梁朝桂(? ~1794),清朝将领。宁夏中卫广武营(原址淹没于青铜峡水利枢纽库区,后置广武乡今并入青铜峡镇)人。乾隆三十六年(1771),四川大、小金川藏族各部,在头人僧格桑、孛措木率领下举兵抗官。梁朝桂于乾隆三十七年 (1772),在任宁夏中卫营外委时,被征调参加平定金川的战斗行列,先后在攻克路顶宗、布朗郭宗、功噶尔拉、丫口、昔岭、阿喀木雅等战斗中,作战勇敢,屡立战功,一再受奖和提升。乾隆三十九年(1774),又率队先后攻克淜普,占领喇穆喇穆山梁,一鼓作气夺取丫口,为大军进剿开辟了道路,再次受到升赏。乾隆四十年(1775),在围剿勒吉尔博山寨的攻坚战中,他身先士卒,冒死先登,虽然身负重伤,仍然坚持带队作战。以后又参加攻打木思工噶克山的战斗,并首先率领少数勇士乘夜潜入山口,将山中各处城碉一一捣毁,使官军顺利占据了康萨尔至丫口山的战略要地,为夺取西里山要塞创造条件,建立了奇功,因而被破格提升为 “陕西潼关协副将” 。大小金川平定以后,在叙功论奖中,被列为 “五十功臣”之一,并画像陈列于皇宫紫光阁中。不久,他被提升为甘肃肃州镇总兵官,一战而从一名低级军官跻身于提总大员的行列。此后,他曾一度因过受到罢官的处分,但不久就被起复,先后调任江西南赣镇、陕西兴汉镇、福建福宁镇和广东高廉镇总兵官。
Garden Map of Four-Gate Mansion in Qing Dynasty
乾隆五十一年(1786)年底,福建省台湾府彰化县(今台湾省彰化)人林爽文、庄大田等以传教为名,拜“番妇金娘” 为军师,聚众发动反抗官府起事。台湾提督柴大纪剿办不利,官兵节节败退,形势危急,造成海峡两岸一体戒备,朝野为之震动。乾隆皇帝撤换了闽浙总督常青,提督柴大纪受到处分,改派李侍尧接任闽浙总督,又任命福康安为将军,海兰察、普尔普、恒瑞等为参赞大臣,统率各路大军,分别从广东、福建、浙江等省渡海赴台参加镇压“林庄事变” 。乾隆五十二年(1787)正月,时任广东高廉镇总兵官的梁朝桂也奉命率领本镇兵马渡海,从台湾南部登岛参战。梁军上岸后就与庄大田部相遇,双方经过两次激战,大败庄军,首战告捷。从此,梁部军威大振,庄军闻风丧胆。此时将军福康安尚未接任,原总督常青命令梁朝桂一军独当南路,以阻止庄大田北犯府城。梁军很快就在南潭、中洲、十三里庄等地接连挫败庄部,使得梁军成为镇压“林庄事变” 的一支劲旅,于是又被调到台湾府 (今台湾省台南市),担任守卫府城的重要任务。本年冬,参赞大臣、福州满营将军恒瑞所部被困于盐水港,梁朝桂亲率精兵偷袭敌营,解救了恒瑞的八旗军。接着又与恒瑞合兵一处,从鹿仔草出发,进剿镇平庄守敌。在战斗中,他仍然不减当年勇,还是身先士卒,奋不顾身,在身负重伤的情况下,咬紧牙关,继续坚持指挥,终于大获全胜。梁军牢牢控制住盐水港和鹿仔草要地,使敌军无法越一步,保障了府城的安全。当时戴罪立功的台湾提督柴大纪,被敌围困于诸罗,向梁军求救。梁朝桂马上决定,准备亲自驰援,但恒瑞为了确保自身的安全,不许梁军行动。柴大纪不敢冒犯满洲大员恒瑞,反而向朝廷告了梁朝桂的御状,而朝廷不仅没有追究梁的责任,反而表彰了他,被“赏戴双眼花翎,穿黄马褂,赐奋勇巴图鲁(满语勇士之意)名号,并提升为福建陆路提督” 。这时庄大田部仍然屯聚于大武陇至麻豆庄一带交通要道一线,继续威胁着府城的安全和南北驿塘的畅通。朝廷又把打通交通线的任务交给梁朝桂,梁接到命令后,火速率部轻装潜行,悄悄自茅港尾绕至阿里港,出其不意,攻其不备,一举拿下港城,又快速赶赴打狗、竹仔各港口,堵截残敌逃往海上。此役不仅疏通了官道,而且迫使庄部节节败逃,一直从牛庄退到台湾最南端的郎峤。但是庄军仍然依山阻海,负隅顽抗。这时,民军已是强弩之末,加上福康安又率大军分六路南下向海港逼进,而梁军也早已把庄大田残部死死锁围在郎峤,给大军全歼庄部创造了条件。最后,庄大田本人和四十余名大小头目被活捉,庄军群龙无首而解体,台湾事变告平。梁朝桂在平定台湾的战斗中又建大功、奇功,朝廷再给他特别表彰,第二次重新给他画像,陈列于紫光阁。乾隆皇帝亲口夸赞他: “金川剿逆,埋根进首。盐水恒瑞,未免掣肘。及防麻豆,御贼坚守。受创力战,嘉哉鲜偶。”梁朝桂享受此等殊荣,在清代的文武大臣之中是不多见的。从台湾班师后,他先后调任广西、湖广提督。乾隆五十九年(1794)病逝在任上。
Liang Chaogui (?-1794),a general in Qing Dynasty,born inGuangwuying ofZhongweiCounty inNingxia (Theformer originalsite was buried under the Reservoir of Water Conservancy inQingtongxia,and later Guangwu Township Presently Qingtongxia Town todaywas moved to Erdaoqu in the west of the Reservoir). In the 36th year of theQianlong reign of Qing Dynasty (1771),Tibetan groups of Big and SmallJinchuan in Sichuan,headed by Senghesang and Bocuomu,gathered troops torevolt against the court. In the 37th year of the Qianlong reign (1772) when hewas on the term of Yingwaiwei (an military commander of lower rank) ofZhongwei in Ningxia,Liang Chaogui was called up to participate in the troopsto subjugate the rebellious troops in Jinchuan. Fighting vigorously,he mademany battle achievements and was awarded and promoted again and again inthe serial battles of capturing Ludingzong,Bulangguozong,Gongge'erla,Yakou,Xiling,Agemuya and other places. In the 39th year of the Qianlong reign (1774),he led his troops,capturing Pengpu,occupying Lamulamu Mountain and takingRiyakou,which laid a smooth way for the main troops,and he was awardedand promoted again. In the 40th year of the Qianlong reign,in the crucial battlesuppressing Leji'erbo Stockaded Village,Liang Chaogui rushed bravely in thefront of the troops,taking great risks and continued to fight with his troopsregardless of the serious wounds in his body. Later,taking part in the battlecapturing Sigonggeke Mountain,he headed several warriors and secretlyentered the mountain,breaking all the fortresses one by one,which made thewhole army capture vital places successfully and created conditions for capturingkey fortresses in Xili Mountain. With those great achievements,Liang Chaoguiwas exceptionally promoted as "the Vice Commander of Tongguan in Shanxi".After the suppression of Big and Small Jinchuan,he was honored as one of the"50 outstanding officials with great merits" and the royal court ordered to drawa portrait for him and the portrait was on display at Purple Light Pavilion in theRoyal Palace,which was a big honor for the officials at that time. Before longhe was promoted as the regional commander of Suzhou Town in GasuProvince. One campaign made him a high-rank official from an ordinarymilitary officer. After that,he was once dismissed from office because of somemisdoings but re-used soon after as the regional commander of Nangan Townin Jiangxi Province,Xinghan Town in Shanxi Province,Funing Town inFujian Province and Gaolian Town in Guangdong Province respectively.
At the end of the 51st year of Qianlong reign (1786),Lingshuang,who wasfrom Zhanghua County (Zhanghua of Taiwan today) in Taiwan of FujianProvince,gathered troops to revolt against the local government with "Panfuand Jinniang" as his military counselors. The Tidu (a provincial official inancient China) of Taiwan,Chai Daji conducted the suppression unsuccessfullyso that the official troops were defeated for several times. The critical situationcaused alert from the both sides of the Straits and aroused shock in thegovernment and the public. The emperor Qianlong displaced Chang Qing (thegovernor-general of Fujian and Zhejiang provinces),punished Chai Daji,sentLi Shiyao as the governor-general of Fujian and Zhejiang and appointed FuKang'an as the General and Hailancha,Pu'erpu and Heng Rui as counselors,commanding the armies from Guangdong,Fujian and Zhejiang to suppress the"Lin and Zhuang's Rebellion" in Taiwan. In January (of lunar calendar) of the52nd year of Qianlong reign (1787),Liang Chaogui,the regional commander ofGaolian Town in Guangdong at that time,took the order to lead his troops tocross the Strait,land from the south of Taiwan Island and join the battles. Afterlanding,Liang's troops encountered Zhuang Datian's and fought each otherhotly,and Liang's troops gained the first bit victory by defeating Zhuang's. Fromthen on,Liang's troops set up a fearful fame that made Zhuang's terror-strickenat the sight of Liang's. By that time,Fu Kang'an had not come to the new office,so the former governor-general,Chang Qing,ordered Liang Chaogui and histroops to guard the south line and keep Zhuang Datian from attacking thecapital. Soon Liang's troops beat Zhuang's continuously and became a powerfulforce in suppressing of "Lin and Zhuang's Rebellion". Later Liang was orderedto move his troops to Taiwanfu (Tainan City in Taiwan Province today) andtook the crucial task guarding the capital. In that winter,the troops led by HengRui,a Counselor and General of Man nationality battalions,was besieged in theBrine harbor. Liang Chaogui led the crack troops to launch a surprise attack onthe enemy camp and saved Heng Rui's Eight Banners troops. And then,thetwo battalions were merged,setting out from Lu Zaicao,to wipe out the enemyin the Zhen Ping Village. During the battle,regardless of his own safety,LiangChaogui,charged at the head of his man,as brave as before. And,in spite of thesevere wounds,he endured with dogged determination,persisted in command,and gained complete victory at last. The Liang troops firmly controlled theBrine harbor and Lu Zaicao,the strategic points,prevented the enemy fromadvancing and guaranteed the safety of Fucheng city. At that moment,ChaiDajin,the Tidu (a provincial official in ancient China) of Taiwan,who atonedfor his sin by meritorious service,was surrounded in Zhuluo and asked theLiang troops to the rescue. Liang Chaogui made an immediate decision to dashto the rescue. But,for his own safety sake,Heng Rui did not permit this action.Dared not to offend Heng Rui,the senior official,Chai Dajin filed a suit againstLiang Chaogui directly to the Emperor. The royal court,however,not onlyinvestigated Liang no responsibility,but gave award to him. He was awarded as"wears a double-eyed tail feather of a peacock (used as adornment on the hat ofimperial officials in Qing dynasty),a yellow mandarin jacket (an honorable signin Qing dynasty),and is granted 'Dauntless Batulu (warrior in Man nationalitylanguage)' and is prompted to a Tidu in charge of the land route of Fujian."Atthe same time,garrisoned around the vital communication lines in the area fromthe Da Wulong to the Madou village,Zhuang Datian's troops were stillthreatened the safety of Fucheng city and blocked the communication betweenthe Southern and the Northern Yitang. The superior ordered Liang Chaogui tostraighten the communication lines. With the order,Liang led the lightequipped troops move stealthily at top speed,made a detour from the end ofMao harbor to Ali harbor,took action out of the enemy's expectation andoccupied the Harbor city in one stroke. And then,the troops hurriedly went tothe Dagou harbor,the Zhuzai harbor,etc. to intercept remnants of enemytroops from the sea. This battle not only straightened the official routine butforced Zhuang's troops keeping on retreating from the Cow village to Liangqiao,the north end of Taiwan. But,the Zhuang troops put up a desperate resistancerelying on advantage in geographical position. And at the moment,the MassArmy had already been exhausted. With the help of the troops led by FuKangaan,they were approaching south to the harbor,divided into six groups.And Liang troops had already surrounded the remnant of Zhuang Datian atLangqiao and created conditions for the army to wipe out Zhuang Datian'stroops. Finally,Zhuang Datian and more than 40 ringleaders and sub-groupleaders were captured alive; the Mass Army fell apart without a leader. TheTaiwan Incident was put down. Cited for the outstanding service in the battle,Liang Chaogui was granted special praise. And the royal court ordered toredraw a portrait for him again and the portrait was on display at Purple LightPavilion. Emperor Qianlong himself said,"during the battle of Jin Chuan,hedevoted himself to wipe out the rebellion. And at the Brine Harbor,he wasblocked by Heng Rui. He also defended the Madou village and beated theenemy. Even under the situation of severe wounds,he still persisted in wipingout the enemy. What glorious achievement he has made!" It was very rareamong the imperial officials in Qing dynasty that Liang Chaogui had such anhonorable treatment. After withdrawing troops from Taiwan,he was transferredto a Tidu of Guangxi and a Tidu of Huguang successively. In the fifty-nineyear of Qing dynasty (1794),he died of illness on his post.
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