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李天才 (1908~1933),革命烈士。字达之。中卫县枣园堡(今中宁石空镇)人。出身于富裕农民家庭。

民国二十四年(1935),冯玉祥部国民军进驻西北地区,部队陆续路过枣园堡,时间长达半年之久,经常有军中的政工干部 (共产党员担任)利用宿营之机,深入学校,向师生宣传马列主义和革命的新思想,组织师生开展政治活动。李天才当时正在枣园小学上学,使他有机会受到革命的启蒙教育,在他的心田种下了革命的种子。以后每当国民军经过家乡,组织政治活动时,他都踊跃参加,积极帮助部队散发宣传品,为他今后投身革命打下了良好的思想基础。

民国十八年(1929)宁夏省建立,李天才考入宁夏省立第一中学读书。中宁同乡孙殿才也在该校学习,孙早在1926年已加入中国共产主义青年团,李与孙相交甚好,两人经常交流思想,探讨救国救民的道理。在孙的帮助下,李天才革命觉悟提高很快,此时他已下定决心,要为实现自己的革命理想,为推翻反动军阀的黑暗统治,为解救普天下劳苦大众,为中国革命成功而献出自己的青春。第二年第一学期,宁夏留平学生会推荐北京大学毕业生杜立亭到宁中任教,后又代理教务主任。此时中共北方局根据宁夏政局不稳,杂牌军林立,各种矛盾错综复杂,统治力量薄弱的有利形势,决定抓住这一有利机遇,重新恢复清党后已基本中断的地方党组织,派原北平市委成员、组织部长杜润芝任特派员,到宁夏做准备工作。他通过陕西米脂老乡和北大同学杜立亭的关系,得到了在宁中担任伦理课教员的差事。在赴宁途经陕北时,中共陕北特委又派赵子元、高锦尚等同志随杜一起到宁夏应聘省一中教员,以协助杜润芝工作。当时河南开封、安阳一带党组织遭受破坏,地下党员刘梅林也通过他的朋友,时任宁夏省政府财政厅长扈天魁的介绍,带领中共党员邬逸民和进步青年何高民到宁夏省城工作。不久,宁夏党组织建立,杜润芝为负责人,五名党员中除刘梅林在省立第二师范学校附小任教外,其余四人都集中在宁中任教。这批党员教师学历高,见识广,经受过大革命的实际锻炼,不仅学识渊博,课讲得好,而且有组织能力,平易近人,善于团结师生,很快在学校里就形成了一个核心。他们又将学校中的进步学生,如孙殿才、李天才、梁大均、李振邦、李广成、潘钟林、征克非、张琪、叶松龄、贺文绍等人发动并团结在地下党组织的周围,加强对这批骨干分子的培养,组织他们学习政治,阅读革命和进步书籍,并通过他们传播革命思想,提高全校师生的认识水平和思想觉悟。不久,陕北特委又派张德生来宁帮助工作,使党在宁夏的学运工作开展得轰轰烈烈,为党组织进一步开展宁夏地区的革命工作奠定了良好的基础。第二学期,孙殿才、李天才、梁大均等人,按照杜润芝的指示,在学校公开提出 “驱逐绅士校长徐宗儒” 、“拥护杜立亭当校长” 的学生运动,举行全校罢课。省府当局竟然出动警察包围学校,然后抓捕闹学潮的学生骨干。李天才等人为了营救被捕的同学,一面积极组织学生上街游行抗议,一面串联被捕学生的家长,向社会进行呼吁,并揭露当局与校方的非法行为,最终迫使省方基本上满足了学生们的要求,释放所有被捕学生,调走徐宗儒,任命杜立亭为宁中校长,学潮取得了胜利。


Li Tiancai-one of main organizers ofRoads Guarding Team of Ning'anbao

宁夏党组织在领导学潮斗争取得完全胜利之后,又不失时机积极开展兵运工作,准备建立一支由我党控制的革命武装力量。此时,正值曾领导过反对冯玉祥武装暴动的原“西北边防联盟” 、“总司令”马仲英重返西北来到宁夏,被省主席马鸿宾委以教导大队大队长,以资羁縻,谨防这位“尕司令”再生事端。据说此时的马仲英已在内地秘密加入了共产主义青年团,在共产党员和进步人士的帮助下,思想发生了很大的变化,也在待机举事,所以有目的地经常到宁中参加师生们的一些活动,并与李天才等进步学生交朋友。党组织也指示李天才利用这一关系,策动马仲英起事。李天才还去中卫县,联络青年学生刘成栋、张曦等十余人分别去做驻防在中卫县的马仲英旧部马谦的工作,争取他们继续跟随马仲英重新举起反军阀大旗。但是因为消息走漏,马鸿宾准备先下手逮捕马仲英、李天才等人。马仲英却不露声色,以骑马放鹰为名,逃出省城,赶往中卫县,收编了已被李天才等人做过工作的旧部一千余人,带往河西走廊地区。李天才等一批青年学生也参加了马仲英部,在马部做政治工作。1931年初,马仲英部在河西受挫,李天才等人又回到宁夏。这时杜润芝、杜立亭都因宁中学潮和马仲英 “反叛”事件,被以 “共党嫌疑” 而拘禁。杜立亭因有陕西省政府秘书长杜斌丞的关照很快被获释,而杜润芝则仍在狱中坚持领导宁夏党组织的工作。李天才回到宁夏以后,杜润芝就根据他在学潮和兵运工作的实际表现,亲自介绍他加入中国共产党。同年8月,兰州爆发 “雷马事变” ,冯玉祥余部第八师师长雷中田发动兵变,扣押省主席马鸿宾,消息传到马鸿宾的根据地宁夏,他的三伯父马福寿以代理宁夏省主席的身份,命令马鸿宾部新编第七师旅长冶成章,率留驻宁夏马部主力开往甘肃,准备以武力营救马鸿宾。此时宁夏仅剩下一些收编的杂牌武装留守,防务一时空虚。在狱中的杜润芝决定抓住这个大好时机,在马部非嫡系部队中发动兵变。党组织决定由李天才、梁大均、李振邦三人分别负责组织宁安堡 (今宁夏中宁县城关镇)和省城小南门及掌政桥三处驻军举行武装暴动。当时宁安堡驻军是马鸿宾部特务营,该部机枪连连长孙天才与李天才是枣园堡同乡和小学同学,孙原是枣园护路队队长,马鸿宾为扩充实力,将他收编。这个营副营长是张自箴,原为恩和堡护路队队长,也被马部收编,但他不愿就职,赋闲在家。这二人都不满马部的排挤,早想脱离马家军另谋出路。经过李天才深入细致的思想发动工作,孙、张二人都同意配合银川武装暴动,共同反马。李在向杜润芝汇报后,党组织决定以“抗日救国西北军” 的名义,于12月23日夜在三处同时行动。23日夜,李天才把从恩和、鸣沙、长滩等地动员来的一百余人,召集到南河桥外,进行简要的战前动员后,就向洋行进围。但因担任内应的特务营一连连长梁生海记错了约定的时间,误认为是发生了敌情,当即开枪打死了围攻堡城的李绪娃,枪声也惊动了营长杨寿堂,全营马上组织警戒和抵抗,以致攻营计划落空,暴动失败,李天才本人也被捕押送省城监狱,在敌人的残酷折磨下,他始终没有泄露一点党的机密。

1932年,兰州“雷马事件”和平解决,马鸿宾获释,又返回宁夏自任“省主席” 。马鸿宾为了经营好自己的根据地,缓和各方面的关系,李天才和杜润芝就在这种背景下,先后被具保释放。3月,李天才被堂兄、枣园国民小学校长李天禄聘请为国文教员。这时李天才完全成长为一名自觉的无产阶级革命战士,无论走到哪里,哪里就是他的战斗岗位,讲台当然也不例外。他在枣园小学任教期间,便利用讲台,教育学生“做新朝代的新主人,不当亡国奴,救国救民,敢于冲锋” 。他在讲授辛亥革命七十二烈士一课时,激励学生们将来一定要学习革命先烈为了国家民族的利益,为了千千万万劳苦大众的解放,具有敢于抛头颅洒热血的献身精神。这时日本侵略军已占领了我国东三省,为了宣传抗日,他还自编抗日新歌教学生们唱。



1933年六七月间,为了宣扬冯玉祥、吉鸿昌等爱国将领领导察哈尔民众抗日同盟军对日抗战大捷和收复失地的重大胜利,李天才在北平积极组织工人进行各种庆祝活动。铁路工人还举行了阻止国民党军队运兵攻打张家口的“坚持抗日,反对投降” 的大罢工。就在这次活动中,由于李天才在工人中频频露面,非常活跃,引起敌特的注意,加强了对他的监视。同年八九月间,李天才在门头沟被秘密逮捕,并送到天津监狱关押。在狱中他以惊人的毅力与敌人进行坚决的斗争,无论是什么大刑,如拔筋床、烙铁烫和赤脚走钉床等,还是什么糖衣炮弹,如许高官、金钱和美女,都不能丝毫动摇他的革命意志。他还愤愤质问敌人: “中国工人爱自己的国家,反对帝国主义侵略,保卫国家的主权和人民的自由,何罪之有?” “你们这些汉奸卖国贼,替日本帝国主义镇压工人,欺压同胞,犯下滔天大罪,人民是不会饶恕你们的,总有一天要清算你们的罪恶的! ”敌人对于这个软硬不吃的年轻人毫无办法,竟惨无人道地向他鼻孔灌辣椒水,致使李天才窒息而死,牺牲时年仅二十四岁。李天才同志是宁夏地区较早为中国革命献出生命的革命先躯。

Li Tiancai (1908-1933),a revolutionary martyrstyled styled himself as Dazhi,anda native of Zaoyuanbao in Zhongwei County (present-day the Shikong Townof Zhongning County in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region),born in a wellto-do peasant family.

In the twenty-fourth year of the Republic of China (1912-1949),a nationalarmy led by Feng Yuxiang (a general of the Kuomintang) garrisoned in northwest area.It took more than half a year for the army to enter the region in succession. Whencamping in a place on their way,there would be communist cadres who went deepamong schools to disseminate Marxism-Leninism and revolutionary thoughts,so theydid in Zaoyuanbao. At that time Li Tiancai was studying in Zaoyuan Primary School,he chanced to be enlightened on the revolution,and therefore cherished suchenthusiasm. Whenever the national army passed by,he would help them distributepublicity materials. It laid a foundation for his later involvement in revolution.

In 1929,Ningxia Prefecture was established. Li Tiancai was admitted to NingxiaPrefectural No. 1 High School,in which his fellow villager Sun Diancai,who joined theChinese Communist Youth League early in 1926,was studying too. Being on goodterms,Li Tiancai would love to exchange thoughts with him,probing hows and whysof saving the nation from doom and ensuring her survival. Upon his influence,LiTiancai's revolutionary consciousness was so enhanced that he determined to dedicatehis youth to realizing revolutionary ideal,to overthrowing rule of reactionary warlords,to delivering toiling masses from the abyss of misery,and to crowning ultimate successof Chinese revolution. On first term of second school year,Du Liting,a graduate fromBeijing University,was recommended to teach in No. 1 High School. Later he becameDean of Studies. By reason of unstable political situations,multitudinous troops ofmiscellaneous brands,complex conflicts and weak ruling forces in Ningxia,the NorthPart of Chinese Communist Party was deliberating upon resuming local Party groupthat was almost broken off after carrying our a purge. So the Minister of OrganizationDepartment Du Runzhi,former member of Beiping Municipal Party Committee,wasdispatched to Ningxia for preparations first. By taking advantage of relationship betweenhis fellow-townsman and schoolmate Du Liting,he got a post as a moral teacher inNo.1 High School. When Du Runzhi passed by Shaanbei (the north part of ShaanxiProvince),another three comrades,Zhao Ziyuan,Ma Hanwen and Gao Jinshang,werealso sent to apply for posts in No.1 High School for the purpose of helping him todevelop the work. At that time,the Party organization around Kaifeng-Anyang area inHenan Province was sabotaged,so the Minister of Finance Department of Ningxia,HuTiankui,introduced underground Party member Liu Meilin from there to work inNingxia provincial capital. Together with him came CPC member Wu Yimin andprogressive young man He Gaomin. It was not long before that Ningxia CommunistParty Organization formally came into being,of which Du Runzhi was in charge.Except Liu Meilin,who taught in a primary school attached to No.2 Normal School,the other four worked in No.1 High School. They were all experienced andknowledgeable,capable of organization and easy of approach that before long a corewas formed in the school. They united progressive students,such as Sun Diancai,LiTiancai,Liang Dajun,Li Zhenbang,Li Guangcheng,Pan Zhongling,Zheng Kefei,Zhang Qi,Ye Sunling and He Wenshao,etc.,and rallied them around undergroundParty organization with further training on politics and book reading,meanwhilespreading revolutionary thoughts,heightening level of understanding and strengtheningpolitical consciousness in the school. Afterwards,Shaanbei special Party committee sentZhang Desheng to help carry out student movement in Ningxia,which laid a soundfoundation for the Party organization to deepen the revolution in this region. On thesecond term,upon instructions of Du Runzhi,Sun Diancai,Li Tiancai,and LiangDajun overtly started a student movement to strike,raising "Driving out gentryheadmaster Xu Zongru" and "Supporting Du Liting to be the headmaster!"Unexpectedly,the authorities called out police to put down the strike with severalstudents arrested. In order to rescue them,Li Tiancai organized students to hold aprotest march,while on the other hand he contacted parents of the caught students tocall on the community to disclose illegal acts of the authorities and the school as well. Asa result of effort,the campus upheaval won a victory with arrested students released,XuZongru transferred,and Du Liting appointed headmaster of the school.

After gaining a complete victory of student unrest,Ningxia Party organizationagain seized the opportune moment in preparation for founding an army under controlof our Party. At that time,Ma Zhongying,once took command of Northwest FrontierAlliance that combated with armed forces led by Feng Yuxiang,returned to Ningxia. Itwas said that Ma Zhongying had secretly joined the Communist Youth League ininland. Influenced by Party members and progressive personages,his thoughts changedgreatly. He often took part in the activities held by teachers and students in No. 1 HighSchool and had made friends with students like Li Tiancai. In the meantime,the Partyorganization instructed Li Tiancai to make use of this relationship they had ofengineering him rebellion. In Zhongwei County,Li Tiancai made contact with overten students,such as Liu Chengdong,and Zhang Xi,etc.,directing them to persuadeformer subordinate of Ma Zhongying,Ma Qian,into following him continuously so asto start anti-warlord struggle. However,the news that Ma Zhongying and Li Tiancaiwere to be arrested by Ma Hongbing,Chairman of Ningxia Province,was heard then.Before the arrest,Ma Zhongying ran away to Zhongwei County quietly on excuse ofriding horse to fly eagle. There in Zhongwei,Ma Zhongying incorporated formersubordinates about 1,000 into his own forces,which a group of young studentsincluding Li Tiancai also joined. He worked as a political instructor. Early in 1931,forces of Ma Zhongying suffered a setback in the Hexi Corridor (in northwesternGansu,so called because it lies to the west of the Yellow River). After that,Li Tiancaireturned to Ningxia,when Du Runzhi and Du Liting were detained as Communistsuspect because of No.1 High School campus upheaval and so-called Ma ZhongyingRevolt Incident. Due to the connection with Du Bincheng,secretary of Shaanxiprovincial government,Du Liting was set free in no time,yet Du Runzhi was stillpersevered in leading Ningxia Party organization in prison. On the basis of the behaviorduring student unrest,Du Runzhi recommended Li Tiancai to join the CommunistParty. In August of the same year,Leima Incident broke out in Lanzhou. Lei Zhongtian,a division commander of Feng Yuxiang's remaining subordinates,launched a mutiny tohold Chairman Ma Hongbing in custody. When news arrived at Ningxia,his uncle MaFushou ordered in a deputy chairman capacity that Ye Chengzhang,commander of theseventh newly reorganized division,leading remain stationed forces in Ningxia,marched to rescue Ma Hongbing in Gansu. Therefore,only miscellaneous forces stayedbehind for liaison duty. It was weakly defended. Grasping this golden opportunity,DuRunzhi intended to start a mutiny among troops that were not under Ma Hongbing'sdirect control. Without hesitaiton Ningxia Party organization decided to have LiTiancai,Liang Dajun,and Li Zhenbang be responsible for the armed revolt inNinganbao (present-day Chengguan Town of Zhongning County in Ningxia),SouthGate and Zhangzheng Bridge respectively. Of the three,Ninganbao was a special taskbattalion. The commander of the machine gun company was Sun Tiancai,who hadbeen a schoolmate and fellow villager of Li Tiancai,while the vice-commander wasZhang Zizhen. Both of them used to be the leaders of road maintenance teams. Theywere enlisted by Ma Hongbing for expanding military forces,but were squeezing out inthe army. Distended with the situation,they were thinking about dropping out of theranks. At the very time,Li Tiancai conducted a thoroughgoing and painstakingideological work on them so that they agreed to cooperate with Yinchuan armed forcesin revolting against Ma Hongbing. When everything was ready,Ningxia Partyorganization resolved to take action on the night of December 23 in the name ofNorthwest Anti-Japanese Aggression Army. Before the operation,Li Tiancai calledover a hundred army men from Enhe,Mingsha and Changtan together near the NanRiver Bridge. After a brief mobilization,they began to carry out an attack around aforeign firm (in pre-liberation China). But Liang Shenghai,commander of the firstspecial task battalion,who acted as a person operating from within in coordination withoutside forces,forgot the appointed time and mistakenly thought the revolt broke out.At once he shot dead Li Xuwa,who was laying siege to the base. It alerted thecommander of the company Yang Shoutang. He immediately took precautionarymeasures to resist. In no time,the revolt ended with a failure and Li Tiancai was putinto prison. Although he was severely tortured by the enemy,he strictly guarded Partysecrets.

In 1932,Leima Incident was peacefully settled. Ma Hongbing was released andreturned to Ningxia to reassume office as chairman. In order to well manage his basearea,Ma Hongbing sought to relax tensions between different quarters. In thecircumstances,Li Tiancai and Du Runzhi entered a bond and were set free. In Marchof the same year,Li Tiancai was invited to teach Chinese in Zaoyuan Primary School,when Li Tiancai had grown into a politically conscious fighter for communism.Wherever he went,he would fight for his belief at any time. During his stay in ZaoyuanPrimary School,he taught students "To be the master of the new age," and "To savethe nation and save the people." He also inspired students to learn from revolutionarymartyrs who had the courage to shed their blood and lay down their lives for theliberation of laboring people and national rejuvenation. At that time,Japanese aggressortroops had already occupied the Three Eastern Provinces (i.e. Liaoning,Jilin,andHeilongjiang) of China. He propagated anti-Japanese thoughts by composing andteaching songs to students.

In April 1932,according to the arrangement of the Party organization,Du Runzhileft Ningxia for Lanzhou in Gansu Province,where he along with Xie Zichang andWang Ruling made preparations for the forming of guerrilla forces of Chinese Workersand Peasants Red Army,as well as planning the soldiers' rebellion in Jinyuan WaterSpring. In May,Li Tiancai went to meet Du Runzhi in Water Spring. In June,therebellion won a complete victory,followed by the founding of Shaangan GuerrillaForces of Chinese Workers and Peasants Red Army,of which Sun Zuobing was thecommander,Du Runzhi was political commissar and Li Tiancai was liaison man incharge of logistic support. But later the guerrilla forces went underground because of agreat disparity in strength. The leaders of the guerrilla forces were wanted in Gansu andNingxia provinces. Li Tiancai was also listed. He slipped back home and concealed forseveral days. Then he disguised himself as a boatman and managed to get to Beiping(present-day Beijing) by way of Baotou (a city in Inner Mongolia).

In the autumn of 1932 in Beiping,Li Tiancai found some fellow-townsmen whohad studied in Beiping and got contact with communists Zhang Z ihua and Sun Diancai.Soon they set up a secret contact spot in the western part of the city,and Li Tiancaiworked as Zhang Zihua's assistant. The next year,Li Tiancai began to take over thework on his own,he organized his fellow-townsmen to participate in somerevolutionary activities and developed another two contact spots respectively so as tomaintain liaison unblocked with Rao Shushi (who was in charge of the Labor Union inNorth China) and Secretary Zhang Zihua. At times,in order to cover his comrades andavoid the enemies' arrest,he had to hide in some old temples,behind the statue of aBuddha or even in the coffin in middle of the night; he was always risking his life toaccomplish the tasks.

In the summer of 1933,Li Tiancai organized workers in Beiping to hold differentkinds of celebrations in order to publicize the great victory of the anti-Japanese war andthe recover of lost territory won by Chaha'er (present-day a place where Hebei andInner Mongolia meet) anti-Japanese people alliance led by General Feng Yuxiang andGeneral Ji Hongchang. To answer the call of "Keep up anti-Japanese; opposesurrender",railway workers also went on strike to prevent the National Party fromtransporting soldiers to Zhangjiakou. Because of his active participation in the strike,LiTiancai caught the attention of the secret agents of the enemy,and they kept closewatch on him. In the autumn of the same year,he was secretly arrested in Mentougouand was sent to prison in Tianjin. He kept on struggling against the enemies withamazing willpower in prison; no matter how cruel the torture was or what promises theenemies made,nothing could shake his revolutionary will. On the contrary,heindignantly questioned the enemies by saying "As a member of Chinese worker,I lovemy country,struggle against the invasion of the imperialist and defend the authority ofthe country and the freedom of the people,what crime do you charge me for","Youtraitors collaborate with the Japanese imperialists to suppress Chinese workers andoppress Chinese people. What a crime you have committed! Chinese people won'tforgive you! You will be punished by the people finally!" Being at their wit's end,theenemy went so far as to inhumanly pour spicy water into Li Tiancai's nostrils,and hedied from suffocation at the age of 24. Li Tiancai was one of the earliest revolutionarypioneers who died for China's revolution in Ningxia.

本文地址: https://www.yishiweijian.com/renwu/2022123794.html



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