

作者:主编 时间:2022年12月01日 阅读:161 评论:0

马世龙(1594~1634) ,明末将领。回族。字苍元。宁夏卫 (今宁夏银川)人。由世职武举中试,历任宣府 (今河北宣化)游击、永平(今河北卢龙)副总兵,署任都督佥事、三屯营 (今河北迁西西北)总兵官。当时大学士、兵部尚书孙承宗出镇辽东,推荐马世龙随行,担任山海 (今河北山海关)总兵,协助自己镇守辽东,共建大功而加右都督衔。由于孙承宗不愿投靠权阉魏忠贤而遭受诬陷罢官,马世龙也受到牵连,被参劾,便一气之下称病离任。崇祯二年 (1629),后金大军入犯京畿,京城戒严,马世龙与孙承宗再度被起用,获赐尚方剑,总理诸路勤王大军。次年进左都督,加太子少保、荫本卫世千户。不久,再度“以病归” 养宁夏。


Bronze Incense Burner (Arab)


马世龙家族在清代更加兴旺发达,他的曾孙马会伯 (字乐闻),官至四川、湖北巡抚,兵部尚书衔总兵官。马会伯堂兄马际伯 (字逸闻),官至四川提督; 其子纪师、纪勋均为总兵官。马际伯胞弟马见伯(字衡闻),能文能武,有儒将风,深受康熙皇帝的宠爱,官至固原提督。马见伯胞弟马觌伯(字广闻),武进士出身,官至大同镇总兵官。

Ma Shilong(1594-1634),style name Cangyuan,the Hui nationality,was a general in the late of the Ming Dynasty and a native ofNingxia Wei (present-day Yingchuan city). Because his ancestorpass the examination on martial art,he successively hold the posts of Youji inXuanfu(present-day Xuanhua city in Hebei province),vice commander ofYongping(present-day Lulong city in Hebei province),Dudujianshi,commander of Santunying(present-day west-north of Qianxi city in Hebeiprovince). Sun Chengzong,the great scholar and the director of the Board ofWar at that time,who was guarding Liaodong recommended Ma Shilong as theCommander of Shanhai (present-day Shanhai Pass in Hebei province) so as toget his support in guarding Liaodong. Sun Chengzong was later promoted toYoududu because of his contributions. Later,Sun Chengzong was defamed andrelieved of the post for he refused to seek refuge with the powerful eunuch WeiZhongxian. Ma Shilong was involved in the case and impeached,whichoutraged him to resign his post on account of sickness. In the second year of theChongzhen reign (A.D. 1629),the army of Later Jin Dynasty invaded thecapital,putting the city in a state of siege. Owing to the serious situation,MaShilong and Sun Chengzong resumed their post and commanded all troops thatpledged loyalty to the majesty. The next year,Ma Shilong was promotedZuodudu,granted the title of Taizishaobao (assistant supervisor of prince),Qianhu Marquis of Ningxia Wei (a noble title that could be inherited by hisoffspring). Shortly afterwards,again,he returned Ningxia with the excuse ofsickness. In the May of the sixth year of Chongzhen (1633),in alliance with thetribes lived in the Great Bend in the Yellow River,the troop in Mongoliaheaded by Chahan and Hudengtu,launched a massive attack against Ningxia.The Commander of Ningxia,He Hucheng died in harness. In response to theinvasion,the royal court (Ming Dynasty) appointed Ma Shilong deputyCommander-in-chief as he was a native of Ningxia. Thanks to his familiaritywith the mountains,geography,and landform together with flexible strategyand tactics,within a half year,the army led by Shilong won all the battles in theregion around the Helanshan Mountain,Yuquanying and Zaozhuanbao. Thedeath toll of the enemy amounted to two to three thousand. His famethereupon swept swiftly and broadly in the west region. In 1634,he died ofsickness and was posthumously appointed Taizitaifu (supervisor of crown prince),granted with a hereditary official title Jinyijianshi.

The Ma family further thrived in the Qing Dynasty. His grandson,MaHuibo (stylename Lewen),was promoted to provincial governor of Suchuanprovince,military commander and chief commander as well. His cousin,MaJibo (stylename Yiweng),was appointed provincial commissioner of Sichuan,whose two sons,Jishi and Jixun,were promoted to chief commanders. MaJibo's brother,Ma Jianbo (stylename Hengwen),a general who is an equallyaccomplished man of letters,was skilled in both literary talents and martial arts.He was favored by Emperor Kangxi and was granted the title of provincialcommissioner of Guyuan. Ma Jiabo's bother Ma Madibo (stylename Guangwen),was a winner of martial art and later assumed the post of general commander ofDatong city.

本文地址: https://www.yishiweijian.com/renwu/2022123808.html



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