

作者:主编 时间:2022年12月01日 阅读:125 评论:0

李德明 (982~1032),西夏国主。西夏开国皇帝元昊的父亲。小字阿移。公元1004~1031年在位。执政二十八年间,推行和平建国方针,主动与宋、辽和解,给国内人民休养生息、发展生产创造了有利条件。同时他又抓住与东部宋、辽媾和时机,积极向西发展,占领甘州、凉州,增强了国力,扩大了疆域,为元昊称帝立国打下了基础。

李德明遵照父亲李继迁的遗训,积极与宋朝建立友好关系,而宋廷也顺势采取 “姑务羁縻,以缓争战” 的策略。宋景德二至三年间(1005~1006),德明接连上表求和,“且言保吉 (即继迁)临终谓之曰:‘尔当顷心内属,如一两表未蒙听纳,但连表上祈,得请而已。’”在双方的谈判中,开始宋廷提出的议和条件是: “许德明以定难节度、西平王,赐金帛缗钱各四万、茶二万斤,给内地节度俸,听回图往来,放青盐禁,凡五事; 而令德明纳灵州土疆,止居平夏,遣子弟入宿卫,送略去官吏,尽散番汉兵及质口,封境之上有侵扰者禀朝旨,凡七事。”后来又经过双方的反复磋商,艰苦努力,宋廷采取灵活务实的政策,把谈判的底线亮了出来,即只要夏方称臣,承认宋廷的中央政权,并不再侵扰边境,原先提出来的其他一切条件,都可以再商量。景德三年 (1006)十月,双方终于达成协议。宋廷授李德明特进检校太尉、兼侍中、夏州刺史,充定难节度使,夏、银、绥、宥、静等州管内观察处置押蕃落等使,上柱国,封西平王。并赐银万两、绢万匹、钱三万贯、茶二万斤。李德明本人还享受朝廷按内地同级官员标准发给的俸禄。以后夏对宋进贡频繁,宋对德明也经常有所封赏。明道元年(1032 )再加封德明为夏王,并进一步放宽对夏的贸易限制,开放了部分官、民边贸榷场。甚至还允许夏国入贡的使者随带货物,在京中交易,或在途中与民贸易,一律不加干涉,因而双方边境交易非常频繁,边贸经济相当繁荣。有时夏方还私设榷场,在贸易中购买铜铁或出售青盐等违禁品等,宋方也不能完全禁绝。德明积极推行对内发展经济,对外坚持和平的外交政策,与宋、辽两个大国都保持着等距离的睦邻关系,给自己赢得了和平的时间,使夏国的经济得到恢复和发展,国力增强,人民生活有所改善。与此同时,契丹国也封德明为西平王,后又改封为夏国王。契丹兴宗耶律宗真还将兴平公主嫁给德明的儿子元昊,并封元昊为夏国公、驸马都尉。由于德明执政期间与宋、契丹的和解,使西夏境内出现 “有耕无战,禾黍云合” 的太平景象。

李德明虽然同时对宋、契丹称臣,但是他一刻也没有放弃独立建国的战略大目标。宋大中祥符三年 (1010),他“役民夫数万于鏊子山大起宫室,绵亘二十余里,颇极壮丽” 。宋天禧四年(1020) ,他又把政治中心从河东西平府 (今吴忠市境内)迁往河西怀远县 (今宁夏银川)。在怀远城 “构门阙、宫殿及宗社、籍田,号为兴州,遂定都焉” 。

Weapons of Western XiaPeriod—Swords



Weapons of Western XiaPeriod—china Jili

宋明道元年 (1032)十月,李德明本人没有等到称帝的那一天就病故了,时年五十一岁。他的儿子元昊继位。追谥其为 “光圣皇帝” ,庙号太宗,墓号嘉陵。

Li Deming (982-1032),styled himself as Ayi,the ruler of Western Xia,father ofthe first emperor of Western Xia,Yuanhao. He held the position for 28 years.During his reign from 1004 to 1031,he adhered to the peace policy anddeveloped friendly relationship with the Song and the Liao,thus enabled the people to enjoy a peaceful life and to develop production. He enlarged his territory westward by occupying Ganzhou and Liangzhou and laid a foundation for Yuanhao's claim of the throne while negotiating with the Song and the Liao in the east. Followed his father's words,Li Deming kept a friendly relationship with the Song court. And the royal court of Song adopted the policy of "temporary restraint to put off the war" in the situation.From the second year to the third year of Jingde period in Song Dynasty (1005-1006),Li Deming wrote to the royal court of Song and said,"Before BaoJi (Li Jiqian,his father)died,he told me that I should write to pledge for allegiance to your majesty,if not accepted,write again and again until an agreement is reached." In the beginning of the negotiation,the Song's conditions for peace were " the Song court is to promise Deming'positions of Jiedushi of Dingnan and Pingxi Wang (a noble title); to grant him forty thousand strings of gold coins,ten thousand kilogram tea and a salary of Jiedushi in inland,to allow Dangxiang people to trade with the Song,to abrogate the prohibitionon salt trade,but Li Deming should return Lingzhou territory to the Song,inhabit in Pingxia,send his offspring to the capital of Song as imperial bodyguards( in fact,as hostages),send back the detained officials of the Song and set the soldiers and hostages of the Song free,obey the order of the Song court when enemies invade the border."The negotiation lasted for a long time and at last the Song took a flexible way that as long as Li Deming pledged allegiance,admitted the central government of the Song and did not molest the border,all the other conditions could be set aside temperately. They finally reached an agreement in 1066. The North Song court granted Li Deming the title of Tejinjianjiaotaiwei,Shizhong,Cishi of Xiazhou,Jiedushi of Dingnan,and the noble title of "Xipingwang",and ten thousand liang (one liang equals to 37.3g at that time) of silver,twenty thousand bolts of silk,thirty thousand strings of coin and ten thousand kilograms of tea. And Li Deming was also offered the same salary as his counterparts inland. Since then,the Xia paid tribute the North Song court frequently and the Song granted awards sometimes. In the first year of Mingdao period (1032),he was granted the King of the Xia and the Song further loosed the restriction on the Xiain commerce,opened some governmental and nongovernmental markets on the border and even allowed envoys of the Xia brought goods with them to trade in the capital of the Song or on the road to pay tribute. Therefore there appeared thriving trade on the border. Sometimes the Xia established the fairs in private,buying copper,iron and salt etc,which were prohibited then. Li Deming carried out a policy of peace and development and kept a friendly neighborhood with the Song and the Liao,which developed the economy of the Xia,strengthened the state power and improved the livelihood of his people. Khitan also granted him the title of Xipingwang,later changed into the King of the Xia. The Emperor of Khitan married princess Xingping to the son of Li Deming,Yuanhao and granted Yuanhao the title of Guogong of the Xia,and Fuma(husband of a princess) Duwei(governor). During the reign of Li Deming,the territory of Western Xia witnessed peace. Even though Li Deming pledged allegiance to both the North Song and Khitan,he had never gave up his ambition of being independent. In the third year of Dazhong Xiangfu period in Song Dynasty (1010),he had tens of thousand people built a majestic palace for him. In the fourth year of Tianxiperiod in Song Dynasty (1020),he moved the political center from Xipingfu (Wuzhong city today) on the east side of the Yellow River to Huanyuan County( Yinchuan city of Ningxia today) on the west side of the river,where he had the gate,palace,temple etc built and named the city Xingzhou and made it the capital.

In October of the first year of Mingdao period in Song Dynasty (1032),when Li Deming was 51,he died of disease without realizing his ambition of claiming to the throne. His son,Yuanhao succeeded him and gave him the title of Guangshen Emperor.His temple was named Taizong and tomb, Jialing. Ⓔ

本文地址: https://www.yishiweijian.com/renwu/2022123815.html



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