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赫光 (1902~1931),原名万锡绂,字季玺。甘肃省海原县杨郎镇万家堡子(今宁夏固原原州区头营镇万家堡子村)人。出身于清末农村秀才家庭,家境小康,八岁在本村入私塾读书,十一岁进入固原县立第一高等小学堂学习,十六岁考入平凉陇东公立中学堂 (今平凉一中)继续学习。在校读书期间,他一直是一名品学兼优的学生。


He Guang,Commander of the 28th Army of Red Army

民国十年 (1921),甘肃省各界人士掀起“甘人治甘” 、“自治运动” ,赶走了皖系督军张广建 (安徽合肥人)。当时回汉地方实力派小军阀都想夺取督军宝座。汉族方面以陇东镇守使陆洪涛为首,振武军帮统张兆钾是他的急先锋; 回族方面以宁夏护军使马福祥为首,他的侄儿、甘肃新军司令马鸿宾为前台。双方兴风作浪,在全省掀起一场轰轰烈烈的“易督风潮” 。陇东方面甚至擅自通电全国,不负责任地在电文中说什么“甘省汉回世仇” ,“愿身率六十营健儿相与周旋到底” 的混话,从而几乎酿成回汉仇杀的历史悲剧。在北洋政府的调和下,任命陆洪涛代理甘肃省督军,马福祥升任绥远特区都统,张兆钾接任陇东镇守使,马鸿宾接任宁夏护军使,各得其所,利益均沾,甘肃易督风潮才得以平息。但是各方仍互不信任,继续进行扩军备战。民国十一年(1922),张兆钾为了给振武军培养一批有文化的青年军官,就向平凉中学招收在校学生参军受训。万锡绂是全校的拔尖学生,不仅应试合格,还被选送到北洋军阀吴佩孚所办的洛阳讲武堂深造。这期间,他开始接触共产党员和进步人士,学习了《共产党宣言》、《社会主义从空想到科学的发展》等马列主义经典著作和其他进步书籍以及《新青年》等革命刊物,受到了马列主义和无产阶级革命的启蒙教育,眼界大开,觉悟提高,思想解放。当时,他曾对同学们说: “我辈要勤奋学习,平世界之穷富,以天下为己任。” 民国十三年(1924),他在讲武堂毕业,又因品学兼优而让吴佩孚看中,被直接分配到吴部担任直属机枪连连长,再升迫击炮营营长。当年九月,随吴军开赴河北参加第二次直奉战争。由于直系将领冯玉祥于前线发动兵变,迫使直系“总统”曹锟下台。在“北京政变”的打击下,直系一败涂地,他也辗转返回家乡。这时,由于大小军阀的混战和海原大地震的浩劫,家乡的城乡经济破产,盗匪四起,乡民们四处逃荒,一片悲惨景象。目睹这一切,使他看清了当今社会的黑暗,更使他认识到封建军阀的反动统治是国家落后、人民受难的根源,从而越发坚定他立志走救国救民的革命道路。虽然万家已大不如从前,父亲年老,二哥死于地震,大哥在外谋生,父亲要求他留在家中,挑起家庭的重担。但是,为了国家和民族的利益,为了全中国人民的翻身解放,他毅然舍小家而顾大家,于民国十四年(1925)六月,浑泪告别了年老的慈父和身怀有孕的爱妻,义无反顾地踏上新的征途。

万锡绂来到开封,改名赫光,参加了党领导的地下工作,并光荣加入了中国共产党。因为他是著名的“洛阳讲武堂” 的高材生,又亲自参加过直奉战争,具有军事理论水平和实战经验,所以中共豫陕特委指派他专做兵运工作。次年冬,遵照中央军委的指示,赫光、苗广义、刘明德、蒲子华等同志,通过各种关系打进驻防在安徽省阜阳城区的国民革命军等四十七军高桂滋部,秘密开展兵运工作,参加军内地下党的领导工作。不到半年时间,蒋介石叛变革命,发动“四·一二”政变,大批共产党员和进步人士惨遭杀害,高桂滋部亦不例外,党组织把已暴露身份的党员紧急撤离,留下一批隐蔽较好的同志继续坚持斗争。赫光被党组织指定为留队同志的负责人之一。在革命低潮和险恶的环境下,赫光注意斗争艺术,凡与懂英语的同志联系,都书写英语,所以在他负责的工作中一直没有出过乱子。经过赫光的艰苦努力,终于同驻军地方党组织取得了联系,在中共皖北特委书记魏野畴的帮助和指导下,使军内党员数量大增,党组织也逐步恢复起来。民国十七年(1928),高桂滋部参加第二次北伐行动,奉命向山东省转移。赫光认为时机已到,征得皖北特委同意,准备在高部行军到山东金乡县境内发动兵变。但是因种种原因未能成功,给党造成了一定的损失。“党组织在总结这次失败教训时认为: 要想兵变成功,必须要有共产党员取得部队的实际指挥权。”赫光遵照党的指示,通过关系离开军部,去基层当了一名营长,为党掌握到一营武装的实际指挥权。

民国十八年 (1929),蒋、冯、阎“中原大战”之后,高桂滋部调往山西平定县驻防,四十七军缩编为第十一师,各级军官原位递降,赫光由营长改任连长。到民国二十年(1931),由于赫光卓有成效的工作,高部已有共产党员五六十名,其主要骨干多集中在赫光所在的一团,一些党员还担任下级军官,握有一定的兵权。部队广大战士,大多数出身于贫苦农民家庭,多年来在党组织的耐心教育下,思想认识有一定提高,加上军中给养不济,生活困苦,战士们破衣烂衫如同 “叫花子” ,有时还数月拿不到薪饷,甚至连基本口粮都得不到保证,往往成天吃发霉的荞面,因此高部全师怨声载道,人心思变。赫光把部队的情况及时向上级党组织作了汇报。中共山西特委经请示北方局和顺直省委批准,于5月召开特委会议,军地党的负责人在会上汇报和分析了情况,经过认真研究,认为时机基本上成熟,决定在高桂滋部举行兵变,以赫光所在一团为依靠,带动二、三团,争取把高部全建制拉到五台山区建立革命政权,实行“工农武装割据” 。这一计划得到中共中央军委的批准,军委决定暴动成功后,立即组建中国工农红军第二十四军。赫光等回到部队以后,经过月余的紧张准备,正当各方面都在按预定方案进行时,突然在6月下旬,高下令逮捕了一团二营八连的排长共产党员刘玉珊。赫光认为情况紧急,就与副营长刘明德一起赶到太原,向省委汇报请示。省委书记刘天章同志告诉他们,在上海中央局出了叛徒,向敌人出卖了山西的情报,现在要改变原计划,先发制人,立即举行兵变。省委召开紧急会议,会后一面向中央请示,一面分头行动,指定共青团山西省委书记娄凝先帮助赫光等作有关准备工作,并派省委军委书记谷雄一专程到平定协助赫光领导兵变。7月3日,赫光和谷雄一主持召开党员骨干会议,传达省委决定,商量布置行动方案。与会同志认为,准备工作已基本就绪,事不宜迟,第二天就是机会。因为当时高部三个团长都一齐去北京给高父祝寿,次日又是星期六,许多军官晚上回家休息,士兵们也自由行动,戒备放松,是天赐良机。会议决定4日晚12时举行兵变。在行动前的晚饭后,赫光再次与兵暴骨干成员碰头,宣布行动时间是 “午夜十二点整。就在这千钧一发之际,赫光得到报告,说手枪连一名党员班长酒后泄密,敌人已知情,正在采取应急行动。赫光豪不犹豫,当即下令“提前半小时行动”。1931年7月4日午夜11时30分,“平定兵变”爆发。



1960年,阜平县人民政府专为赫光、谷雄一等革命烈士修建了革命烈士陵园,号召全县人民“发扬赫光精神” ,继承先烈遗志,建设新阜平。1984年2月16日,薄一波同志给赫光家乡固原地区党史办写信,称赞“赫光同志是一位坚强的无产阶级革命战士” ,“他的历史功绩是值得后人纪念的,应该留诸史册” 。

He Guang (1902-1931),originally Wan Xifu,styled himself Jixi. He was bornat Wanjiabaozi,Yanglang Town,Haiyuan County in Gansu Province(present-day Wanjiabaozi Village,Touying Town,Yuanzhou Districtship,Guyuan County in Ningxia Autonomous Region) with a background of well-offcountry scholar family at the end of the Qing Dynasty. At eight,he attended an oldstyle tutorial school in his village,enrolled in Guyuan First Advanced School forChildren at eleven,and entered Longdong Public Middle School of Pingliang (presentday Pingliang First Middle School) at sixteen. He was good both in character and inscholarship all along while at school.

In the 10th year of the Republic of China (1921),personalities of various circles ofGansu Province started an "autonomous movement" of "persons of Gansu rulingGansu" to have dispelled Commander-in-chief of Anhui Faction Zhang Guangjian(from Hefei,Anhui Province). At that time,all the regional powers of the Han peopleand Hui nationality desired for the throne of commander-in-chief. On the part of Han,the representative figure was Lu Hongtao,a military commander in Longdong area,whose daring vanguard was Zhang Zhaojia,a military officer of Zhenwu Army; on thepart of Hui,the leading one was Ma Fuxiang,a military commander in Gansu Province,whose forerunner was his nephew Ma Hongbin,the commander of Gansu New Army.Both sides stirred up trouble and started an "agitation of changing commander-in-chiefchange" all over the area. The side of Ma Fuxiang even published an open telegram tothe whole country without authorization,saying irresponsibly that "The Han and Huipeople have been feuding with each other for generations","We are willing to lead ourbrave warriors to fight to the end",which nearly led to a historical tragedy of the Hanand Hui peoples killing each other in revenge. As a consequence of the mediation ofthe. Northern Government,Lu Hongtao was appointed as Deputy commander-inchief of Gansu Province,Ma Fuxiang as Dutong (a chief commander in a region) ofSuiyuan Special Zone,Zhang Zhaojia as Zhenshoushi(a chief commander in a region)of Longdong area,and Ma Hongbin as Hujunshi(commandant protector)of Ningxia.They all were properly provided for,and agitations came to the end finally. However,all the sides distrusted each other,and continued to expand arms and prepared for thewar. In the 11th year of Republic of China (1922),Zhang Zhaojia,in order to trainlarge numbers of literate youth officers for Zhenwu Army,enlisted students fromPingliang Middle School. At that time,Wan Xifu was the top student in the school.Not only was he proven qualified in the examination but selected for advanced study toLuoyang Military School,founded by Northern Warlord Wu Peifu. It was in thisperiod that he began to have contact with Communists and progressive personalities andstudied the classics of Marxism and Leninism such as Communist Manifesto,Socialism:Development from Ideal to Science and so on and other progressive books as well as therevolutionary publications like New Youth,from which he got to know Marx-Leninismand the proletarian revolution and hence he was enlightened. Once,he said to hisschoolmates: "We should study diligently,fill the gap between the haves and the havenots,and deem our own responsibility to concern ourselves with the affairs of thecountry." In the 13th year of Republic of China (1924),he graduated from the MilitarySchool. Being good both in character and scholarship,he was settled on by Wu Peifuand assigned to be the commander of the directly affiliated machine-gun company inthe Wu army,then the commander of the mortar battalion. In September of the sameyear,he marched to Hebei Province for the second war between Zhili Faction (headedby Feng Guozhang,whose hometown was Hejian in Zhili Province) and FengtianFaction (named after Zhang Zuolin,who came from Haicheng in Fengtian Province).At this time,Feng Yuxiang,a general of the army of Zhili Faction,made a mutiny atthe frontier,and "President" Cao Kun,belonging to Zhili Faction,was forced to leaveoffice. As a result of that,the Faction fell to the ground. After a roundabout trip,WanXifu got back to his birthplace,and saw a great mess with bankruptcies in urban andrural areas,bandits rising here and there,folks going begging,because of tangled warfareamong the warlords and the catastrophe of the Haiyuan earthquake. All these factstaught him to see through the dark society and realized the root of our nationunderdeveloped and the people suffering was the reactionary rule of the feudal warlords,which strengthened his resolution to save the country and the people. By then,hisfamily was never as well as ever his father aged,his elder brother died in the earthquake,his eldest brother out for living. His father asked him to stay in and support the family.However,he resolved to leave his small family for the whole country. On the June of14th year of Republic of China (1925),he said adieu to his aged father and his wifewho was in a family way,without any thought of turning back.

When Wan Xifu arrived at Kaifeng,he changed his name into He Guang,engaged into the underground work of the party,and joined the Chinese CommunistParty. Since he was a whiz of the Luoyang Military School and had a military head withexperiences of actual combat by attending the Zhili-Fengtian war himself,the Henanand Shaanxi Special Committee of the Party assigned him to do the work of soldiers'movement specially. In the winter of the following year,in compliance of theinstructions from the Central Military Commission,He Guang,Miao Guangyi,LiuMingde,Pu Zihua and others,taking advantage of all kinds of relations,insinuatedthemselves into Gao Guizi's troop,the 47th corps of the National Revolutionary Armygarrisoned in the urban area of Fuyang City,Anhui Province to carry out the work ofsoldiers movement secretly. Less than half a year,Chiang Kai-shek started off the "April12th" coup and large numbers of Communists and progressive personalities weremurdered. Gao Guizi's troop was no exception. The Party organization urgentlywithdrew those who had revealed their identity and left ones who were never knownto anyone. He Guang was among the leaders assigned by the Party for those who stayedbehind. Under the perilous circumstances,He Guang never made any mistake in hiswork for his considerate tactics of struggle. It was with his hard efforts that he got intouch with the local Party organization inside the Gao Guizi's troop. Under the helpand directions of Wei Yechou,Secretary of the Special Committee of Northern Anhuiof the Chinese Communist Party,the numbers of the Party members in the troopszoomed and the Party organization gradually resumed. In the 17th year of Republic ofChina (1928),Gao Guizi's troop was ordered to move towards Shandong Province forthe second Northern Expedition. He Guang reckoned it a good occasion,under thepermission of the Special Committee of Northern Anhui,to make a mutiny when Gao'sarmy got into Jinxiang County,Shandong Province. However,it failed and resulted inquite a loss for the Party,which led to the conclusion that the real commanding powerof the troops must have been in the hands of the Communists if a success was made of amutiny. In deference to the instructions of the Party,He Guang left the corpsheadquarters for a battalion commander at the basic level,and procured thecommanding power of a battalion for the Party.

After the "Central Plains War" between Chiang Kai-shek,Feng Yuxiang andYan Xishan,Gao Guizi's army was transferred in the 18th year of RC (1929) toPingding County in Shanxi Province to garrison. The corps No. 47 was cut back intothe 11th division with all the officers demoting to a lower position. He Guang waschanged to a company commander. By the 20th year of republic of China (1931),theamount of the Party members reached over fifty in the Gao Guizi's troops,and most ofthe backbones hid themselves in the regiment No. 1 to which.He Guang belongedsome acting as the lower-ranking officers in control of the army. It was short ofprovisions and money that all the soldiers had no uniforms and had mildewed food sothat their complaints were heard everywhere and all of them desired to have a change.He Guang reported it to the above organization in time. It was deemed the right time,on the conference of the Special Committee attended by the Party persons in charge inthe area and the troops in May,to make a mutiny in Gao Guizi's army in dependenceon the regiment No. 1that.He Guang was in,who promoted the second and thirdregiments,and make every effort to get the whole army into Wutaishan areas and set upa revolutionary power for an "independent regime of armed workers and peasants". Theplan was approved by the Central Military Commission with a decision to build thecorps No. 24 of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army right subsequent to thesuccess of the rebellion. He Guang returned to the army and made preparations. Amonth later,Gao Guizi sent an order to unexpectedly arrest the platoon leader LiuYushan,a communist in the company No. 8,battalion No. 2,regiment No. 1. HeGuang considered it urgent and went to Taiyuan with the vice-battalion commanderLiu Mingde to request instructions from the provincial Party committee. Liu Tianzhang,Secretary of the provincial Party committee,told them that a traitor appeared in theCentral Bureau of Shanghai who betrayed Shanxi's intelligence to the enemy. Theywere demanded to change the plan and make the mutiny without any delay to steal amatch on the enemy. Lou Ningxian,Secretary of Shanxi Provincial Committee of theCommunist Youth League,was assigned to assist He Guang in making preparations forthe rebellion,and then Gu Xiongyi,Secretary of Shanxi Provincial MilitaryCommission,exclusively to Pingding to cooperate with He Guang. On July 3,HeGuang and Gu Xiongyi presided over the meeting of the core Party members andinformed the resolution of the Provincial Party Committee and discussed the plan. Allthe members were in the same mind that the preparations had been nearly at an end,and the following day was a godsend to them,because,three regimental commanders ofthe troops would go together to Beijing to congratulate on the birthday of Gao Guizi'sfather,and,many officers would go home for rest since it was Saturday in which soldierswere off guard. The meeting determined 12 clock in the night of July 4 as theinsurrection time. After the supper,they had a brief meeting before they took action.Just at the time of announcing the time,He Guang was reported that the enemy hadgot the clue because a squad leader (who was a Party member) of the pistol company letthe cat out of the bag after being drunken,and they were taking measures against it. HeGuang made no hesitation and ordered to start half an hour earlier. At 11:30,midnightof July 4,1931,the "Pingding Mutiny" broke out.

After the failure of the plan to seize the corps headquarters and the inner citywhere the county government was situated,He Guang decided to make a move undercover of night. All the revolters,around 1100 of seven companies,assembled at dawnon the highway outside of Qingcheng Village in Mengxian County. Gu Xiongyi,Secretary of the Provincial Party Military Commission,made a formal announcement toestablish the corps No. 24 of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army,andappointed He Guang Corps Commander,Dou Zongrong Vice-Commander,GuXiongyi Political Commissar,Liu Mingde Chief of Staff,Liu Zixiang Director ofPolitical Department,with two columns under its command. Following He Guang'saddress,the whole army marched to Wutaishan. Just then,the enemies of encirclementwere pressing on and tried to wipe out this new-born revolutionary army. Beingweaker in strength,He Guang,Gu Xiongyi and other leaders chose to abandonWutaishan but turn to the Taihang Mountain on the border of Shanxi Province andHebei Provinces with the view to take Fuping County in Hebei Province,where theenemy was weaker,as a base area and the dofooting for Wutaishan. He Guang led thearmy back to Yuxian County and on July 20,filed into the Fuping county seat.

On July 26,Fuping County Government of Chinese Soviet founded with NiuMingqing (who was a commissar of the 2nd column of the corps No. 24) as chairman.Before long,all the mass organizations,such as Peasant Association,Peasant Red Guards,Trademan Association,Anti-espionage League,Young Pioneer and many others,popped up one after another,and all the activities of farmland-dividing,hegemonismopposing,anti-revolutionary-opposing of the whole area went on vigorously. HeGuang exerted himself in building the fresh red political power day and night,and washeld in high esteem by all the soldiers and the masses. The establishment of Fupingrevolutionary base shocked Northern China,and the enemy fell into a great panic.They dared not use forces but incited Division Commander Shen Ke,who belonged toShi Yousan's troop and failed in the tangled warfare of warlords,to wipe out the Redcorps. Shen Ke feigned to be driven to a tight corner but to join the Red Army. Andthe Red Army fell into Shen Ke's trap. On August 9,Shen Ke killed Gu Xiongyi bycrooked means at Wangkuai Town,east of Fuping county seat; two days later,by thesame means,he killed at Fahua Village,west of the county seat,He Guang,who wentthere to receive Shen Ke's surrender to the Red Army. When he died,he was merely29 years old.

In 1960,Fuping People's Government built a cemetery of revolutionary martyrsespecially for He Guang and Gu Xiongyi,calling on the people of the whole county to"Keep up the spirit of He Guang",to carry out the unfulfilled wishes of ourpredecessors and build a new Fuping. On February 16,1984,Bo Yibo wrote a letter tothe office of the Party history of Guyuan Prefecture He Guang's hometown. He had ahigh opinion of He Guang,saying that "Comrade He Guang was a staunch proletarianfighter","His memorable deeds should go down in history".

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