
《宋朝·西夏-郭成 郭浩》资料介绍

作者:主编 时间:2022年12月01日 阅读:130 评论:0

郭 成 (?~1130),宋朝将领。字信之。德顺军中安堡 (今宁夏西吉什字乡境内)人。年轻时在家乡参军,小有战功,被提升为泾原路供奉官。宋神宗元丰四年(1081)七月,宋朝大军分五路征讨西夏,其中以泾原路总管刘昌祚指挥的一路五万人马为主力,直捣西平府灵武(今宁夏吴忠境内)。刘部前锋主将郭成,在磨脐隘首败夏军,率先打到灵武城下,并阵斩敌挑战将领,立了头功,受到进秩四等的奖赏。宋哲宗绍圣四年 (1097)三月,宋军在夏边境建立一座平夏城(今宁夏固原原州区三营镇境),要选择一位将领镇守。谓州主帅章楶询问属下部将谁能担当这一重任? 大家不假思索异口同声地回答: “非郭成不可。”郭成率部进驻平夏城以后,“夏人恚失地,空国入争,谋曰:‘平夏视诸垒最大,郭成最知兵。’ 遂自没烟峡连营百里,飞石激火,昼夜不息” ,集中全力攻打郭成。郭成坚守城池,西夏兵无法越雷池一步,纷纷无功而回。次年 (1098),再次大败西夏统军嵬名阿埋、西寿军监军妹勒都逋等将,并夜袭其大营,直入中军主帅营帐,俘虏敌军官兵三千多人,连同统军的妻小也未能逃脱,还缴获牛羊十万余头(只),“夏主震骇” 。这次袭击战连破西夏营寨,乘胜攻占了天都山(今宁夏海原南华山、西华山一带)。郭成建立奇功,被提升为雄州(今河北雄县)防御史、泾原钤辖。郭成还率部修筑绥戎、怀戎二堡(均在今宁夏海原境内)。时值隆冬,又常有夏兵前来破坏,他一边指挥战斗,一边昼夜施工,风餐露宿,“暴露雪中” ,终因积劳成疾,于宋高宗建炎四年 (1130)病逝在工地上。在料理郭成的后事时,廉访使王孝竭把他的事迹上报到朝廷,称他既是一员 “名震西部” 的著名战将,又是一位 “轻财好施” 的廉吏。“帝悼之甚,赙以金帛,官其子婿” 。高宗还亲手批示: “郭成尽忠报国,有功于民,宜载祀典。”朝廷为了纪念郭成,破例为他建庙,塑金身。郭庙建成时,高宗皇帝又亲笔为庙门御书“仁勇”两字。

Western Xia Characters“Chiranmapai”(a Plate Given by the king Representing Privilege)

西夏文 “敕燃马牌”

郭 浩(1087~1145),宋朝将领。字充道。郭成的儿子。因授父荫,直接担任三班奉职。宋徽宗在位期间 (1101~1125),任环庆路第五将属下一员将领,因对西夏作战勇敢,有战功,升任渭州兵马都监。有一次受大将种师道的指挥,与夏军在争夺葺平寨水源的战斗中,他率数百名骑兵冲入敌阵,左肋中箭,竟然 “怒不拔,奋力大呼,得贼乃已” 。将士们在他这种英勇顽强斗争精神的鼓舞下,奋勇拼杀,大获全胜。郭浩从此名扬边关,升任中州刺史。宋钦宗即位(1126),升任安州团练使。建炎元年(1127)知原州(今甘肃镇原) 。次年,金军占领长安,泾州守将夏大节临阵脱逃,郭浩急忙带领两百名将士入城坚守。他还把抓到的一名金俘放回,让他回去给金兵将领说,“我郭浩也,欲战即来决战” 。金人久闻郭浩的大名,吓得马上撤兵逃走,从而保住了泾州城,稳定了危局。以功升任泾原路兵马钤辖,知泾州,权鄜延路经略安抚使。这时,宋国的东边已被金兵占领,西边又有夏国相逼,郭浩一军所控制的边城仅保安、德静一隅之地,而郭浩却能苦撑一年之久并未丢寸土尺地。次年,他又跟随经略陕西大臣张浚,参加与金人的富平城战役和和尚原战役,都有斩获和战功。后调任知金州 (今甘肃榆中南)兼永兴军路经略使。郭浩到金州后,立即收容难民,发动兵民开荒种田,不仅解决了自身的兵食军费供给和地方难民的生活问题,还把节余的钱十万缗,解送朝廷,资助户部。金人归还宋朝河南地以后。郭浩被任命为龙神卫四厢都指挥使,全权指挥陕西军马。绍兴十四年 (1144),宋高宗召见郭浩,封他为检校少保,他谦让不敢受。次年郭浩病逝在任上,年五十九岁。追赠检校少师,谥“恭毅” 。

Two Towers in Bai si kouof Helan Mountain


Guo Cheng (?-1130) who styled himself as Xinzhi,was the general of the NorthSong Dynasty.HishometownwasinZhonganpuofDeshun Prefecture (present-day inside the territory of Shizi town in Xiji county ofNingxia Hui Autonomous Region). When he was young,he joined the army in his hometown and rendered meritorious service,so he was promoted as Gongfengguan(official title) of Jingyuan Prefeture. In July of the forth year of Emperor Shen Zong,Yuanfeng age of the Song Dynasty (1081),the army of the Song Dynasty was divided into five troops to conquer the state of the Western Xia. Among them one troop of 50 thousand soldiers and horses was the main force commanded by Liu Changzuo who was the general manager of Jingyuan Prefecture,attacking Xipingfu in Lingwu (present-day inside the territory of Wuzhong city of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region). The important forward general Guo Cheng of Liu's army defeated the Xia Army first in Moqiyi and pressed on toward the city of Lingwu,killing the soldiers and challenging the enemy generals on the battlefield. He rendered the first meritorious service and was awarded four successive promotions. In March of the forth year of Emperor Zhe Zong,Shao Sheng age of the Song Dynasty (1097) The Song Army set up a Pingxia city (present-day Sanying Town in Yuanzhou District in Guyan city ofNingxia Hui Autonomous Region) and a general would be selected to defend it. The commander-in-chief Zhang Jie of Weizhou asked his officials: "who was capable of finishing this important task?" All the officials answered in chorus without any hesitations: "No one but Guo Cheng". After Guo Cheng took the army to settle in Pinxia city,"People of the Xia Kingdom are angry to lose the land and all of the soldiers will take part in the fight to reclaim the lost land. After considerations the official of the Western Xia Kingdom said 'Pingxia city is the biggest and strongest of all the forts and Guo Cheng was most knowlegable about military tactics and strategies',so the military camps were set up to extend hundreds of miles from Moyan Gorge. They launched bombs made of stone and cannons to attack Pingxia city. The battles were very violent and lasted day and night." Guo Cheng defended the fort bravely and firmly so that the army of the Western Xia Kingdom couldn't advance one step and withdrew with great defeat. In the next year (1098),Guo Cheng's army defeated the commander-in-chief of the Western Xia Kingdom,Weimingamai as well as Meiledoubu Jianjun (official title)of Xishoujun (the name of the army),and attacked the camp during the night,directly entering the camp of the enemy commander-in chief and capturing over 3000 enemy officials and soldiers together with their wives and children and more than 100,000cattle and sheep. "The ruler of the Xia Kingdom was astonished." This attack made a successive breakthrough of the camps of the Western Xia Kingdom and Tian Dumountain (present-day the area of Nan Hua mountain and Xi Hua mountain in Haiyuan of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Regioin) was captured victoriously. Guo Cheng rendered meritorious service and was promoted as Fangyushi (official title) of Xiongzhou (present-day Xiong county of Herbei province) and Qingxia (official title)of Jingyuan repectively. Guo Cheng led the army to build two forts of Sui Rong and Huai Rong (both were in Haiyuan of Ningxia today). It was in middle winter and Xia soldiers came and destruct the projects frequently. While Guo Cheng commanded the fight,he worked on the construction site day and night,eating and sleeping in the open air,with his body exposed in the snow so that he became seriously ill and died because of too much work on the construction site in the forth year of Emperor Gao Zong,Jian Yan age. When dealing with Guo Cheng's death,Lianfangshi (official title) Wang Xiaojie reported his deeds to the imperial court. Guo Cheng was called both a famous official "renowned in the west" and an upright official who was generous. In order to express his lament,the emperor rewarded money and power to his family. Emperor Gaozong himself also wrote comment on the document,"Guo Cheng should be remembered and his name should be kept in the historical record for his devotion to the country and his charitable deed for the people." In order to commemorate him,the imperial court broke the tradition to build a temple for him and make a gold statue of him. After the temple was completed,Emperor Gao Zong wrote two words"Benevolence and Bravery" on the door of the temple himself.

Guo Hao (1087-1145),the general of the Song Dynasty,who styled himself as Chongdao,was the son of Guo Cheng. He benefited from his father's protection and directly held the post of Sanbanfengzhi (official title). During the period of Emperor Hui Zong of the Song Dynasty (1101-1125),he was a famous general affiliated to the fifth general of Huanqing Prefecture. He was promoted as a Bingmadujian(official title) of Weizhou because of his bravery and meritorious service in the wars against the Western Xia Kingdom. Once in the battle of contenting the water source of Qipinzhai under the command of the great general Zhong Shidao,he led hundreds of cavalrymen to dash into the enemy's battlefield. In the fight,a sword was shot into his left side,he was so angry that he wouldn't take it out of his body and shouted loudly to capture the enemy soldiers. The soldiers were so inspired by his brave and tenacious spirit that they spared no energy to fight and won the entire victory. From then on Guo Hao became renowned in the frontier and was promoted as Zhongzhoucishi (military title). In the year (1126) Emperor Qing Zong succeeded to the throne,Guo Hao was promoted as Tuolianshi (official title) of Anzhou. In the first year of Gian Yan age (1127),he was responsible for Yuanzhou. The next year the Jin Army occupied Changan,the general Xia Dajie escaped from the battlefield while Gao Hao led 200 soldiers went to the city in a hurry for the defense. He let a prisoner of Jin Kingdom go back to tell the generals of the ruler of the Jin Kingdom,"I'm Gao Hao. Come to fight if you want to" The people of the Jin Kingdom were quite familiar with Guo Hao's name and were frightened to escape,so that Jingzhou city was protected and the dangerous situation became stable. Therefore Guo Hao was promoted asBingmaqingxia(official title) of Jingyuan Prefecture responsible for Jingzhou and Jinglueanfuahi(official title) of Fuyan Prefecture. At this time,the east of Song Kingdom had been occupied by the Jin Army and the west was pressed on by Xia Kingdom. The remote areas controlled by Guo Hao were only Baoan and Jingde in which even an inch of land was not lost due to his one-year's persistence. The next year he followed the Jinglue(official title),the high official of Shaanxi,Zhang Jun and took part in the Fupingcheng battle and Shangyuan battle against the Jin Army. And in both battles he rendered meritorious service. Later he was transferred to be responsible for Jinzhou (present-day the south of Yuzhong County of Gansu province),holding the concurrent post of Jinglueshi of Yongxing Prefecture. After Guo Hao went to Jinzhou,he immediately took in the refugees and aroused the soldiers and farmers to reclaim the wasteland and grow crops which helped not only to meet the demand of the food and military supplies of the army but also to solve the living problems of the local refugees. Guo Hao gave the spared money100,000 min (monetary unit) to the court to help the imperial Financial Ministy. After the Jin people returned Henan area to the Song court,Gao Hao was appointed to hold the post of Longshenweixixiangduzhihuishi(official title) with the absolute power to command the army of Shaanxi. In the fourteenth year of Shaoxing age (1144),he was called in by Emperor Gaozong,Zhao Gou of theSong Dynasty and was conferred Jianjiaoshaobao ( a high ranking official title).But Gao Hao was too modest to accept it. The next year Gao Hao died at the age of 59 when he was still in the post. After his death he was conferred Jianxiaoshaoshi (official title). He was posthumorously admitted as "Gong Yi"(a person of respect and willpower). Ⓔ

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