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李秉彝(1867~1925),教育家。字德生。宁夏平罗县人。出生农民家庭,少时家境贫寒。幼年入乡村私塾,潜心攻读《四书》 《五经》,清末应试考取秀才,并名列榜首,享誉家乡。戊戌变法后,接受变法维新思想,考入甘肃省高等学堂深造,因为品学兼优,毕业后,应聘于甘肃省立第一中学任教。1911年10月,武昌起义成功,他在兰州与师生员工一起响应辛亥革命,积极参加共和活动,被选为甘肃省议会会员。

民国建元以后,他回到家乡,在宁夏府中学堂任教。1918年,甘肃省教育厅拨银三千两资助宁夏办学,李秉彝积极倡导将宁夏高等小学(即原宁夏府中学堂)改建为甘肃省立第八师范学校 (今银川师范前身)。不久,经过他与宁夏各界人士的共同努力,又增设甘肃省立第五中学校 (今银川一中前身),并同第八师范学校合校办学,共同使用一个校址,所以当时宁夏人统称这两所学校为 “五中八师” 。李秉彝出任两校的校长,不仅是“五中八师”两校的共同创始人,而且也是宁夏现代中等教育和中等师范教育的拓荒者。为了办好这两所学校,他带领师生们积极捐款,还向社会发动募捐兴校,还想方设法动员宁夏籍在兰州就读的学生返回 “五中八师”读书,为新生的宁夏中等学校增加了高质量的生源。在办学规划中,他具有前瞻思想,坚持一步到位,按照现代教育教学的要求设置课程,开设了修身、历史、国文、地理、数学、理科、化学、手工、博物、图画、体操、英语、乐歌等。学校还筹办了图书馆,并在民间搜求大量书籍,使馆藏中外文图书达到千余种、万余册。学校又自建实验室,置办器械、标本、试验仪器等五百余种。他还发动师生,在课余时间进行义务劳动,通过师生们的双手,开辟简易运动场一处。李校长对办学要求高,从严治校,学生实行全日制住宿封闭管理,教学质量在当时西北地区亦不落后。


An educationist,whose name was Li Bingyi(1867~1925),styled himself asDesheng and a native of Pingluo County in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region.He was born in a poor farmer's family,but applied his energies to studying theFour Books (namely,The Great Learning,The Doctrine of the Mean,The Analects o f Confuciusand The Mencius) and the Five Classics (namely,The Book of Songs,The Book of History,The Book of Changes,The Book of Rites,and The Spring and Autumn Annals) in an oldstyled private village school since early youth. At the end of the Qing Dynasty,heranked first in the imperial examination at the county level. His fellow villagersthereupon acknowledged him as a promising young man. During the ReformMovement of 1898 (whose leading spirits,Kang Youwei,Liang Qichao and Tan Sitong,represented the interests of the liberal bourgeoisie and the enlightened landlords),hewas influenced by the thoughts of Constitutional Reform and Modernization,whichresulted in his choice of pursuing advanced studies in Gansu Provincial Collage. Being astudent of good character and fine scholarship,he was accepted by Gansu No. 1Provincial High School to teach after graduation.

The October of year 1911 saw the victory of Wuchang Uprising,after that LiBingyi,together with other teachers and students,responded actively to the Revolutionof 1911 (the Chinese bourgeois democratic revolution led by Dr. Sun Yat-sen whichoverthrew the Qing Dynasty) by throwing themselves into the republic course,and wastherefore elected Member of Gansu Provincial Parliarment.

In the first year after the founding of the Republic of China (1912-1949),Li Bingyireturned to his hometown to teach in Ningxia Prefectural High School. In 1918,theEducation Department of Gansu Province appropriated 3,000 liangs (a traditional unit ofweight,equal to 50 grams or 1.736 ounces per liang) of silver to Ningxia for subsidizingschool running. With help of the allocation,Li Bingyi advocated vigorously onreconstructing Ningxia Daogao Primary School for the use as Gansu No. 8 ProvincialNormal School (present-day Yinchuan Teachers Training College in Ningxia HuiAutonomous Region),and it was not long before Gansu No. 5 Provincial High School(present-day Yinchuan No. 1 Middle School in Ningxia) was established additionally outof his effort and effort made by personages of variou s circles in Ningxia. Since the newlyestablished high school shared the same school site with No. 8 Provincial Normal School,they were jointly called Wuzhong Bashi (which means No. 5 High School and No. 8Normal School) at that time. Li Bingyi was recommended to be the first headmaster of twoschools. Not only was he the initiator of Wuzhong Bashi,but also the pioneer of Ningxiamodem secondary education and secondary normal education. In order to manage theschools well in the early days,Li Bingyi aroused teachers and students to donate money; andhe also solicited contributions from the community on the other hand. In addition,he dideverything possible to mobilize students,whose native place was Ningxia,but was reading inLanzhou to come back study so that it increased student sources of high qualities for Ningxiasecondary education. It was said that Li Bingyi was a man of vision. The curriculum heoffered was in accordance with requirement of modem education in his school planning. Itincluded subjects like morality,history,Chinese,geography,mathematics,science,chemistry,handicraft,zoology,botany,mineralogy,physiology,painting,gymnastics,English and music.Besides,the school built a library and laboratories,which were equipped with appliances,specimens and over five hundred experimental instruments. At the spare time,Li Bingyicalled on the whole school to labor voluntarily,and thus opened up a simple sports ground.On administering school,Li Bingyi persisted in high standards and strict demands. As a result,the teaching quality was not lagged far behind in northeast areas.

After the May 4th Movement of 1919 (an anti-imperialist,anti-feudal,political andcultural movement influenced by the October Revolution and led by intellectuals havingthe rudiments of Communist ideology) broke out,some university students from Gansu,when going studying in Beiping (present-day Beijing) and Tianjin or coming back byway of Ningxia,were often invited to deliver speeches on situation s of the on-goingrevolutionary movement,revealing the aggression of imperialists along with thetreasonable acts of warlord government. It exerted a great impact among teachers andstudents from doing so. Meanwhile,Li Bingyi coordinated activities energetically withteachers in disseminating revolutionary ideas,as well as backing students to fight resolutelyagainst corrupt officials,local tyrant and despotic gentry. Around 1922,some teachers,such as Chen Chungang,Yu Jinyi,and Tang Xiaozhou,who had undergone the baptismof the May 4th Movement were engaged by Wuzhong Bashi. They all had progressiveideas and a wide range of knowledge so that they gave rise to patriotic feelings andenriched scientific knowledge among students,who began to show solicitude for thefuture and destiny of the state,and were involved in social movements. The establishmentof Wuzhong Bashi not only fostered teachers for primary and secondary education,butalso created favorable condition s for students to pursue advanced studies outside Ningxia.It pushed the educational undertakings of Ningxia forward. In March 1925,at the age of58,Li Bingyi died of pulmonary tuberculosis because of constant over work.

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