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马福祥(1876~1932),“宁马”回族军阀奠基人。字云亭。世居甘肃省河州 (今甘肃临夏回族自治州临夏县)城西韩家集阳洼山。辛亥革命后,与子侄辈长期主政宁夏,就以宁夏为“桑梓” ,视为第二故乡。清光绪二十一年 (1895),甘肃爆发 “河湟事变” ,武进士马福禄带领三弟马福寿、四弟马福祥,组织乡勇帮助清军镇压自己的回胞。陕甘总督衙门为了进一步实施“以回制回” 的策略,批准马家三兄弟组织一支回民地方武装,命名为 “安宁军” ,从此马福祥兄弟三人开始跻身宦途。二十三年 (1897),中武举。二十六年 (1900),甘肃提督、武卫后军总统董福祥将安宁军改编为简练军,辖马步七营旗,仍由马福禄、马福祥兄弟指挥,跟随董军开往京畿勤王。其间,在帝国主义组织的 “八国联军”侵略军进犯北京时,董福祥所率领的甘宁回汉健儿,是敢于抗击外国侵略军和最有战斗力的少数部队之一。马福禄、马福祥兄弟又是董军中敢打硬仗的一支生力军。马部曾在京津之间的黄村、廊坊、落垡一带与义和团军并肩作战,搏杀洋鬼子入侵军。马福祥带领父子兵“挥短兵闯入阵,喋血相搏” ,杀败鬼子兵,《清史稿》称其“为庚子之役第一恶战” 。奉命退守京城后,担任镇守邻近外国使馆区的正阳门 (即前门) ,再次与义和团民一起攻打使馆区,保卫紫禁城。在血战中,马福禄饮弹阵亡,马家同时牺牲的兄弟子侄亲族数十人。八国联军攻占北京后,由马福祥接统简练军,并主动担负起护卫慈禧太后、光绪皇帝等王公大臣们向西逃跑的特殊任务。“两宫” 逃到西安后,马部又成为禁卫行宫的临时卫队。从此,马福祥受到西太后的赏识,并有机会结交到一批重臣和宫内权势宦官们,给以后的攀升创造了条件。“两宫”返回北京时,马以“在京有战功,沿途宿卫,亦著劳谨” ,赏记名提督、实授靖远协副将。不几年就上升到总兵大员的高位。

辛亥革命爆发,马福祥先持观望态度,后见清廷大势已趋,很快就转变态度,与甘肃军政民议各界代表人物联名通电赞成共和。北洋政府先后任命马为阿尔泰护军使、西宁镇总兵兼署青海办事大臣。因内蒙古王公上层代表人物旺德尼玛响应外蒙古的独立运动,起兵呼应,大搞分裂活动,绥宁不靖,北洋政府改任马为宁夏总兵官。马福祥于1913年秋,率所部昭武军十三营二千五百名步骑官兵赴任,不久改任宁夏护军使兼满营将军。一直到1921年,因袁世凯在甘肃的代理人、甘肃督军张广建倒台,省内回汉两派武装集团分别推举马福祥和陆洪涛争夺督军席位,从而在全省掀起“易督风潮” 。北洋政府为防止事态扩大,引发甘肃回汉仇杀的恶剧重演,便采取调和的办法以陆洪涛代理甘肃督军,升调马福祥为绥远特区都统,所遗宁夏护军使由其侄马鸿宾接任,其子马鸿逵亦升任陆军第五混成旅旅长,随父开赴绥远驻防,西北大局方告平静。

马福祥 (后排左1)在杭州

Ma Fuxiang in Hangzhou

马福祥在宁夏任职数年,作了一些有益事情。首先,有效维护了地方安定。马福祥上升伊始,就智擒内蒙古搞分裂活动的领头人旺德尼玛,消除了绥宁地区的一大隐患,为此马被晋授为陆军中将、奖二等文虎章。接着又擒斩伪皇达尔六吉的复辟活动,防止宁蒙地区又一次大的动乱。还在抵制绥远“独立队”卢占魁部、陇东张九才部和河南白郎农民军西进等战斗中,艰难地实现了保境安民,使宁夏地区在北洋时期军阀混乱的动乱年代,相对保持了局部的安宁,使宁夏人民得到了短暂休养的机会。北京政府为表彰马福祥的安边治宁功劳,后以“积功在边陲,息贺兰之烽火” ,特授予勋四位; 又以 “猛士守方,贵有安边之略……虽师于灵武,永无西顾之忧” ,晋授勋三位; 再以“勇著金城,勋高铜柱” 、“功建虎节于朔方” ,续晋勋二位,加上将衔。

其次,重视文化和教育,尤其是关心民族教育。马福祥虽然是虔诚的穆斯林,但从小在接受伊斯兰文化教育的同时,也受到过良好的汉文化儒学教育,并自以儒将自诩,对回汉子弟的教育格外关心。在镇守宁夏期间,他力主在各县设立劝学所,倡导青少年进学校受教育。他还带头捐资筹款在宁夏创办蒙回师范学校所,又先后在宁夏各地分别捐资增设清真小学共六十四所,并捐资在府城(今银川市)创办了宁夏地区历史上第一所公共图书馆和讲文论武馆。还协助地方政府,于府城首次建立了甘肃省立第五中学和第八师范学校 (合校),被时人称之为 “五中八师” ,从而首开宁夏现代教育之先河。他还带头捐资,出面募集教育基金,资助品学兼优的学生出省、出国深造,为宁夏培养造就了一批有用人才。他在任间还亲自挂帅,主持编修成功一部宁夏新方志《朔方道志》。自古以来都讲“盛世修志” ,而在民国初年,全国局势混乱,各省战乱频仍,处于这种时局之中,宁夏地区却能修成一部三十二卷的大型地方志,这在全国实属罕见,因此《朔方道志》在中国方志史上占有非常重要的地位。马福祥不仅为第二故乡宁夏的文教事业作出贡献,他还在兰州、西安、上海、南京等地带头捐资兴办回民学校并在北京主持建立成达师范学校、西北公学和创办全国最大的伊斯兰教杂志《月华》。经过马福祥的努力,由他提议的 “建立蒙古地方教育行政委员会”以及“给以边疆教育基金”两个提案,在南京国民政府行政会议上获通过,为促进当时边疆的民族教育起到一定的积极作用。


同时,在政治上他对外反对日本帝国主义的侵略阴谋,不受其利用与拉拢,坚持爱国主义立场,反对日特策划建立“回回国” 的分裂活动; 对内则周旋于各大派系之间,在激烈的政治漩涡中,左右逢迎,巧于应付,力图自保。1924年,他既赴京参加段祺瑞主持召开的所谓的“善后会议” ,同时又谒见孙中山,表示拥护“三民主义” ,欢迎孙中山的领导。

1925年,冯玉祥发动“北京政变”后,自任西北边防督办,命令所部西北军全线西撤,执行“入甘援陕” 的战略转移。时任绥远都统的马福祥不得不交出地盘,改任冯的西北边防会办。后又改任北京政府的航空督办。1927年,蒋介石叛变革命之后,极力拉拢与利用西北回族军阀势力的代表人物马福祥,邀马赴南京,给他的头上加了国民党中央候补委员、南京国民政府委员、国民政府军事委员会委员和北平政府分会委员、开封政治分会委员、黄河水利委员会委员、赈务委员会委员、编遣委员会委员,以及蒙藏委员会副委员长、故宫博物院理事等许多头衔。蒋冯阎中原大战中,由于马氏父子倒冯助蒋,蒋介石对马福祥更加重视,先后让他担任青岛特别市市长 (相当今直辖市)、安徽省政府主席、国民政府蒙藏委员会委员长。同时又任命马鸿宾为甘肃省政府主席,马鸿逵为宁夏省政府主席,其三兄马福寿也曾一度以宁夏省民政厅长之职兼代宁夏省政府主席。马家兄弟子侄四人出任省主席要职,这在中国近现代史上实为罕见。1932年,马福祥因病辞去蒙藏委员会委员长职务,隐居天津,潜心从事回族伊斯兰教经典的研究编印。他主持与资助编印的经书有: 《希真问答》、《清真指南要言》、《昭元秘诀》、《天方道程启经浅说》 、《大化总归》 、《四典会要》 、《醒世箴言》、《天方性理》、《天方典礼》和《真教真诠、清真大学、希真正答合印》。还为《天方至圣实录》、《天教真诠》、《清真大学》、《希真正答》、《真功发微》 、《归真总义》、《先誓言行类钞》、《性理注释》、《五更释义》、《五更月歌》、《老生常谈》等书一一题签、作序,积极筹备印行。

民国二十一年 (1932年)八月十九日,马福祥病故,葬于北平(今北京市)阜城门外三里河坟地。治丧时,蒋介石发来《祭马云亭先生文》,戴季陶发来《挽马云亭先生诗》,军政要员、社会各界和全国各地穆斯林群众纷纷以各种方式致哀。称“马公云亭是吾教先进” 、“马公云亭是边陲的关心者” 、“追悼马公云亭要努力和倭奴奋斗”等等。著有《蒙藏状况》、《家训》、《训诫子侄书》。

Ma Fuxiang (1876-1932),who was the founder of the "Ningma" HuiWarlords,styled himself as Yunting and a native of Hanjiaji of Hezhou cityin Gansu Province (present-day Linxia County of Linxia HuiAutonomous State in Gansu Province). After the Revolution of 1911,he administratedthe government of Ningxia with his family and treated Ningxia as his secondhometown. In the year of 1895,the "Hehuang Incident" broke out,Ma Fulu,who wasthe Wujinshi (the successful candidate in the highest imperial examinations),led histhird younger brother Ma Fushou and his fourth younger brother Ma Fuxiang toorganize the local soldiers to help the army of the Qing Dynasty crake down their Huiethnic compatriots. In order to further enforce the policy of "use the Hui people toadministrate the Hui people",the governor general of Shaanxi and Gansu authorizedthem to set up a local army of Hui people with the name of Anning Army;hence MaFuxiang and his brothers began their career in the officialdom. In the year of 1897,MaFuxiang got the name of Wujuren (the successful candidate in the imperial examinationat the provincial level). In the year of 1900,Dong Fuxiang,the prefect of Gansu andcaptain of the Wuweihou army recomposed the Anning Army,but still let Ma Fulu andMa Fuxiang to command and ordered this army to the capital of Beijing with the armyof his. During the time that the Eight-Power allied Forces invaded Beijing,the troopmade up of the Hui ethnic and Han ethnic led by Dong Fuxiang were one of the mostvaliant and combat-worthy troops. In this brave troop,the soldiers led by Ma Fulu andMa Fuxiang were the most fearless. The army led by Ma brother s had ever foughtagainst the foreign invader accompanied with the Yihetuan (anti-imperialistorganization formed by peasants and handicraftsmen in north China at the end of the19th century) in the area between Beijing and Tianjing. Ma Fuxiang led his troop tofight fearlessly and defeated the enemy. After receiving orders to fell back on the capital,they got the command to guard the Zhengyang Gate (the front door) near the embassyarea and attacked the embassy area with the Yihetuan to fence the Forbidden City. Inthe bloody battle,Ma Fulu fell in battle and more than ten members in his family diedin this battle. After the Eight-Power Allied Forces occupied Beijing,Ma Fuxiang tookcharge of the Jianlian Army and took on the special task of guarding the empressdowager Cixi,the emperor Guangxu and other ministers to escape westward. After theempress dowager Cixi and the emperor Guangxu arrived in Xi'an,Ma Fuxiang's troopchanged to the temporary armed escort to protect the empress dowager and theemperor. From then on,Ma Fuxiang got the appreciation of Cixi and had the chance toaffiliate with some important ministers and eunuchs,which laid the foundation for himto win promotion. When the empress dowager and the emperor went back to Beijing,Ma Fuxiang was rewarded because that he "got the battle achievement in Beijing andon the way to west he guarded well". A few years later,he was promoted general.

When the Revolution of 1911 broke out,Ma Fuxiang looked on at first,and thenhe found the decline of the Qing Dynasty and changed his attitude quickly to opt forthe republicanism together with representatives from all circles in Gansu. The Beiyanggovernment successively appointed him the Hujunshi (a official post),the general ofXining and the amban of Qinghai. Later because Wangdenima who was the importantmaharaja of the Inner Mongolia responded for the independent movement of OuterMongolia,and the society became disordered,the Beiyang government appointed MaFuxiang the government official of Ningxia. In the autumn of 1913,Ma Fuxiang led his2,500 soldiers go to his post. Before long he was appointed the Hujunshi of Ningxia.Till 1921,since Zhang Guangjian who was the deputy of Yuan Shikai in Gansu and thewarlord of Gansu fell from power,Ma Fuxiang and Lu Hongtao were elected to contestfor the position of warlord by the Hui army and Han army separately."The Agitation ofChanging Warlord"was surged in the whole province. In order to prevent the affairsfrom developing worse to raise the tragedy of vendetta between Hui people and Hanpeople in Gansu,the Beiyang government adopted the mediatory method to appoint LuHongtao the warlord of Gansu and promote Ma Fuxiang the Dutong of the SuiyuanSpecial Zone. Ma Fuxiang’s nephew Ma Hongbin succeeded the Hujunshi of Ningxiaand his son Ma Hongkui was promoted the brigadier of the fifth brigade of the landforces who accompanied his father to Suiyuan. The society of the northwest becamepeaceful now.

During the years when Ma Fuxiang held the post in Ningxia,he did somebeneficial things. First,he maintained the local stability effectively. As soon as he heldthe post,he captured Wangdenima who was the leader of the disruption movement inInner Mongolia. A hidden trouble was solved and Ma Fuxiang was awarded the lieut.Gen.Later he crushed the restoration of the dethroned monarch of the puppet emperorDaerliuji,which avoided a convulsion in Ningxia and Mongolia. In the tempest years ofwar,he guarded the people in Ningxia and created a relative peaceful society for themto recreate. The central government honored him because his achievement.

Second,Ma Fuxiang attached importance to culture and education,especially thenational education. Although he was a pious Muslim,he received the education of theIslamic culture,at the same time he received the education of the Confucianism andregarded himself as a Confucian general. He concerned about the education of thechildren of Hui and Han ethnic very much. He supported to set up schools in everycounty and encouraged children to go to school. Moreover,he was the first to raise anddonate money to originate the Mongolia and Ningxia Normal School,build 64 Muslimelementary schools in Ningxia and set up the first public library in Capital City(present-day Yinchuan city) in the history of Ningxia. He assisted the local governmentto build the No. 5 Middle School and No. 8 Normal School,which were combinedtogether. This began the history of the modern education in Ningxia. He took the leadto donate to grant-aid good students to study in another province or foreign countries.Many talented persons were cultivated for the construction of Ningxia. He presided inperson to edit a new local topography of Ningxia---Shuofang Chorography. It was saidthat the chorography was edited only in the prosperous and peaceful time; however,inthe early Republic of China when the society was in chaos and wars broke frequently,achorography of Ningxia including 32 volumes was edited successfully. It was really amiracle. So the Shuofang Chorography had a very important position in the history ofchorography in China. Ma Fuxiang not only made contribution for his secondhometown Ningxia,he donated to build schools for Hui people in Lanzhou,Xi'an,Shanghai and Nanjing. In Beijing,he helped to set up Chengda Normal School,Northwest College and the biggest Islamic journal Yuehua. Ma Fuxiang made greatefforts to accelerate the two proposals of "establishing the Local EducationAdministration Committee in Mongolia" and "giving the education fund to the borderarea" to be passed in the government conference held in Nanjing. This advanced thenational education in the border area.

Third,he began the modern construction in the behindhand Ningxia area. Ma Fuxiangwas open-minded and easy to accept the new things. He sparked plug to set up shippinghouse in Ningxia and exploited the water carriage of the Yellow River. He also madepreparations for setting up the automobile limited company t o improve the poor trafficsituation.

Meanwhile,outside he opposed the aggression intrigue of Japanese imperialism andinsisted on the position of patriotism. He argued against the disruption movement offounding a "Hui country" planned by the Japanese secret agents. Inside he moved in thosecoteries and strived to protect himself. In the year of 1924,he went to Beijing to attend theso-called "conference of dealing with problems after war" on one side; on the other side,he called on Sun Yat-sen and expressed his attitude to support "the Three Principles of thePeople" (Nationalism,Democracy and the People's Livelihood) and welcomed theleadership of Sun Yat-sen.

In 1925,Feng Yuxiang staged "the Beijing coup" and appointed himself thesuperintend officer of the northwest frontier defence,and then ordered his army towithdraw westward to execute the stratagem of "entering Gansu to aid Shaanxi". MaFuxiang was the Suiyuan Dutong (a government officer) at that time and had to give uphis domain. He was appointed the officer of the northwest frontier defence committee,and later the aviation superintend officer of Beijing government. In 1927,Jiang Jieshimutinied,so he tried to hook in Ma Fuxiang by inviting him to Nanjing and givinghim many titles,such as the alternate committee member of the Kuomintang,thecommittee member of the Nanjing government,the committee member of the centermilitary committee and Beiping (present-day the city of Beijing) branch committee,themember of the Yellow River Water Conservancy Committee and so on. In the waramong Jiang Jieshi,Feng Yuxiang and Yan Xishan,Ma Fuxiang and his sons betrayedFeng Yuxiang and helped Jiang,which made Jiang think much of them and appointedhim the mayor of the Qingdao special city (present-day the municipality directly underthe Central Government),the chairman of Anhui provincial government and thecommittee member of the Central Government Mongolia and Tibet Committee. Atthe same time,Ma Hongbin was appointed the chairman of Gansu provincialgovernment;Ma Hongkui was appointed the chairman of Ningxia provincialgovernment; and Ma Fushou,Ma Fuxiang's brother was appointed the chairman of theNingxia Civil Administration Bureau and the chairman of Ningxia provincialgovernment. It was rare that four men in one family took charge the important post asthe chairman of the provincial government in the modern history of China. In 1932,Ma Fuxiang resigned from the post of the committee member of the CentralGovernment Mongolia and Tibet Committee to live in Tianjing to undertake the taskof study and edit the Islamic classics.

On August 19,1932,Ma Fuxiang died of illness and was entombed in the Sanlihegraveyard in Beiping. In the funeral,Jiang Jieshi and Dai Jitao sent elegiac address tohold a memorial ceremony for him. People from all circles and Muslims delivered theirgrief with different ways and praised that Ma Fuxiang was the great man who loved hispeople and his hometown.

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