

作者:主编 时间:2022年12月01日 阅读:168 评论:0

倮(约公元前3世纪),大牧主。史书称乌氏倮,一作赢。女。秦朝北地郡乌氏县(今固原南部与甘肃平凉北部)人。秦朝前后,在今固原市原州区境内瓦亭一带,聚居着大量戎族,史书称他们为乌氏戎。秦惠文王在位期间 (前337~前310) ,在乌氏戎族的主要居牧地设立乌氏县。所以居牧在乌氏县境内的这位名叫 “倮” 的人,也应该属于戎族。古陇山地区 (今六盘山脉)水甘草丰,适宜发展畜牧经济。秦朝建立之际,倮已成为当地的一个大牧主,拥有马、牛、羊不计其数。尤其是在秦始皇统一中国以后,统一了货币,在全国范围内通行货币秦 “半两” ,给商品交易提供了方便。聪明的倮看到周围的戎人只会放牧,而不懂养蚕、织丝。她就把马、牛、羊卖给关中农耕地区的农民,收购珍异物品、丝绸和日常生活生产用品,带回来销往牧区,再换回牲畜销到内地农区,来来回回,获利巨大。她还常向戎王进献丝织品,戎王也高兴以价值相当于丝织品10倍的牲畜酬报,使她的财富不断增值,于是倮就成为一个出名的大牧主兼大商人。她拥有的牲畜根本无法计数,达到“用谷量马牛” 的程度,就是以一条山谷里所有的牲畜为一个计量单位,进行交易。倮,可算是宁夏历史上最早的大牧主和首富。就连秦始皇都特别给倮以“比封君”的优待,对她的礼遇等同王侯。她可以和秦国的大臣们一样,随时进宫朝见,参与议事,得到了相当高的政治待遇和荣誉。也有研究者认为,倮是男性。

Luo (about the 3rd century B.C.),historically known as Wushi Luo also calledYing,was a great female herd owner in Wushi County of Beidi Prefecture (the southern Guyuan in Ningxia and the north of Pingliang in Gansu Province today). Around the period of Qin Dynasty (221-206 B.C.),a large number of Rongs lived in present-day Wating,Yuanzhou District,Guyuan city. They were historically referred to as Rongs by the surname of Wushi. During the reign of King Huiwen(337-310 B.C.) of the State of Qin,Wushi County was set up where the Wushi Rongslived. Luo,who also lived in the county,was estimated to be a member of Rongs. The ancient Longshan area (Liupan Mountains today) was abundant in water and grass,especially suitable for the development of animal husbandry.At the beginning of Qin Dynasty,Luo had already been a great herd owner in possession of countless horses,cattle and sheep. Especially after the unification of China during the reign of the First Emperor of Qin Dynasty,"Half Liang" a currency formerly used in the State of Qin was standardized as a currency universally used across the country,thus provided great convenience for trading. Intelligently,Luo noticed that the Rongs knew nothing about sericulture and silk-weaving but herding,so she sold horses,cattle and sheep to the farmers in Central Shaanxi in exchange for rarities,silks,daily necessities and tools for production and sold them in the pastureland for livestock. In this way,she made great profits. Additionally,she offered silk wares to the chief of the Rong ethnic group,who would pay back with the livestock of 10 times' value. Her wealth grew rapidly,and she built up her fame as a big herd owner and a merchant with countless livestock,so much so that the horses for trading at one time were measured by the number of valley in which the horses may cover. Luo was claimed to be the first great herdowner and the richest merchant. Even the First Emperor of Qin Dynasty offered her the same privileged treatment as that dukes and marquises enjoyed. She could have an audience with the emperor at any moment and participated in the discussion on important political matters. Obviously,she was credited with exceptivlonal political treatment and honor. However, some experts hold that Luo was a male.Ⓔ


“Banliang”,coin of Qin Dynasty


Great Wall site of War States and Qin Dynasty in Guyuan

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