

作者:主编 时间:2022年12月01日 阅读:152 评论:0

马昊 (生卒年月不详),明朝官吏。本来姓邹,字宗大,号东溪。宁夏镇左屯卫 (今宁夏银川)人。弘治八年 (1495)中举人,弘治十二年 (1499)登进士。先由行人选为御史。正德初,调任山东佥事,因忤逆武宗皇帝宠信的宦官刘瑾而被降到真定府 (今河北正定)当一名推官。当时境内社会治安非常混乱,他组织人民习武自卫,制定民间保安防范办法,使犯罪分子纷纷落网,社会治安大为好转,保障了一方的平安。因此他在官民中享有很高的威信,受到广大人民的爱戴。然而却得罪了地方豪强恶势力,加之刘瑾本来就不想放过他,便抓住这个借口,颠倒黑白,以功当过,再次要给他降职处分,准备将他“谪判开州”(今四川开县)。这种不公正的做法,引起了真定城乡人民的强烈不满,各界人士不顾自身安危,派出代表进京“伏阙请留” ,终于被留任真定。直到刘瑾倒台以后,马昊才得到解放,并被提拔重用。

正德年间,马昊调到四川,担任佥事。这时,省内有方四、曹甫等农民起义军十分活跃,总制四川、陕西、湖广、河南四省军务洪钟和四川巡抚林俊剿办不力,全省形势日益严峻。马昊虽是进士出身的文官,但自幼生长在宁夏边卫地方,既知书又尚武,他“长身骁捷,善骑射,知兵” ,于是也受命参加镇压农民军的战斗。他分析到官兵打败仗的主要原因是“将不知兵,其何以战” ,因此决定选择健卒一千人,编为若干分队,各队设队长,分领训练,使之成为一支特别能战斗的攻坚力量。就在这时,农民军曹甫一股围攻江津县,马昊立即率领由他临时训练的这一支精兵随同巡抚林俊驰援江城。这支队伍一改以往官兵贪生怕死、人众而无战斗力的状况,一举大败农民军,“俘斩及焚死者二千余人” ,使曹甫股众从此一蹶不振。第二年,农民军另一股方四部,又突然袭占江津,并乘胜攻破綦江,围攻川东重镇重庆,造成全川告急,朝野震惊。在紧要关头,马昊仅率百骑,连夜举火奔袭敌营,农民军以为天兵降临,在这突如其来的打击下,不战自溃。天亮以后,农民军设伏妄图报复官兵,虚张左方,伏兵其右,诱昊入套。而马昊则将计就计,表面上以“正兵当左,身率百骑捣其伏,伏溃,趋左,左亦溃”,又一次彻底打败了方四股众。方四只身逃命,后被官方搜获处死,四川全省告安静。马昊在镇压四川农民起义军的战斗中立了大功,被朝廷奖赏并提升为副使。


Ming Dynasty Greet Wall,Sanguankou,Yinchuan

正德七年 (1512)总制洪钟、巡抚林俊先后调离四川,农民军余党廖麻子又乘机收拢残部再度起事,连陷铜梁 (今四川铜梁西北) 、荣昌(今四川荣昌),川省再度告急,新任巡抚高崇熙胆小怕事,主张招抚以粉饰太平,竟答应了廖麻子的要求,让出开县县城的临江市码头一带地方,时间为三年。为了让农民军放心,还派一副使张敏前往同驻弹压,实际上是充当人质。马昊坚决反对这一极端错误的做法,认为临江市地据川省襟喉,西扼重庆、叙川 (今四川宜宾东北长江北岸),东连两湖,战略地位十分重要,如果用以“资贼” ,将后患无穷。但巡抚贪生怕死,只顾保全个人官位,并不考虑守土之责,对于马的反对置之不理。马昊无奈,只能在自己的职权范围内,加紧练兵,严密布防,以备不测。第二年,得到喘息机会并恢复了元气的农民军,果然杀张敏再举反旗,全川局势告急。朝廷处分了高崇熙,同时升马昊为右佥都御史,接任四川巡抚,并任命彭泽为总督军务大臣,与马昊一起承担川省剿办事宜。实际上马昊已早有准备,立即率领他亲手训练的精兵五千人马,先在中江(今四川中江)重创农民军,解除了成都的危局。廖麻子本人仅率残部败逃剑州 (今四川剑阁),被游击阎勋追斩于阵。然而农民军余部又推举喻思俸为新首领,表面上向总兵官陈珣投降,暗中却偷渡长江,乘北岸官军不备,袭杀都指挥姚震,纷纷逃入川东深山密林之中,以川陕两省交界的广大山区为根据地,频频袭扰宁羌 (今陕西宁强)、大安 (今陕西宁强西北阳平关)、略阳 (今陕西阳县)、广元 (今四川广元)等县,总兵官陈珣疲于奔命,部众因不满而哗变,剿办无功,被撤职治罪。明廷严令总督彭泽、巡抚马昊亲自指挥督战。马昊有胆有略,身先士卒,指挥有方,不久便摸清了农民军的活动规律和作战特点,很快就在西乡大山中捕获了喻思俸,并乘军威一举歼灭了活动于内江(今四川内江)一带的另一股农民军骆松祥部众。至此,四川全省乱局平定,马昊因功进副都御史。

正德十年 (1515),四川西边番人磨让六少等部乱松潘,马昊团结未叛番众,很快平息了动乱,还在三舍堡至风洞关五十里交通要道线上修筑墙栅,保障往来商旅和货运畅运,因而再次受到朝廷的赐敕褒奖。

正德十二年 (1517),乌蒙 (今云南昭通)、芒部二府接壤的筠连(今四川筠县)、珙县 (今四川珙县)等处的千里山区,蛮人首领僰围人子、普法恶等,在流民谢文礼、谢文义兄弟煽动下猖乱,官军都指挥杜琮围剿失利。马昊亲率指挥曹昱部进山围剿。他相度山形、地势,绝敌水源,一战而收全功,论功再进右都御使,荫子锦衣世户。

此后,马昊便沾沾自喜,自恃“有才气、能应变,挥霍自喜,所向辄有功” ,而产生骄傲自大的官场习气,一心追求名位利禄而“锐意立功名” 。贪功的心理导致了他不注意团结和不尊重少数民族,终于造成“茂州群蛮惧见侵,遂纠生苗围城堡” 。在处理突发事件中,他又急于求胜而失去往日的理智,结果连连战败,损兵折将,参将芮锡出师不利,指挥庞升战死,副总兵张杰、副使吴澧大败于松潘,死亡官兵三千余人。他怕影响自己仕途,既匿不上报实情,又不设置防务,反而不顾少数民族的反对,在当地贸然实行“改土归流” ,并诱杀土人首领,剥夺土民田产,终于酿成了“自黎雅以西,天全六番皆相继乱” 的严重后果。在南京给事中孙懋和巡按御史卢雍、黎龙等先后参劾下,朝廷于正德十四年(1519) ,将马昊押送京师问罪,但行至河南境,他自称有病,请求回家治养。武宗皇帝看在他过去功劳的份上,以宽大为怀,准其要求,马昊遂中途返回故里。两年后世宗皇帝继位,追究马昊前过,马昊又被重新逮捕问罪,但仍宽大处理,只是 “寻削籍归” 。回宁夏后,他曾为培养家乡弟子,在卫学中授课讲学,也为续修宁夏新志做了一些工作,默默终老于家中。史书曾有评论,认为马昊是一个文职官员,“军旅非其所长,适用取败” ,有失公允。

Ma Hao(his birth date and death date are unknown)was an officialin the Ming Dynasty. His original family name was Zou,stylename was Zongda and literary name was Dongxi. He was a nativeof Zuotunwei in Ningxia (present-day Yinchuan in Ningxi a Hui AutonomousRegion). In the eighth year of Hongzhi reign (1495),Ma Hao passed theimperial examinations at the provincial level and in the twelfth year of Hong zhi(1499),he honorably became a successful candidate in the highest imperialexamination. At first,he was chosen as Yushi (senior official in ancient China)from Hangren,and then,in early time of Zhengde,he was removed to beQianshi in Shandong. Later,he was banished to be an official in ZhendingPrefecture (present Zhengding in Hebei Province) because of being disobedientto Liu Jin the eunuch whom Emperor Wuzong was especially fond of andtrusted unduly.

At that time,the public order was very poor in Zhending,so Ma Haoorganized the people to learn Wushu (martial arts such as shadow boxing,swordplay,etc) for self-defense and made nongovernmental methods forprecautions. In this way,the criminals were caught one by one. The publicorder changed a lot. People's security was ensured. Thus Ma Hao got a universallove and esteem among people,and was deeply trusted by both the officials andthe people. However,what he had done offended the rich and influential localtyrants,What's more,Liu Jin originally unexpected to let off Ma Hao,so heseized this chance and confused right and wrong. Liu used Ma Hao'scontribution s as blunders,and again decided to demote Ma to Kaizhou (presentkai county in Sichuan Province). This injustice enraged the people of Zhending.Man from different social circles gave no thought to their own security and sentrepresentatives to the capital for "begging to keep Ma Hao by kneeling down atthe gate of the palace". People's asking forced Liu to give up his decision andkept Ma on his post in Zhending. Ma Hao did not get any promotion until LiuJin was overthrown from his position. In the Zhengde reign,Ma Hao wasshifted to be Qianshi (a local official) in Sichuan. At that time,there wereseveral active peasant uprising armies led by Fang Si and Cao Pu. Hong Zhong,the military officer governing Sichuan,Shaanxi,Huguang and Henan,and LiuJun,the Grand Coordinator of Sichuan,did not exercise effective leadership insuppressing the uprising peasants,and the situation over the province becameserious day by day. Ma Hao was a scholar-official selected from Jinshi(Graduate),but he grew up in the frontier areas of Ningxia,and had theknowledge of not only books but also Wushu. He was "tall and valiant,andgood at riding and shooting,and knew the art of war very well",so he wasasked to take part in suppressing the uprising peasants. He analyzed that themain reason for the government army's failure was that "the general knewnothing about his soldiers and the art of war,so how could he fight againstenemies?" He decided to choose one thousand strong soldiers and divided theminto some teams. Each team had a leader who directed the soldiers to exerciseand made the team forceful and effective in fighting. Just at this time,theuprising peasants led by Cap Pu attacked and surrounded Jiangjin. Immediately,Ma Hao led his army trained temporarily to relieve Jiangjin with Liu Jun. Thisarmy dropped the bad practice of the former government army that the soldierscravenly clung to life instead of braving death,and the force was powerless infighting. The uprising peasants were defeated and "more than two thousandenemies were killed or burnt to death". Since then,the force of Cao Pucollapsed. Next year,anther group of uprising peasants led by Fang Si gave asudden attack to Jiangjin and occupied it. With this success,the uprisingpeasants occupied Cuanjiang,besieged Chongqing,the important military town,and put the whole areas of Sichuan into danger. The royal court was shockedby the news. At such key moment,Ma Hao led a hundred cavalrymen to attackthe camp of the enemy holding torches. The uprising peasants thought that itwas the soldiers from heaven and escaped in disorder without fighting facing thesudden blow. After the dawn,the uprising peasants lay in ambush intending totake revenge on the government army. They pretended to arrange men in theeast,but actually had part of the troops in the west in order to trap Ma Hao. MaHao saw through their trick and met plot with plot. Apparently,he"concentrated his men on fighting with the enemy in the east,but he secretlyled a hundred cavalrymen to attack the enemy in ambush and succeeded. Then,he turned to the east,and defeated the enemy there". In this battle,the uprisingpeasants led by Fang Si were totally defeated. Fang Si escaped alone but wascaught and killed by the government. The whole Sichuan recovered its peace;Ma Hao rendered outstanding service in this battle and was awarded andpromoted to be Fusi (senior official at provincial level).

In the seventh year of the Zhengde reign (1512),Hong Zhong,thegeneral governor,and Lin Jun were shifted from Sichuan successively. LiaoMazi,a survivor from the uprising peasants,gathered remnants and rebelledagain. They occupied Tongliang (present-day Northwest of Tongliang inSichuan) and Rongchang (present-day Rongchang in Sichuan). Sichuan wasagain in danger. Gao Chongxi,the Grand Coordinator newly appointed,wastimid and dared not to take tasks. He advocated offering amnesty and enlistmentto rebels for purpose of pretending being peaceful. He agreed with Liao Mazi togive the areas around the dock of Linjiangshi in Kaixian to the rebels. The timelimit was three years. In order to make the uprising peasant believed him,hesent Zhang Min,a vice-official,to suppress the rejecters together with Liao. Infact,Zhang Min acted as a hostage. Ma Hao rejected this extremely wrongaction. He thought Lingjiangshi was the important military pass in Sichuan,which barriered Chongqing and Xuchuan (present-day the north bank ofYantaza in northeast of Yibin in Sichuan) in the west,and connected withHunan and Hubei in the east. If it were used to "subsidized the rebels",therewould be no end of trouble for the future. However,the Grand Coordinatorcared for nothing but saving his skin,and concerned nothing but his position.He gave no thought to the duty of guarding lands and turned a blind ear to MaHao's rejection. Ma Hao had no choice but to train the soldiers more strictlyand place troops on garrison duty more carefully in order to handle theunexpected,within his rights. Next year,the uprising peasants who regainedtheir strength really killed Zhang Min and rebelled again. Sichuan fell in urgentsituation for another time. The royal court punished Gao Chongxi andpromoted Ma Hao as Youqianduyushi (an official in ancient China),and theGrand Coordinator of Sichuan,and appointed Peng Ze as Military Minister ofgeneral inspection to take tasks of suppressing the rebels together with Ma Hao.In fact,Ma Hao had already made preparation for this. He immediately led fivethousands soldiers he trained defeated the uprising peasants heavily inZhongjiang (present Zhongjiang in Sichuan Province) and relieved the crisis ofChengdu. Liao Mazi escaped only to Jianzhou (present Jiange in SichuanProvince) with his remnants,and were pursued and killed in the fight by YanXun,Youji (a military official in ancient China). However,the remnants of theuprising peasants selected Yu Sifeng to be their leader. Then,they apparentlysurrendered to Chen Xun,Zongbinguan (the chief commander in the army),and crossed the Yangtse River secretly. They surprisingly attacked thegovernment army in the north bank and killed Yao Zhen,Duzhihui (a militarycommander in the army). They escaped into the remote and thickly forestedmountains in the east of Sichuan. Used these enormous mountain areas whereSichuan and Shaanxi meet as their base,the uprising peasants frequently attackedNingqiang (present Ningqiang in Shaanxi),Da'an (present Yangpingguan innorth-west of Ningqiang in Shaanxi),Lueyang (present Yangxian in Shaanxi),Guangyuan (present Guangyuan in Sichuan) and other towns. Chen Xun wastired out by too much running around,and his subordinates mutinied fordissatisfaction. Chen Xun achieved nothing in suppressing the uprising peasants,so the royal court dismissed him from the post and punished him. Then,theroyal court gave strict orders to Peng Ze,Zongdu (chief inspector),and MaHao,the Grand Coordinator,that they must direct the soldiers to fight bythemselves. Ma Hao was brave and resourceful. He led his men in a charge andshowed an art in direction. It was not a long time that he made clear of theregulation of action s and features of fights of the uprising peasants. Soon,MaHao captured Yu Sifeng in the great mountain in Xixiang,and wiped outanother group of uprising peasants,which was led by Luo Songxiang andoperated around Neijiang (present Neijiang in Sichuan),following up hisvictory. Up to now,the rebellion over Sichuan was put down,and Ma Hao waspromoted to be Fuduyushi (vice censor in province) for his achievements.

In the tenth year of the Zhengde Reign (1515),Morangliushao,theminority nationalities in the west of Sichuan rebelled in Songfan. Ma Haounited the national people who did not rebel and put down the rebellionquickly. Then,he built up fences along the vital communication line,whichwas from Sanshebao to Fengdongguan and was fifty li (25,000 meters) in orderto guarantee that the transport for traveling merchants was unblocked. For hiscontributions in this action,the royal court awarded Ma Hao for another time.

In the twelfth year of the Zhengde Reign (1517),Boweirenzi and Pufa'e,the chiefs of the minority nationalities in the southwest of China,rebelledincited by two refugees,Xie Wenli and Xie Wenyi. They operated in themountain areas of a thousand li in Junlian (present Jun#county in SichuanProvince) and Gongxian (present Gongxian in Sichuan Province),whichconnected with two prefectures,Wumeng (present Zhaotong in YunnanProvince) and Mangbu. The government troops led by Du Cong,the Duzhihui(a commander),went to encircle and suppress the rebels but failed. Ma Hao ledthe troop of Cao Yu,the Zhihui (a vice commander),to suppress the rebels. Heexamined the physical features of the mountains,and cut off the water supply ofthe rebels. Thus,he put down the rebellion in a battle and won all the honors.For his achievement,Ma Hao was promoted again to be Youduyushi (a seniorofficial in ancient China),and Yinzijingyishihu.

After that,Ma Hao felt complacent,and thought that he was talented,wascapable of meeting an emergence,and rendered meritorious service wheneverhe was in a battle. Gradually,he had a bad habit of the official circle beingproud and arrogant,and pursued position and wealth wholeheartedly. Pursuit ofposition and wealth led his to neglect the unity with the minority nationalities.He often showed no respect to them and caused the minority nationalities inMaozhou to cooperate with Shengmiao (a minority nationality) and attackedthe post because they were afraid that the government troops would invadetheir land. When dealing with the eventuality,he was overanxious for quickresults and lost his usual reason. As a result,he was defeated again and again.Rui Xi,Canjiang (a captain),lost his first battle. Pang Sheng,Zhihui (acommander),died in fighting. Zhang Jie,Fuzongbin (a captain),and Wu Li,Fushi (a captain),suffered a crushing defeat in Songfan,and more than threethousand officials and soldiers died. Ma Hao was afraid that the result wouldinfluence his official career,so he not only cancelled the truth but also placed notroops in garrison. Moreover,he recklessly carried on the policy of "change theminority nationalities into refugees". He cheated and killed the chief of the Tunationality,and confiscated the possessions and lands of the Tu people withoutgiving thought to the rejections of other minority nationalities. Therefore,therecame the serious consequences that the minority nationalities in southwestChina rebelled successively. In the fourteenth year of the Zhengde reign (1519),Sun Mao,Jishizhong (an official in ancient China),Shi Luyong,Xun'anyushi (ainspector),and Li Longh impeached Ma Hao for his fault,and the royal courtgave an order to escort Ma Hao back to the capital for punishment. When MaHao was transported to Henan,he claimed to be ill and asked for returninghome to have a treatment. Wuzong Emperor forgivingly accepted his ask onconsideration of his past contributions,so Ma Hao returned to his hometownhalfway. Two years later,Shizong Emperor succeeded the throne,andinvestigated Ma Hao's fault. Ma Hao was arrested again,but was still forgivinglypunished. He was dismissed from his post and sent to his hometown. After hecame back,he had ever been a teacher in Weixuezhong (the school run by thelocal government) to cultivate the young in his hometown. Moreover,he didsome works for writing The New Records of Ningxia. At last,he died quietlyat home. There has been a comment in the history books that Ma Hao was onlya scholar-official,and the military career was not his speciality,so he definitelyfailed when taking a part in it. This comment is not a practical one because MaHao did make a lot contribution in history.

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