
《东汉-滇零 零昌》资料介绍

作者:主编 时间:2022年12月01日 阅读:131 评论:0

滇零 (?~112)、零 昌 (?~117),滇零、零昌父子都是东汉时期西北羌族人民第一次大起义的首领。从王莽篡政时起,中原多故,战争不断,汉室衰微。羌人乘机陆续内迁,西北各地,就连京畿三辅(今陕西西安周围)地区都有大量羌人与汉人杂处。到东汉后期,统治集团加重对羌族人民的剥削和压迫,广大羌民不仅被地方官吏所欺压,承担繁重的徭役,还被“倥偬于豪右之手” ,而 “妄加残戮”。沦为奴隶的羌族人民积怨加深,民族矛盾和阶级矛盾日益激化。

汉安帝永初元年(107),朝廷决定撤回驻西域都护和屯田官兵,要地方官征发金城(今甘肃兰州)、陕西(今甘肃临洮)、汉阳 (今甘肃天水地区)三郡羌人担任随军护卫和杂役,该事成为羌族人民起义的导火索。因为羌人早已不信任官府,害怕此次行动是个骗局,被带到西域去替换屯田兵丁而充当苦力,从此再也不能回到自己的家园,当走到酒泉一带时他们纷纷逃散。官府马上派兵四处堵截抓捕,并焚烧沿途羌入房舍,从而激怒羌人奋起自卫,各部落同时揭竿而起,开展声势浩大的起义斗争。


Coin of Xinmang Period(1)

滇零是这次羌人起义的首领。广大羌族人民,不论男女老少都自动参加战斗,与官军进行殊死的求生搏杀。因羌人归附汉王朝时间已久,按照官府的规定,少数民族在平时都不能私人拥有武器,所以他们只能用竹竿、木棍、树枝当矛,以木板、几案作盾,甚至于妇女儿童们手拿铜镜,利用太阳光照耀着对方的眼睛,帮助自己的父兄击杀官军。他们以自己血肉之躯,打败了前来镇压的车骑将军邓骘和征西校尉任尚等各路大军。当时宁夏境内的匈奴、鲜卑、小月氏等各族人民受到羌人斗争精神的极大鼓舞,也纷纷响应加入羌人的战斗行列,起义军队伍迅速壮大。为了确立权威,有效指挥各民族的起义队伍,滇零乘胜在北地郡(今宁夏吴忠市境内)自称“天子” ,号召武都(今甘肃南部地区)、参 (今宁夏同心与甘肃西峰市交界地区) 、 上郡 (今陕西榆林地区)、西河 (今陕西东部地区)各地羌人和其他少数民族,共同抵抗官兵的进攻,很快以羌族为主的各族人民起义的烈火燃遍西北大地。起义军杀死汉中太守董炳,攻占临洮 (今甘肃岷县)、破羌 (今青海东部地区)、陇西诸郡县,一直打到京都长安外围和黄河以东的太原以及中原河南地区。汉廷虽然屡换大将,但都被义军打败。统治阶级这时更加害怕汉族人民也会响应羌人的斗争,所以在鞭长莫及、力不从心的情势下,不得已而决定把西部各郡县的官府和人民一起迁到内地,用以回避民族义军的锋芒。宁夏南部的安定郡内迁侨治于美阳 (今陕西武功境内) ,北部的北地郡内迁侨治于池阳 (今陕西泾阳)。但是,老百姓自古以来就有 “安土重迁” 的思想,谁也不愿意离开故土。于是官方便实行强制办法,派官兵毁庄稼,拆房屋,砸家具,强行把广大群众驱赶出家园,武装押解上路。沿途又没有很好地安排,致使妇孺老弱者大批死亡,造成千万户家庭流离失所,家破人亡,从而迫使汉族人民也纷纷加入到羌族起义的队伍之中。

永初六年(112),滇零病亡,儿子零昌继承 “天子”称号。因零昌年幼,由羌族酋豪狼莫辅佐。他任用汉族起义军头领杜季贡为将军,要他镇守临时都城丁奚城 (今宁夏吴忠市境内)。次年 (113),汉廷重整旗鼓,调兵遣将,对起义军展开新的军事行动。首先由骑都尉马贤、侯霸率部向安定进攻,占据今宁夏南部地区的羌军首领牢羌一部几乎全军覆没,而退据北地的零昌羌与陕甘各地诸羌的联系被切断。此后,零昌虽曾派兵攻打过雍城(今陕西凤翔西南),但终因武都号多、当煎、勒姐等大豪羌都被官兵打败,实力最强的号多降汉,零昌孤立无援,处境窘困。元初三年(116),度辽将军邓遵率领汉军和南匈奴军万余骑,集中兵力攻打灵州 (今宁夏吴忠市境内)的零昌。次年,西征校尉任尚派刺客杀害杜季贡,又收买了效功羌酋豪号封,并让他刺杀了零昌。此时仍坚持战斗的狼莫部,从安定退到北地。狼莫誓死不投降,与官军血战两个月之久,终因内无粮草,外无救兵,最后大败在富平县(今吴忠市境内)黄河岸边。元初五年(118),狼莫又被暗杀。东汉轰轰烈烈的羌族人民第一次大起义以失败告终。这次起义历时十一年,使东汉王朝受到沉重打击。


Coin of Xinmang Period(3)

Dian Ling (?-112) and Ling Chang (?-117),the father and the son,were theleaders of the first uprising started by the Qiang people in northwestern China in the Eastern Han Dynasty. Since Wang Mang (Wang Mang was anephew of Emperor Yuan's consort Wang Zhengjun,mother of Emperor Liu Ao and gained substantial influence on the government. He proclaimed himself to be the emperor in 8.) usurped the throne,there were many battles and fights in the Central Plains,and the Han Dynasty became declining. Taking advantage of the changes,the Qiangs moved inland gradually. A great number of Qiangs lived together with the Han People in the northwest,and even further,in the capital city and its environs (present areas around Xi'an in Shaanxi Province). In the late Eastern Han Dynasty,the rulers exploited and oppressed the Qiangs more heavily. The Qiangs not only were bullied and oppressed by the local government officials and the rich and powerful families,but also took on strenuous corvee. Additionally,they became poverty-stricken in hands of the rich and powerful families,and were recklessly killed by them cold-bloodedly. The enslaved Qiangs accumulated more and more resentment toward the rulers. The national contradictions and class conflicts were increasingly intensified.

In the first year of the Yongchu reign,the reign title of Emperor An of Han Dynasty (107),the royal court decided to recall the troops that had been stationed in the Western Regions where they opened up wasteland and grew food grain,and ordered the local officials to recruit the Qiangs who lived in Jingcheng (present-day Langzhou in Gansu Province),Shanxi (present-day Lintao in Gansu Province),and Hanyang(present-day Tianshui in Gansu Province) to be guards and odd-job men in the army.This decision touched off the uprising of the Qiangs. Because they had not trusted the local authorities,the Qiangs were afraid that the action was a trap. They would take place of the soldiers in the Western Regions to open up wasteland and grow food grain as coolies,and would never come back home. The Qiangs escaped one after another when coming to the areas of Jiuquan. The local authorities dispatched troops to intercept and arrest the Qiangs everywhere and burnt down their houses on the way.This enraged the Qiangs. They rose in self-defence. All the tribes of Qiangs raised the standard of revolt simultaneously,and launched a huge and grand uprising.

Dian Ling was the leader of the Qiangs' uprising. The Qiang People,men or women,old or young,all took part in the battles voluntarily,and waged a life-anddeath struggle with the government troops. The Qiangs had submitted to the authority of Han Dynasty for a long time. According to the rules of the feudal government,the minority nationalities should not possess weapons personally at ordinary time,so the Qiangs had to use bamboo poles,sticks and branches as spears,and planks and small tables as shields. Furthermore,women and children held bronze mirrors to reflect the sunshine towards the enemies' eyes in order to help their fathers and brothers kill the enemies. In such a way,they defeated Deng Zhi,the Cheji General and Ren Shang,theZhengxi Commandant who came to suppress them.

At that time,the minority nationalities in Ningxia,such as Xiongnu,Xianbei,Xiaoyuezhi,were greatly inspired by the struggling spirit of the Qiangs. They joined the Qiangs in fights one after another. The uprising army grew in strength quickly. In order to establish his authority and effectively command the uprising army of various peoples,Dian Ling followed up a victory with proclaiming himself to be the "Emperor" in Beidi Prefecture (in present-day Wuzhong of Ningxia Province). By this title,he called on the Qiangs and other minority nationalities in Wudu (in the south of present-day Gansu Province),Canluan (the present area where Tongxin of Ningxia Province meets Xifeng of Gansu Province),Shangjun (present-day Yulin of Shaanxi Province),and Xihe (in the east of present-day Shaanxi Province) to fight against the government army together. Therefore,the fire of uprising spread all over the northwestern China very soon. The insurrectionary army killed Dongbing,the provincial governor of Hanzhong,attacked and occupied some prefectures and counties,such as Lintao(present-day Minxian in Gansu Province),Poqiang (present-day areas in the east of Qinghai Province) and Longxi,and continuously fought through the periphery of the capital Chang'an,Taiyuan in the east of the Yellow River,and areas of Henan in theCentral Plains. Though the royal court changed the generals again and again,the government army was defeated.

Under such circumstances,the rulers were more afraid that the Han People would respond to the Qiangs,so the emperor unwillingly decided to move the local authorities and people in the western prefectures and counties to the inlands,so as to dodge the spearhead of the national army. Anding Prefecture in the south of Ningxia was moved to Meiyang (present-day Wugong in Shaanxi Province) and Beidi Prefecture in the North was shifted to Chiyang (present-day Jingyang in Shaanxi Province). However,from ancient times,the people had held the thought of "Love our own homeland" and did not wish to leave it. Therefore,the government adapted compulsory measures,such as sending the government army to destroy the fields,bread down the houses and smash the furniture,driving the people out of their home in force and escorting them on the way to the required areas. Alongside the way of migration,women and children,the old and the weak died in a great number. Many families wandered about homelessly,and broke up. Thus,the Han People were forced to join the uprising army of the Qiangs one after another.

In the sixth year of the Yongchu reign (112),Dian Ling died of illness. His son,Ling Chang,succeeded to the title of "Emperor". Because Ling Chang was young,Langmo,a rich chief of the Qiangs,assisted the young ruler in governing the uprising army. Langmo appointed Du Jigong,the leader of the Hans' uprising army,to be the general,and asked him to guard the temporary capital Dingxi City (in present-day Wuzhong of Ningxia Province).

In the next year (113),the Han Dynasty rallied its forces,and dispatched officers and soldiers to carry out a new military action to the uprising army. The callery Duwei Ma Xian and Hou Ba were the first to start an attack. They led their men to attack An'ding Prefecture. In this battle,Lao Qiangs,a tribe of the Qiangs in the south of Ningxia was nearly wiped out,and the connection between Ling Chang Qiangs who had retreated to the north and other tribes of the Qiangs in Shaanxi and Gansu was cut off. Later,Ling Chang Qiangs had ever attacked Yongcheng (in the southwest of present-day Fengxiang of Shaanxi Province),but was still isolated and cut off from help,and fell into a predicament because the rich chiefs of the Qiangs in Wudu,Dangjian,and Lejie were all defeated by the government army and Haoduo,the greatest in strength,surrendered.

In the third year of Yuanchu (116),Deng Zong,the Duliao General,led the government army and the South Xiongnu army of more than ten thousand soldiers to concentrate fire on Linghcang Qiangs in Lingzhou (in present-day Wuzhong ofNingxia Province). In the next year,Ren Shang(Western Expanding Xiaowei)sent an assassin to kill Du Jigong,and bought over Haofeng,a rich chief of Xiaogong Qiangs,and asked him to assassinate Ling Chang. At that time,the tribe of Langmo kept fighting,and retreated from An'ding to Beidi. Langmo pledged to fight to death. He fought with the government army for two month but eventually suffered a crushing defeat in Fuping County (in present-dat Wuzhong of Ningxia Province) by the side of the Yellow River because he domestically lacked army provisions,and externally got no relief troops. In the fifth year of the Yuanchu reign (118),Langmo was assassinated. The first vigorous uprising of the Qiangs in the Eastern Han Dynasty ended in failure. The uprising lasted for eleven years and struck the Eastern Han Dynasty heavily.Ⓔ

本文地址: https://www.yishiweijian.com/renwu/2022123781.html



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