

作者:主编 时间:2022年12月01日 阅读:101 评论:0

管律(生卒年月不详),明朝宁夏名士。字芸庄。宁夏卫(今宁夏银川)人。家庭富裕,自幼受到良好的教育,加之本人刻苦,天资聪颖,是卫学中的一名佼佼者。正德十一年 (1516),中举人,并名列乡试 “书经魁” 。正德十六年(1521)登进士,官至刑科给事中,后退休回到家乡,专心从事教育,再没有重返官场。

管律不喜欢官场的追逐,多年来从教于宁夏卫学,为培养家乡子弟而辛勤地工作。嘉靖十七年 (1538),新任宁夏巡抚吴铠在镇城(今宁夏银川)草创 “养正书院” ,慕名聘请他为首任教授。由于他 “博闻有辞,史发司马,文效子美,乡人皆以 ‘管子’ 称之” ,得到了官民的普遍敬仰,求文请教应接不暇。他的大量文章虽然大多已经失传,但在他主笔编修的《嘉靖宁夏新志》所选刊的少数题记中,人们仍然可以看出,选文皆非一般的官样文章,而是处处反映出他既关心国家大事,又具有经世致用思想。如正德十六年 (1521),他刚入选为新科进士,还没有正式步入仕途时,就对西北边疆茶马互市提出改革建议,他认为官方定价一匹马付十两银,这样低的价银是购不到 “强壮膘肥” 的好马的,而用这样的劣等马匹武装军队去征战,“欲责其成功,不亦难哉” ! 所以他要求把每匹马价增加到十八两。嘉靖五年 (1526),他又对边疆现行实施的盐政提出意见,认为自弘治以来,朝廷不允许以“余盐补正课” ,造成“余盐盛行,正盐守支日久”的不正常现象。由于两淮余盐大量销往北边各镇,“以苛敛商财” ,使“商灶俱困” ,私盐难禁,从而 “盐法大坏” 。朝廷接受了他的意见,“乃复常股存积四六分之制” ,纠正了 “余盐” 盛、“正盐”滞的局面,有利于边地经济的发展。

在政治上,他不计个人名位,从大局出发,冒死上谏,勇于直言。如嘉靖元年 (1522),他刚任刑科给事中一职,就表现出初生牛犊不怕虎的精神,竟敢上奏要求罢免现任三边总制李钺的职务,并请起复早以免官、长期闲散在籍的有争议的大臣杨一清接任。认为 “杨一清久任三边,威名素著,乞特起用” 。而兵部则任人唯亲,反对起用杨一清,理由是杨一清 “远在江南,闲居日久,一时起用,未免辞奏稽延,而钺闻改命,势必灰心解体”而影响边关军务大事。但是管律坚持己见,与兵部僵持不下,最后虽然一直推延到嘉靖三年 (1524),还是不得不任命杨一清为三边提督(总督改称提督)。另外,对于所谓“议大礼”这样自成化、弘治、正德三朝以来,许多文臣武将为之落到罢官、杀头的禁区,官场人人谈“礼”色变,唯恐避之不及。而他却是一上任就向“议大礼”开炮。他说: “比言事者,每借议礼之词。或乞休,或引罪,或为人辩诉,于议礼本不相涉,而动必援引牵附,何哉?盖小人欲中伤人,以非此不足激陛下怒; 而欲自固其宠,又非此不足得陛下欢也。乞诫自今言事者,据事直陈,毋假借,以累圣听。”嘉靖皇帝批准了他的奏言,从此,一个败坏朝廷,堵塞言路,制造了大批冤假错案,伤害许多正直良吏的政治毒瘤终被割除。又如嘉靖十年(1531),兵部尚书兼右都御史、三边总制王琼决定,将成化年间由巡抚余子俊、徐廷章先后修成的由宁夏横城黄沙嘴至花马池近四百里长城(亦称河东边墙)废弃,改于边内重修所谓“深沟高垒”。管律在由他主修的《嘉靖宁夏新志》中,对这一举措提出疑义。他认为前抚臣余子俊所修筑的河东墙具有双重意义: 其一为设关扼塞,用以阻止敌骑入犯; 其二是把草场、水源之地,“筑之以内,使虏绝牧;沙碛之地,筑之于外,使虏不庐” ,从而达到逼敌远遁的军事目的。历时四年,河东“深沟高垒”建成后,宁夏巡抚张文魁、兵部尚书兼三边总制唐龙等,以边防修成,为了节省草料费和喂养之劳,把戍守东边的骑兵裁撤,改用步兵沿沟垒巡守,谓之“摆边” 。管律对这种改革提出猛烈抨击。他认为河东近四百里边防,处处皆为敌骑入犯之途,如果一步一兵,需布兵十二万九千六百人,哪有这么多兵去“摆”呢?即使有,敌骑骤至,蜂拥冲击,少数散布的步兵能挡得住吗?这时再从边沿调兵,来得及吗?所以他尖锐地指出: “今摆边之谋,一举而五弊存焉: 无奇正,无应援,主将不一而运用参差,士卒分散而气力单薄,悉难于节制矣。以五弊之谋,御方张之虏,不资敌之利者几希?” 同时,出于对国家安危的考虑,他还强烈要求当局,应尽快重新修复弃守多年的宁夏平虏守御千户所最北端要塞镇远关。他告诫守土军政官员: “镇远关自不能守,柳门等墩自不能瞭,平虏之势遂至孤立,宁夏北境半为虏有。” “苟失平虏,则无宁夏; 无宁夏,则无平、固; 无平、固,则关中骚动,渐及于内地,患不可量矣! ”他进而提出自己的对策方案是: “求久安之计,先须修打为硙口,为复镇远关之渐; 次修镇远关,为复黑山营之渐。不然,是垣户不设,欲思堂寝之安,庸可得乎?垣户一固,则沿河、沿山墩台易守而耳目自明、地方有赖。”

管律主修的 《嘉靖宁夏新志》

New Records of Ningxia in Jiajing Peyiod,Mainly by Guan Lu

在经济上,对于家乡的农商与民生,管律更是格外关心。他揭露了宁夏屯田之弊,大声疾呼而为民请命。他指出宁夏屯制原为 “军三屯七” ,但因后来战事日繁,屯丁归伍,加之劳役增多,人口流亡,“屯田半荒” ,造成“户口半减于昔,此屯之弊极矣” 。而人口虽然不断外流,田地因河崩沙压渐减,地亩连年下降,可是在册亩数却并不减少,“又征税于无影之田” ,“人无以堪其苦,是故逋亡相踵” ,最终使屯田经济受到严重的破坏。因此他再次警告当局: “宁夏捍御北虏,屏蔽中原,兵力悉出之五卫” ,如果继续加重屯户负担,“临渴掘井” ,人民“逋转以求生,固其情也” 。如果内地人户为求生逃到敌方,夷狄若用 “中国人” ,危害就更大了。“宁夏之军,日渐散亡,万一失守,虽腹里数十万之兵亦将如之何哉?” 此外,对于宁夏的粮草管理、盐法和土贡等制度他都有积极的建议,大多陆续被朝廷采纳实施。


Guan Lu (the dates of his birth and death are unclear),who styledhimself as Yunzhuang,was a celebrity in Ningxia in the MingDynasty and a native of Wei in Ningxia (present-day Yinchuan inNingxia Autonomous Region). As a son of a rich family,Guan Lu,who wasclever and hardworking in study,had a good education since childhood andbecame a distinguished figure in Wei education. In the eleventh year ofZhengde reign (1516A.D.),he passed the imperial examinations at theprovincial level as the top one among the candidates. Guan Lu also did a verygood job in the metropolitan examination held in the capital five years later andwas promoted gradually to Jishizhong (Supervisor Secretary) of the Board ofPunishments. He retired from this post soon and began to devote himself to theeducation in his hometown,and never found his way in official circles sincethen.

Guan Lu hated seeking fame and wealth in the official circles but had beenengaged in teaching for many years for training and bringing up the youngpeople in his hometown. In the seventeenth year of Jiajing reign (1538A.D.),Wu Kai,the newly appointed imperial inspector,established "Yang ZhengAcademy" in the city of Zhencheng (present-day Yinchuan in NingxiaAutonomous Region) and invited Guan Lu to be the principal professor out ofhis good reputation among the native people. By his extensive knowledge,mastery of history and beautiful writings,he won an honorable title,Guanzi,from his fellow villagers who revered him and often asked him for both hiswriting and suggestions one after another. Most of Guan Lu's works were lostbut some good essays could be found in the few forewords for A New Surveyof Ningxia in Jiajing Age which had been chiefly edited by him. These essayswere not stereotyped writing prescribed for the imperial civil serviceexaminations but good expressions of his profound thoughts on the state affairs,fully showing his rare capability in dealing with the national affairs. For instance,when he stood at the starting point of his official career as a successful candidatein the highest imperial examinations in the sixteenth year of Zhengde reign(1521A.D.),he gave advice on the price of the horses in the frontier trade in thenorthwest borderland. He indicated that the silver (currency in ancient China)of ten liang (a traditional unit of weight in China),the price for one horse fixedby the government,was not enough for a real plump and sturdy horse.Therefore,it was difficult for a soldier who was on one vicious horse of thiskind to pursue and attack the enemy. And the proper price,in Guan Lu'sopinion,was eighteen lian. In the fifth year of Jiajing reign (1526A. D.),hemade suggestion for reforming the policy of salt (The state monopolized forpurchase and marketing of salt at that time) which had been carried out in theborderland. He thought that the royal court refused to accept the over-plannedsalt as the supplementary tax,with a result that much more over-planned saltwas sold in the market than the planned salt,which was far from normal. GuanLu thought that the policy of salt was totally broken because a great number ofover-planned salt from the area around the Huai River were on saleeverywhere in the north. The court accepted his suggestions and established aproper ratio of four to six between over-planned salt and planned salt. Sincethen,the abnormal phenomenon in the salt market had gradually disappeared,which was beneficial to the economy in the borderland.

Guan Lu was more concerned about the overall state affairs than abouthimself when he was in the official circles. He often risked his life to giveearnest advice to the emperor without considering whether his words wouldoffend him or not. Guan Lu was so fearless like a newborn calf which was notafraid of tigers,just after he assumed the post of Jishizhong in the Board ofPunishments in the first year of Jiajing reign (1522 A.D),that he presented amemorial to the emperor and asked the court to relieve Li Yue,the generalgovernor of the northwest borderland,of his post. He also recommended YangYiqing,who was dismissed and had stayed at home idle for a long time,as thesuccessor because Guan Lu thought that Yang Yiqing had high prestige amongthe people in,the borderland out of his long-term-office there. Otherwise,theBoard of War appointed official by favoritism and opposed to reinstated YangYiqing on the excuse of that Yang Yiqing might be incompetent because hehad lived idle in the south of Yangtse River for a long time and Li Yue wouldbe disheartened if he was really relieved,which would seriously influenced themilitary affairs of the borderland. Guan Lu held on to his own views and refusedto budge from his opinions so firmly that the Board of War finally had toappoint Yang Yiqing the tidu (zongdu originally,a provincial commander inimperial China) of the northwest borderland in the third year of Jiajing reignafter a long time's delay. Since the three reigns of Emperor Chenghua,EmperorHongzhi and Emperor Zhengde,"propriety" (a term referring to the traditionalsystem of politics and culture) became a terrifying term because many officialswho had ever referred to this term in the court were dismissed and even killed.Every official tried to avoid this subject while Guan Lu unleashed a great deal ofcriticism against that just after he took up the official post. He said to theemperor: "Many officials,who quote the terms on propriety,just want to offeran explanation for their own action or try to defend some others,which hasnothing to do with the propriety itself. But they always try to find somerelationship between them,why? Some vile people,knowing that only this canenrage Your Majesty,want to malign the innocent people; and others,knowingthat only by this they can please Your Majesty,want to win Your Majesty'sfavor. Therefore,Your Majesty,I think every official should give an outspokenstatement in the court and expressed their ideas directly." Emperor Jiajingapproved his memorial. Propriety,which had corrupted the court,stifledcriticism and suggestions and wronged many loyal officials in unjust cases for along time,was just like a malignant tumor on politics but Guan Lu removed itsuccessfully. In the years of Chenghua reign,people in Ningxia,under theleadership of the inspectors,Yu Zijun and Xu Tingzhang,built a great wall (alsocalled Hedong frontier wall) extending four hundred li (14kms) fromHuangshazui in the city of Hengcheng to Huamachi in order to defend theenemy. Otherwise,in the tenth year of Jiajing reign(1531),the imperialsecretary in the Board of War,Wang Qiong,who also held the posts of yushi(the senior official next to the prime minister in ancient China) and the generalgovernor in the borderland,decided to abandon this wall and build deep ditchesand high ramparts instead. Guan Lu questioned Wang Qiong's decision in his ANew Survey of Ningxia in Jiajing Age. He indicated that the wall was veryimportant for the frontier defence. On one hand,the wall stood on a strategicpoint and could obstruct the invading cavalry. On the other hand,the wallcould be considered as a dividing line which separated the grassland from thesands. Therefore,it could prevent the enemy herding their horses in thegrassland inside the wall so that the enemy had to station the troops far awaybecause they could not live on the sands. The building of the deep ditches andhigh ramparts took four years altogether. Zhang Wenkui,the inspector ofNingxia and Tang Long,the imperial secretary in the Board of War and thegeneral governor in the borderland,dissolved the cavalry which had guarded theeast borderland in order to save the expenses for the forage and free the soldiersfrom raising the horses. Besides,the infantry substituted for the cavalry to patrolalong the ditches and ramparts,which was called "patrol on borderland". GuanLu strongly opposed this reformation on the defence of borderland. He thoughtthat the enemy could find passages for invading anywhere in the fourhundred-li boundary in Hedong. And 129,600 men would be needed if thespace between each two soldiers who patrolled along the ditches and rampartswas one step. He questioned where so many soldiers came from to patrol here.Granted there were a great number of soldiers,how could they gatheredtogether to withstand a sudden vigorous attack by enemy's cavalry who wouldcharge so quickly that there was no enough time for our officers to assembleforces from other places. He said: "There are five disadvantages in the strategyof patrol on borderland: firstly,there are no station troops nor local forces in theborderland; secondly,it's difficult for the men who were scattered everywhereto rescue each other at the critical moment; thirdly,the chief commandercannot command the troops as a whole; fourthly,the combat effectiveness ofthe troops must be low because they were scattered; and lastly,the centralizeddirection thereupon cannot be carried out in the troops of this kind. As a result,this strategy is totally useless for resisting aggression." Besides,he strongly askedthe government to repair Zhenyuan Pass,the fortress at the northern tip ofPinglu in Ningxia,to ensure country's safety. He warned the officials in theborderland: "Zhenyuan Pass cannot defend itself nor can Liumen Fortress guarditself either. Pinglu thereupon is in an isolated position and cut off from help,and half of the northern part of Ningxia will be seized by the enemy if the passis still abandoned." Then he warned the authorities again: "If Pinglu fall,thewhole Ningxia will be seized accompanied by the fall of Ping and Gu. As aresult,the central Shaanxi Plain,the entrance to the interior of our country,may fall at any moment. Therefore,the importance of Pinglu's position isbeyond measure." Guan Lu said: "Seeking a long period of peace and stability,Daweikou should be repaired first to lay a good foundation for repairingZhenyuan Pass which plays a very important role in repairing Heishan Camp.Daweikou,Zhenyuan Pass and Heishan Camp are just like the door of thewhole country,therefore,it will be easy for the troops to defend the fortressesalong rivers and ensure people's safety if the door is indestructible. Otherwise,who can feel at ease lying in the living room of a house without a door?"

In terms of economy,Guan Lu was very concerned about the agriculture,trade and people's livelihood in his native place. He exposed the disadvantagesof the policy of tuntian (a policy pursued by feudal rulers since the Han Dynasty,referring to that there is no local government but only military authorities in thewar zone like Ningxia and the garrison troops open up wasteland to grow foodgrain),and pleaded for the people. He indicated that only three-tenth of thetroops went to the front while the others stayed for farming according to theoriginal regulations. Otherwise,more and more soldiers went to the frontbecause the hostilities had increased,and what with the increase of the laborrent and the number of the people in exile,almost half of the cropland liedwaste. As a result,the number of people reduced by half which was the heightof the disadvantages. More and more people fled from home,and the landactually had decreased out of flood and sandstorm year after year but keptunchangeable on the record according to which the government collected taxesfrom people. People could not bear the heavy taxes and fled away one afteranother,which did great damage to the economy. He thereupon warned theauthorities again: "The troops,who have defended Ningxia which provides aprotective screen for the Central Plains,come from Five Weis (militaryorganizations). But the heavier and heavier burden added to the people of theWeis will drive them away. The people,who fled from the inland to theenemy's station,may become a cat's-paw of the enemy and endanger theterritory of our country. Besides,the number of the troops in Ningxia hasdecreased increasingly. If Ningxia fall some day,the troops of a great numberinland may collapse at the first blow." Guan Lu also gave good advice on themanagement of army provisions,the policy of salt and the tribute of localproduct in Ningxia. And most of them were accepted by the court and becamelaws later. Guan Lu made a special contribution to his native place. He haddone quite a lot for compiling the local surveys of Ningxia,which were theprecious local documents of the Ningxia Border Region and invaluable spiritualwealth for the descendants. His name,Guan Lu,thereupon was written into theannals of history and went down in history forever together with the surveys.

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