

作者:主编 时间:2022年12月01日 阅读:131 评论:0

满俊 (? ~1469),明朝少数民族暴动头目。因在家中排行老四,俗称“满四” 。蒙古族。曾祖父名叫巴丹,是元朝豫王的部属,“仕平凉为万户” 。元朝灭亡后,于洪武中率部众归降,“授平凉正千户” 。所带的部属数千人解甲归农,被就地安置在平凉、固原一带,当地人称呼他们为“土达” 。满俊的家居住在开城县固原里三岔沟满家营 (今宁夏固原原州区头营镇铁钩)。明廷对该部降户有许多优惠照顾,令 “仍故俗,无科徭” 。这些蒙古族人得到安居乐业,很快 “畜牧为雄长”一方。到成化初,固原土达人丁兴旺,仅满家营地方就有数千人。他们“皆骁勇,善骑射,岁以纵猎山野,逐获禽兽为利” 。头人满俊更是“犷悍” ,并经常 “藏匿奸盗,出边抄掠” ,可见满俊不仅是富甲六盘的大牧主,又是一股横行乡里的黑恶势力的保护伞。

宁夏地区在明朝时期,是残元势力南下搞复辟活动的首扰战区,后来又成为瓦剌、鞑靼等蒙古各部落内犯的主要方向,阶级矛盾和民族矛盾相互交织,情况十分复杂。满俊领导的固原土达暴动,就是这种复杂矛盾的产物。而地方军政官员对于土达民众的剥削和压迫,又加速了这种矛盾的发展。成化四年(1468),正值明朝建国一百周年,官员们乘机巧立名目进行额外苛索。固原指挥冯杰为了给新上任的参将刘清送礼,大肆向本地土达户进行搜刮,因而引起广大土达民众的强烈不满。当时点燃这场暴动的导火索有两条: 其一,在上年,曾发生宁夏退休都督张泰向官府状告满俊,说他属下有一个叫张把腰的畜牧业户户主掠夺了张家牧场的牲畜。陕西巡抚陈价轻信同僚的话,要逮问满俊。恰逢此时,又有通渭县一个朋友为了逃避徭役正藏匿在满俊的家中,满俊怕事态扩大不好收场,就用重金贿赂官差缓办此案。但是有关办案人员贪得无厌,欲壑难填,乘机反复上门敲诈。满俊性格暴烈,在一怒之下,就发难起事。其二,满俊家族中有一个叫李俊的人,此人早就与境外蒙古部落有勾结,是境外入犯边地的内奸。当李俊看清了满俊的处境后,便积极从中挑动,献计献策,煽诱起满俊的野心,一手点燃了这场暴动。满俊、李俊原来商定六月十一日举事,由于走漏风声,官方决定首先下手扑灭这场动乱,先派满俊的侄儿、世袭平凉指挥佥事满王寿,带兵到满家营去拘捕满俊。满俊采用缓兵之计,假装不知情的样子,仍和平常一样,在全村治办酒宴,把官兵们分别请到各户进行“款待” ,乘酒酣之间把官兵全部杀死。与此同时,又挟持侄儿,立即召集队伍,率全村三百多人举行暴动。满俊按照与李俊等预先密谋好的计划,暴动队伍首先抢夺了开城、广宁苑马寺的官马、器械武装了自己,“旬日啸聚一千余徒,披明甲,执弓矢,吹响器,势已猖獗” 。固原事变的消息传到京城,明廷考虑到平固地方临边近敌,区位重要,又“诸夷杂处,恐其煽惑结构,为患不细” 。所以先令镇守太监刘详、陕西总兵官任寿和陕西巡抚陈价,会同巡按三司等官,“量度贼情,速抚剿之” ,“胁从者设法招抚,首恶者亟行剿捕”。但是,当官军与暴动队伍一经接仗,就连连败北。明廷给陕西巡抚陈价和总兵官任寿以撤职“戴罪杀贼”的处分,改派马文升为陕西巡抚,项忠为总督剿办军务,都督同知刘玉佩平虏副将军印,接任陕西总兵官,指挥京营及延绥、宁夏、甘凉等处军马一万三千多人,向固原杀奔而来。可是,原陕西巡抚陈价、总兵官任寿和宁夏总兵官吴琮等,为了抢功,不等征剿大军到达,便匆忙集合两镇约三万人马,轻敌冒进,再次受到重创。暴动大军屡败官军,声威大振,四方各族灾民蜂拥投入满俊大旗之下,不到几个月队伍猛增至二万多人。这时,满俊所领导的这支队伍,已由少数土达的暴动,而发展成为对抗朝廷的农民军了。于是满俊自称 “招贤王” ,李俊亦称 “顺理王”。不久李俊战死,满俊率部向北转移,占领固原西北的石城(今宁夏西吉火石寨云台山)为据点,控制周边的广大山区,打算同官军作长期斗争。这时,冬季即将来临,黄河很快就要封冻,朝廷担心“虏酋毛里孩去边不远,比年关陕无事尚欲深入,一或间此,宁无奸计?且荒年之后,民穷盗起,势之必然” 。一旦形成外侵内乱合流,陕甘糜烂,大局将不堪设想。明廷命令总督军务项忠,统帅官军、土军、京军和招募义勇共计三万三千多人,限期完成平叛任务。


A Corner of Ancient City Walls in Guyuan



Man Jun (?-1469),Mongolia nationality,the ringleader of theresurrection of the ethic groups in the Ming dynasty,was popularlycalled "Man the fourth" because he was the fourth children in hisfamily. His great grandfather,named Ba Dan,subordinate to the Duke of Yu inthe Yuan dynasty. After the Ming dynasty perished,Ba Dan,leading hissubordinates,surrendered to the Qing dynasty and was awarded Qianhu inPingliang. Demobilized,his subordinates were helped to settle down in the areaof Pingliang and Guyuan,and they were called "Tu Da" by the local dwellers.The family of Man Jun lived in a village called Manjiaying in Sanchagou,Guyuanli Kaicheng County (present-day Tiegou,Touying Town,YuanzhouDistrict in Guyuan,Ningxia). The Ming court took many preferential measurestoward this surrendered group,allowing them "to follow their own customs".Living peacefully and contently,these Mongolia people soon grew up into agroup of "being good at herding". At the beginning of Chenghua,Tu Da inGuyuan had a flourishing population,with even several thousand only inManjiaying,who were "brave,good at shooting on horse back,making profitby hunting wild animals every year." Man Jun,the head,was "tough andintrepid" and often "hid sycophant and banditry,plundered the frontier",whowas not only the richest herd owner in Liupan,but also the umbrella of asinister gang who tyrannized the hometown. In the kingdom of the Mingdynasty,Ningxia was a warring place in which those remaining forces harassedto take restorationist activities. Then it became the main direction for thoseMongolia groups of Wala,Dada (two ethic groups) to invade the inland. Thecontradictions between different classes and nationalities were interweaved andquite complicated,which led to the resurrection of Tu Da in Guyuan headedby Man Jun,and the exploitation and the suppression of the local officials of thecourt and the army speeded up the development of the contradictions. In thefourth year of Chenghua (1468),which was the anniversary of the foundation ofthe Ming dynasty for a hundred years,the officials seized the opportunity toextort additionally from the common people with various names invented. FengJie,the commander of Guyuan,in order to send gifts to canjiang Liu Qing,whonewly assumed office,extorted wantonly from the Tu Da people,which causedtheir great dissatisfaction. There were two fuses to light the resurrection at thattime: first,there was a retired commander-in-chief named Zhang Tai whobrought a lawsuit to the local authority against Man Jun that his subordinatewhose name was Zhang Bayao,a herd owner,plundered his domestic animals.Chen Jie,the provincial governor of Shaanxi was gullible to arrest Man Jun forwhat his fellow official had said. At the same time,a friend from TongweiCounty was hiding himself at Man Jun's home in order to escape corvee. ManJun,for fear that the situation was too serious to end up,bribed the officialswith a large sum of money into postponing the case. However,the officialsinvolved in handling the case were so greedy that they seized the opportunity toblackmail Man Jun again and again. With hidden bitterness,fiery-temperedMan Jun rose in revolt. Second,a man named Li Jun living in Man Jun's familywas a hidden traitor who had collaborated with the Mongolia tribes out of theboundary. When seeing through the situation Man Jun was in,Li Jun activelyincited him,offering advices. Man Jun's wild ambition was stirred up which litthe fuse of the resurrection. Man Jun and Li Jun had planed to rise in revolt onJune 11th,but the news was leaked and the authority decided to put down theturmoil by sending Man Jun's nephew Man Shou,the hereditary commanderqianshi of Pingliang with troops to arrest Man Jun in Manjiaying,while ManJun,with stalling tactics,pretending not to have known anything about it,provided dinner in the whole village to "entertain" these officers and soldiers.After they were drunk,they were killed. At the same time,Man Jun coerced hisnephew into submission and convened over 300 villagers to rise in revolt.According to the plotted plan made by Man Jun and Li Jun etc.,the groupwrested the horses and weapons of the horse temples in Kaicheng andGuangningsi to arm them. "More than one thousand fellows got together onlyin several days,draping armors,holding bows and arrows,blowing buglers witha rampant momentum." Having heard the emergency happened in Guyuan,theMing court,considering the importance of the location Pingliang and Guyuan,which were the frontier and where the enemies were near were in,andreleasing that "many ethic groups are living together. If they incite andcollaborate,it will be a great danger." ordered Liu Xiang,the defender eunuch,Ren Shou,the chief general,Chen Jie,provincial governor duyushi of Shaanxi,together with the officials of xun'ansansi,"to exterminate or pacify the rebelsimmediately according to the crimes they've made." "to try to amnesty thesurrenders and wipe out the traitors at once." However,when the official troopsled by Guyuan canjiang Liu Qing met with the revolting group,they weredefeated continuously. As a punishment,the Ming court dismissed Chen Jie,theprovincial governor of Shaanxi and Ren Shou,the chief general from their postsand ordered them to exterminate the rebels to atone their crimes. The courtthen appointed Ma Wensheng as the provincial governor of Shaanxi,XiangZhong as general-governor handling military affairs,governor tongzhi LiuYupei as the chief general of Shaanxi,commander tongzhi Xia Zheng and LiuQing as canjiang and vice canjiang,Liu Xiang,the eunuch,as the supervisor ofmilitary affairs,Zhang Zhen,Yuanwailang in Hubu as the official in charge ofsoldier's pay who commanded more than 13000 armed forces from the capital,Yansui,Ningxia,and Ganliang and marched toward Guyuan. However,ChenJie,once the provincial governor of Shaanxi,Ren Shou,once the chief general,Liu Qing,canjiang,and Wu Zong,the chief general of Ningxia etc.,in order toforestall the meritorious service,called together about 30000 forces from thetwo towns to rash advance before the main forces arrived,underestimating theenemies,and was heavily defeated again. Since the resurrection forces heavilydefeated the official troops,it gained great fame and high prestige. Therefore,disaster victims from different ethic groups swarmed to Man Jun. The numbersoon increased to more than 20000 within several months. At this time,therevolting group,which was just made up of some of Tu Da people,now grewup into peasant troops confronting the court. Then Man Jun called himself"Zhao Xianwang"(king inviting to his side men of wisdom and valor),and LiJun also called himself "Shun Liwang"(king doing things reasonably). Later,LiJun was killed in the battle. Man Jun led his troops to move toward the north,taking up Stonecity in the north-west Guyuan (presen-day Yuntai mountainin Flint town in Xiji Ningxia) as his stronghold,controlling the mass mountainareas around,planning to have long-term struggle against the official troops. Atthis time,winter was approaching,and the Yellow River was freezing. Thecourt worried that " invaders were not far to the frontier. They would eveninvade when Shaanxi was pacific,not to say this time when there was riot.What's more,it was a must that after the natural disasters,thefts would increasebecause of poverty." Once the civil strife and the foreign invaders collaborated,Shaanxi and Gansu provinces would be broken through. Then the wholesituation would be worse than anything imaginable. Therefore,the courtordered Xiang Zhong,the general-governor handling military affairs,tocommand the troops of over 33000 made up of official forces,local forces,forces from the capital and the volunteers enlisted to put down the revolt withina given time.

On October 9th,Xiang Zhong commanded the force of 30 000,dividedinto seven branches to launch an all-out attack toward Stonecity Mountain,Man Jun's base area. In over 100 battles and fights during more than a month,because of Man Jun's peasant troops' confrontation relying on the places difficultof access against the official army,the official troops could not capture. Later,aman who was Man Jun's favorite officer named Yang Huli was caught whengoing down the mountain to fetch water at night by the official soldier. Whileinterrogating him,Xiang Zhong induced him to help the official troops,promising to greatly reward him and appoint him as an official later. Yang'sdesire was aroused before the reward. He agreed to work for the authoritativetroops. On November 17th,according to the trap designed by Yang and theofficial,the official forces pretended to be defeated and retreated. Yang Huliprovoked Man Jun to run after in person,while at this time,the ambushedsoldiers leapt out all round. Man Jun was seized and the Stone city was captured.After Man Jun was captured,his subordinate Huo Si succeeded as the chief,together wth Man Neng,Man Jun's son,leading the peasant troops toQingdong Mountain. Insisting on fighting for some time,they were defeated bythe official troops. In January the fifth year of Chenghua (1469),the revolt ofGuyuan Tu Da,lasting for eight months,came to a thorough failure. InFebruary the next year,Man Jun and other 267 people were put to death bydismembering the bodies. Other 91 accessory criminals were beheaded. Inorder to strengthen the control of Guyuan area,accepting the memorial of MaWensheng,the provincial governor of Shaanxi,the court promoted GuyuanShouyu qianhusuo into Guyuanwei,having three Qianhusuo of Zuo,Zhong,You under its jurisdiction.

本文地址: https://www.yishiweijian.com/renwu/2022123809.html



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