

作者:主编 时间:2022年12月01日 阅读:151 评论:0

楚书 (生卒年月不详),明朝大臣。字国宝。原籍南直隶江都府(今江苏扬州),后改籍宁夏左屯卫 (今宁夏银川)人。正德十四年(1519)乡试中举人,嘉靖二年 (1523)登进士。初任兵部主事。嘉靖十二年 (1533),大同镇总兵官李瑾命令驻军开挖天成卫 (今山西天镇)左孤店长濠四十余里,由于工期急,士兵们昼夜施工,军官反而克扣军饷,虐待士卒,广大士兵不堪其苦,不满其辱,在忍无可忍的情况下,由王福胜、黄镇等带头鼓动驻军哗变,杀死总兵李瑾,放火烧毁巡抚衙门,囚禁巡抚潘倣,占据大同镇城。朝廷闻变,命总制宣、太、山西、保定诸镇军务刘源清,带领总兵官郤永部前往讨伐。刘源清还到处张贴榜文大肆宣扬,过去对哗变事件 “处之过宽” ,有大加镇压的声势,从而引起 “遗孽大惧” 。而郤永官兵又漫无纪律,“至城下大掠” ,反而造成未反的兵丁 “遂尽反” 。当时被叛军拘押于城中的佥事孙允中,冒死缒城逃出以后,把自己亲眼所见的实情向刘源清反映,描述了官军 “将士妄杀状”。宣府巡抚潘倣也认为,大同事件是由 “将士妄杀激变”所造成的,而刘清源却隐瞒实情。藩封大同代王也联合官府和军民上奏朝廷,“请益师至五万” ,准备屠城,进行更大规模的镇压行动。当时朝廷内部主张剿、抚双方争执不下,“帝不能决”。哗变士兵为了求生,已准备 “外勾蒙古为助,塞早大震” 。在这种十分严重的紧急关头,楚书正督饷来到大同。他冒险亲自 “观兵城下,城中俱登俾请曰: ‘吾辈非杀主帅者,亦无他志,但畏此死,自保耳。’ 请书入。”楚书为了进一步查清变乱原由,摸清首要分子,不顾自身安危,只身进城,深入到乱兵营中,“谕慰之,且言用兵非朝廷意,众皆望阙呼万岁” 。后来他又争取到叛卒马升、杨麟为内应,给“三千金,俾募死士以自效” 。马、杨便于城中向广大变卒“陈朝廷威德,晓以祸福,令献首恶” 。在广大士卒的揭发下,先将黄镇等九名死心塌地谋反头头诛杀,又打开城门导引官兵入城,同时还捕杀二十六名顽抗分子,大同城顺利收复,一场边塞动乱告平息。楚书为此建立首功,被提升为太仆寺少卿。嘉靖十八年 (1539)再升右佥都御史巡抚宣府。次年秋,蒙古吉囊部聚集十万之众大举侵犯大同诸边,深入到关内大肆掠夺,长城内外处处报警,边地人民生灵涂炭,朝野为之震惊。楚书临危不乱,镇定安常,积极与总制刘天和、总督杨守礼同心合力,率领守边将士英勇战斗,坚决抵抗。楚书亲自指挥总兵官白爵三,大败敌军于万全右卫 (今河北万全)境,特别是在桑干河战役中,斩敌百余首级,沉重打击了入犯主力,迫使吉部数万多入全部败逃老巢。事后记战功,楚书再进右副都御史。嘉靖二十年(1541)秋,蒙古俺答、阿不孩两部求通市被拒绝,于是又联合吉囊部,分头向关内进犯。俺答部攻克了石岭关(今山西阳曲东北关城) ,一直打到太原城下。吉囊部也从平虏卫(今山西朔州市平鲁区)侵入,掠夺平定 (今山西平定)、寿阳(今山西寿阳)等地,总兵官丁璋、游击周宇等将战死,各蒙部大掠而归,北边损失惨重。第二年,又因大同巡抚诱杀了蒙部求市信使石天爵,导致各蒙部更加疯狂入犯,蒙骑一直侵入朔州 (今山西朔州市) 、广武 (今山西山阴西南旧广武城),再由太原南下,分扰沁(今山西沁县)、汾(今山西汾阳)、襄(今山西襄垣)和长治等地。而后蒙部各股又从忻(今山西忻县)、惇、代(今山西代县)而北还,屯驻于祁县(今山西祁县东南祁城),最后从容由雁门关出归,山西大部被侵扰,损失相当惨重。在追究这两次重大失败的责任中,楚书被免职回到宁夏,从此默默而终。楚书虽然能文能武,但其诗文基本上已经失传,仅有一篇《宁夏按察司创建碑文》幸存。家乡人民为了表彰他,在镇城专门建立两处牌坊: 一处上书“都宪二 (指楚书和马昊); 另一处上书 “五桂连芳” (指楚书、王师古、汪文渊、梁仁、刘伸),以为永久纪念。


Site of Ming Dynasty Greet Wall,Hongguozi

Chu Shu (the dates of his birth and death are unclear),who styledhimself as Guobao,was an official of the Ming Dynasty(1368~1644A.D.). His ancestral home was in the prefecture of Jiangdu(present-day Yangzhou in Jiangsu province) and later moved to the left Wei(military organization in ancient China) in Ningxia (present-day the city ofYinchuan in Ningxia Autonomous Region). In the fourteenth year of Zhengdereign of the Ming Dynasty,(1519A.D.),he passed the provincial examinationsand in the second year of Jiajing reign (1523A.D.),he succeeded again in themetropolitan examination held in the capital,and was appointed to be secretaryof the Ministry of War. In the twelfth year of Jiajing reign (1533A.D.),Li Jing,the regional commander,ordered garrison troops at the town of Datong toexcavate the long trench of Zuogudian extending 40 li (20kms) in Wei inTiancheng (present-day the town of Tian in Shanxi Province). The soldiersworked day and night because of the limited time. However,under suchcircumstances,the officers not only docked soldier's living allowances but alsoill-treated them. The soldiers could net bear the hardships and the insult anymore and thereupon began their mutiny against the officers under the leadershipof Wang Fusheng and Huang Zhen. The rebel soldiers,occupying the town ofDatong,killed Li Jing,destroyed by fire yamen (government office in feudalChina) of the imperial inspector and imprisoned the inspector,Pan Fang. Onhearing the news,the court ordered Liu Yuanqing,who generally governed themilitary affairs of several towns like the town of Xuan,Tai,Shanxi and Baodingetc,to lead the regional commander,Que Yong and his troops to suppress therebellion. Liu Yuanqing posted notices everywhere to publicize his oppositionagainst the leniency towards the rebel soldiers. His wide publicity to the cruelsuppression frightened the rebel soldiers very much. Besides,Que Yong failedto highly discipline his men who wantonly plundered outside the city. As aresult,the soldiers who originally took a wait-and-see attitude rebelled too.Sun Yunzhong,a qianshi (a low-ranking officer in ancient China),who hadbeen detained in the city by the rebel soldiers,risked his life to escape by a ropefrom the city. He described the situation in the city to Liu Yuanqing andindicated that the soldiers rebelled just because the officers killed them as theypleased. Pan Fang,the inspector of the prefecture of Xuan expressed agreementwith Sun Yunzhong. Otherwise,Liu Yuanqing did not memorialize the truthto the emperor. On the contrary,he presented a joint memorial with the localgovernment and military authorities and asked the court for 50,000 men tosuppress the rebellion by massacring the inhabitants of the city. At that time,some officials in the court advocated a peaceful settlement while the othersadvocated using the forces,and the emperor felt difficult to make a decision.The rebel troops tried to seek survival by collaborating with Mongolia,whichthreaten the security of the whole country. At the critical moment,Chu Shucame to the town of Datong and ventured a thrust to touch with the rebelsoldiers near the city wall. Most of the soldiers,standing on the wall,invitedChu Shu to enter the city saying: "we are not the ones who killed the regionalcommander. And we rebelled not really for resisting the court but just forsurviving." In order to further investigate the reason of the rebellion and findout the leading figures,Chu Shu risked his life entering the city alone and wentdeep into the camp. He comforted the soldiers telling them that the armedsuppression was not the emperor's original intention. The soldiers believed inhim and expressed their respect to the emperor by shouting "Your Majesty".And then Chu Shu won over two privates,Ma Sheng and Yang Lin as hisplanted agents. He gave them a lot of silver (currency in ancient China) andasked them to award the brave soldiers who would love to assist him as plantedagents in suppressing rebellion. Ma Sheng and Yang Lin began to indicate theemperor's prestige and favor among the rebel soldiers. They told them that theirdifferent choices would lead to different consequences and persuaded them toexpose the leading figures,nine die-hard ones of who were exposed and killedsoon. The main leading figure,Huang Zhen was one of the nine ones. Then,the planted agents opened the gate of the city leading the troops enter and killedtwenty-six diehards. Chu Shu recaptured Datong and put down the rebellionsuccessfully. Because of this highest merit he was promoted to Taipushaoqing(chief minister of the Court of the Imperial Stud) soon. In the eighteenth yearof Jiajing reign (1539A.D.),Chu Shu was promoted to vice Qianduyushi(assistant cenor-in-chief) inspecting the prefecture of Xuan. In the autumn ofthe next year,the tribe of Jinang in Mongolia attacked in force the bordertowns like Datong. They penetrated into the area inside the Pass and wantonlyplundered there,which threatened the security of every town around the GreatWall and plunged the people into misery and suffering. Both the court and thecommonalty were terrified but Chu Shu kept cool as usual. He made centralefforts with the general governor,Liu Tianhe and the commander-in-chief,Yang Shouli leading the officers and soliders in the borderland to resist theenemy's invasion bravely. The regional commander,Bai Juesan and his troopsdefeated the enemy greatly under the command of Chu Shu in the area of rightWei in Wanquan (present-day Wanquan in Hebei Province). Especially in thewar of Sanggan River,hundreds enemy troops were annihilated,which struckrelentless blows at the main force of the enemy and forced the cavalry of thetribe of Ji to run away to their den. Chu Shu distinguished himself in the warand thereupon was promoted to vice Fuduyushi (censor-in-chief). In thetwentieth year of Jiajing reign (1541A.D.),the court refused to have traderelations with Anda Tribe and Abuhai Tribe in Mongolia. Therefore,the twotribes,combining with Jinang Tribe,invaded the area inside the Pass again.Anda Tribe seized shiling Pass (present-day the northwest the city ofGuancheng in Yangqu in Shanxi Province) and reached the city wall of Taiyuan.At the same time,Jinang Tribe invaded through Wei in Pinglu (present-dayPingLu in Suozhou City,Shanxipre Province) and plundered Pingding(present-day Pingding in Shanxi Province),Shouyang (present-day Shouyangin Shanxi Province) and etc. Ding Zhang,regional commander and Zhou Yu,youji (brigade commander) died in battle. The Mongolian tribes left with a lotof plundered resources while the northern borderland suffered heavy losses. Thenext year,the inspector of Datong killed the Mongolian messenger,Shi Tianjue,with a result that the Mongolian tribes invaded vigorously. Their cavalry evenreached Shuozhou (present-day the Suozhou City in Shanxi Province) andGuangwu (present-day the old city of Guangwu in the southwest Shanyin inShanxi Province),then advanced south from Taiyuan to harass Qin (presentday the county of Qin in Shanxi Province),Fen (present-day Fenyang inShanxi Province),Xiang (present-day Xiangyuan in Shanxi Province) andChangzhi etc. Different hordes of Mongolian army returned north through Xin(present-day the county of Xin in Shanxi Province),Dun and Dai (present-daythe county of Dai in Shanxi Province),and stationed the troops in the county ofQi (the city of Qi in the southeast the county of Qi in Shanxi Province). Theyfinally went back unhurriedly through Yanmen Pass. The greater part of Shanxiwas plundered and suffered heavy losses. Chu Shu,who was considered as theperson responsible for losing the war,was relieved and remained in obscurity inhis remaining years. Although Chu Shu was adept with both pen and sword,almost all his writings had been lost. Only An Inscription of the Establishmentof Ancha Department in Ningxia hanged down to posterity. The people in hishometown built two memorial archways in the city of Zhen in recognition ofhis achievements. One reads "Two Celebrities" referring to Chu Shu and MaHao. The other reads "Five Sweet-scented Bay Trees" referring to Chu Shu,Wang Shigu,Wang W enyuan,Liang Ren and Liu Shen.

本文地址: https://www.yishiweijian.com/renwu/2022123780.html



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