
《东汉-梁统 梁松 梁竦》资料介绍

作者:主编 时间:2022年12月01日 阅读:203 评论:0

梁统(生卒年月不详),东汉大臣。字仲字。安定郡乌氏县 (今宁夏固原市境内)人。先祖梁益耳是春秋时代晋国的大夫。高祖梁子都西汉间迁居安定。王莽篡权时,梁统在家乡任地方小官。淮阳王刘玄打倒新莽政权,恢复汉室,在长安(今陕西西安)继位,改年号更始。梁统归顺刘玄,于更始二年(24)被封为中部将,任酒泉(今甘肃酒泉)太守。为时不久,赤眉农民军攻进长安,推翻更始政权。这时他与波水将军窦融及河西五郡太守们共同举兵宣布 “保境” (实际上是割据),大家公推梁统做大将军,梁坚决不干,便改为窦融当大将军。梁自任武威 (今甘肃武威)太守。

刘秀的东汉政权建立以后,于建武五年 (29),河西各郡地方长官推派代表去京城洛阳 “诣阙奉贡” ,表示拥护光武帝。东汉皇帝对河西地方官的归顺进行表彰,梁统被封为宣德将军。不久,天水地区实力派隗嚣叛汉,与四川割据政权刘表结伙发难。梁统又率部跟随光武帝御驾亲征。打败隗嚣后,被加封成义侯,仍然回任河西原官。建武十二年 (36),梁统被调到京城,改封高山侯,任太中大夫,参与朝廷最高决策层的工作。

梁统“性刚毅而好法律” ,在任间比较注重法治。他任武威太守时,“为政严猛,威行邻郡” ,重用清廉官吏,把地方治理得安定和富裕。当他调到朝廷担任京官以后,仍然多次上书皇帝,阐明重刑法的必要性。他总结前汉的历史教训后认为: 汉高祖至汉宣帝,之所以能实现民富国强,其原因就是法制较为完备。汉哀帝以后,因为朝纲废弛,国法不严,官吏贪污侵民,结果造成国衰民穷。东汉初期的国内形势,全国许多地方仍很混乱,一些地方官和武人仍不同程度割据称雄,鱼肉百姓,民不聊生。所以他主张乱世施重典,以尽快稳定全国的局势,恢复经济,给人民以休养生息。但是梁统的主张受到多数大臣的反对,反对者认为 “隆刑峻法,非明主急务” 。反对派们还联合起来把梁统排挤出朝廷,调到九江郡(今安徽定远西北)任太守,改封陵乡侯。在新任内,梁统仍然坚持实施法治,很见成效,受到老百姓的拥护。梁统病故在九江郡任内。

梁松 (?~61),东汉大臣。字伯孙,梁统长子。娶光武帝大女儿舞阴公主为妻,成为当朝驸马。由郎将提升为虎贲中郎将。他熟读儒家经典,研究历史,通晓治国方略,深受皇上宠爱。光武帝死后,曾奉遗诏,担当新帝汉明帝的辅政大臣,封为太仆。明帝四年 (61),在窦皇后和权臣窦氏兄弟的操纵下,制造“飞书” (匿名信)事件,受到诬告而被拘审,死于监狱中。妻儿们都被强迫迁赶到交州九真郡 (今越南国清化省境内)。

梁竦(?~83),东汉名士。字叔敬,梁松弟弟。青少年时就显得很有文才,但因受到哥哥梁松一案的牵连,与母亲和家里人同被迁往九真郡。南迁途中,他在经过湖南凭吊楚国大夫屈原的殉节地时,曾创作著名的《悼骚赋》,以纪念先贤。后来遇赦回到故里(今宁夏固原),闭门谢客,潜心学习,著书立说。问世的代表作名为《七序》。伟大的史学家班固在著《后汉书》时对《七序》给予极高的评价。他在《后汉书》中写道: “孔子著《春秋》而乱臣贼子惧,梁竦作《七序》而窃位素餐者惭。”梁竦生有三个儿子,三个女儿。其中二女儿、三女儿都被选送进皇宫,汉章帝刘炟深爱梁家姊妹,双双都被封为“贵人” 。三女儿史称为“小贵人” ,她生的男孩就是后来的汉和帝刘肇。梁氏姊妹入宫之际,正当窦皇后专权时期,窦家害怕梁家因为皇子的关系将来掌握朝政大权,便设计害死梁竦和两位贵人,将皇子夺到自己的身边。永元九年 (97)窦氏死,梁竦的女婿、当今皇帝为其母舅家彻底平反昭雪。和帝生母“小贵人”被追尊为 “恭怀皇后” 。梁竦追封褒亲愍侯。梁氏一家诸子、亲戚大多封侯,补授高官。其曾孙女为顺帝皇后,即梁太后,与其曾孙冀先后迎立冲、质、桓三帝,梁姓外戚专朝政近二十年。

The official of the Eastern Han Dynasty Liang Tong (the exact dates of his birthand death were unknown) styled himself as Zhongzi. He was a native of Wushi County in An'ding Prefecture (the present-day Guyuang City inNingxia Province). His ancestor,Liang Yier,was an official in the State of Jin during the Spring and Autumn Periods (770BC-222BC). During the Western Han Dynasty period,His great grandfather Liang Zidu moved to dwell in An'ding Prefecture. When Wangmang usurped the throne,Liang Tong was just a local junior official in his hometown. The new regime was later overthrown by Liu Xuan,Duke Huaiyang,and Han Dynasty was restored. Liu Xuan succeeded to the throne in Chang'an (present-day Xi'an in Shaanxi Province) and changed the reign title into Gengshi. Liang Tong surrendered to the authority of Liu Xuan. In the second year of the Gengshi reign (24),Liang Tong was appointed as General Zhongbu and the provincial governor of Jiuquan(present-day Jiuquan city in Gansu Province). Soon later,Chimei peasant troops broke through Chang'an and overthrew the Gengdhi regime. He,together with the Boshui General,Dou Rong and the provincial governors of the five counties to the west of the Yellow River,raised an army with a slogan of "Protecting the domain"(actually setting up a separatist regime). He was nominated as the general-in-chief,but he refused it. Sothe post was later taken by Dou Rong. Liang Tong appointed himself as the provincial governor of Wuwei(present-day Wuwei city in Gansu Province).

In the fifth year of the Jianwu reign (29),after the establishment of the Eastern Han Dynasty,the local officials in counties to the west of the Yellow River sent representatives to the capital city of Luoyang to pay "tribute" for the sake of showing their loyalty to Emperor Guangwu,Liu Xiu. In return,the emperor gave commendation to the local officials' submission and appointed Liang Tong as General Xuande. Shortly afterwards,a local power ( headed by Kui Xiao) in Tianshui rebelled against the Eastern Han Dynasty in collusion with a separatist regime (headed by Liu Biao) in Sichuan. Liang Tong followed Emperor Guangwu on a military expedition.After defeating Kui Xiao,Liang Tong was appinted as Marquis Yi and took the original post. In the twelfth year of the Jianwu reign (36),he was transferred to the capital,entitled Marquis Gaoshan,and appointed Taizhong Dafu (a first-rank official in ancient China). Thus,he became one of the top decision-makers in the royal court.

With a resolute and steadfast personality and an inclination to laws,Liang Tong laid stress on governing the country by law during his tenure of office. When he was the provincial governor of Wuwei,his firm execution of the laws overawed theneighbor counties. What's more,he put incorruptible officials on important positions.As a result,people lived a stable and wealthy life. After being transferred to the capital and being appointed there,he continued submitting memorials to the emperor,illustrating the weight of the criminal law in administration. Taking the lessons from the Western Han Dynasty,he attributed the country's strength and wealth during the period between Emperor Gaozu to Emperor Xuan of the Western Han Dynasty to a mature legal system. Since Emperor Ai's reign,the country declined and the people lived in poverty because of the abolishment of the principles of state,ineffective enforcement of laws and corruption of officials. The early years of the Eastern Han Dynasty saw the people living in confusion since local officials and warlords set up separatist regimes,exploited the people,which made people having no means of livelihood. Therefore,he suggested enforcing the law strictly in trouble times to stabilize the state,developing economy and increasing population. But his opinion was opposed by most officials. His opponents took the view that "wise emperor will not rule the country by heavy punishment" and they conspired to squeeze him out of the court. Then Liang Tong was degraded to the provincial governor of Jiujiang Prefecture(in the northwest of present-day Dingyuan city in Anhui Province) with the title of Marquis Linxiang. In his new term,Liang Tong still sticked to the "rule-by-law"policy and gained support from the people. He died in Jiujiang Prefecture in his tenure.


Liang Tong and his offsprings were recorded in A History of the Later Han Dynasty

The official of the Eastern Han Dynasty Sr. Liang Song (?-61) ,styled himself as Shubo and was the eldest son of Liang Tong. He married the eldest daughter of theEmperor Guangwu,Princess Wuyin,and became fuma (the emperor's son-in-law). He was promoted to Huben Zhonglang Jiang (a military post between major officer and general) from the commandant. He was versed in Confucian classics,history and strategies of state management,for which he won the favor of Emperor Guangwu. In terms of the emperor's posthumous rescript,Liang was appointed as taipu (a senior servant of the emperor) and entrusted to assist the new emperor,Emperor Ming,with government affairs. In the fourth year during Emperor Ming's reign (i.e. 61),he died in prison for a case against him framed by Empress Dou and her brothers. His wife and children were compelled to move to Jiuzhen Prefecture in Jiaozhou (present-day Qinghua Province in Vietnam).

Liang Song (?-83),style name Shujing,was an official of the Eastern Han Dynasty and the younger brother of Sr. Liang Song. Althouth he showed literary talent in his childhood,he was compelled to move to Jiuzhen Prefecture with his family because of the case against his elder brother Sr. Liang Song. On the journey to the south,when passing by the martyrdom site for commemorating Qu Yuan,the minister of the State of Chu in Hunan,he wrote Diao Sao Fu to commemorate the previous wisdom. After being absolved,he returned to his hometown (present-day Guyuan in Ningxia) and engaged himself in learning and writing books. His representative writing Qi Xu was thought highly of by the great historian Ban Gu in his A History of the Latter Han Dynasty.He wrote: "The Spring and Autumn Annuals written by Confucius intimidated officials who figured for power; Qi Xu written by Liang Song shamed those who claimed forthrone".. Liang Song had three sons and three daughters,among whom the second and the third daughters became the imperial concubines of Emperor Zhang(Liu Da),and won the emperor's favor. They were both entitled Noblewoman. The third daughter's son was Emperor He,Liu Zhao. When the Liang sisters were chosen to the court,Empress Dowager Dou had the whole country under her control. Being afraid of theLiang family seizing the state power by depending on its close relationship with the prince,she trapped Liang Song and the Liang sisters to death,bringing the prince back to her side. In the ninth year of the Yongyuan reign (i.e. 97),Empress Dowager Dou died and Liang Song's son-in-law,the emperor,thoroughly redressed the wrong case against the Liang family. The mother of the emperor was posthumously honored as"Empress Gonghuai' and Liang Song respected as "Marquis Fengbaohan". And most of descendants and relatives of the Liang family were granted senior positions. Jr. Liang's great-granddanughter was appointed the empress of Emperor Shun,namely,Empress Liang. Together with her brother Liang Ji,she manipulated to designate Emperor Chong,Zhi and Huang successively. Liang family controled the power for nearly 20years.Ⓔ

本文地址: https://www.yishiweijian.com/renwu/2022123786.html



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