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洪寿林(1852~1937),中国伊斯兰教洪门门宦教臣。字海如,道号撒合卜·则玛尼。经名舍力夫·冯迪尼。祖籍甘肃省景泰县路塘洪家庄。幼年家境贫寒。同治之乱,家乡惨遭掳掠,跟随父亲流落到今同心县石圈村 (洪岗子)。不久父亲过世,自己到庄头寺做杂工,一边干活,一边坚持聆听讲经,同时还刻苦攻读阿拉伯文,渐渐在当地穆民中树立了很高的威信,走上了讲经务教之路。后到化平(今宁夏泾源县) 、固原和陕西等地名寺求学,终成博通《古兰经》的大阿訇。他严守教律,体恤教民,不贪钱财,誉满西北,被今青海梁州庄虎夫耶门宦教主马栋选为哈里发(替位者)之一。光绪二十三年(1897),马栋归真,他成为继承人,后被尊为虎夫耶洪门门宦教祖。他虔心办教,怜惜穷人,注重回汉团结。凡教下舍散的 “乜帖” ,皆分与穷人和孤寡老人,家中常寄养孤儿寡母,灾年常以家储粮食赈济饥民。民国十八年 (1929)西北遭遇特大旱灾,他将家中存粮全部分给灾民。民国二十五年 (1936)夏,西征红军驻防同心一带,洪寿林对前来宣传抗日主张和民族宗教政策的红军代表热情接待,并教育宗教上层人士和教民积极支持红军的革命行动。一次,两名红军代表到洪府被民团发现,洪寿林冒着生命危险将红军在自己的禁房内藏匿了七天七夜,后来把他们装扮成阿訇,派人护送回驻地。洪寿林常在教民中宣传: “红军是仁义之师,必定胜利。”还动员教民为红军送粮送草。红十五军团为感谢洪寿林对红军的帮助与支持,派政治部负责人唐天际和回民独立师师长马青年,代表红军给洪寿林赠送一百五十只羊和“爱民如天” 的锦幛一幅。洪寿林也向红军回赠了羊只、银元和绿锦幛,并亲笔用阿文写道: “红军好比太阳的光辉,将来要照亮各个地方。”洪寿林于1937年农历七月二十四日归真,享年八十五岁。


A silk bannar with"deep affection towards the people" to HongShoulin presented by the Red Army in the western expedition

Hong Shoulin (1852-1937),style name,Hairu (Islamic name,SahepuZemani and pen name,Selifu Fengdini),was a clergyman of the Hongmenbranch of Islam in China. His ancestral home was in the Lutanghongjiavilliage in Jingtai County,Gansu Province. In his childhood,he lived in a family withstraitened circumstances. During the trouble times of Tongzhi' reign,his hometownsuffered a lot of pillages. After that,he,together with his father,fled to the present-dayShiquan village in Tongxin County. Shortly afterwards,his father passed away. To earna living,he worked as a choreman in the Zhuangtou Temple. It was then that heshowed his interest in Islam. And the interest drove him to listen attentively to dailysermons given by the preachers while doing his job. In order to have a good commandof the theory of Islam,he also studied hard on Arabic in his spare time. Through hisefforts,he gradually won the respect from the local Islams and made himself a preacher.Later,he furthered his study in a number of famous temples in Huaping (present-dayJingyuan County,Ningxia),Guyuan and Shannxi. He succeeded in the end and wasacknowledged as an imam,who had a good knowledge in Alcoran. Hong Shoulin wasknown as a strict follower of the torah,a speaker for religious believers and a personwho has no lust for money. He won such a good reputation in the Northwest that hewas nominated as the Halifa (successor) by Ma Dong,the hierarch of the Hufuyemenbranch of Isal,who lived in the present-day Liangzhou village in Qinghai Province. Inthe reign of the twenty-third year of Guangxu reign (1897),Ma Dong died and HongShoulin succeeded him as the new hierarch,who was later respected as the father of thisIslam branch. While at his post,he devoted himself in developing Islam,showing mercytowards the poor people,and contributed a lot to the consolidation of the relationshipbetween Hui and Han people. Thanks to him,the poor and old people received"Religious allowance" from the mosque.Many orphans and aged people were takengood care in his family. In times of disaster,he used to relieve hungry people with thegrain stored in his home. For instance,in the eighteen year of the Republic of China(1929),the Northwest region suffered a serious drought,during which Hong Shoulinoffered help to the victims by distributing all his stored grains. In the twenty-fifth year(1936),the Red Army in the western expedition stationed in the region aroundTongxin. Representatives of the army were warmly received by Hong Shoulin,whocame to appeal for resistance against Japan and disseminate the ethical and religiouspolicies of the Communist Party towards minorities. In response to that,he instructedleaders in religious circle and common people as well to actively support the revolutionled by the Red Army. Once,on their way to the residence of Hong,tworepresentatives of the Red Army were detected by local militia,which was then underthe control of the Kuomintang. At the critical moment,taking the risk of losing his life,Hong Shoulin concealed the two soldiers in his prohibited room for seven days andnights. Then the two men,in the disguise of imam,were escorted to the station. Whenpreaching,he always disseminated an idea among the religious believers,that is,"Withvirtue and morality,the Red Army is destined to win the war." Quite often,hemobilized the religious people to support the army with grain and fodder. In return forHong Shoulin' support,the15th Army Group of the Red Army sent Tang Tianji,theprinciple of the political department,and Ma Qingnian,the commander of independentdivision of Hui people,as representatives to gave 150 sheep and a silk banner to HongShoulin as present,which said "deep affection towards the people". Hong Shoulingpresented sheep,silver dollars and green a silk banner to the Red Army in return andthe banner read,"The Red Army,bright as the sun,is illuminating all the corners of thenation." On July,24,1937 the lunar year,Hong Shoulin died at the age of 85.

本文地址: https://www.yishiweijian.com/renwu/2022123791.html



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