
《两晋·南北朝-胡琛 万俟丑奴》资料介绍

作者:主编 时间:2022年12月01日 阅读:134 评论:0

胡 琛(? ~526),北魏末年西北少数民族起义首领。高平镇(今宁夏固原)人。敕勒(高车)族酋长。北魏正光四年 (523)夏四月,沃野镇(今内蒙古乌拉特前旗东北)的破六韩拔陵首举造反大旗,揭开了北魏末年部族起义的序幕。五年 (524)四月,高平镇人赫连恩 (匈奴族)等响应破六韩拔陵的号召,也起事于高平,推选胡琛为首领。胡琛自称高平王。

孝昌元年(525)夏四月,胡琛派遣部将万俟丑奴(鲜卑族)和宿勤明达攻占泾州 (今甘肃泾川),与魏军守将卢祖迁、伊瓮生相持不下。朝廷命令西道都督崔延伯和行台大都督萧宝寅各率本部人马北进,夹击高平胡琛民族军。这时,魏军拥有精兵十二万、铁骑八千。而万俟丑奴也不示弱,亲自在泾州西北安下大营,并不断派遣小股部队不间断地骚扰魏军,挫伤魏军的锐气,继而又采用诈降方法,出其不意打败魏军,主将崔延伯战死,萧宝寅败逃,魏军死伤数万人,民族军声势大振。同年八月,在北魏统治者的挑拨离间下,各路起事的民族军互相猜忌,甚至互相残杀。先是民族军莫折念生部的主将吕伯度投靠了胡琛。胡琛任用吕伯度为大都督、秦王,拨给他人马,命令他再去攻打莫折念生。一战大败念生部将杜粲于成纪 (今甘肃静宁西南),再战攻破金城王莫折普贤盘踞的水洛城(今甘肃庄浪)。但是,不久胡琛又与莫折念生进行联合,共同排挤破六韩拔陵。于是,破六韩拔陵大怒,密派大臣费律潜入高平,诱杀了胡琛。

万俟丑奴(?~530) ,北魏末年西北少数民族起义首领。高平镇(今宁夏固原)人。匈奴族。原为胡琛部将,胡琛死后,万俟丑奴继承指挥权,成为新首领。后来较大的一部民族军首领莫折念生被叛徒杀害,各股民族军部队统统接受万俟丑奴的节制。北魏建义元年(528)七月,万俟丑奴在高平镇自称天子,设置百官,定年号神兽(一作神虎),但是未立国号。次年九月,万俟丑奴攻克东秦州城(今甘肃天水市),杀刺史高之朗。当时泾水、岐水之间的广大地区,基本上已被万俟丑奴的民族军所控制,魏将萧宝寅走投无路,不得不率部众向万俟丑奴投降。北魏的孝明帝愁得连饭都吃不下去。

Earthenwart well of Northern wei Dynasty


永安三年(530)春,北魏再派尔朱天光为统帅,贺拔岳、侯莫陈悦为左右大都督,并为副帅,领兵向高平进攻。三四月间,魏军取得初战小胜之后,尔朱天光故意停军不进,同时扬言: “今时将热,非可征讨,待至秋凉,别量进止。”万俟丑奴开始并不相信,就不断派人去探听,返回都以 “秋后决战”相告,于是他便信以为真,就让部众各回各家抢收抢种,“且耕且守” 。可是,尔朱天光却暗中集结兵马,首先截断各路交通,使民族军难以集中; 然后以众对寡,发动突然袭击,各个击破,一举把民族军打败。万俟丑奴不得已而放弃平亭(今甘肃泾川北),想返回高平,又被尔朱天光部将贺拔岳率轻骑追上,双方力战一昼夜,次日万俟丑奴在平凉长平坑(甘肃省平凉市东北红河畔)被俘。尔朱天光大军进驻高平,擒获降将萧宝寅,尔朱天光把万俟丑奴和萧宝寅押解到洛阳,他二人分别被处以 “弃市” 和 “赐死”。民族军占据的高平、平凉等地相继失守,余部在部将万俟道洛的率领下,转入牵屯山区凭险据守,继续坚持斗争。

Earthenware Mill of Northern wei Dynasty


Huchen (?-526),the uprising chief of the northwestern minority nationalitiesat the end of Northern Wei Dynasty. He was born in Gaoping Town(present-day Guyuan in Ningxia) and belonged to Chile (Gaoche)Nationality. He was the chieftain of his nationality. In April,the fourth year of Zhengguang,BeiWei Dynasty (in 523),Poliuhan Baling started the rebellion who wasin Woye Town (present-day northeastern Wulate Front Banner in Inner Mongolia),which discovered the prelude to the national uprising at the end of Northern WeiDynasty. In next April (in 524),responding to his call,Helian'en in Gaoping Townstarted uprising,too. At the time,Huchen was elected the Chief,who called himself KingGaoping.

In April,the first year of Xiaochang (in 525),Huchen assigned his troopcommander,Moqi Chounu (Xianbei Nationality) and SuQin Mingda to conquer Jing State (present-day Jingchuan in Gansu Province). They were at a deadlock with Lu Zuqian and Yin Wongsheng,the commanders of the defending troops. Thegovernment commanded Cui Yanbo,the Commander-in-chief of the Western Area,and Xiao Baoyin,the governor of the Branch Department of State Affairs,to march north with their own troops and attacked Huchen's troops at both of the two sides. At the moment,the army of BeiWei had 12,000 picked troops and 8,000 cavalries.However,Moqi Chounu didn't give the impression of weakness. He himself led his troops to the northwest of Jing State and stationed there. He constantly sent a smallgroup of his troops to harass the enemy regularly,which deflated the enemy's arrogance.Subsequently,he first pretended to surrender and then defeated the enemy by a surprise move. The chief commander,Cui Yanbo fought to death and Xiao Baoyin escaped.Thousands of their soldiers were dead or injured. Therefore,the National Army was inspired with strength and impetus. In August,the governors sew the dissension among the National Army so that they began to be suspicious and jealous of each other,even kill each other. First Lv Bodu,the chief commander of the national troops of Mozhe Niansheng,went and sought refuge with Huchen. Then Lu Bodu was appointed Military Governor,King Qin and dispatched troops to attack Mozhe Niansheng. In the first battle,he defeated Niansheng's commander,Ducan at Chengji (present-day southwest of Jingning in Gansu Province). In the second battle,he broke through Shuiluo Town (present-day Zhuanglang in Gansu Province) which was occupied by King Golden Town,Mozhe Puxian. However,soon after it,Huchen associated with Mozhe Niansheng to squeeze Poliu Hanbaling out. Therefore,Poliu Hanbaling exploded into anger,then sent his subject Feilv to enter Gaoping secretly,trappededHuchen and killed him.

Moqi Chounu (?-530),the uprising chief of the northwestern minority nationalities at the end of Northern Wei Dynasty. He was born in Gaoping Town present-day Guyuan,Ningxia and belonged to Xianbei Nationality. At first he was the subordinate of Huchen,after Huchen's death,he carried on the power to command the army and became the new chief. Then Mozhe Niansheng,a chief who controlled a larger group of the National Army,was killed by the traitor. Moqi Chounu began tocontrol all of the National Army. In July,the first year of Jianyi,Beiwei Dynasty (in 528),Moqi Chounu appointed himself the Emperor,established the civil and military officials,and set the title of his reign as Shenshou (a kind of tiger),but he didn't set the title of his reigning dynasty. In the next September,he conquered the Eastern Qinzhou Town(present-day Tianshui City in Gansu Province),and killed the feudal provincial Gao Zhilang. Until then,his National Army almost controlled the most areas between Jing River and Qi river. The commander of BeiWei government,Xiao Baoyin was driven to the wall so that he was compelled to give in to Moqi Chounu with his army. The Emperor Xiaoming of BeiWei Dynasty was so worried that he couldn't dine.

In spring,the third year of Yong'an,Northern Wei government appointed Erzhu Tianguang commander in chief,He Bayue military governor and Houmo Chenyue vice-military governor and vice-commander,then order them to lead their army attack Gaoping Town. While in March and April,after Northern Wei Army won the first slight victory,Erzhu Tianguang pretended to stop his army,meanwhile,he spread,"It gets hot and it is not suitable for attack. We'll consider it until the fall." At first Moqi Chounu didn't believe the words,but after he sent his men to make inquiries about it contiously,every time returned with the message "to start the decisive battle until thefall",so he was confirmed of it. He allowed his men to go home to harvest and till the crops,that is,"cultivating as defending". On the other hand,Erzhu Tianguang gathered his troops and horses secretly. First he cut off all of the traffic so that the National Army is difficult to come together. Pitting the many against the few,he started sudden attack.He defeated them one by one until he destroyed the National Army completely. Moqi Chounu was forced to abandon Pingting (present-day the north of Jingchuan,in Gansu Province) and attempted to return Gaoping. Unfortunately,he was caught by the light cavalry led by He Bayue. The two sides fought hard for a day and night,the next day Moqi Chounu was captured at Changping of Pingliang. The army of Erzhu Tianguang marched into Gaoping and stationed there. Surrendering commander Xiao Baoyin was also captured. Then Moqi Chounu and Xiao Baoyin were sent away to Luoyang. There they were sentenced to be thrown away to the market and be ordered to commit suicide respectively. Most places such as Gaoping,Pingliang which had been conquered by National Army fell one after another. Under the lead of commander Moqi Daoluo,the rest of the National Army transferred to the Qiantun mountain area. There they continued to fight with the natural barrier.Ⓔ

本文地址: https://www.yishiweijian.com/renwu/2022123796.html



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