刘 锜 (1098~1162),南宋将领。德顺军 (今宁夏隆德)人。前泸州军节度使刘仲武的第九个儿子。“南渡十将”之一。他少年时代跟随父亲生活在军营之中,年龄稍长,就被父亲带上转战于陇右战场,参加抵御西夏的各种战争。他胆大、心细,尤以箭法精熟而著称。《宋史》载:“牙门水斛满,以箭射之,拔箭水注,随以一矢窒之,人服其精。”
徽宗宣和年间 (1119~1125), 刘锜由高俅推荐入朝, 担任门祗候。宋高宗继位后, 特授他门宣赞舍人, 知岷州, 为陇右都护, 成为专门对西夏作战主力部队的一名指挥官。由于他作战勇敢,夏人畏之如虎,就连夏国境内的妇女儿童都知道他的威名。据史载: “夏人儿啼,辄怖之曰: ‘刘都护来! ’ ”小娃娃就立马不敢再哭了。当张浚代表朝廷宣抚陕西时,看到刘锜是个奇才,任命他担任泾原经略使兼知渭州(今甘肃平凉)。富平之战失利后,他率部退驻德顺军。不久金兵攻打渭州,部将李彦琪降金,渭州失守。为此,刘锜被降职为知锦州兼延边安抚。绍兴三年 (1133)复职,担任宣抚司统制,与吴玠分别负责守卫陕西和四川。以后又被召入京城,任江东路副总管。绍兴六年(1136),提举宿卫亲军。刘锜还把王彦部下前护副军 (即八字军)和解潜部下的骑兵整编为前、后、左、右、中、游奕六军,每军各编一千人,分由十二位将领指挥,经过严格训练,成为一支精锐的野战军。绍兴十年 (1140)五月,金主撕毁与宋朝签订的和平协议,向南宋大举侵犯。刘锜当时正担任东京 (今河南开封)副留守、节制军马。他分析金兵南下必然要首先占领东京,再而进攻顺昌 (今安徽阜阳)。刘锜根据这一判断,预先率领三千人退守顺昌,准备在此死守,以阻止金兵继续南犯。为了坚定将士们的守城决心,他派人把颍河等水道的所有船只凿穿并沉入河中,向广大官兵们表示 “破釜沉舟” ,不留退路,只有决一死战才是唯一的出路。又将自己和部将们的家属安置在寺庙中,四周堆放柴草,派兵守护,并对卫兵们说,如果城池失守,就从他的家属居住的地方放火烧起,不让一户家属落入金人的手中。“于是军士皆奋,男子备战守,妇人砺刀剑,争呼跃曰: ‘平时人欺我八字军,今日当为国家破贼立功。’”顺昌被数倍于守军的金兵围攻四昼夜,将士们同仇敌忾,浴血奋战,誓死与城池同在,经过无数次血战,杀敌不计其数,城池完好无损,非常成功地完成了这次以少胜多、以弱制强的战略阻击任务。
Yaozhou Oven Flowered Vats with Lids
金兀术得知顺昌失利,立即亲自率领十万大军增援。刘锜面对更加强大的敌人,决定智取。部将曹成等二人在得到刘锜面授机宜后,便率部去迎击金兵,但未经几个回合,二人便假装坠马被金兵俘获。金主在审问时,曹成按照刘锜事先所编造的话回答说: “刘锜是太平边帅子,喜声伎,朝廷以两国讲好,使守东京图逸乐耳。”金兀术根据口供判定刘锜是一个花花公子,很看不起他,认为这样的将领不堪一击,所以就不带攻城重器,轻装前进,直逼顺昌城外扎营,连亘十五里,全军毫无戒备思想。而这边刘锜也按兵不动,只是先派人悄悄地在颍河中投毒,数日后金兵多数病倒,失去战斗力大半。刘锜认为时机已到,他组织一支队伍,人人手持长柄斧和长把标枪,排在阵地的前列,专砍敌人首先冲过来的骑兵的马腿。而待骑兵倒地后,再用标枪刺杀,结果大破金军的所谓“铁浮图”和“拐子马” (骑兵军)。经此一战大败金兵,刘锜的威名也在全军中传开,“顺昌之战”也被金兵视为恐怖的末日。第二年,金兀术再次率大军南侵江淮地区,宋廷再次命令刘锜率军迎战。刘锜仍然运用顺昌战役的打法,首先大破金军的铁骑兵,一经接触,金兵们就惊呼 “此顺昌旗帜也” ,便抱头鼠窜逃命。但是,此次大捷,不仅未能给刘锜带来好运,却反而遭到朝廷主和派的嫉恨,被派往荆南府、潭州 (今湖南长沙)任地方官。
绍兴三十一年 (1161),金主又调六十万大军南犯,在出发前分配作战任务时,攻打宋军各将领的任务都一一落到实处,唯有攻打刘锜一部的作战任务,全军无一人敢应声接受。金主完颜亮气愤得咬牙切齿,决定亲带大军与刘锜决战。当时刘锜担任江、淮、浙西制置使,节制诸路军马,总指挥部设在清河口。金兵这次不敢怠慢,采用毛毡裹船运粮,刘锜则派游泳好手潜入水中凿沉金人的粮船。金军一面留精兵与刘锜相对抗,另以重兵转入淮西。属刘锜节制的大将王权却被金大军吓倒,不听调遣,不战而逃,彻底破坏了刘锜的作战部署,不得不暂时退守扬州。金军也派万户高景山进攻扬州,两军在皂角林,经过一番激战,高景山被打死,并俘虏数百人。不幸此时刘锜身染重病,只得留侄儿刘汜率一千五百人扼守瓜州渡口,命部将李横率八千人固守扬州城,自己暂赴镇江养病。宋廷任命知枢密院事叶义向总指挥江淮战役,他首先来到镇江,见到刘锜已经病重不起,就临时任命李横代理刘锜的指挥权。可是,当金兵直逼瓜洲时,刘汜首先败退,李横孤军不能抵挡,左军统制魏友、后军统制王方战死,刘锜一手训练而又身经百战的一支铁军就这样几乎全军覆没。刘锜本人被召还京城,暂时安排在试院内闲住,等待处理。次年绍兴三十二年 (1162)闰二月,刘锜“呕血数升而卒。赠开府仪同三司” ,后谥“武穆” 。
Liu Qi (1098-1162),general of the Southern Song Dynasty,was from DeshunPrefecture (present-day LongdeofNingxiaHuiAutonomous Region). He wasthe ninth son of Liu Zhongwu who was in the post of former Jiedushi (official tide) of Luzhou prefecture. He was also "one of the ten generals of Nandu". At an early age,he followed his father and lived in the military camps. When he was a little bit older,he fought on the battlefields of Longyou with his father and took part in all kinds of battles to resist the Western Xia army. He was bold and careful,especially renowned for his skillful shooting skills. It was recorded in The History of the Kingdom of the Song Dynasty that"A pail full of water was hung on the side door of the military camp,Liu Qi shot the pail with a bamboo slip,the water flew out of the hole in the pail when the bamboo slip was taken out. And after the other shot was made,the water was stifled.So Liu Qi was admired for his exquisite shooting skills. During the years of Emperor Hui Zong,Xuan He age (1119-1125),Liu Qi was recommended by Gao Qiu to have access to the court,holding the post of Hemenzhihou (official title). After Gaozong Song succeeded to the throne,he was conferred Hemenxuanzansheren (official title),being responsible for Minzhou and also in the post of Longyoudouhu (official title),and he became a commander especially in charge of the main force of the army against theWestern Xia Kingdom. He was so brave in the fights that the Western Xia people feared him very much; even the women and children knew his name. According to the historical record: "If the Western Xia children cry,people will frighten them and say:'Douhu liu has come!'" and the children would stop crying immediately. When Zhang Jun represented the court to visit Shaanxi,he saw Liu Qi was a person of rare talent and conferred him Jinglueshi(official title) of Jingyuan and concurrently being responsible for Weizhou (present-day Pingliang of Gansu Province). After being defeated in Fuping campaign,he led the army to withdraw to Deshun Prefecture. Soon the Jin Army attacked Weizhou,the official Li Yanqi surrendered to the Jin Army,so Weizhou lost defense. Because of this,Liu Qi' position was lowered to Zhishi(official title) of Jingzhou concurrently being in the post of Anfu(Official title) of Yanbian.In the third year Shao Xing age (1133),his position was resumed and he held the post of Xuanfusitongzhi (official title),being responsible for the defense of Shaanxi and Sichuan with Wu Jie respectively. Later he was called in the city of Beijing and was given the post of vice manager of Jiangdong Prefecture. In the sixth year of Shaoxi (1136),Liu Qi was promoted as Suweiqinjun (official title). Liu Qi reorganized the forward defending troop (namely Eight Letter Army commanded by Wang Yan and the cavalrymencommanded by Xie Qian ,such six troops as forward,backward,left,right,middle troops and scouts,each having 1000 soldiers commanded by 12 generals respectively.After being trained strictly,they became a crack field army. In the May of the tenth year of Shaoxi (1140),the ruler of the Jin Kingdom shred the peace agreement with the Song court and invaded the South Song Kingdom in a large scale. Then Liu Qi was holding the post of the vice commander of the army. He analyzed that the Jin army would first occupy Dongjin before they went to the south and then would attack Shunchang (present-day Fuyang in Anhui Province). According to that judgment,Liu Qi in advance led 3000 soldiers to defend Shunchang,preparing for a close defense to resist the continuous south invasion of the Jin army. In order to strengthen the soldiers'determination of defense,Liu Qi sent people to scuttle all the ships on the water-way of Yinghe and he expressed his willpower of "burning their bridges" without any retreat route,the only way to live was to fight desperately. Then he arranged the family members of both himself and his officials in the temple with hays around it and soldiers to defend it. He told the soldiers that the place in which his family members were living would be burned first and no family members should be left in the hands of the Jin army if the city lost defense. Consequently the officials and soldiers got so excited that the men were active to prepare for the defense and the women were busy polishing the swords. They shouted in chorus: "In ordinary times we Eight Letter Army were bullied and today we will render meritorious service by capturing the bandits for the country."Shunchang was besieged for four days and nights by the soldiers of the Jin Kingdom several times as many as the defending soldiers. The generals and soldiers share bitter hatred of the enemy and fought valiantly,pledging their lives to defend the city. Aftermany bloody battles,they killed numerous enemy soldiers and the city was kept intact.They fulfilled the strategic blocking task successfully by defeating the enemy with a comparatively fewer number of soldiers and bringing the stronger force under control with a comparatively weak military force.
When Jin Wushu got to know that Shunchang had suffered defeat,he himself immediately headed 100,000 soldiers to reinforce. Therefore Liu Qi decided to take the fort by strategy when facing the even stronger force. The two generals including Cao Cheng led the soldiers to attack the Jin army after they got Liu Qi's personal instructions.But after only several encounters,the two generals pretended to fall off the horses and as a result were captured by the Jin soldiers. When they were questioned by the ruler of the Jin court,Cao Cheng answered him according to the compiled words by Liu Qi:"Liu Qi is a profligate son of the rich in Taiping area who likes female dancers and singers. The court of Song wanted to make peace with the Jin court and asked Liou Qi to defend Dongjin(present day Kaifeng In Henan Province) for his comfort and pleasure.According to the deposition,Jin wushu judged that Liu Qi was a playboy and therefore looked down upon him. He thought that kind of general was very easy to be defeated,so without taking important weapons which were used to attack the city,he went to settle down outside of Shunchang,His soldiers were distributed throughout for 15 miles and the whole army didn't take any precautions at all. Though Liu Qi didn't take any actions,he only sent people to poison the Yin River,and several days later,the majority of the Jin soldiers got ill and lost half of the combat capacity. In this case Liu Qi thought it was the right time to attack the enemy,so he organized a troop,with long-handled axes and long handled javelin in each soldier's hand. The soldiers lined in the forefrontand especially cut the horses' legs of the cavalrymen who first charged in. After the cavalrymen fell off the horses,they stabbed them to death with the javelins.Consequently the so-called "Tiefutu" and "Guaizima" (the cavalrymen troops) of the Jin army were greatly defeated. The Jin army's defeat brought great popularity to Liu Qi throughout the army. "Shunchang Battle" was considered the end of terror by the Jin army. The next year,Jin Wushu again headed his army to invade Jianghuai areas while the Song court also ordered Liu Qi to lead the army to meet the challenge. Liu Qi still adopted the strategy used in Shunchang Battle; first the cavalrymen of the Jin army were defeated. No sooner had the Jin soldiers got contact with Liu Qi's army than they screamed "This is the flag of Shunchang" and escaped in all directions. But that victory didn't bring any good luck to him,on the contrary,he was envied and hated by the people of the court who were for the compromise and therefore was sent to Jingnanfu and Tanzhou (present-day Changsha of Hunan Province) to assume a local official.
In the thirty-first year Shao Xing age (1161),the ruler of the Jin Kingdom again headed 600,000 soldiers to invade the south. Before starting out,the tasks to defeat each general of the Song army were assigned and made sure,but no one in the army dared to accept the task to attack Liu Qi's army. The ruler of the Jin Kingdom Wan Yanliang got extremely angry. As a result he decided to lead the army to fight Liu Qi himself. At that time Liu Qi was holding the post of Zhizhishi (official title) of Jiangsu,Anhui and the west of Zhejiang (areas along the Yangtzi River) commanding all the troops. The head-quarter was set up in Qinghekou. This time the Jin army didn't dare to be neglectful. They transported the grain with ships covered with carpet and they didn't expect that Liu Qi had sent the excellent swimmers to submerge and scuttle the Jinarmy's ships. While some excellent soldiers were left to fight Liu Qi; the main force were transferred to Huaixi. The great general Wang Quan commanded by Liu Qi was so frightened by the powerful Jin army that he didn't obey the orders and escaped from the battlefield,which completely destroyed Liu Qi's fighting strategies,therefore he had to retreat to Yangzhou temporarily. At the same time the Jin army also sent Wanhu(official title),Gao Jingshan to attack Yangzhou. The two parties met in Zaojiaolin,and after the violent fighting,Gao Jingshan was killed and hundreds of soldiers were captured. Unfortunately at that time Liu Qi got seriously ill,so he had to ask his nephew Liu Si to lead 1500 soldiers to defend the pier of Guazhou and ordered General Li Heng to lead 8000 soldiers to defend the city of Yangzhou,whereas he himself left for Zhengjiang temporarily to recuperate. The court of the Song Kingdom conferred Yexiangyi Zhishi (official title) of Shumiyuan (the Ministry of Defense) to command Huaijiang Campaign. He first came to Zhengjiang to see Liu Qi was extremely ill,so he conferred Li Heng the temporary agent of Liu Qi's commanding right. But when the Jin soldiers pressed on toward Guazhou,Liu Si first retreated and Li Heng couldn't resist alone,therefore Tongzhi (military title) of the left troop,Wei You and Tongzhi of the back troop Wang Fang were killed. Thus an iron army,trained by Liu Qi,which had fought for hundreds of times almost whelmed completely. Liu Qi was recalled to Beijing and was arranged to live leisurely in the Shiyuan( a yard for test-taking) waiting for the process. The next year,namely in the Intercalary February of the thirty-first year (1162) Shao Xing age,Liu Qi died from spitting too much blood. He was conferred Yitongsansi (official title) of Kaifeng.and aslo posthumorously admitted as"Wumu". (distinguished commander-in chief).Ⓔ
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