

作者:主编 时间:2022年12月01日 阅读:102 评论:0

李继迁 (963~1004),宋朝党项割据首领,西夏地方政权的创建者。唐朝夏州节度使拓跋赤辞的八世孙,后周银州防御使李光曮的儿子。继迁少年英武,十二岁那年因为射杀猛虎而闻名族内。当时担任定难军节度使的李光睿对其机智勇敢非常赏识,破格提拔他担任管内都知蕃落使。

宋太平兴国七年 (982),李继迁的族兄、定难军留后李继捧应召入京,被迫献出夏、银、绥、宥、静等五州土地。朝廷还进一步要求李氏族人全部到京城集中。继迁既反对献地,又拒不入京,下决心要为保卫祖宗留下的疆土而进行斗争。在谋士张浦 (汉族人)的策划下,他与胞弟继冲谎称给乳母发丧,把兵器暗藏在丧车和空棺材里面,带领由部从和亲属数十人组成的 “送葬”队伍,成功地逃出银州,直奔北方地斤泽(今内蒙古鄂托克旗察汗淖附近)。这是一处位居大漠深处,距银州一百五十公里的一片绿洲,周围散居着党项族的几个部落。继迁在这里发动各部落群众,劝说部族头人,跟随他为保卫党项人的世袭领土而斗争。他在走访部落时,总要把高祖拓跋思忠的画像拿出来让大家瞻仰,用以激发广大部族的民族感情和自尊心。正如他所期盼的那样,部族头人和民众都来争相参拜先祖像,许多人还泣不成声。这时,李继迁就启发大家说: “李氏世有西土,今一旦绝之。尔等不忘李氏,能从我兴复乎?”大家都一致表示,愿意跟随他为祖先创下的基业而战斗到底。看来李继迁用兴复故土作为号召,抓住了民心,轻而易举地得到了各部落的响应,真是振臂一呼,应者如云。

在与宋廷的斗争中,李继迁率领党项部族的队伍,从小到大,由弱变强,打过一些胜仗,也经历过许多失败和挫折。特别是宋雍熙元年(984)九月,宋朝知夏州尹宪、都巡检使曹光实,率精骑数千连夜奔袭地斤泽这一仗,由于李继迁事先没有得到一点消息,毫无准备,在措手不及的情况下,被打得一败涂地,伤亡惨重,连自己的母亲和妻子都做了俘虏。李继迁虽然遭到这么大的挫折,但他并没有灰心,而是继续联络部众,重整旗鼓,训练兵马,寻机再战。次年二月,继迁采用诈降计,引诱曹光实出城受降,伏兵袭杀了曹光实之后,又打着曹的旗帜,一举攻占银州,李继迁便自称权知定难军留后。同年四月,李继迁又被宋军在浊轮川(今陕西神木北)地方打败,好不容易聚集起来的各部落武装又被打散了,同时也把银州根据地丢了。这时李继迁部虽然已有本族咩嵬部、野利部等先后参加,接受他的指挥,但是与强大的宋廷对抗,仍然是兵单力薄,谈何容易。面对这种现实,他与各首领和部将们进行认真检讨、商量后,一致认为,“北方耶律氏方强,吾将假其援助,以为后图” 。

契丹统和四年 (986)二月,李继迁派遣谋士张浦,专程到契丹献重礼,游说契丹君臣,并与他们一起分析形势,请求归附,以利共同抗宋。契丹主圣宗耶律隆绪从自身利益出发,为了对付共同的敌人宋朝,双方一拍即合,同意结成联盟,一起把矛头对准宋朝。于是契丹主授李继迁为定难军节度使,还把义成公主嫁给继迁为妻。契丹统和八年(990)以后,又相继封继迁为夏国王、西平王。继迁和契丹结好的同时,也在寻找适当的时机,向宋廷进贡请和。赵宋政权当然更不愿意李继迁完全倒向契丹而于己不利,便以升官晋爵继续拉拢他。宋淳化二年(991),宋太宗授继迁为银州观察使,赐姓名赵保吉。至道三年(997),宋太宗去世,真宗继承皇位。李继迁抓住吊丧的机会,遣使修贡求和。初登皇位的真宗,也给赵保吉以回应,授予他定难军节度使,并答应把夏、银、绥、宥、静五州土地还给他。李继迁就是这样运用高超的政治手段,巧妙地周旋于宋、辽两大强邻之间,并适时地打出 “契丹牌”和“宋朝牌” ,对宋、辽进行制衡,还根据形势变化的需要,灵活采用 “钟摆外交” 的策略,或亲宋,或亲辽,或战,或和,交替使用,冷静应对,从中渔利,达到了保存与发展自己的目的。

宋至道、咸平年间,李继迁开始向西发展,战略目标是要夺取灵州(今宁夏吴忠市境内)。首先,他经常派骑兵拦劫宋廷从环州 (今甘肃环县)到灵州的运输线,使宋朝军民把向灵州运送粮饷、物资视为畏途。至道二年(996)五月,继迁开始派军围攻灵州,攻而不取,初试锋芒。咸平四年 (1001)八月,再率五万大军第二次围攻灵州。这次他命令围城夏军在城外进行耕种,企图把灵州城中的军民困死,以收不战屈敌的结果。与此同时,他乘机攻克环、灵二州间的清远军城(今宁夏盐池西南与甘肃环县交界处),以阻断宋军通往内地的补给线,接着又相继攻克定州 (今宁夏平罗南) 、怀远镇 (今宁夏银川城区)、保静县(今宁夏永宁境内)等城镇,扫清了灵州的外围,使灵州成为一座孤城。次年 (1002)春,继迁大集蕃部,猛攻灵州,一举占领全城,并将这座重镇改名为西平府,作为他的新都城。又次年春,李继迁举族迁都西平府。这时他得意地说: “我将借此为进取之资,成霸王之业。”


Migration and Distribution of theDangxiang Nationality

李继迁建都西平府的当年十月,又以声东击西的战术,从吐蕃人手中夺取西凉府 (今甘肃武威),改府为州。但是于同年十一月,聪明一世,尤其是善以诈降手段偷袭敌人的李继迁,这次却反而惨败在吐蕃族六谷部首领潘罗支设下的诈降计中。继迁被潘罗支暗中聚集的数万大军合围,全军受到重创,他本人也在混乱之时中箭身负重伤,虽然在部众的抢救下侥幸逃回西平府,但不久,于宋景德元年 (1004)正月,因伤势加重而死去,时年四十二岁。他的长子李德明继位,追尊继迁为应运法天神智仁圣至道广德孝光皇帝。后来他的孙子元昊称帝时,又追谥“神武” ,庙号太祖,墓号裕陵。

Li Jiqian (963-1004),a separatist chief of Dangxiang ethnic in the Song Dynasty,was the creator of Western Xia Regime,the eighth generation of Tuoba Chiciwho was the Jiedushi (military commander) of Xiazhou in the Tang Dynasty,and son of Li Guangli who was the commander of defense of Yinzhou in Houzhou Dynasty. Jiqian showed his courage since his childhood and became famous in his clan when he killed a tiger at the age of twelve. Li Guangrui,commander of Dingnan Army,was impressed with his wisdom and courage and promoted him to the position of Guanneiduzhiboluoshi (an official title in imperial times).

In the seventh year of Taiping Xingguo period in Song Dynasty (982),Li Jiqian's cousin Li Jipeng was forced to go to the capital of the Song court and submitted the land of five states of Xia,Yin,Sui,You,and Jing to the imperial court and all the Li clan were ordered to gather in the capital afterwards. Li Jiqian refused to go to the capital and opposed to submit territory and made the determination to fight for the territory of his ancestors. Inventing an excuse that he was to hold a funeral for his nursery,Li Jiqian and his brother Jichong led a group of followers and relatives run away from Yinzhou with their weapons conceded in the coffin and vehicles for Ditingze in the north (near Etuokehannao in Inner Mongolia today),which was an oasisin the desert 150km away from Yinzhou,dotted with a few tribes of Dangxiang ethnic.Li Jiqian persuaded the chiefs of those tribes to follow him to protect the hereditary land from Dangxiang ancestors. Every time he visited the tribes,he held a picture of Tuoba Sizhong,their ancestor,to arouse the national self-consciousness of the people. Just as he expected,the chiefs and the people of the tribes rushed to pay homage to the picture of the ancestor,and many of them even choked with sobs. Li Jiqian said to them,"the Li's family has been holding the west for many generations,now we are going to lose it.Would you like to follow me to revive the Li's if you still keep Li's in your mind?" As a result,everyone was willing to fight with him to protect the territory inherited from their ancestors. With the slogan of "reviving the homeland",Li Jiqian easily won the support of those tribes. During the war against the Song court,the forces of Dangxiang tribes led by Li Jiqian grew. They won some battles but also suffered losses and setbacks,especially in the battle of Dijinze in September of the first year of Yongxi period in Song Dynasty (984). Without being a bit alert and prepared,Li Jiqian was defeated in a night by several thousands cavalrymen led by Cao Guangshi,Yinxian and Xunjianshi(official titles) of Zhixia Zhou,even his mother and wife were taken prisoners. With such a setback,Li Jiqian was not dejected. He kept on drilling his troops and waiting foropportunities. In the next February,Li Jiqian pretended to surrender and lured Cao Guangshi out of the city and into a trap. Cao Guangshi was killed and Li Jiqian's troop occupied Yinzhou with Cao's banner. Li Jiqian claimed to be Liuhou of Quanzhi Dingnan Army. In April he was defeated again by the Song's army in Zhuolunchuan (today Shenmu of Shaanxi province). He lost Yinzhon,and his followers were dispersed again. Li Jiqian's forces were weak compared with the powerful Song,despite his command over Miewei tribe and Yeli tribe. He discussed with chiefs of the tribes andhis subordinate and they all agreed that "the Yelu clan in the north was strong and we could ask for their assistance for our career". In the February of the fourth year of Qidan Tonghe period (986),Li Jiqian sent his advisor,Zhang Pu,to present gifts to Khitan,analyzing the situation and persuading the King and ministers of Khitan to accept Li Jiqian's allegiance and to fight against the Northern Song together. The king of Khitan,Yelu Longxu agreed to form an alliance to deal with the Song. He granted Li Jiqian the title of Jiedushi of Dingnan Army and married princess Yicheng to him. After the eighth year 990,he was granted the titles of King of Xia and Xiping (a noble title). Li Jiqian paid tribute and tried to negotiate peace with the Song while he was in the alliance with Khitan. Unwilling to have Li Jiqian stand completely with Khitan in the opposite side,the Song's court promised him promotion. In the second year of Chunhua period in Song Dynasty (991),Taizong of the Song granted him the title ofthe Guanchashi (an official title in the imperial times) of Yinzhou and the name of ZhaoBaoji. When Taizong died and Zhenzong succeeded the throne,Li Jiqian took the opportunity to send envoy to negotiate for peace. Zhenzong gave him a very active feedback and granted him Jiedushi of Dingnan Army and promised to give him back the five states of Xia,Yin,Sui,You and Jing. With his remarkable diplomatic skills,Li Jiqian felt easy to move between his two strong neighbors and kept himself safe and growing,sometimes closer to the Song,and sometimes to Khitan ,using battles and peace in turn when he needed.

During Zhidao and Xianping reign of the Northern Song,Li Jiqian began to move westwards,with Lingzhou (Wuzhong City of Ningxia today) as his strategic object. He always sent cavalrymen to rob the transportation line from Huanzhou (Huan County of Gansu province today) to Lingzhou and the task to send grain and materials to Lingzhou was considered very dangerous by soldiers and civilians of the Song. In May of the second year of Zhidao (996),he sent troops to besiege Lingzhou. In August 1001,he sent 50,000 soldiers to attack the city once again. The troops cultivated around the city intended to wait for the run-out-of- grain in the city and then surrender. Meanwhile he conquered Qingyuanjun City (the border of southwest of Yanchi County of Ningxia and Huan County of Gansu Province) between Huanzhou and Linzhou,cutting off the supply line of the Song troops,and some neighboring cities and towns,like Dingzhou(south of Pingluo County in Ningxia today),Huanyuan Town (downtown of Yinchuan City today),Baojing County (Yongning County today). Linzhou was isolated. In the second year (1002),he gathered Po tribe and attacked Lingzhou fiercely. After he conquered it,he renamed the city Pingwangfu as his new capital. In the next spring he moved all his clan to the capital and proudly announced,"it will be the base for mydomination".

In October,he conquered Xiliangfu (Wuwei city of Gansu province today) of the Tubo people. However,the smart Li Jiqian who was good at using the trick of pretending to surrender was defeated by the same trick of Panluo,chief of Liugu tribe of Tubo ethnic. His troops were besieged by tens of thousands and suffered heavy loss.Even he himself was badly injured. Though with the aid of his subordinates,he escaped back to Xipingfu,he died of the injury in January of the lunar calendar of the first year of Jingde period in Song Dynasty (1004) at the age of 42. His oldest son succeeded him,and named him as god of Yingyongfa,wise,benevolent,sacred,and moral Xiaoguang emperor. When his grandson Yuanhao claimed to be an emperor,he was granted the name of "Shenwu" as well as Taizu as his temple title,and his tomb was named Yuling.Ⓔ

本文地址: https://www.yishiweijian.com/renwu/2022123816.html



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