one of Tanguts,the brother of Mozang Shi. He was Guoxiang during the reign of Yuan Hao and Liang Zuo. MozangShi and Mozang Epang controlled the court and became the first monopolize powercontrolled by the imperial harem.

Mozang Shi had been the wife of Yeli Yuqi,who was a general during the reignof Yuan Hao. After Yuan Hao killed Yeli Yuqi,he was sort of regretted and wanted todo something for Yuqi's widow. When he met Mozang Shi,Yuan Hao found she was a very beautiful woman,so he took her to his imperial palace and committed adulterywith her. Later,because of the force of the empress Yeli Shi,Yuan Hao had to arrangeMozang Shi in Jietan temple in Xingqin Fu. In name,Mozang Shi was a nun; her monastic name was "Mozang Dashi". In fact,the temple became a place for the secretmeeting of Yuan Hao and Mozang Shi. Gradually,Yuan Hao neglected thee other'scomments and the courtiers' objection,he often took Mozang Shi to go hunting andcamping. The illegitimate child of Yuan Hao and Mozang Shi was born in a placenamed Ercha River that was a place used for hunting and camping. The child was named Liang Zuo. At the beginning,the child was raised in Mozang Epang's family. At that time,Mozang family was one of the biggest tribes of Tanguts,and Epang was the leader. Then,Yuan Hao appointed Mozang Epang Guoxiang and conferred great power to him. Then,Mozang Epang became a trusted subordinate of Yuan Hao.Mozang's family became more powerful in the court. Meanwhile,the situation of the imperial harem became more and more serious. Yuan Hao seized his daughter-in-law,the wife of his son Ninglingge and abolished the title of Empress Yeli Shi. Ninglingge lost his wife and his mother Yeli Shi lost her power,so they were resentful,frightened and full of anxiety. Mozang Epang knew the mind of Ninglingge and his mother and designed a trap saying that he was willing to help Ninglingge regain the power from Yuan Hao. In the first month of the lunar year of the 11th year of Tianshou Lifa Yanzuo (1048),Ninglingge and Lianglie,one from Yeli tribe,broke into the palace and killed Yuan Hao when Yuan Hao was drunk. Mozang Epang,who made a good preparation,arrested Ninglingge and declared his crime of murder and regicide,and killed Ninglingge and his mother Yeli Shi. Yuan Hao left a testamentary edict when he was dying,and conferred his cousin Weige Ningling the new emperor. Powerful Epangdisobeyed the edict and said that: "Since the first emperor of the Western Xia,the son of the last emperor will be the new emperor. The people are used to the tradition."Moreover,Weige Ningling had no merits in the battlefield,so he could not be the new emperor. Epang decided Liang Zuo,the illegitimate child of Yuan Hao and Mozang Shi,succeeded the throne. There was no person who dared to object Epang. Then Liang Zuo's mother became the empress dowager naturally; Epang became the uncle of the emperor and held the post of Guoxiang controlling the power of the army and the court.Epang was very powerful and all the ceremonies for him were similar to that of the emperor. From then on,Mozang Epang and Mozang Shi controlled the court completely.

When Mozang Epang and Mozang Shi were in power,they dispatched emissaries to the Song and Qidan to tell them the new situation of the Western Xia. The court of the Song did not want to interfere the internal affairs of the Western Xia and conferred Lianf Zuo Xiaguogong. Qidan arrested the emissaries from the Western Xia and did not give Liang Zuo any conferred title,because Qidan had been defeated in the south of Desheng temple during the reign of Yuan Hao and they wanted to take revenge when Yuan Hao died and the court of the Western Xia,that was controlled by the imperial harem,was in the difficulties. When the court of the Western Xia was controlled by Mozang Epang and Mozang Shi,the relationship between the Western Xia and Qidan was very nervous,and the relationship between the Western Xia and the Song was friendly on the surface. In the 1st year of Yanci'ningguo of the Western Xia and the 18thyear of Chongxi of Qidan (1049),Qidan dispatched 3 troops and attacked the Western Xia. Both sides had victories and lose. After the battles,both sides realized the harm of the fighting and they were afraid of the attack of the Song,so they made up with each other once again under the presupposition of the safety of their territory,their people and their key interests. The Western Xia made the concession firstly and dispatched the emissaries to Qidan and asked for peace and declared a subject to Qidan. After the effort for several years,the emperor of Qidan accepted the demand of the Western Xia in the1st year of Fulinchengdao of the Western Xia and in the 23rd year of Zhongxi of Qidan(1054). Since then,there were no serious conflicts between these two sides. In the next year,Mozang Shi dispatched emissaries and asked a wife for Liang Zuo from Qidan but was refused. Qidan did not give any conferred title to Liang Zuo from the beginning to the end. All of these things showed that Qidan did not trust the Western Xia.

The western Xia worshipped Buddhism as the state religion. Mozang empress dowager believed in Buddhism. Liang Zuo became the emperor when he was very young and his future was unpredictable. In the 1st year of Tianyou Chuisheng (1050),when Mozang Shi was in power for three years,she built Chengtian temple and Chengtian tower in the southwest of the national capital of the Western Xia in order to pray for Liang Zuo's health,peace and throne. In the 3rd year of Fusheng Chengdao(1055),the temple and the tower were finished. The new temple set up a stone-tablet named"the stone-tablet of Chengtian Temple built by the empress dowager of the Western Xia and buried Sheli of Buddha's skull". On the tablet there were following words: "the empress dowagerof the Western Xia obeyed the Buddha's inspiration and built the temple","the present emperor succeed the throne when he was very young","the temple should be built elaborately,and there should be bas-reliefs in the middle","there were golden coffins and silver coffins under the temple and Sheli of Buddha's skull in the temple". Because there were words of "the empress dowager of the Western Xia obeyed the Buddha's inspiration and built the temple" on the tablet,the temple was named "Chengtian temple" by Mozang Shi. The tower was named "Chengtian tower"following the name of the temple. Because the tower stood in the south west of the city,so it was called "the western tower" by the people. Although "Chengtian tower" was destroyed for many times,the tower built on the basis of the original tower still stands in Yinchuan,the capital city of Ningxia Hui Autonomous region today. The tower has 11 floors and its height is 64.5 meters.The tower is built in brick 8-angle attic-style. The length of each side of the ground floor is 5meters and the length of the side from the east to the west is 22 meters. There are windows of Quanmen style on the side of the east,the west,the north and the south on the floors of the 3rd,the 5th,the 7th,and the 9th. On the 11th floor,there are 4 obvious round windows and 4 round secret windows. On the other floors,there are shrines,which are similar to Quanmen,on each side. The tower-eaves of each floor have 3 tiers of edges and comers above and another 3 below.Above the 11th floor,there are 5 tiers of edges and comers. On the top of the tower,there are asmall eight-sided pointed basis of the Buddhist monastery and a Buddhist monastery. The whole tower shows a kind of tall and graceful artistic style. The houses in the tower are squared,which width is 2.1 meters and which structure is wooden floor with "thick wall and hollow inside".There is a wooden stair looped to the 11th floor. Now,Chengtian Tower is a place used for showing and working of Ningxia Museum. It is a one of important cultural relics in Ningxia.

In the 1st year of Duodu of the Western Xia and the 2nd year of Jiayou of the Song Dynasty (1057),there were battles between the Song and the Xia. The western Xia got some triumphs. At that rime,Mozang Shi died,and Mozang Epang became more and more over-bearing. In order to show his strong military force,Epang found causes and provoked incidents and made bloody events. The Song was angered and restored the economic sanction to Xia and closed all kinds of the trades in the borderand caused great difficulties to Xia's economy and intensified Xia's internal contradictions. In the 5th year of Duodu (1061),15-year emperor Liang Zuo could not endure Mozang Epang's monopolize power and killed Epang in the support of some imperial relatives and courtiers,and discriminated Epang's power in the country. Then Liang Zuo began to manage the court personally and finished the first monopolize power controlled by imperial harem in the Western Xia.Ⓔ

本文地址: https://www.yishiweijian.com/renwu/2022123818.html



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