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陈福(? ~1675),清朝将领。字东海、箕演。原籍陕西榆林,因为在宁夏当官,便把全家搬到宁夏,入籍宁夏。顺治初,靖远大将军和硕英亲王阿济格率镶蓝旗汉军固山额真李国翰等部征讨陕甘叛军,陈福以武举人身份应募从军,后随总兵官刘芳名驻守宁夏。当时宁夏地区散兵游勇为害,土匪豪强横行乡里,前明旧将领割据一方,大河两岸社会动荡。刘芳名率部进驻宁夏后,虽然大力整治,剪除匪患,形势有所好转,但又相继发生了固原叛乱和宁夏兵变事件,使得宁夏全境烽火连天,警报频传。陈福因武艺高强,又勇敢善战,在平定宁夏的作战中屡立军功,很快就被提升为守备。

顺治十五年 (1658)年初,陈福随都统李国翰征讨四川,当时四川是农民起义军领袖张献忠所建大西政权的中心控制区。大顺三年,即清顺治三年 (1646),清廷派肃亲王豪格为靖远大将军,与平西王吴三桂等率军入川征讨张献忠。同年冬,清军于西充大败农民军,张献忠在战斗中中箭身亡,四川被清军平定。但不久,南明桂王朱由榔在两广肇庆称帝,改元永历。前明旧将乘势纷纷叛清归附桂王,于是,云南、贵州、广东、广西、江西、湖南和四川诸省先后又都为桂王势力所控制。张献忠的部将孙可望、刘文秀等也率部归附桂王,占据川南、川东,并与活动在湘、鄂、川一带山区的李自成余部郝摇旗(郝永忠)、李来亨、袁宗第等“夔东十三家营” ,遥相呼应。陈福在李国翰的指挥下,一路打到重庆。四川大局稳定以后,李国翰再率陈福各部南下,七月再克遵义,并驻军于遵义,兼顾川、黔两省。不久,云、贵、川、广、湖五省荡平,陈福以从征有功,被提升为遵义游击,肩负扼守西南要冲的重任。


Cloisonne' Incense Burner of Qing Dynasty

康熙元年(1662), 前明石泉王朱奉又煽动当地土夷作乱,攻扰叙州、马湖,迫使四川总督李国英从成都迁到重庆。这时,蛰伏于川东的农民起义军余部“夔东十三家营”仍然控制着夔、归、房、竹诸县,主力将领郝摇旗(郝永忠)、李来亨、刘二虎(刘体纯)、袁宗第等部以茅麓山为根据地,经常出山攻打四川、湖广、陕西各省边界州县。石泉王举起反清复明大旗以后,各路农民军和残明势力再次活跃起来,西南各省重起战端。清廷派大将军穆里玛、图海率劲旅征讨,命李国英率部会剿。康熙二年 (1663),各路清军同时向川、湘交界地区进发。李国英命令陈福等部分别向夔州、建始、巫山、大宁、大昌一带农民军主力所在地节节搜剿。陈福在川东战役中立下了汗马功劳,被破格加赏右都督衔,提升为成都副将,很快又升任重庆总兵,成为清廷镇守四川,镇压川、湘农民起义军的一员得力干将。

康熙十二年 (1673)十二月,镇守西南地区的平西王吴三桂,为反对清廷 “撤藩” ,打出复明旗帜反叛。吴三桂的反满复汉行动,也给西北地区的汉族士大夫、地主阶级带来了希望,而固原提督王辅臣的兵变,又把这种希望变成了现实。在不到一年的时间里,兰州、秦州、巩昌、定边、靖边、临洮、庆阳、绥德、延安、花马池等州县,都先后被反清武装占领,陇右地区的反清烈火大有燎原之势。陈福于吴三桂发动反叛的次月,由四川调任宁夏总兵。他到任宁夏以后,四川当局宣布叛清,陈福与二弟陈琦(任守备)的妻室还没有来得及迁出四川,就陷于叛军之中。四川叛军提督郑蛟麟以此胁迫陈福,要他在宁夏举旗响应。陈福为了表示自己忠于清室的立场不动摇,置妻儿的安全于不顾,立即将信使逮捕,把劝降书封存,并向朝廷报告了讨贼战守方略,派大弟陈寿星夜送往京师。康熙皇帝破例召见陈寿,对陈氏兄弟的忠贞给予嘉奖,当即赏陈寿喇布勒哈番称号,加刑部主事衔。康熙皇帝在表彰陈福的谕旨中写道: “宁夏总兵官陈福效力岩疆,劳绩素著,屡次举首逆札,克笃忠贞。且其妻子家属见在川中,逆贼挟诱,全无所恋,矢志不移,深为可嘉。着以见兼职衔升补陕西提督,仍暂驻宁夏管总兵事。”弟陈奇也由守备提升为涿州参将。陈福十分感激清帝的恩赏,拼死力与叛军作战,进一步表示自己的忠心。他率领宁夏镇兵,不顾盛夏酷暑,连续作战,于康熙十四年(1675)七月,讨平了宁夏各地的叛军。清廷晋授他为三等阿恩哈尼哈番称号。弟陈寿也“从优以光禄寺少卿、鸿胪寺少卿用” 。陈福乘胜麾军南下,收复了平远所城,肃清了三边总督防秋故道。但是,他率军围攻固原却不顺利,多月没有进展。九月二十三日,正当陈福部副将太必图攻城之际,王辅臣派平凉援兵突然赶到,城中叛军亦乘势杀了出去,在里外夹击之下,陈军招架不住,中卫副将贾从哲首先败退,游击张元经也接着溃逃,于是陈军自相惊扰,全军立时崩溃。在混乱之中,太必图死于阵前,陈福狼狈不堪,只得收拢残兵败将退守灵州。事后,陈福给朝廷报告了兵败的经过,并委过于下级,最后以贾从哲、张元经作了替死鬼,处以“军前斩首”了结此事。

十二月,清廷命陈福率部协同大将军贝勒董额等攻打平凉。陈福认为,固原驻有叛兵万人,若径趋平凉,后方粮道就难保障。所以他要求先围攻固原,然后再打平凉。清廷同意了陈的意见,谕旨云: “陈福身在地方,熟悉贼形。着如所请,速取固原,以遏贼势。” 由此可见,陈福已成为当时清军在西北的干将,他的一言一策,都受到清朝最高统治者的重视。时值农历十二月月底,大年临近,陈福所部都是宁夏子弟兵,大多都有家室在身边,谁不想在家中高高兴兴地过个年。而且陈部新败不久,固原惨败的情景大家还记忆犹新,心有余悸,伤亡官兵善后事宜尚未处理妥当,在此腊月寒天之际,又要士兵们去送死,激起了全军上下的愤慨。但是军令如山,官兵们敢怒而不敢言,只得忍气吞声地走上征程。十二月二十一日,行军到达惠安堡,这时大雪纷飞,天寒地冻,士卒们住在清冷的破屋里,望着白茫茫的雪原,倍感征程无比遥远,前方的命运更是难以预料。大家认为反正不是冻死、战死,就是处死,倒不如冒死求生。这天夜里,在参将熊虎等四名部将的鼓动下,部队哗变,陈福本人被乱兵杀死。

清廷对陈福的死十分震惊,康熙皇帝下特别诏谕表彰了陈福。诏书写道: “吴逆背叛以来,潜布伪书,煽惑人心,原任提督陈福妻子虽在四川,毫无瞻顾,笃志忠贞,剿御贼寇,恢复城池,功绩茂著。”并追赠他为三等公爵,以三等精奇尼哈番世袭,谥“忠愍” 。还令在宁夏建专祠祀奠。同时提升其弟陈琦为天津总兵。又因为陈福的儿子世琳、世勋尚困陷于四川,令爵位暂由陈寿子世怡代袭。四川平定以后,陈寿弃官前往蜀中寻找嫂侄母子,经过百般周折,终于在遵义山中见到亲人。康熙对陈氏一门忠孝节义十分敬佩,特宣诏陈福妻儿进京,亲自给予慰问。陈世琳不但承袭了爵位,还被授予直隶三屯协副将,官至古北镇总兵、銮仪使。

Chen Fu (?-1675),a general in the Qing dynasty,styled himself DongHai,and Ji Yan. His hometown was in Yulin Shaanxi. Since taking anofficial position in Ningxia,he took his family there,and became aresident in Ningxia. At the beginning of Shunzhi (the first emperor of the Qingdynasty),A Qige,Jingyuan senior general,commanded the troops of Gu Shan,E Zhen and Li Guohan to go on a punitive expedition toward the rebelliontroops of Shaanxi and Gansu. Chen Fu enlisted as a military scholar and latergarrisoned in Ningxia with the chief general Liu Fangming. At that time,situation in Ningxia was quite turbulent because of the harassment of thestragglers and disbanded soldiers,the bandits and bullies,the separatist regimesby the generals of the former Ming dynasty. Liu Fangming made the situationbetter by renovating and eliminating the banditry after he garrisoned in Ningxia.However,because of the rebellion in Guyuan and mutiny took place inNingxia,Ningxia was in continuous wars and the alarms rang all the time. ChenFu,excellent in military arts,courageous and skillful in battles,having gainedmany achievements in the wars of putting down the rebellion,was soonpromoted to be Shoubei (a general in charge of garrison force). In the earlyfifteenth year of Shunzhi (1658),Chen Fu followed Dutong Li Guohan toexpedite against Sichuan province which was the central place of Daxi Powerestablished by Zhang Xianzhong,the head of the peasant insurrectionary army.In the third year of Dashun,namely,the third year of Shunzhi (1646),Hao Ge,Prince Su,was sent as Jingyuan Senior General by the Qing court to expediteZhang Xianzhong in Sichuan province with Pingxi King Wu Sangui. In thatwinter,the Qing authoritative army defeated the peasant troops in Xichong,and Zhang Xianzhong was shot to death in the battle. The rebellion in Sichuanprovince was then put down. However,Zhu Youlang,the King of Gui in theformer Ming dynasty,soon crowned himself as the emperor in Zhaoqingbetween Guangdong and Guangxi provinces,naming the reign as Yongli. Withthe generals in the former dynasty turning to the King of Gui against the Qingdynasty,the provinces like Yunnan,Guizhou,Guangdong,Guangxi,Jiangxi,Hunan and Sichuan were under the control of the King of Gui. What's more,the subordinates of Zhang Xianzhong: Sun Kewang,Liu Wenxiu etc. also ledtheir troops to go to the King of Gui,taking up the South Sichuan,the EastSichuan,coordinating with Hao Yaoqi,Hao Yongzhong,Li Laiheng,YuanZongdi etc. called "Kui,Dong etc. the thirteen counties" the remaining troopsof Li Zicheng. Commanded by Li Guohan,Chen Fu fought until Chongqing.While the whole situation in Sichuan became stable,Li Guohan led Chen Fuetc. down to the South,overcame Zunyi in July,stationed troops there,andcharged Sichuan and Guizhou provinces. Later,the five provinces of Yunnan,Guizhou,Sichuan,Guangdong and Hunan were quelled,and Chen Fu waspromoted to be Youji of Zunyi,burdening the task of defending the southwestfortress. In the first year of Kangxi (1662),Zhu Fenghan,Shiquan King of theformer Ming dynasty,provoked the local ethic groups to harass Xuzh.ou andMahu,which forced Li Guoying,the governor-general of Sichuan to move toChongqing from Chengdu. Meanwhile,the remaining peasant insurgent troopshiding in the East Sichuan,was still in charge of the counties like Kui,Gui,Fang and Zhu and the main generals like Hao Yaoqi (Hao Yongzhong),LiLaiheng,Liu Erhu(Liu Tichun),Yuan Zongdi,with Maolu Mountain as theirbase area,often went out to attack the counties near the boundaries on Sichuan,Hunan,Guangdong and Shaanxi. At the time when Shiquan King held thebanner of restoring the Ming dynasty against the Qing,all the peasant troopsand the remaining Ming forces became active. Wars broke out again in thesouthwest provinces. The Qing court sent the senior general Mu Lima,and TuHai to expedite with the imperial troops led,and ordered Li Guoying to helpexterminate. In the second year of Kangxi (1663),these groups of the officialtroops marched toward the boundaries on Sichuan and Hunan. Li Guoyingordered Chen Fu and some other troops to get rid of the main forces of thepeasant troops successively in Kuizhou,Jianshi,Wushan,Daning,Dachang.With all the passages blocked,besieged by the authoritative troops,after a lifeand-death fight,in a situation of a great disparity of the number,all the generalsof the peasant troops died in the battle,and Sichuan was once again suppressed.Because of the deeds of valor he had performed in the battle,Chen Fu wasexceptionally given the rank of commander-in-chief,promoted to be the vicegeneral of Chengdu,and soon the chief general of Chongqing. He was thenone of the victors who garrisoned Sichuan,wiped out the peasantinsurrectionary army. In December the twelfth year of Kangxi (1673),PingxiKing Wu Sangui,garrisoning the South-west,held the banner to restore theMing dynasty against the Qing court,opposing the measure of dismantling thevassal state taken by the Qing court. The rebellion troops first attacked Sichuanwhere the provincial governor Luo Sen,Tidu Zheng Jiaolin,the chief generalsTan Hong and Wu Zhirong all turned toward it. Soon the provinces in theSouthwest and most of the areas in the south of the Chang Jiang Rivermobilized troops to rebel the Qing dynasty. Wu Sangui's action for restoringthe Han against the Qing brought hope to the classes of the Han literati andlandlords in the North West while the mutiny aroused by Tidu Wang Fuchenof Guyuan helped realize the hope. Within less than one year,counties likeLanzhou,Qinzhou,Gongchang,Dingbian,Jingbian,Lintao,Qingyang,Suide,Yan'an,Huamachi were occupied by the rebelling army. The fire against theQing in the east of Gansu province seemed to set the prairie ablaze. At that time,the opposing emotion against the Qing was also strong in Ningxia,but therevolt did not take place because of the close guard and heavy suppression bythe newly assumed chief general of Ningxia,Chen Fu,who was transferred toNingxia from Sichuan in the next month after Wu Sangui rebelled. After ChenFu took up his post in Ningxia,the authority in Sichuan declared to rebel. Hiswife,children and sister-in-law were under the control of the insurgent troops.Zheng Jiaolin,with the wife and sister-in-law as a threat,forced Chen Fu torespond in Ningxia. In order to show his steadfast position loyal to the court,disregarding the safety of his family,Chen Fu immediately arrested themessenger,sealed up and kept the inducement letter,reported to the court thestrategies of defending and fighting against the rebels and asked his first youngerbrother Chen Shou to send it to the capital on a starry night by going round thegrassland of the outer-Mongolia. Kangxi exceptionally interviewed Chen Shou,praising the Chen brothers' loyalty,awarding him the tile of Labuleha,with therank of Zhushi in the criminal ministry. In the imperial edict honoring Chen Fu,Emperor Kangxi wrote:"While serving the frontiers,the chief general ofNingxia,Chen Fu,loyal to the court,suppressed the rebels every time and hasgained a number of achievements. He should be especially praised for hissteadfast standpoint to fight against the rebels while his family was in the rebels'hand. He is now promoted to be Tidu of Shaanxi,still garrisoning in Ningxia incharge of the military affairs for the moment." His younger brother was alsopromoted from a position of Shoubei to be Canjiang of Zhuozhou. Greatlygrateful for the reward given by the emperor,Chen Fu risked his life to fightagainst the rebelling troops to further show his loyalty. Commanding thegarrison army,he suppressed Huamachi,Dingbian in the north,Pingliang,Guyuan in the south. Within several months,he recovered Hue'anpu,Weizhou,and Andingpu. Hankering for achievements,disregarding the sufferings anddeath of the soldiers,he ordered the troops to continually capture fortresses inthe hot summer,fighting in the desert outside the Great Wall. In the leapmonth of May the fourteenth year of Kangxi(1675),he recovered Huamachi,the door to Ningxia and Shaanxi and recaptured Dingbian,"the location of thethroat on three boundaries" in July. He then killed the rebelling generals ZhuLong,Ni Guangde,Lei Pu,Ma Tengjiao,cut off the connection betweenPingliang and the north of Shaanxi,forced Wang Fuchen to vindicate hisinnocence of not turning against the court by sending in a memorial for thecourt to investigate and forgive him. However,the court ignored Wang Fuchenand ordered Chen Fu to march to Pingliang and Guyuan at once. In order toreward his achievements,the court not only sent money to him,but alsoawarded him the title of A'enhaniha. His brother Chen Shou was also awardedas "Shaoqing of Guanglu Temple and Honglu Temple". Chen Fu led his armydown to the south in the flush of victory,recovering the city of Pingyuansuo,cleaning up the old passages. However,his siege to Guyuan was not sosuccessful that there was no progress within several months. On 23rd September,while Tai Bitu,the vice general of Chen Fu was laying a siege to the fortress,relief troops from Pingliang sent by Wang Fuchen unexpectedly arrived. Therebelling troops in the city charged out of the siege. Under the attack fromwithin and outside,the troops of Chen were unable to hit back. The vicegeneral of Zhongwei Jia Congzhe first retreated,and Zhang Yuanjing,Youji,also escaped so that the whole troops of Chen stirred and collapsed. Tai Bitudied in the battle. Chen Fu,in an extremely awkward position,retreated toLingzhou with his remnants. Later,Chen Fu reported the process of the battleto the court,laying the blame on his subordinates. Then Jia Congzhe,andZhang Yuanjing,as scapegoats,were punished to be beheaded before the troops.In December,the court ordered Chen Fu to assist Dong'e,prince and a seniorgeneral in attacking Pingliang. Knowing that the rebelling troops garrisoning inGuyuan were about a million,if all the official troops attacked it,it would bedifficult to assure the passages of transporting food,Chen Fu demanded thatGuyuan be besieged first and then Pingliang be attacked. Approving of ChenFu's suggestion,the court wrote in the imperial edict that: "since Chen Fu whohas been there knows the situation clearly,follow his advice,attack Guyuan tohold back the rebels",from which we can see that Chen Fu had become aimportant general in the northwest,whose advice was paid attention to by thehighest authority in the court. It was the end of December of the lunar year andthe spring festival was approaching. The soldiers belonged to Chen Fu weremostly from Ningxia,whose families were near. Everyone wanted to spend ahappy spring festival at home. What's more,the scene of the crushing defeat wasstill clear to the soldiers who had a lingering fear,the aftermath concerning thedead and wounded soldiers was not appropriately managed,soldiers were sent tofight during the cold weather,which stirred up their indignation. However,military orders cannot be disobeyed,although dissatisfied,they had to go to thefront reluctantly. On 21,December,the troops arrived at Hue'anpu when itsnowed heavily. Staying at the cold and shabby cabinets,looking at the whitesnow prairie,the soldiers deeply felt the journey was too far and the fate washard to be expected. Even in such cold weather,Chen Fu did not allow thesoldiers to have one more day's rest. As soon as arriving at Hue'anpu,he ordered"to have dinner after the fifth beat of the drum,then to gather at the city gate.Those who were late would be killed."The soldiers were completely indignant.They knew that they were doomed to death. If they did not die from coldness,or from war,they would also die from being executed. It would be better torisk for life. Therefore,being provoked by Canjiang Xiong Hu and other threegenerals,the troops mutinied and Chen Fu was killed. The court was greatlyshocked by Chen Fu's death. Kangxi wrote on a special imperial edict tocommend Chen Fu that: "after Wu Sangui rebelled and provoked the people'sheart with the spurious document,Chen Fu,the former Tidu (a provincialgovernor),loyal to the court,has gained outstanding achievements byexterminating the rebels,recovering the cities,disregarding his wife andchildren who were still in Sichuan." Chen Fu was then conferred posthumouslyas the third duke,hereditary according to the third Jingqiniha vassalage,titled"Zhongmin (loyal)" after his death. A memorial temple for Chen Fu was builtin Ningxia to offer sacrifices to him. At the same time,his brother Chen Qi waspromoted to be the chief general of Tianjin. Chen Shou's son,Shiyi wasallowed to inherit the rank of the duke because Chen Fu's sons,Shilin,Shixunwere still encircled in Sichuan. After Sichuan was put down,Chen Shou,givingup his post,went there to look for his sister-in-law and the nephews. Throughtwists and turns,he finally found them in the mountain in Zunyi. Kangxiadmired the loyalty the Chen's had shown so much that he wrote edict to askChen Fu's wife and children to the court and extended his regards to them inperson. Chen Shilin not only inherited the rank of the duke,but also entitledvice general of Zhili Santunxie,and the chief general,Luanyishi of Gubeitown.

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