
《两晋·南北朝-梁御 梁睿》资料介绍

作者:主编 时间:2022年12月01日 阅读:126 评论:0

梁 御 (?~538),北魏将领。字善通。原州 (今宁夏固原市原州区)人。先祖曾改姓纥豆陵氏。高祖名为俟力提,所以梁氏先祖可能是少数民族或者是汉族投向少数民族。

梁御少年好学,更为精通弓马武艺。北魏高平起义时,万俟丑奴占据原州城,南进关中地区。北魏派尔朱天光、贺拔岳等率军征讨。尔朱天光任命梁御为宣德将军,所部担任前锋部队。因在征战中累积军功,被北魏孝庄帝升授为镇西将军、东益州 (今四川成都)刺史、第一领民酋长,加封白水县伯 (一说白水县侯)。不久又改任西征将军、金紫光大夫,协助贺拔岳镇守长安。北魏永熙三年 (534),贺拔岳被秦州刺史侯莫陈悦谋害,梁御带领诸将共同拥戴时任北魏朝侍中、骠骑大将军、开府仪同三司、关西大将军、略阳县公、夏州刺史的宇文泰(就是后来的周文帝),讨伐侯莫陈悦。宇文泰提升梁御为武卫将军。后改任大都督、雍州刺史和车骑大将军。西魏时期,跟随宇文泰收复弘农(今河南灵宝北),攻占沙苑 (今陕西大荔南),屡立战功,再升右卫将军、尚书右仆射,加侍中、开府仪同三司,进爵广平郡公,并实任东雍州(今陕西华县)刺史。大统四年(538)病故。他在临终前念念不忘道: “唯以国步未康为恨,言不及家。”魏文帝赠梁御为太尉、尚书令、雍州刺史,谥“武昭” 。

梁 睿 (531~595),两魏、北周、隋三朝元老,大将军。梁御的儿子。字恃德。“少沉敏,有行检。”西魏文帝时,作为功臣的儿子而被收养在皇宫中多年,与各位皇子一起生活、学习,“同师共业” 。七岁就被破格批准承袭父亲的爵位,成为小广平郡公。以后逐步升封为仪同三司、雍州大中正。魏恭帝继位,再升封为五龙郡公、渭州 (今甘肃陇县东南)刺史。北周孝闵帝宇文觉代魏称帝后,梁睿效忠新帝,仍被封御伯,任中州刺史,镇守新安(今河南新安) ,以防备北齐。“齐人来寇,睿辄挫之。帝甚嘉叹,拜大将军。” 天和五年 (570)六月,北周武皇帝宇文邕表彰他辅佐有功,进爵为蒋国公,参与朝廷的最高决策。后来再立新功,先后升任敷州 (今陕西洛川东南)剌史,凉、安(今四川剑阁)二州总管,进位柱国。后来发生益州 (今四川成都)总管王谦,以静帝年幼、丞相杨坚把持朝政为借口,发动巴蜀兵变,攻陷始州 (即安州)。杨坚命梁睿为行军大元帅,率步骑二十万大军讨伐王谦。梁睿一路破通谷,拔龙门,抢巴西,战成都,大败叛军,并将王谦俘斩。平定益州的叛乱之后,代替王谦任益州总管,雄踞西南重镇,威望卓著。梁睿因建立奇功而再加封上柱国。后来梁睿又支持杨坚篡夺北周政权,成为隋朝的开国功臣。隋开皇十五年 (595)二月,梁睿跟从隋文帝到洛阳不久病故。谥曰 “襄” 。大业六年 (610),隋炀帝下诏改封梁睿为戴公。

Liang Yu (?-538),a general of the Northern Wei Dynasty (386-534),styled himselfas Shantong and a native of Yuanzhou (present-day Yuanzhou District of Guyuan in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region). His late grandfather once changed his family name into Gedouling and his great-great-grandfather's name was Siliti,so Liang Yu's forefathers were probably the minority ethnic people or the Hans switching to the ethnic minority.

When he was young,Liang Yu was proficient in archery,riding and skill in martial arts. During the Northern Wei period,when Gaoping Revolt started,Moqi Chounu's troop occupied Yuanzhou City and pressed southwards to the area in the Weihe River basin. The Northern Wei government dispatched Erzhu Tianguang,He Bayue and others to command troops to mount a punitive expedition. Liang Yu was appointed Manifest Virtue General by Erzhu Tianguang to lead the vanguard. Due to his rendering countless meritorious military merits in the war,he was promoted to defender-general of the west,feudal provincial of Eastern Yizhou (present-day Chengdu in Sichuang Province,the First tribal chief,and was granted the title of earl of Baishui County by Emperor Xiaozhuang of the Northern Wei Dynasty. Before long he was transferred to western expedition general and the grand master of the palace,assisting He Bayue to guard Chang'an. In the third year of Yongkang of the Northern Wei Dynasty,He Bayue was murdered by Houmo Chenyue,feudal provincial of Qinzhou,and Liang Yu led all generals and soldiers to support Yuwen Tai (Emperor Zhouwen later) who was the palace attendant,cavalry general-in-chief,commander unequalled in honor,general-in-chief of Guanxi,duke of Lueyang County and feudal provincial of Xiazhou at that time to make war on Houmo Chenyue. Liang Yu was promoted by Yuwen Tai to militant general and later transferred to area commanderin-chief,feudal provincial of Yongzhou and chariot horse general. During the Western Wei period (535-556),he followed Yuwen Tai and recovered hongnong (present-day the north of Lingbei in Henan Province) and conquered Shayuan (present-day the south of Dali in Shaanxi Province). Having rendered countless meritorious military merits,he was promoted again to Right Guard General,vice director of the Imperial Secretariat and granted additional titles of palace attendant,commander unequalled in honor and commandery duke of Guangping Prefecture,and meanwhile,he actually performed the duty of feudal provincial of Eastern Yongzhou (present-day Hua County in Shaanxi Province). In the third year of Datong (538),he died of illness. At his last moments,he constantly said,"What I regret is unable to bring peace and stability to the country." Liang Yu was granted defender-in-chief,director of the Imperial Secretariat,feudal provincial of Yongzhou and bestowed the title of "Wuzhao" by Emperor Weiwen after his death.

Liang Rui (531-595),the meritorious minister and the general-in-chief of the Eastern Wei (534-550),Western Wei (535-556),Northern Zhou (557-581) and the Sui Dynasty (581-618),was the son of Liang Yu and styled himself as Shide. When he was young,he carried himself in a steadfast way and restrained his behaviors. As the son of the meritorious minister,he was adopted in the imperial palace,living and studying together with the sons of the emperor when Emperor Wen ruled the Western Wei Dynasty. He was the exception to be granted to inherit his father's title of nobility at the age of seven and became the little commmandery duke of Guangping Prefecture. Later he was gradually promoted to commander unequalled in honor,rectifier-in-chief of Yongzhou. After Emperor Weigong succeeded to throne,he was promoted again to commandery duke of FiveDragon Prefecture,feudal provincial of Weizhou (presentday the southeast of Long County in Gansu Province). After Yuwen Jue,Emperor Xiaomin of the Northern Zhou Dynasty (557-581),overthrew the Wei Dynasty and was in power,Liang Rui devoted himself heart and soul to the new emperor,and was granted imperial adviser and held the post of feudal provincial of Zhongzhou guarding Xin'an (present-day Xin'an in Henan Province) to be prepared for attacks by the soldiers of the Northern Qi Dynasty (550-577). Once they came to invade,they were defeated by Liang Rui. The emperor commended and appreciated him very much and granted him general-in-chief. In June of the third year of Tianhe (570),Emperor Wu of the Northern Zhou Dynasty Yuwen yi commended him for his contributions to handling state affairs and promoted him to duke of state to participate the supreme policy-making group of imperial government. Later,having rendered new meritorious military merits,Liang Rui successively held the posts of feudal provincial of Fuzhou(present-day the southeast of Luochuan in Shaanxi Province) and supervisor-in-chief of Liangzhou and Anzhou (present-day Jiange in Sichuan Province) and was advanced in title to pillar of state. During the meantime,Wang Qian,supervisor-in-chief of Yizhou(present-day Chengdu in Sichuan Province),committed Ba-Shu Mutiny and occupied Shizhou (namely Anzhou) at the excuse that Emperor Jing was young and the counselorin-chief Yangjian controlled the court. Liang Rui was appointed army grand marshal by Yangjian to command 200,000 foot soldiers and cavalrymen to launch a punitive expedition against Wang Qian. He passed barriers in the course of progress,conquered Baxi and Chengdu,defeated rebellious troops,captured and beheaded Wang Qian. After putting down the rebellion in Yizhou,he replaced Wang Qian to take up the mission as the supervisor-in-chief of Yizhou,governing the southwestern towns of military importance with high prestige. Due to his outstanding contributions,he was granted additional title of supreme pillar of state. Later,Liang Rui supported Yang Jian to usurp the power of the Northern Zhou and became the dynasty-founding meritorious minister of the Sui Dynasty (581-618). In February of the fifteenth year of Kaihuang (595),he died of illness soon after he followed Emperor Wen (Yang Jian) to Luoyang,and was bestowed the title of "Xiang" after his death. In the sixth year of Daye (610),Emperor Yang issued an imperial edict to confer the title of Daigong on him.


Earthern Ox,vehicle and driver of the Northern Wei Dynasty

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