

作者:主编 时间:2022年12月01日 阅读:98 评论:0



永宁元年 (301),张轨被任命为持节护羌校尉、凉州刺史,镇守河西。他到任后,剿抚结合,恩威并施,对归顺的鲜卑人给予妥善安置,而对于骚扰州境的鲜卑贵族若罗拔能进行讨伐,使得河西地区成为五胡十六国分裂动乱年代中北方唯一安定的地方,创造了 “乱中求治” 的范例。从此“威著西州” ,先后被晋室任命为安西将军、镇西将军,都督陇右诸军事,加封为安乐乡侯,使张轨成为西北广大地区的实际统治者。但是,由于他和他的家族世代受儒家思想影响太深,始终恪守忠君的纲常正统观念,所以他一再救助晋室,在名义上维护朝廷的大一统形象,始终没有宣布独立建国,并对晋帝的多次封侯进爵一一谢绝,为国家的统一作出积极贡献,给西北地区创造了和平的环境。

Coin of Eastern Jin Dynasty


张轨在河西地区推行实际上的自治,长达十三年时间。其间,他在经济建设方面,大兴水利,改进农业技术,同时铸造货币五铢钱,推进商业的发展;在政治方面,立法行令,打击豪强;在教育方面,大办学校,选拔民族人才,为建设 “西州”共同努力。当时的 “西州”地区成为知识分子的用武之地,内地人民向往的乐土,天下的一块安乐州。正如史书所记: “苍生鹄企西望,四海注心大凉。”

建兴二年(314),张轨病故。全州各界人民一致拥护他的儿子张寔继承父职。从此以后,世代承袭,共传八世,直到东晋太元元年(376)张天赐执政时,才归顺于后秦政权。张氏家族前后割据西凉地区长达七十六年,史书称张氏的地方政权为 “前凉” 。

Zhang Gui (255-314),the 17th generation of Zhang Er (with a title ofChangshan Lord) of the Western Han Dynasty (206 B.C.-25),styling himself as Shiyan,was an official of the Western Jin Dynasty (265-420),and thefounder of the Former Liang (314-376) in the period of Eastern Jin (317-420). His father,Zhang Wen,had been a Taiguan Ling (to administer the diets and banquets of the emperor in ancient China). "His family,generation after generation,was of filial piety and clean records,and got known for their Confucian studies."

Since childhood,Zhang was a bright boy,fond of learning and entertained a high ambition. He was a student of Huangfu Mi,a famous scholar of the Jin Dynasty (265-420). In the beginning of Taishi (title of Emperor Wudi,Sima Yan's reign) (i.e.266),he was granted to go to court as a grade-five official,and then to be a secretary of the crown prince,a Sanji Changshi (an attendant of the Emperor for instructions in ancient China),a Zhengxi Junsi (an inspector in the western expedition in ancient China),and the like. During the reign of Emperor Hui (290-306),there appeared a turbulent and volatile situation with a series of political slaughter and wars as the result of grabbing power and money among the ruling class. In such surroundings,Zhang Gui had a great mind to keep aloof from the court and maintained his ground so as to realize his political ideal.

At the first year of Yongning (one of the titles of Emperor Hui,Sima Zhong's reign) (i.e.301),Zhang Gui was appointed an Imperial Huqiang Officer (an official dispatched by the emperor to handle the affairs of the minorities on his behalf in ancient China),as well as the cishi(an official handling procuratorial affairs in a prefecture on behalf of the central government in ancient China)of Liangzhou to safeguard Hexi,that is,west of the Yellow Piver. After he came to office,he took carrot-and-stick measures by offering proper arrangements for those surrendered Xianbei people and sending armed forces to suppress Ruoluobaneng,a Xianbei patrician harassing the frontiers. These measures made Hexi area the exclusive stable place in the turbulent periods of the Five Minority Nationalities and Sixteen Kingdoms (304-439),and set a good example of "a great order in the chaotic world". Wherefore,he "lorded it over Hexi",and was successively designated by the royal family of Jin as the stabilizergeneral of the west,the defender-general of the west to govern all the military affairs of Longyou (places of Gansu Province,east of the Yellow River today),and conferred another title of Anlexiang Marquis. All these brought Zhang Gui to be the real ruler of northwest China. However,it was with the Confucian teachings taken root in him and his family to such an extent that he consistently observed the orthodox concept of ruler guiding subjects. And because of this,he succored the royal Jin,maintaining the image of the court of great national unity in due form,and never proclaimed a new power onhis own,still less declined all the official offerings from Jin. He brought halcyon days to the people of northwest China,and made positive attributions to the national unity.

The autonomy Zhang Gui practiced in Hexi area lasted as long as 13 years during which,he built irrigation works on a large scale,reformed agricultural technology,and meanwhile founded coins to give impetus to trade; he made laws to be carried out and kept a firm hand on those local despots and bullies; he set up many schools hunting for talented persons to jointly develop "Xizhou". Thanks to him,"Xizhou" became a place for the local literates to display their abilities,a paradise for the inland people to yearn for,and a land of Cockaigne for the whole world to live on. Just as the history puts it,"Xizhou" is something "all the people crane their necks to see,and all the world sets its heart on."

In the second year of Jianxing (title of Emperor Min,Sima Ye's reign) (i.e.314),Zhang Gui died of illness. All the people of the whole area unanimously supported his son Zhang Shi to succeed his father's position. Henceforward,the position was handed down and down to the eighth generation of Zhang Tianxi. Until the first year of Taiyuan reign of Eastern Jin (i.e.376),the power was submitted to the Later Qin regime.The independent regime of the Zhang family in Xiliang area lasted as long as 76 years,which is called "Former Liang" (301-376) in histories. Ⓔ

本文地址: https://www.yishiweijian.com/renwu/2022123802.html



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