

作者:主编 时间:2022年12月01日 阅读:158 评论:0

皇甫谧(214~282),西晋名士。字士安,幼年名静,自号玄晏先生。安定郡朝那县(今宁夏彭阳县古城乡)人。皇甫家族是汉朝至魏晋时期西北著名家族,“累世富贵” 。先祖皇甫规、皇甫嵩,都是武人,建立过赫赫战功。但是,后来到了祖父和父亲这两代,家道中落。皇甫谧自幼失去母亲,过继给叔父做儿子,为了生计,不得不跟随叔父离开家乡到新安(今江苏睢宁)谋生。由于家境贫苦,没有进学校读书的条件,便跟随叔父在家种地。皇甫谧到二十岁时,还是不好学习,“游荡无度” ,“目不存教,心不人道” ,胸无大志。但是他对叔母非常孝敬,家中有了好吃的东西都要拿去先敬叔母。一次他拿着从地里新采摘的瓜果去给叔母吃,叔母望着他流泪说: “你要是能刻苦读书,将来干了大事,这才算是真孝啊。”这话对皇甫谧的触动很大,从此下决心白天下地干活,夜间读书,甚至就连在田间劳动的休息时间也要看书。日积月累,他博览群书,通“典籍百家之言” 。他在四十岁时回到原籍奔丧,从此再未离开故土。在家乡由于气候不适应,不久患上了风湿病,半身不遂,生活不能自理。但是他仍然坚持读书学习,“手不辍卷” ,“披阅不怠” ,被人称为 “书淫” 。他甚至把地方上能够找到的书都读完了,还不得不大胆向当今皇帝写信借书看。晋武帝司马炎,早就知道他的大名,很敬重他,便给他赠送了一车书。普通布衣老百姓向皇帝借书,而皇帝又给民间一个读书人送书,这在中国历史上一直传为美谈。

皇甫谧在魏晋时期,已经成为名扬天下的著名学者、硕儒名流。在学而优则仕的封建社会里,他自然成为统治阶级后备人才的培养对象。凭他的学识、文品、人品和家庭出身背景以及道德、文章兼优的综合条件,的确是封建地主阶级理想的接班人。但是,无论地方上的委任,还是朝廷的选拔,甚至就连皇上的亲自诏请,都被他一一坚决谢绝。对此,家乡的父老乡亲们都非常不理解,也很失望。为了表明不当官的态度,他先后撰写过《让征聘表》 《释劝论》 《答辛旷书》和《玄守论》等文章,充分表达自己决心隐居山林,不图仕宦,不愿与统治阶级同流合污的志向。

皇甫谧病故于太康三年 (282),享年六十八岁。他的两个儿子皇甫童灵、皇甫方回,都遵照父亲的教导,在民间过着自食其力的普通百姓生活,终世不进官场。

皇甫谧虽然终生布衣不仕,但是史书称他是“高人” 。他的贡献是巨大的,主要表现在以下四个方面:

第一,他热心教育,精心指导青少年学习。他培养的学生中有许多人都是品学兼优的社会精英,“门人挚虞、张轨、牛综、席纯,皆为晋名臣” 。尤其是他帮助后生左思的故事十分感人。左思在年轻时就曾立志,要创作出超过前人的《三都赋》,但是却被当时许多文人所耻笑。皇甫谧则鼓励他,帮他修改文章,最后又为他的新作《三都赋》亲笔作序。该书出版之后,因为书前有当代名流皇甫谧的序文与大力推介,立即引起社会上的广泛重视,“豪贵之家竞相传抄,洛阳为之纸贵” 。左思也就一鸣惊人,成为当时文坛上的一颗新星。“洛阳纸贵”这一成语因此而产生。

第二,学术研究成果丰硕,著述等身,品类多样,影响深远。皇甫谧学识渊博,兴趣广泛,在文史方面、文学艺术方面都不乏力作问世。如文学类的诗、赋、诔 (哀文) 、颂等,政治类的论 (政论文)、难(疑问文)等,史学类的 《帝王世纪》 《年历》 《高士传》 《列女传》《玄晏春秋》等。特别是他的文史作品,写得生动传神,既有很高的文学价值,又有独特的史料价值,是后世治史家们的珍贵参考资料。

第三,对医学研究的贡献也不次于专门人才。他中年得了严重的风湿病,长期与病魔作斗争,并决心习医自疗。他不仅久病成良医,而且总结了魏晋以前医药学和针灸学领域的成绩,吸收了《素问》 《针经》和《明堂孔穴针灸治要》的精华,并结合自己的实践经验与自体试验的感受,编写出《寒石散论》 《巢氏病源》和我国针灸医学领域的不朽经典巨著《针灸甲乙经》。《针灸甲乙经》这部学术名著,在中医理论与临床应用上都具有极高的价值,至今仍然被各国医药界所推崇。

Account of Huangfu Mi in Song Dynasty Historical Records


第四,在提倡从俭办丧事方面有精辟的论述和模范实践。皇甫谧生活在人民群众之中,非常了解人民的疾苦。所以他既反对富人在世时的骄奢淫逸,又反对人死以后的 “厚葬”之风。他认为人死之后,神形分离,“精歇形散” ,神 (气)升到空中,形 (尸体)埋于土中。他说所谓 “葬者,藏也” ,就是把尸体埋藏在土中,与大地完成结合,这就是今天人们所说的 “回归自然” 。所以他要求子女们,当自己死后,早晨咽气,晚上入土,晚上咽气,次日晨下葬。不要另做新衣 (老衣),不要用棺椁,不要停灵家中多日悼唁,不要宰牲祭祀,以平常饭食表示一下就可以了。更不要立坟茔,封土应与地平,上面种草种树一如平常。他特别强调,切切不可以把金银财宝放入墓中,这样反会引来盗墓贼,把墓主人的棺材打碎,并毁尸取宝,这不是适得其反吗?在一千七百多年前,皇甫谧就提倡“薄葬” ,并有这样科学的唯物辩证认识,实在是非常难能可贵。


Huangfu Mi (214-282),style name Shi'an,infant name Jing,literary name MrXuanyan,born in Anding Town,Zhuna County (present-day Gucheng,Pengyang County in Ningxia) a celebrity in the western Jin Dynasty. TheHuangfu families were very rich for generations in the northwest during the period from Han Dynasty to the Kingdom of Wei and Jing Dynasty. His forefathers Huangfu Gui and Huangfu Song were military men and had ever made brilliant military success.However,when it came to the generations of his grandfather and his father,his family fortunes declined. When he was quite young,his mother died and his uncle adopted him. Later,he had to leave for Xin'an (present-day Suining in Jiangsu Province) with his uncle for a living. He could not afford to go to school. What he could only do was to work in the field with his uncle. When he was 20,he did not love studying,but idling about all day and attempting nothing. But he was extremely filial to his aunt.Whenever there was delicious food,he always first brought it to his aunt for a taste.Once he brought his aunt some newly picked melons and fruits. Looking at him with tears in her eyes,his aunt said,"If you could study hard and make great achievements in the future,this is what real filial piety means." Moved greatly by her words,he was determined to work in the field in the daytime and study in the evening. He evengrabbed a few minute's study during the break when working in the field. By gradual accumulation and reading widely,he was well versed in the books and records of a hundred schools. At 40,he hastened home for the funeral of his father. Form then on,he had never left his native land. Having not adapted himself to the climate in his hometown,he began to suffer from rheumatism. Because of hemiplegia,he couldn't take care of himself. However,he still kept studying. It was difficult to tear him away from the books,so much so that he was nicknamed "bookworm". After reading every book he could find in the neighborhood,he ventured to write to the emperor for more books to read. Emperor Wu of Jin Dynasty,Sima Yan,had heard of him earlier and respected his so deeply as to give him a carriage of books as a gift. From then on,the story has been passed on with approbation in Chinese history that an ordinary person asked the emperor for books to read and the latter presented the books to the former as a gift.

During the Kingdom of Wei and Jin Dynasty,Huangfu Mi had already become a well-known scholar,wise and learned. In feudal society,in which a good learner would make an official,he became naturally one of the reserve talents of the ruling class. In light of his knowledge,character,family background,virtues and excellent writings,he really deserved to be an ideal successor of the feudal land-owning class. However,he declined firmly one appointment after another,including the local appointment,theselection by the imperial government,or even the imperial edict of invitation. All his fellow villagers couldn't understand him and felt very disappointed. In order to show his dislike of being an official,he wrote such articles successively as Memorial to Yielding Application Opportunities,On Explanation and Exhortation,The Letter of Replying to Xin Kuang,On Dark Faith in Duties,and so on,expressing his determination to live in seclusion,ambition of not being in government service,and unwillingness to wallow in the mire with the rulers.

Huangfu Mi died of illness at 68 in the third year of the Taikang reign (282 A.D.),and his two sons,Huangfu Lingtong and Huangfu Fanghui,bearing in mind his fathers instructions,lived a life of a common person by their own labor and never entered the official circles for life.

Although he had never served the imperial court,he was called"Master Hand" in the historical records. His great contribution can be embodied in the following four aspects.

First,he devoted himself to the education of the young. Most disciples he trained were elites outstanding in both morality and learning,such as Zhi Yu,Zhang Gui,Niu Zong,Xi Chun,all of whom were accomplished officials in Jin Dynasty. Among others,how he helped his pupil Zuo Si was a moving story. When Zuo Si was young,he was determined to create a book,titled Three Capitals,which would outdo those written byhis predecessors,but he was sneered at by many men of letters at that time. On the contrary,Huangfu Mi encouraged him,helped him revise articles and finally wrote a preface to his book Three Capitals. Thanks to the preface written by the contemporary celebrity Huangfu Mi and his efforts at recommendation,the book drew attention from the general public immediately. The rich and powerful were competing to copy it,thus the price of paper rose. Naturally,Zuo Si amazed the world with a single brilliant feat and became a rising star in the literary world at that time. From then on,the idiom"paper is expensive in Luoyang" came into being.

Second,he achieved great success in academic research and left behind a good collection of works,numerous in variety and far-reaching in influence. Huangfu Mi had great learning and wide interests. His great works touched upon literature and history,arts,such as poems,fu,dirge (funeral eulogy),ode in literature; argumentation(political essay) and nan (interrogative essay) in politics; The Century of Emperors,The Calendar,Master Gao's Commentary,The Story of a Paragon of Chastity,The Spring and Autumn of Xuan Yan in history. Especially his works in literature and history were written vividly,with high value in literature and in history,and became valuable reference materials for historians of later generations.

Third,his contribution to medicine is not second to that of medical talents.Having got rheumatism at his middle age and struggled with the disease for a long time,he made up his mind to study medicine to cure himself. Later,he became a good doctor,and generalized the achievement in pharmacology and acupuncture made before the Kingdom of Wei and Jin Dynasty. At the same time,absorbing the essence of Simple Interrogation,The Book of Acupuncture and The Gist of Acupuncture Point of Mingtang,and connecting his practical experience with his feeling of experiment on himself,he compiled Random Discussion of Hanshi,Master Chao's Cause of Disease and the immortal classic in acupuncture The Book of Acupuncture which has great value in TCM theory and clinical practice,and has been praised highly all over theworld so far.

Fourth,he made a brilliant exposition of holding a simple funeral and practiced it himself. Living among the people,Huangfu Mi knew the weal and woe of the people deeply. Therefore,he objected to luxury loving and loose living of the rich when they were alive,and the established practice of "lavish funeral" after death. He thought that spirit would separate from shape after death. Spirit would fly to the air while shape(corpse) would be buried in the earth. He said the so-called burial was the same as hiding in the earth,namely burying the corpse in the earth and mixing it with the earth,which is so called "returning to nature" today. Therefore,he asked his descendants to bury him in the evening of the same day if he died in the morning; to bury him in the next morning if he died in the previous evening. They should not make grave clothesfor him,use inner and outer coffins,or mourn over his corpse at home for several days.They should not offer sacrifices because daily food was enough. What's more,they should not build him a grave but just make the grave mound as level as the earth,on which grass and trees should be planted just as usual. he emphasized they should not put gold,silver,and jewels in his grave,otherwise,the thieves would break the coffins into pieces and destroy the corpse for treasures. It would be just opposite to what was wished.It is really commendable that 1700 years ago,Huangfu Mi advocated a "simple funeral"and made such a dialectical materialist interpretation of it.

Huangfu Mi was a talented scholar and a famous intellectual in Chinese history.Meanwhile,he was acknowledged as a famous man of letters,a poet,a historian,an educator and an expert in acupuncture as well.Ⓔ

本文地址: https://www.yishiweijian.com/renwu/2022123797.html



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