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刘芳名(?~1660),清朝将领。字孝五。宁夏卫(今宁夏银川)人。曾任明末甘肃柳沟 (今甘肃安西东布隆吉)总兵。崇祯十七年(1644)三月,李自成农民军攻占北京,登大顺皇帝位。但是,由于明朝镇守山海关大将吴三桂的叛变,引清军入关,于五月一日又从大顺朝手中夺取北京城,并在十月一日建立大清顺治朝。第二年,清廷命令和硕英亲王阿济格为靖远大将军,统率大军征讨李自成的后方根据地陕甘地区。二月,清军攻入潼关,李自成败逃,原明朝将领大多纷纷降清,“旬月之间,全秦底定” 。为了迅速控制西北局面,清廷提升前明保定巡抚王文奎任兵部右侍郎兼都察院右副都御史,首任陕西三边总督(不久改任孟乔芳); 升前明山西雁平道参政焦安民为都察院右副都御史,首任宁夏巡抚; 调前明柳沟总兵刘芳名仍以都督同知衔,首任宁夏镇总兵官。这时的西北形势十分混乱,反清力量依然相当强大,不仅李自成农民军余部继续活动在广大农村,坚持与清军进行顽强斗争,而且前明许多将领,表面上虽然投降清军,但却在暗中串联,积极准备反清复明兵变。当年十二月,由汉中镇总兵贺珍首先发难,举兵叛清,率领七万部众北上攻打西北重镇西安; 与此同时,固原镇 (今宁夏固原原州)副将武大定也杀死固原总兵官何世元,占领固原镇城,陇右各地纷纷响应,西北危局严重威胁到满洲贵族新政权的巩固。此时刘芳名镇守宁夏,“抚绥训练,冀树威名,销除乱萌,总督孟乔芳疏奖其才” ,命令他率领宁夏镇兵担任主力,就近镇压固原武大定的叛乱。由于刘芳名死心踏地效忠清廷,拼命为新主子作战,迫使武大定率部撤离固原,南下与汉中的贺珍会合。刘芳名一路追击,杀死大批反清官兵,为清廷立了战功。但此后不久,宁夏也于顺治三年(1646)四月发生兵变,首任巡抚焦安民被乱兵杀死。清廷急命刘芳名火速北返收复宁夏。他返镇后,并没有采取立即对叛军镇压的办法,而是暗中进行调查,了解到这次叛乱是由军官王元、马德领头鼓动的。刘芳名不动声色,各个击破,平定了宁夏的叛乱。清廷特授予他三等阿达哈哈番荣誉称号,提升为四川提督、定西将军。但因宁夏和固原地方大乱新平,局势尚不稳固,而刘芳名在南定固原和北平宁夏诸战役后,早已名声大振。为了确保三边门户的安全,顺治皇帝改任刘芳名以右都督身份继续留镇宁夏。果然,顺治五年 (1648),宁夏境内又发生了以李彩为首的香山之乱。刘芳名利用自己的威名,“招降香山诸寇,散其余党,地方以安” 。同年年底,山西大同镇总兵姜瓖,于雁北举兵叛清,陕西榆林副将刘登楼也勾结王永强响应姜瓖,攻占陕北二十州县,杀延绥巡抚王正志、靖边道夏进芳,“易衣服” ,自称“大明招抚总督” ,号召官民起来反清复明。刘登楼致书刘芳名,希望他也领导甘肃,与山西、陕西一起行动,克成大业。“芳名以见汙,怒,封其书示巡抚李鉴,鉴以闻” 。刘登楼见刘芳名不予响应,又煽动定边屯蒙古部札穆素一起发兵,由花马池入犯宁夏。开始叛军来势凶猛,河东兴武、铁柱、惠安、汉伯、临河诸堡相继陷落,接着叛军乘势聚集大股围攻河东重镇灵州。这时刘芳名率领宁夏镇兵,与赴援的镶蓝旗汉军固山额真李国翰开始组织反击,再次平定了宁夏的乱局。为此,清廷晋授他为二等阿达哈哈番。这时宁夏地区经过明末清初的变乱和战争,屯田破坏,人口逃亡,财政和兵源都日趋枯竭。为了宁夏的长治久安,他在平定刘登楼之乱以后,即向朝廷上奏说: “宁夏孤悬河外,延袤千里。镇兵屡征发,兵单力薄。请自后征发缺粮即令招补备守御。”还建议: “以减等罪人佥发沿边,资生聚。”这些建议都被朝廷接受并实施,对宁夏人口增长和经济恢复,起到了积极的作用。


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顺治十六年(1659),南明将领郑成功,率部进攻江浙一带,清廷任命宫廷内大臣达素为安南将军,统率各路大军南征。宁夏总兵刘芳名也被抽调随征,以左都督身份率宁夏镇兵担任征讨大军的右路总兵官,驻防江宁 (今江苏南京)。秋冬间,他与苏松镇总兵官梁化凤合作,在长江口崇明岛与郑军多次战斗。第二年,他本人和宁夏籍将士大多不服南方水土,纷纷病倒,部队失去了原先的战斗力。为了不误军机,他大胆给朝廷报告: “臣奉命剿贼,不意水土未服,受病难瘳。所携宁夏军士,训练有年,心膂相寄。今至南方,半为痢疟伤损。及臣未填沟壑,敢乞定限更调。”清廷虽然批准了他的请求,但在江南江西总督郎廷佐的请求下,只是把宁夏镇标兵撤回到江宁驻守,以维持后方的治安。不久,刘芳名病故于江宁军营。清廷给这位战将极高的奖赏,破格为一个总兵官加授太子太保的最高荣誉,谥“忠肃” 。刘芳名病逝以后,宁夏镇官兵被全部撤回宁夏。

Liu Fangming (?-1660),who styled himself as XiaoWu,was a general ofQing Dynasty andanativeofWeiinNingxia (present-day Yinchuancity in Ningxia Autonomous Region). He had assumed the regionalcommander of Liugou (present-day Bu Longji in the east of Anxi in Gan SuProvince) of former Ming Dynasty. In March of the seventeenth year ofChongzhen reign of Ming Dynasty (1644),peasant troops led by Li Zichengconquered Beijing city,and ascended the throne of Emperor Dashun. However,because the senior general Wu Sangui guarding Shanhai Pass rebelled anddirected Qing troops to enter into the pass,Qing troops wrested Beijing cityfrom Dashun royal court on 1st May and erected Shunzhi reign of QingDynasty on 1st November. Next year,the Qing royal court appointed HeshuoYing prince Ajige as Jingyuan general,commanding troops to go on expeditionagainst areas of Shaanxi and Gansu where rear bases of Li Zicheng were. InFebruary,after Qing troops conquered Tong'guan Pass,Li Zicheng wasdefeated and ran away. The former generals of Ming Dynasty surrendered toQing Dynasty one after another. The power of Li Zicheng came into the end ina short time. In order to control the situation of northwest rapidly,WangWenkui,the provincial governor of Baoding of former Ming Dynasty,waspromoted to the vice minister of the Ministry of War,the censor in-chief ofSupervisor Office and the first Supreme Commander of Shaanxi,Gan Su andNingxia. (Later it was changed into Meng Qiaofang). Jiao Anmin,formerMing's Canzhen (administration vice commissioner) of Yan Pingdao of Shanxiprovince,was promoted to the vice Censor-in Chief of Du Chayuan (thecentral control organization in Ming and Qing dynasties) and the first ProvincialGovernor of Ningxia. Liu Fangming,the regional commander of Liugou offormal Ming Dynasty,still enjoyed the same right of commissioner-in-chiefand was promoted to the first regional commander of Ningxia town (militaryhead of a territorial jurisdiction). At that time,situation in northwest wasextremely disordered and the rebellious power was quite strong. Not only therest of peasant troops led by Li Zicheng continued to carry out rebelliousactivities in the countryside and persisted in staging an indomitable fight withQing troops,but also many generals of former Ming Dynasty allied with eachother in secret and prepared for mutiny of restoring Ming Dynasty activelyalthough they had surrendered to Qing troops superficially. In December of theyear,the regional commander of Hanzhong town,Hezhen first started rebellion,commanding 70 thousand soldiers toward north to attack the important cityXi'an in westnorth. At the same time,He Shiyuan,the regional commander ofGuyuan town,was killed by the vice command Wu Dading,and Guyuan townwas occupied. All parts in the east of Gansu province also took actions to showtheir support. Situation in Northwest was very dangerous,which posed a severethreat to consolidation of new power of Manzhou nobilities. At the time,LiuFangming was guarding Ningxia. "he is famous for training soldiers and clearingup the rebellious. For that,governor-general Men Qiaofang encouraged andrewarded him for his talent. Men Qiaofang ordered him to command the mainforces to suppress Wu Dading's rebellion. Because Liu Fangming was dedicatedto be loyal to the royal court,he risked his life fighting for the new master.Consequently,Wu Dading was forced to withdraw from Guyuan and wentdown to met with He Zhen of Hanzhong. Liu Fangming followed up all theway and killed a large number of rebellious soldiers,making great achievementsin the war. But soon after,in the third year of Shunzhi reign of Qing Dynasty(1646),in April,mutiny took place in Ningxia. Jiao Anmin,the first provincialgovernor of Ningxia,was killed by rebellious soldiers. Qing Dynastyimmediately ordered Liu Fangming to come back at the double-quick torecover Ningxia. When he returned,instead of taking any actions to put downrebellious troops,he carried out an investigation in secret. He found out thatthe rebellion was agitated by officials Wang Yuan and Ma De. Liu Fangmingfirst transferred Ma De to be the vice command of Ma Huachi with theintension of splitting and isolating the power of Wang Yuan,thus achieving thepurpose of dividing and ruling,and destroying rebellious troops one by one.Wang Yuan also understood Liu Fangming's intention quite well. After Ma De'stransfusion from the town,he realized that his power became weak and was ingreat danger. To avoid sitting still waiting for death,Wang Yuan connectedwith Hong Dagao,the rebel leader who garrisoned out of city and made adecision to lead his troop away from the city secretly. And then he allied withall kinds of rebellious forces to stage an uprising together. Liu Fangming hadalready put stood pigeon in rebellion troops. Pretending not to know WangYuan's plan,he arranged ambushed troops to wait for the rebellious troops atthe important place out of city. "When Wang Yuan arrived,ambushed troopsattacked suddenly. Wang Yuan strived for fighting. Several generals like FanChaocheng,Jiang Jiucheng attacked together. Wang Yuan was defeated and ranaway. The vice general Ma Ning followed up and returned with achievement."At the time of ambushing Wang Yuan,Liu Fangming sent another troop tosurround troops led by Hong Dagao and destroyed them out of expectation.The main rebel leaders Hong Dagao,Yang Chengming and Bai Youda werekilled. When Ma De got to know the death of Wang Yuan and Hong Dagao,he felt grieved at the death of them and also worried about himself. In spring ofthe next year,Ma De colluded with He Hongqi,Wang Yiling,and Li Guohaoand planed to "support the grandson of Fuqing prince,browbeat and swindle,gang up people to rebel". As a result,Ma De occupied Hua Machi,He Hongqitook up An Dingbao,Wang Yiling occupied Luo Mountain and Li Guohaotook up Yuwang city. In a short time,a lot of officials,the rich,the army andpeople from boundary areas of Shaanxi and Gan Su province like Ningxia,Guyuan,Pingliang,and Qingyang responded to them one after another tooppose Qing Dynasty. Hu Quancai,the new provincial governor of Ningxia,ordered the regional commander Liu Fangming and He Dongdao,(the directorof Grand Canal) Ma Zhixian to command their troops respectively toexterminate the rebellious forces from Hui Anbao. Liu Fangming took the leadto defeat the rebellious troops greatly in Luan Machuan and recovered Yuwangcity without letup. And also the rebel leader Wang Yiling was killed. Makinguse of victory influence,he followed up to He er'ping and captured the rebelleader Mada and killed him. The rest forces of the rebellious troops were forcedto surrender without fighting,or to be dismissed,or flee to a faraway place. Therebellion took place in Ningxia was put to end at last. To praise Liu Fangmingfor his great achievement of suppressing rebellion,the royal court awarded himthe third rank title Adahahafan (Chinese transliteration of a Manchu word forcommandant of light chariots). He was promoted to the provincial militarycommander of Sichuan and the Dingxi General. But because rebellion ofNingxia and Guyuan was suppressed not so long and the situation was not stable,moreover,because of his great fame in the war of quelling the South Guyuanand the north Ningxia,in order to make sure the safety of these three areas,Emperor Shunzhi changed the post of Liu Fangming to the commander - in -chief so as to let him stay and guard Ningxia. As expected,in the fifth year ofShunzhi reign of Qing Dynasty (1648),rebellion of Xiang Mountain led by LiCai took' plac e i n Ningxia again. Taking advantage of his own fame,LiuFangming "summoned rebellion troops to surrender and dismissed the rest of itsforces,and the region restores to safety again". At the end of that year,theregional commander of Datong in Shanxi province,Jiang Xiang,called outtroops to rebel against Qing. The vice commander Liu Denglou of Shaanxi alsoallied with Wang Yongqiang to respond to Jiang Xiang,conquering 20prefectures in north of Shaanxi. The provincial governor of Yansui and JingbianDao (administrative area in Chinese history,below the provincial level in theQing Dynasty) Xia Jinfang were killed by them. Jiang Xiang "changed theclothes of Qing Dynasty with Ming's clothes" and called himself "Zhaofusupreme command",calling on officials and men to restore Ming Dynasty. LiuDenglou wrote to Liu Fangming that he hoped Liu could lead Gan Su to joinin the action with Shan'xi and Shaanxi to accomplish the great undertaking ofrestoring the Ming Dynasty and revolting the Qing Dynasty. Seeing that LiuFangming did not take actions to show his agreement to him,Liu Dengloubegan to instigate Zhamusuyi of Mongolian tribe who stationed in Dingbian toinvade from Ma Hachi. At the beginning,the rebellious troops broke infuriously. Fortresses of east of the Yellow River like Xingwu,Tiezhu,Huian,Hanbo,Linghe were taken one after another. Then the rebellious troops madeuse favorable situation to gather the main forces to besiege the important townLingzhou. At this time,Liu Fangming,commanding soldiers of Ningxia town,began to strike back with Gushan'e'zhen Li Guhan who came to support. Forthat,he was awarded the second rank commandant of light chariots by the royalcourt. After the turmoil and wars during the periods from the end of MingDynasty to the beginning of Qing Dynasty,the land in garrison area had beendestroyed,and people died or escaped. The financial and military sources alldried up gradually. For the long term peace and stability of Ningxia,LiuFangming reported to the royal court after putting down Liu Denglou's rebel: "Ningxia is isolated beyond the River and stretches thousands of miles. Thetown soldiers were sent to fight all the time and remained weak. From now on,please order them to supply the defense force." The royal court accepted andenacted those suggestions,which played active role in increasing population andrecovering economy of Ningxia.

In the sixteenth year of Shunzhi reign (1659),Zheng Chenggong,thegeneral of Southern Ming,commanded his troops to attack areas in Jiangsu andZhejieang provinces. The royal court of Qing Dynasty appointed Minister DaSu as the general of stabilizing the south to go on south expedition with troopsfrom different provinces. Liu Fangming,the regional commander of Ningxia,was also dispatched to fight. He was assigned as vice commissioner-in-chief tolead officials and soldiers of Ningxia town to act as the regional commander forright routine of the expedition troops to garrison Jiangning (present dayNanjing in Jiangsu province). In the middle of autumn and winter,hecooperated with Liang Huafeng,the regional commander of Susong town,tofight with Deng's troop at Chongming Island of Yangtze River's mouth. In thefollowing year,Liu Fangming and his Ningxia officials and soldiers wereunaccustomed to the climate of the south and fell ill one by one,and his troopsalso lost its battle effectiveness. In order to avoid delaying the fulfillment of amilitary plan,he boldly report to the court: "I acted under order to fight theenemy. Unexpectedly,I was unaccustomed to the climate of the south and fellill. My officials and soldiers had been trained for several years. At present,half ofthem were damaged by diarrhea in the south. Please transfer us in certain timebefore we died here" Although the royal court approved his request,soldiersfrom Ningxia town withdrawed to Jiangning to keep peace under the request ofgovernor-general of Jiangnan and Jiangxi Lang Tingzuo. Soon after,LiuFangming died in Jiangning Barrack. The court of Qing Dynasty granted thisgeneral great reward. As an exception,he was bestowed the title of grandguardian of the heir apparent as a regional commander,and given a posthumoustitle as "Zhongsu". After his death,Liu Fangming's subordinate officials andsoldiers withdrew back to Ningxia.

本文地址: https://www.yishiweijian.com/renwu/2022123803.html



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