
《两晋·南北朝-田弘 田仁恭》资料介绍

作者:主编 时间:2022年12月01日 阅读:112 评论:0

田 弘 (?~574),西魏、北周将军。字广略。原州高平县 (今宁夏固原)人。北魏建义元年 (528),高平起义的首领万俟丑奴在高平称帝,田弘投靠起义军。建明元年 (530) ,尔朱天光率官兵征讨万俟丑奴,田弘乘机反正,被任命为都督,后又受到大将军宇文泰的赏识而被重用。永熙三年 (534),因奉迎北魏孝武帝入关,封鹑阳县(今甘肃靖远西北)开国子,后晋爵为鹑阳县公。因在收复弘农、攻克沙苑、解围洛阳、抢夺河桥的战斗中,屡次立大功,享受赐予皇族姓氏纥干氏的殊荣,实授原州刺史。宇文泰曾对文武大臣们说: “人人如弘尽心,天下岂不早定? ” 西魏废帝元年 (552),在东西两魏政权的大小争霸战斗中,田弘总是身先士卒,冲锋在前,冒死杀敌。他身上受箭伤一百多处,伤筋动骨的大伤有九次,因而被朝廷视为柱石,授予骠骑大将军、开府仪同三司的高位。北周政权建立以后,晋爵雁门郡公。保定元年(561),武帝宇文邕授他使持节、都督岷州 (今甘肃岷县)诸军事、岷州刺史。后来又在征讨北齐、平梁代蜀的重要战役中,再立新功,被晋爵大司空、少保。先后担任江陵 (今湖北江陵)总管,督都襄、郢、昌、丰、唐、蔡诸州军事,襄州 (今湖北襄樊)刺史。建德三年 (574)病故在任所。同年,归葬原州高平镇山。田弘是勇冠天下的著名战将,他为官四十五年,身经一百零六战,威震中外,英名如虹。大诗人、著名文学家庾信亲自为他撰写《周柱国大将军田弘神道碑记》。碑文载《庾子山集》。墓碑被固原市博物馆收藏。


Jade Hairpin,Uneartherned from Tian Hong's Grave,Nanjiao Town,Yuanzhou District,Guyuan

田仁恭 (?~582 ),北周、隋大臣。字长贵。田弘之子。北周时,因为父亲的军功关系,赐爵鹑阳子,被宇文邕任命为中外兵曹,迁中外府椽。后来跟随周帝宇文邕征战有功,被封为襄武县公、淅阳 (今河南西峡北)郡公,加授上开府,担任幽州 (今北京西南)总管。北周末,再进封为雁门郡公、小司马、大将军,拜为柱国。

隋朝建立以后,隋文帝对田仁恭非常宠信,先后封他为上柱国、太子太师、右武卫大将军,晋爵观国公。史书记载,隋文帝对他 “甚见亲重,尝幸其第,宴饮极欢,礼赐殊厚”。在他死后又诏赠为司空。谥“敬”。

Tian Hong (?-574),General of Two Weis and North Zhou,styled himselfGuanglue. He came from Gaoping in Yuanzhou (present Guyuan in Ningxia).In the 1st year of the founding of North Wei(528),Moqi Chounu,leader ofGaoping uprising,declared Emperor in Gaoping. Tian Hong went and sought refuge with the uprising troops. In the 1st year of Ming Dynasty (in 530),Erzhu Tianguang led the troops to go on a punitive expedition on Moqi Chounu. Tian Hong took the opportunity and was appointed commander-in-chief. Then he got appreciation from General Yuwen Tai and was put in an important position. In the 3rd year of Yongxi,because he curried favor with Emperor of North Wei and helped him enter the pass,he firstly was appointed founding father of Chunyang county (present northwest of Jingyuan in Gansu),then county Duke of Chunyang. Because he had rendered meritorious service several times in the battles of recapturing Hongnong,capturing Shayuan,rescuing Luoyang and wresting Heqiao,he was awarded the imperial family name Hegan,and appointed cishi (an official handling procuratorial affairs in a prefecture on behalf of the central government in ancient China) of Yuanzhou prefecture. Yuwen Tai ever told his ministers and generals,"If everyone is such faithful and devoted same as Hong,the ruling of the whole country has already been achieved."In the 1st year of Emperor Fei of West Wei,Tian Hong always devoted himself to risking his life in the battles between the two Weis. He had got over 100 arrow injures over his body and was seriously injured 9 times. Therefore,he was seen as a hero and was awarded important positions,such as Great General and Ministry of Kaifu Yitong.After the founding of North Zhou,he was appointed Duke of Yanmen prefecture. In the 1st year of Baoding (in 561),Emperor of Wu YuWen Yong appointed him envoy,commander-in-chief of Minzhou (present Min county in Gansu province),and governor of Minzhou prefecture. Later he again rendered meritorious service in several important battles of punitive expeditions on North Qi and Pingliang,so he was put in several important positions. He had ever held the posts of butler of Jiangling (present Jiangling in Hubei Province),commander-in-chief responsible for the military affairs in prefectures s of Xiang,Ying,Chang,Feng,Tang,Cai,and governor of prefecture of Xiang (present Xiangfan in Hubei). In the 1st year of Jiande (in 574),he got ill and died in Rensuo. In the same year,he was buried on Pingzhen Mountains in Gaoping of state of Yuan. Tian Hong was a brave and influential general. During his 45 years of service,he had experienced 106 battles,which made him very famous and influential both abroad and at home. Yu Xin,famous poet and novelist,wrote in person Record of Events Inscribed on a Tablet for Great General Tian Hong. This inscription was collected in Collection of Yuzishan. The stele was kept in the museum in present Guyuan.

Tian Rengong (?-582) was minister of North Zhou and Sui Dynasty. He styled himself Zhanggui. He was son of Tian Hong. In the time of North Zhou,he was awarded Chunyangzi and appointed military governor by Yuwen Yong. Later hefollowed with Yuwen Yong,Emperor of Zhou,and rendered meritorious service,so he was appointed Duke of Xiangwu county,Duke of Xiyang(present north Xixia in Henan). He got an awardship and appointed butler of state of You (present southwest in Beijing). By the end of Northern Zhou,he was again appointed Duke of Yanmen prefecture,little Sima,and Great General.

After the founding of Sui Dynasty,Emperor Suiwen placed cherishment on TianRengong,and put him in several important positions,such as upper Great General,tuitor of the crown prince,vice general,and Guanguogong (a high rank official in ancient China). According to the historical records,Emperor Suiwen appreciated himvery much and also awarded him Sikong after he died. He was given posthumous title "Jing" as apposite to his life and his devotion to the country.Ⓔ


Crystal Bead,Unearthened from Tian Hong'sGrave,Nanjiao Town,Yuanzhou District,Guyuan

本文地址: https://www.yishiweijian.com/renwu/2022123800.html



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