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哱拜(1526~1592),明朝宁夏驻军叛乱首领。蒙古族。他原是蒙古鞑靼部的一个小酋长,因与部落酋长英台吉有矛盾,于“嘉靖中得罪其部长,父兄皆见杀,遂率领部众投奔宁夏官军” ,因作战勇敢,从军功被提升为巡抚标下把总。后因屡建战功,渐渐由把总升至守备、游击、参将,并授宁夏卫世袭都指挥使。万历十七年(1589)二月,经宁夏巡抚梁问孟奏请,“加宁夏总兵标兵参将哱拜以副总兵衔致仕,许其子哱承恩袭职” 。

哱拜原本为了逃命和报其父兄之仇而亡命投靠明军,始终心怀异志,居心叵测,所以在宁夏站稳脚跟之后,便招降纳叛,吸引地痞恶棍,并在家中豢养号称“苍头军” 的武装家丁三千余名。他的长子哱承恩更是“独形枭啼,性狠戾” ,在接替父职以后,也是“多畜亡命” ,目无上司和法纪。所以哱拜依仗自家几个如狼似虎的儿子和一伙为非作歹的所谓义子,凭借哱家苍头军的武力,已形成横行塞上的一个黑势力集团,地方官民避之不及,无人敢惹,官府为了息事宁人,都睁一眼闭一眼。哱家父子不仅是一方人民的祸害,而且哱家军的实力日益膨胀,已形成尾大不掉之势,成为影响宁夏军镇安全的一大隐患。宁夏巡抚梁问孟正是出于这种忧虑才使用加官的办法,给予哱拜一个副总兵的头衔,让他交出兵权,离开军营。但是这不仅丝毫没有解决问题,因为其子哱承恩承袭了父职,哱家的势力不仅未受到削弱,反而引起了哱拜的怨恨和警惕,促使他叛逆心理的滋长。


Mongolian Sabre of Ming Dynasty

万历十九年(1591),鞑靼部西犯,甘肃临洮、河州一带报警。此前,御史周弘和巡按宁夏边务时,曾偏听偏信,“还朝,以将材荐哱承恩、土文秀、哱云” 。今军情告急之际,又 “举承恩及指挥土文秀,拜义子哱云等”大可任用。而哱拜也不甘寂寞,遂自请率哱家父子和家兵出征甘肃。新任宁夏巡抚党馨早已了解到哱家军漫无纪律,平时经常出塞劫掠人畜金帛,恐战时更难驾驭,主要还是对哱家父子的不信任,便没有批准他的出征请求。但是哱拜转而得到经略郑洛的批准,实现了自己的愿望。可是党馨不仅未给他分拨军马,反而还让给哱家军调换乏马。战事结束返宁以后,党馨又想清查哱拜虚报冒领的粮饷,并鼓动其部下检举哱家父子西征时的不法行为。哱承恩还因强娶民女为妾,被党馨鞭责二十军棍。哱家父子对此怀恨在心,等待机会向党馨报复。恰当此时,宁夏官兵对党馨拖欠粮饷,冬衣不能及时发放,却反而催逼军兵们的屯田赋税,引起广大饥寒交迫士兵对党馨的怨恨。于是在下级军官刘东旸、许朝、刘川白、张文学等人的策划下,串联八十多人,歃血为盟,准备举行兵变。军中坐营江廷辅已察觉到军营要出事,就向党建议赶快补发所欠银两,以安定军心。但党不以为然,并进而威胁士兵说:“想以作乱要挟上司,决不可答应。你们难道就不怕杀头灭族吗?”所以,士兵们到了忍无可忍的地步,宁夏镇城犹如一个巨大的火药桶,随时都有爆炸的可能。

万历二十年 (1592)三月戊辰日,在哱家父子的进一步煽动之下,宁夏镇城兵变发生了。“宁夏镇四营官军、家丁围杀巡抚党馨、副使石继芳,数其侵克残暴二十事,并杀卫官李承恩、供应官陈汉等于市,放狱囚,毁文卷” ,“毁公署,据城门” ,宁夏总兵官张继忠无奈自杀,刘东旸“自署总兵” ,“奉哱为谋主,承恩、朝为左右副总兵,云、文秀为左右参将” 。本来这仅是一场闹饷的哗变事件,由于哱家父子的煽动和加入,使得事态进一步扩大,形势更加恶化,并“勾结松虏” ,使事件的性质也发生了变化,由原先少数人索饷闹事而转化为有政治目的的反叛暴动行为。此时哱拜原形毕露,自称“哱王子” ,宁夏叛乱,“实是哱拜主谋” ,其子哱承恩、哱云和部将土文秀等成为叛军的主要首领,各率所部攻城略地,十分猖狂。当时宁夏全镇除北路平虏所,由于参将萧如薰坚守没有丢失外,其他大多数城池和河西四十七堡地方均被蹂躏,“且渡河,复诱河套著力兔、宰僧犯平虏、花马池。全皆震动” 。朝廷急命兵部尚书、总督魏学曾驰赴宁夏统一指挥征讨诸军,并升陕西副使朱正色为宁夏巡抚,升协守洮岷副总兵董一奎为宁夏镇总兵官。又破格提拔萧如薰为宁夏副总兵,暂管总兵事,与总督魏学曾共同办理宁夏平叛事宜。同时增调宣大兵六七千人星夜驰援宁夏,还命陕西巡抚沈思孝率部移驻下马关,作为声援。再特命御史梅国桢速赴前敌担任监军。与此同时,朝廷又高悬赏格: “斩承恩头,许以侯伯延世” ,有能擒献哱贼,“与世封” ,“有能擒献哱拜父子,赏银二万,封龙虎将军; 擒献刘东旸、许朝、土文秀,赏银一万两,封都指挥使” 。皇帝还赐魏学曾尚方宝剑,享受“斩临阵不用命者,以肃军法” 的特权。但是官军进展仍然缓慢,三个月后,于六月十八日才肃清宁夏镇外围,开始围攻镇城。此时有人建议水淹镇城,而魏学曾之所以不采用水淹镇城和武力强攻的办法,是不忍心看到城中 “生齿三十万” 无辜的生命财产受到重大损失,所以千方百计想以招抚和离间的办法,促使城中叛军觉悟,自行从内部解决。魏先后派叶得新入城,招谕刘东旸、许朝,想让他们杀哱家父子,主动赎罪立功; 又派宁夏原总兵官张杰入城与哱拜叙旧,劝哱拜杀刘、许自新; 还与城中百户姚钦、武生张遐龄等约为内应,但都没有成功。后来才不得已于八月决堤放水,淹灌宁夏镇城。叛军也加堤反水淹官军,故始终未能攻下宁夏镇城。在久攻不下的情况下,朝廷认为前敌大将师老无功,便下令撤换了三军总督魏学曾,“命锦衣卫逮系来京究问” ,改以叶梦熊总统三军,萧如薰总兵宁夏,调名将宁远伯李成梁之子李如松为提督陕西讨逆军务总兵官,统一指挥新增派的山西、辽东、浙江兵和南方苗兵,配合督抚各军通力合围宁夏镇城。另一方面,边外著力兔、庄秃赖和十失兔各蒙部内犯援兵,也被总兵李如松、马孔英、杜桐等将分别击溃,大局已定。各路大军联合会攻宁城,“宁夏总兵董一奎攻其南,固原总兵攻其西,故总兵刘承嗣攻其北,朱秉忠攻其东,原总兵麻贵以游兵主策应。” 哱拜自出北门,想逃往蒙部,当即被游兵谢贵赶回城中。哱刘叛军困守城镇,粮草告尽,内部矛盾冲突不断,内外交困,已成瓮中之鳖。八月初,官军再次放水淹城,虽然水攻没有达到预想的目的,但却使得城中叛军人人自危,丧失了斗志,并彼此猜疑,互相残杀。先是刘东旸杀死哱拜部将土文秀,哱承恩又派人离间许朝和刘东旸,两人被杀。哱承恩为了保全哱家的性命和地位,便将刘东旸、许朝和土文秀三人头颅悬挂于城头请降。九月十七日,官军最后发动总攻,哱承恩见势不妙,率所部冲出南门,被围城官军杨文登生擒,大军一举攻进城中,李如松、李如璋兄弟直扑哱拜府第,将其包围,并用火攻,叛兵死伤过半。哱拜见大势已去,在家中上吊自焚身死。十一月戊辰,皇帝亲登皇极门朝百官,举行宁夏大捷庆礼和献俘仪式,“命磔哱承恩、何应时、陈雷、白鸾、冯继武,斩哱承宠、哱洪大、王文德,各枭示九边” 。并以宁夏大捷祭告郊庙和 “逆贼荡平布告天下” 。

Bo Bai (1526-1592),Mongolian nationality,was the rebel leader ofgarrison troops in Ningxia of Ming Dynasty (A.D. 1368-1644). He hadbeen a chief of Tartar tribe which referred to eastern Mongolians livingin today's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region and east of the Republic ofMongolia in Ming Dynasty. For held conflicting views with tribe Chief YingTaiji,he defended the head of the tribe in the middle of Jiajing reign of MingDynasty (A.D.1522-1566). As a result,his father and brothers were all killed.Thus,he led his subordinates and troops to go to government troops of Ningxiafor shelter,Later because of his brave performance in the war,he was promotedto Squad Leader subordinated to imperial inspector of Ningxia for his militarymerit. For his repeated military victories,he got promotion s gradually fromsquad leader to commandant,brigade commander,assistant regional commander,and was entitled with the hereditary noble title of regional military commanderof Ningxia Wei (wei is a location for the stationing of troops in the MingDynasty with a bigger number than in a suo). In February of the seventeenthyear of Wanli reign (1589),"assistant regimental commander of the regionalcommander,Bo Bai,was entitled with the title of assistant regional commanderand his son Bo Chen'en was allowed to succeed the title"

Bo Bai went over to the Ming government troops for his safety and fortaking revenge for his father and brothers,so he always had sinister intentions.After gained a footing in Ningxia,he fed more than three thousand armedretainers by recruiting deserters and traitors,and attracting thugs and rascals,which was called "Cangtou Troop". His eldest son Bo Chen'en was moreruthless. After taking his father's post,he also "fed desperado" and neglected hissuperiors and the rules. Relying on his wolfish sons and so called evil adoptedsons,and the force of his "Cangtou Troop",Bo Bai had formed an underworldgroup in Ningxia. The local officials and people tried their best to stay awayfrom them. No one wanted to stir up troubles with them. For the local officials,they turned blind eyes to the Bos' evil deeds in order to make concessions toavoid trouble. Bo Bai and his sons had been a bane for the local people,and hisfamily troop were also a big hidden trouble for the safety of Ningxia for itsexpansion. For this consideration,the imperial inspector of Ningxia,LiangWenmeng gave Bo Bai a title of assistant regional commander to make him giveup the military leadership and get out of the barracks. But it did not work at allbecause his son Bo Chen'en inherited his post and the Bos' power was notweakened. On the contrary,the matter aroused Bo Bai's animosity andvigilantness,and accelerated the growth of his rebellious mentality. In thenineteenth year of Wanli reign of Ming Dynasty (1591),Tartar tribe invadedwestward to give an alarm to Linzhao,Hechuan in Gansu. Before that,whenthe censer Zhou Honghe inspected the frontier affairs in Ningxia.,he wasbiased to recommend Bo Chen'en,Tu Wenxiu and Bo Yun as talent inmilitary to the Emperor after he went back to the royal court. At the momentof urgent situation,he "recommended Bo Chen'en,the director Tu Wenxiuand Bo Bai's adopted son Bo Yun" to be assigned to the very important post. Atthe same time,Bo Bai also hated to be neglected and volunteered to ask forgoing on an expedition against Gansu commanding his sons and family troops.Newly arrived regional inspector of Ningxia,Dang Xing had heard somethingabout Bo's family troops. He knew that the Bo's troop was infinitely out oforder and they always went to region north of the Great Wall to rob people,animals and properties. Being afraid that he could not control them during thewar time,and mainly because of his distrust to Bo Bai and his sons,Dang Xingdid not approve Bo Bai's request. However,Bo Bai got approval from militarycommissioner Zheng Lou to realize his wish. While Dang Xing did not allocatehorses to Bo Bai's troop but exchange Bo's strong horses with weak horses.After Bo Bai came back from the battle,Dang Xing wanted to uncover Bo Bai'sprovisions and funds attained by fraudulent application. Thus,he agitated BoBai's subordinates to inform Bo's illegal deeds in west expedition. In addition,Bo Chen'en was lashed twenty times with war club for his marriage with anordinary family girl as concubine by force. Therefore Bo Bai and his sonsharbored resentment in their heart,seeking opportunity to revenge Dang Xing.At that time,the officials and soldiers of Ningxia were very dissatisfied withDang Xing because of his failing to pay up the troops' provisions and funds,notdistributing winter clothing in time and pressing the officials and soldiers to paythe tax of land,which aroused the hatred from soldiers suffering hunger andcold. As a result,some junior military officials like Liu Dongyang,Xu Zhao,LiuChuanbai,and Zhang Wenxue established ties with more than eighty peopleand planed to commit mutiny. The Barrack ZuoYin Jiang Tingfu had detectedthat something would happen and he advised Dang Xing to reissue the owedsiLuers (used as currency in ancient China) to stabilize the soldiers. But Dangignored his advice and threatened the soldiers: "It is impossible for all of you tocoerce your senior by insurrection. Aren't you afraid of being killed andexterminated of your entire family?" Consequently,soldiers could not stand forhim any more. Ningxia was like a huge powder cask which would explode atanytime.

In the twentieth year of Wanli reign (1592),on the date of Wu Chen ofMarch (Lunar calendar),with further agitation of Bo Bai and his sons,thesoldiers of Ningxia town committed mutiny. "Officials and soldiers of fourbarracks of Ningxia town and some family servants surrounded and killed theimperial inspector Dang Xing,assistant commissioner Shi Jifang,andenumerated a lot of bad deeds they have done. They also killed the defensedirector Li Chen'en and the supplying officer in the market,released theprisoners,fired files,destroyed the government office and held the city gate".The regional commander of Ningxia (military head of a territorial jurisdiction),Zhang Jizhong could not help but killed himself. Liu Dongyang "proclaimedhimself as the regional commander","esteemed Bo Bai as arch-plotter,appointed Bo Chen'en,Xu Zhao as assistant regional commanders,and Bo Yun,Tu Wenxiu as vice regimental commanders." Originally,this was only a mutinyaroused by soldiers asking for provisions and funds for troops. With theinvolvement and agitation of the Bos,the situation was aggravated and becameeven worse,which changed the character of the event from mutiny torebellious actions with political purpose. By the time,Bo Bai showed his truecolors and called himself "Prince of Bo". Actually,Bo Bai was "the chiefinstigator" of Ningxia Rebel with his son Bo Chen'en,Bo Yun andsubordinates like Tu Wenxiu as chief leaders of rebel troops. They led the rebeltroops to attack cities and seized territories outrageously. Except Pinglusuo inthe north was held by regimental commander Xiao Ruxun,most of the townsand 47 fortresses in west of the Yellow River were trampled by rebellioustroops. And they went across the River and induced Zhulitu and Zaiseng in theGreat Bend of the Huanghe River to attack PingLu,Huamachi. All wereshocked" The court immediately ordered Wei Xuezeng,the minister of theMinistry of war and the supreme command,to dash to Ningxia and tocommand the troops for punitive expedition unifiedly. The court also promotedShaanxi assistant commissioner-councilor Zhu Zhengyi to the imperialinspector of Ningxia,and assistant regional commander Dong Yikui who hadassisted holding Zhaoming to regional commander of Ningxia. Xiao Ruxiongwas promoted to assistant regional commander of Ningxia as an exception tomanage the military affairs temporarily and transacted affairs about putting downthe rebellion with the supreme command Wei Xuezeng. At the same time,thecourt moved more than six thousand Xuan soldiers to rescue Ningxia on astarry night and ordered Shaanxi regional commander Shen Sixiao to lead histroops to station in Xiama Pass as support. The censor Mei Guozheng wasappointed as army-inspecting censor to dash to the front line. Moreover,thecourt granted a high reward: "promised to give the person who killed BoChen'en rank of nobility as marquis or earl which can be succeeded fromgeneration to generation",if someone could catch Bo Bai,"grant ranks ofnobility from generation to generation","the person who catch and present BoBai and his son would get twenty-thousand siLuer as reward and be appointedas Longhu General; the person who catch and present Liu Dongyang,Xiu Zhao,Tu Wenxiu would get ten-thousand siLuers as reward and be appointed asRegional Military Commander". The emperor bestowed the imperial sword toWei Xuezeng,who enjoys the privilege of "killing the disobeyed in thebattlefield to put the army discipline in order". But the government troops stillmade a slow headway. On eighteenth June,they took three months to clear upNingxia town periphery and began to besiege the town. Wei Xuezeng did notadopt the method of flooding the town and violently attacking the town withforce because he could not bear to see 0.3 million innocent people in the townsuffering losses both in life and property. So he tried to make the rebel troopsbecome consciousness and resoLue the problem from internal by using the wayof offering amnesty and enlistment to rebels and alienating. Wei Xuezeng sentYe Dexin into the town several times to summon Liu Dongyang and Xiu Zhaoto surrender and perform meritorious services to atone for their crime by killingBo Bai and his sons; He sent Zhangjie to come into the town,talking about thepast with Bobai and advised him to kill Liu and Xu Zixin; he also wanted tomake company commander Yao Qing and Wushen Zhang Xialing as plantedagent. But all those efforts failed. On August,he had to make the river burst itsbanks to blood Ningxia town. The rebel troops built higher dam to blood thegovernment troops. Therefore,Wei could not occupy the town all the time.Under such circumstances,the court considered the great general in front linewas too old to achieve any military victories and ordered to replace WeiXuezeng,the supreme command who was in charge of three armies with YeMengxong,and ordered imperial bodyguard to arrest and bring him to justicefor condemning". The regional commander of Ningxia was changed to XiaoRuxiong. The court also promoted Li Rusong,the son of famous generalRenyuan Earl Li Chengliang,to be the regional commander to manage affairsconcerning dispatching a punitive expedition against rebels and command thenewly dispatched troops from Shanxi,Liaodong,Zhejiang and Miao ethnictroops to coordinate the supreme commands and the provincial governors tosiege Ningxia town. At the same time,some invading troops of Mongoliantribes like Zhulitu,Zhutulai and Shishitu were defeated respectively by theregional commanders Li Rusong,Ma Kongying,Du Tong and so on. Thesituation was under government troops' control. The royal court accepted nosurrender and decided to attack Ningxia town with all the troops. Then itordered "Ningxia regional commander Dong Yikui to attack the south,Guyuanregional commander to attack the west,former regional commander Liu Chencito attack the north,Zhu Bingzhong to attack the east and former regionalcommander Ma Gui to support with his troops as guerillas." Bo Bai went out ofthe north gate and wanted to flee to Mongolian tribe,but he was driven backinto the town by guerillas Xie Gui. The rebellios troops defended against thesiege until their food had run out. Because of the continuous conflicts inrebellious troops and difficulties from the outside and inside,Bo Bai hadbecome a rat in a hole. In early August,the government troops made the riverburst its banks to blood the town again. Although the blood did not reach theexpected goal,it made every rebel soldier feel insecure and lose the courage tofight. They began to suspect and kill each other. First,Liu Dongyang killed BoBai's subordinate Tu Wenxiu,then Bo Chen'en sent someone to alienate XuZhao and Liu Dongyang,both were killed at the end. To save the life and statusof the Bos from damage,Bo Chen'en hung the heads of Liu Dongyang,XuZhao and Tu Wenxiu in the front of the town to ask for surrender. On 17thSeptember,the government launched final attack. Facing the tough situation,Bo Chen'en led his troops to break through the south gate and was captured bygovernment officer Yang Wendeng. The government troops conquered thetown at last. Li Rusong and Li Ruzhang directly went to Bo's house siege itand attacked with fire. Half of the rebel soldiers were killed or injured. Bo Baisaw his day had gone,and then he killed himself by hanging himself. On thedate of Wu Chen of November,the emperor stepped up to Huangji Gate tocall in officials and held ceremony to celebrate the victory in Ningxia,"orderedto dismember the body of Bo Chen'en,He Yingshi,Chenlei,Bai Luan andFeng Jiwu,to behead Bo Chenchong,Bo Hongda,Wang Wende,and to hangtheir heads up as a warning to others." and sacrificed outskirt temple with thevictory in Ningxia and "informed the public that the rebel troops had beenstamped out".

本文地址: https://www.yishiweijian.com/renwu/2022123811.html



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